Diary Blog, 1 August 2023, including a few thoughts about Nick Fuentes and his followers

Morning music

Battles past

Tweets seen

See also: https://thegrayzone.com/2023/06/01/father-gonzalo-lira-american-jailed-in-ukraine-imprisonment/.

So far, nothing more on Twitter from Gonzalo Lira. Looks like he has been arrested. It seems naive to have posted the above tweets and then tried to cross the border. It occurred to me that Lira was going to try to cross a different border than the one specified, but that might not have made any difference in the digital age.

The rest of his important Twitter thread:

So far, no more news…

More tweets

Part of a huge transnational campaign by the forces of evil, the aim being to trash or replace what are sometimes termed “the Good, the Beautiful, and the True”.

Ah. That had puzzled me. Here we have a notably corrupt and shambolic “state”, Ukraine, which for 30+ years has become ever-more corrupt and shambolic. That state has now been invaded, a tenth of its territory occupied, and about 20% of the population has fled to other countries. Industry is largely idle, while agricultural produce cannot be, for the most part, exported. Despite all that, the exchange rate of its currency, the hryvnia, has not dropped through the floor. Why not?

From the newspapers


As far as the medical profession is concerned, very few of such incidents involve (real) British/English doctors, as everyone knows. The case reported on is no different.

More tweets seen

Local MP? Freeloading chancer Jackie Doyle-Price [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackie_Doyle-Price].

Crazy Britain.

Online “grifter”, “Supertanskiii”, who apparently makes some kind of living partly via pretending to be an “anti-Tory” “activist” (i.e. she tweets ranting, repetitive, and boring remarks about “the Tories” several times a day, and is, or so I read, sent money by, I also read, pathetic middle-aged men, mostly), engages in dialogue with someone about better-known “grifter” “Jack Monroe”. Note also how “Supertanskiii” uses that stupid “they” thing when she means “she“.

The conversation was all about how MP Lee Anderson (admittedly not someone of whom I particularly approve) was evil etc when he claimed to be able to make food for 30p (while fraudster “Jack” claims to be able to do the same for 11p). Both totally implausible, in my opinion.

Louise Theroux and Nick Fuentes

Saw a recording of a recent Louis Theroux TV show. His usual modus operandi, i.e. try to appear friendly or at least honestly inquisitive, while plotting how to entrap his interviewers and/or make them look stupid. It often works. The only one of his interviewees (from the relatively few of his shows seen by me) who managed to put Theroux in his place was the late Max Clifford.

This show was about one Nick Fuentes and his followers in the USA. I had heard of Nick Fuentes, but knew little of him.

I have to say that Theroux did not have a difficult task this time. Weird people giggling and making jokes out of serious issues, these Nick Fuentes followers (and the man himself) came across more like silly boys aged about 10 (in most cases) rather than young or youngish men in their twenties and thirties trying to put forward serious points and maybe attain to political leadership.

Not that I disliked or disagreed with all that they said. They seemed to be fairly solid on the “Jewish Question”, though their views were pretty superficial.

Nick Fuentes himself seemed reasonably intelligent, and is plainly making a small fortune out of his activities, but some of his views are just mad, and I have nothing in common with the “nothing is serious”, or “making jokes to make a semi-serious point” tactics he and his followers deploy. I also have nothing in common in terms of lifestyle with these “gamers” and their Call of Duty (etc) interests. I have never played such a game, not even once. There again, I am now 66, twice or even three times the age of these —to me— strange young/youngish men (apparently there are a few women, but not many).

They all expressly disclaimed any connection with, or interest in, National Socialism, or what they termed “white supremacism“, or even “white nationalism“. That rang a couple of alarm bells for me. It occurred to me that Fuentes, and the movement as a whole might be a kind of plant, or at least being loosely manipulated as “controlled opposition”.

Here is a movement of the contemporary computerized era: no ideology to speak of (from what I have seen so far), no real programme, no administrative structure beyond whatever is necessary to publish their views online. A rag-tag bunch of followers, though quite numerous (Fuentes was said to be able to gather a crowd of several thousands at short notice, and in any state of the Union).

