Diary Blog, 18 October 2021

Our unconquerable children!

Tweets seen


Apart from which, I have seen many tweets making the very good point that the recent assassination of an MP has made not only headlines but almost all the UK news for days, and the police and MI5 have been running round in circles every bit as much as the msm.

On the other hand, as those same tweets point out, “ordinary people” (not MPs) are now stabbed in numerous incidents every day, most are killed (not all, admittedly) by blacks and browns, and the news stays on the crime pages of the newspapers, or in local newspapers. It rarely gets onto TV news.

Afternoon music

More tweets


The self-designated “elite” maskless, while the serving staff and bodyguard staff are masked. There have been many recent clips and films exposing the double-standard. This is not a small or petty point. It goes to the heart of the facemask nonsense and, indeed, the whole “panicdemic”. Social control using both law and applied psychology on a mass scale.

More afternoon music

Royal Navy loses its way


So the Royal Navy, the inheritor of the legends of Drake, Raleigh, Nelson, Captain Cook, Trafalgar, Jutland, the River Plate, the Bismarck, the Battle of the Atlantic etc, now has to turn to Israel to train its people?! Shameful…

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_Navy.

Jewish terrorism in the UK of the 1960s

I see that a Jewish scribbler who writes for, inter alia, the Daily Mail, seems to be enthusiastic about the Jewish thugs and other criminals who were part of the “62 Group”, formed in 1962 to attack the meetings of, but not exclusively, Colin Jordan. They also attacked social-national people caught alone in the streets etc.

The “62 Group” was modelled on the equally-thuggish “43 Group” of the mid-1940s.

It is, as bank managers say, “disappointing” to see the BBC make a drama series, Ridley Road, glorifying such criminals; disappointing but not surprising, as infested as the BBC now is.

I have not yet seen the TV drama in question, but I imagine that it is very cardboard cut-out, with the Jews all wonderful, brave, daring etc, and the social-national people largely unpleasant (and, of course, “wrong”) etc…

Here are the tweets I saw today:

[late update: the original tweet is now invisible, because the Jewish journalist (Nicole Lampert) referred to above has locked her Twitter account, probably only temporarily]

The reply is from one Stephen Applebaum (who also sometimes trolls on Twitter under the name “@rattus2384”, and who is a fervent supporter/activist for the tiny but well-funded “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”). His reply seems to imply, at least, an attitude impressed by the (alleged) fact (I did not know it) that the once-famous hairdresser Vidal Sassoon used knives as part of his “activity” with the “43 Group”. Very topical, with criminals stabbing people ranging from MPs to “ordinary citizens” in 2021 Britain. The Wikipedia entry for Sassoon glosses over that aspect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vidal_Sassoon.

Not everyone, though, supports vigilantes, as at least one further reply to those tweets indicates.

The “62 Group” also included such as Gerry Gable, a half-Jew who, with others, burgled the home of historian David Irving [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Irving] in 1963, and who eventually (in the late 1970s or 1980s) married (small world) a much younger half-Jewish woman, Sonia [nee Hochfelder], whom I actually met a few times in 1976, when she attended a few meetings of the League of St. George. She even had a drink with me once.

A couple of cautionary points: firstly, the Wikipedia piece about David Irving is plainly very (((biased))). Sadly, Wikipedia is rather “infested” in some parts of its output.

Secondly, re. Gerry Gable, Sonia Gable/Hochfelder and their Jewish “antifascist” Searchlight magazine (which featured me a couple of times in the 1970s, and again in 1993, I seem to recall), a Google search turns up all sorts of allegations about them which may or may not be accurate.

The 1993 mention of me in Searchlight came after I wrote a short letter to the Independent newspaper, criticizing the then-quite-new “globalism” as it affected the post-Soviet European space from the Atlantic to the Urals. I was looking for it recently via Google, now that it is clear that I have been proven right.

Those mentioned above are now either dead or aged. Sassoon died in 2012, Gable is 84, and David Irving is 83. I think that Sonia Hochfelder was about a year or two older than me, which would make her 66-68 now.

As for Colin Jordan [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colin_Jordan], I occasionally corresponded with him in, I think, 1975 or 1976 (I think the former). He (unsurprisingly!) thought little of my proposal that he subordinate his people and resources to me (aged 18/19 at the time)… His letters came from some farmstead in Yorkshire.

Looking now at Jordan’s Wikipedia entry, I see that he only died in 2009, a fact hitherto unknown to me. I had assumed that he had died many years before, maybe in the 1980s. His longevity, like that of Glazunov, surprises, despite 85 not being terribly ancient these days. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Glazunov#Death.

Still, the ripples of those 1960s and 1970s days are still with us today. The “62 Group” may have passed into —and become a footnote to— history, but one of its Jewish toughs, Gerald Ronson [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ronson], aged about 23 in 1962, is now (via a family trust https://ronsonfoundation.org/cst/) one of the main bankrollers for the “Community Security Trust” or “CST”, the Jewish-Zionist strongarm and snooping org, which has 90+ full-time employees and had, in 2020, an income of over £11 million: https://cst.org.uk/about-cst.

[Update, 22 February 2024: I have only just discovered that Sonia Gable has, since the 1980s, been working in the field of tax planning and, since 2004, has been a lay magistrate. Most surprisingly (to me), she has also been, since 2011, a sacristan at a Roman Catholic church: see https://www.linkedin.com/in/sonia-gable-115a5626/details/volunteering-experiences/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacristan. I was a year out re. her age. Born November 1952, so four years older than me

Seems that she was also company secretary of the unpleasant “antifascist” org, “Hope not Hate”, but resigned in 2011, the same year that she became sacristan of that Roman Catholic church: see https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/cx_SAmzjFaOXwp74BdMf_-cKKrA/appointments].

More music

Late tweets seen

Late music

8 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 18 October 2021”

  1. Didn’t Ronson call the Jewellery his chain of jewellery stores sold as “crap” on the Terry Wogan show, a PR disaster if ever there was one? 😄


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