I enjoyed seeing the scenes of the U.S. Capitol invaded, but that did not amount to a putsch, even on the slightly comic-opera or tragi-comic level of, say, the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923 in Munich, which at least had real aims, real ideology, serious people (Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Ludendorff, Rudolf Hess, Dietrich Eckart etc), and real courage and steel.

The U.S. Capitol “riot”, by contrast— no discipline, no ideology, no real leadership; chaotic, and with nothing to fall back upon afterwards.

Not very impressive (both Fuentes’ movement and Theroux’s show). The nagging thought is in my mind— what interests are served by a phenomenon such as that? It may be little more than a safety-valve for the System.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Theroux.

More tweets seen

The VBI” refers to the “Jack Monroe” invention (which does not in fact exist) of a so-called “Vimes’ Boots Index” of inflation monitoring of basic or staple products. Another “Jack Monroe” scam, in short.

Short answer— no. Maybe days later, but only as a useless rubbernecker (who later tried to scam more money using the situation as a painted backdrop).

Tweeter “Birdy Bart”: joined Twitter late June 2023, and only 1 “follower”. The latest “Jack Monroe” “sock account”. Pathetic, but not as pathetic as the 379 utter mugs still each sending the fraudulent “grifter” between £3.50 and £44 a month, a total of thousands of pounds a month.

Still, the tide has turned.

Last year, “Jack Monroe” was being chucked money by about 850 mugs (she having been endorsed by Jewish “celebrity” “foodies” Nigella Lawson and Jay Rayner).

In the latter part of 2022, that ~850 declined to about 400 or so as people started to wake up to the fraudulent and abusive behaviour etc by “Jack Monroe” and her fans; then the number declined further, to 396-397, and stuck there for quite a while, several months. Now— 379. Must still be several thousand a month, though, as noted. Even on the lowest level (£3.50 each), that is still over £1,300 in cash, though, every month, and taxfree. At a guess, she must still be pulling in about £4,000 a month from those mugs.

Late tweets seen

As I blogged recently, Baddiel is the unthinking man’s Jonathan Miller…

Because most Africans are incapable of organization.

There are other factors, of course: corruption, wars and civil wars and (yes) exploitation by outsiders, but that is last and least.

The blog has had only one or two hits from Burkina Faso in the past years. Maybe it was that President? Who knows?

In the future, say 200 years from now, will 2023 be classed alongside 1941, 1939, and 1914, and will earnest discussion among academics ask “could that war have been prevented?”

Late music

21 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 1 August 2023, including a few thoughts about Nick Fuentes and his followers”

  1. Yes, Jackie Doyle-Price isn’t a very good representative of the Conservative Party.

    The constituency’s first ever Tory MP, Timothy Janman, who was elected in 1987, was far better. He was a traditional Tory in many ways ie pro restoring the hangman’s noose and fiercely opposed to mass immigration.

    His reward? Being booted out (albeit by a narrow margin not too different from that which got him elected ) not in the Labour landslide of 1997 but in 1992 with his replacement having a hand in driving Dr David Kelly to commit suicide.


    Tim was wasted on Thurrock. He should have been my MP here in the ultra-safe Tory seat of Brentwood and Ongar instead of lefty, pro Zionist extremist Israel Lobby nutter, Eric Pickles.


  2. Knowing something of Thurrock Council, and their reputation amongst suppliers and other local authorities, it doesn’t surprise me at all that they’re embroiled in this outrageous and catastrophic fraud.

    It also doesn’t surprise me that the Tories did away with oversight bodies, such as the National Audit Office. Just look at the contracts that they gave away to their friends, relatives, cronies, and corporate masters in the fake ‘Plandemic’ (I am of the view – supported by the evidence – that there never was a ‘virus’.) It was simply a heist by the politicians and international finance on an unimaginable scale, and in broad daylight.

    Thurrock Council is just another example of the kleptocracy that the UK has descended into. And all part of the total (and engineered) collapse.


    1. HennyPenny:
      Thank you. I am not familiar with the Thurrock area, except that I “volunteered” (not) to be interviewed by Grays Police in early 2017, after an evil old Jew made a malicious complaint against me (as you may have read).

      As you say, the System is going all-out for a massive dystopian change in society in (I say) the 2022-2055 period.


      1. Thurrock was the home of the archetypal ‘Essex Man’ of the Thatcher era. It is crass cesspit of excess, ignorance, greed, and vapid nihilism. In fact, it was very representative of the hollow and fake ‘nationalism’ of the Thatcher government. All draped in ‘Union Jacks / Flags’, with no culture or substance.


    2. As a resident of one of the ‘posher’ areas of Essex, I would say Basildon is or was the spiritual home of the so-called ‘Essex Man’. Harlow is as well to a slightly lesser extent. Thurrock used to be Essex’s Labour seat. Indeed, it was won by Labour from 1945 to 1987 usually by large majorities and even survived, albeit it narrowly, their very poor result in 1983 when Michael Foot was leader and when it was one of Labour’s very few seats in Southern England outside of London.

      Thurrock turned Tory late in the day and until very recently the council was always run by Labour.

      Only in 2019 when the election was all about ‘getting Brexit done’ (oops, ‘getting Brexshit done’ as it has turned out to be) did the Thurrock constituency turn in a fairly big Tory majority.

      Otherwise, it has been won handsomely by Labour or by very small Tory majorities and has been Essex’s primary marginal seat. Indeed not just a marginal but an ultra marginal as it was as recently as 2015.


      1. John:
        I wonder whether the MP, Jackie Doyle-Price, has managed to “acquire” much money under the table? If not, 2025 onward might be a struggle for her. Her income and (inflated) expenses gone, together with those of her husband (her “assistant” at Westminster, paid out of her expenses, paid ultimately by the taxpayers). A drop of (in toto) about £150,000-£200,000…


  3. I am not aware of the full range of Lee Anderson’s viewpoints so I can’t comment upon them. The ones I do know about I approve of except for his remarks about people using food banks. They do seem to indicate a certain ignorance and callousness on his part. He should quit saying them.

    Apart from them, he is in favour of capital punishment and wants real action to deal with the constant influx of migrant invaders from across the Channel. I agree with these remarks.

    Generally-speaking, Lee Anderson is more in touch with ordinary people than too many leading figures in his party are.


  4. I should also add that, knowing their reputation, I’m surprised that other councils were willing to lend Thurrock Council money in such large amounts. Clearly they (the lending authorities) also lack any robust mechanisms for checking on the viability of those they’re lending to (and also lack competent people in senior positions).


  5. Hello there! You Brits are the weirdest people on Earth (LOL) I kept digging about the strange case of the Scottish money who is, or is not, legal tender in England depending on the point of view of the people involved. Now, to confuse me further, I read this; according to an English woman in a forum discussing English and Scottish currency:

    “The current series of Bank of England notes are legal tender in England and Wales, although not in Scotland or Northern Ireland, where the only currency carrying legal tender status for unlimited amounts is the one- and two-pound coins.”

    So, is it possible that someone in Scotland may refuse to accept English bank notes? It seems crazy, after all you are supposed to be “The United Kingdom”. However, after what I read about the Scottish bank notes, nothing can surprise me.


      1. Your observation about never been to Scotland reminded me of a funny anecdote; When I was working in Australia in a large picture framing shop, I met a former Grenadier Guards NCO who brought some pictures of his military service to frame. As I am fairly knowledgeable about British military history, we struck up a friendship.

        He was English and one day asked me: “Have you been to Scotland?” when I replied “No” he said “Lucky you!”😂 😂 😂  He then added; “Have you noticed how miserable the Scots look?” and he put a grumpy face. 😂 😂 😂 

        I have to say I do not dislike any of the peoples who make up the United Kingdom, although I understand they all have reasons to dislike each other but none of them are really valid because they belong to the past. However, it is fairly common in forums or videos dedicated to British history to find some hateful characters insulting their neighbours (English against the Scots / Irish against the English, etc.) because of things that happened 300 or 500 years ago. Pathetic.


    1. Scotland’s banks have had the legal right to print their own money since the Act of Union in 1707. Scottish banks, if I have my facts correct, are the oldest in the UK and were established before the Act of Union came into effect. Scotland also preserved its right to have its own legal system. In Scottish courts, for example, you can be proven to be guilty, not guilty or have a third verdict of unproven.

      Personally-speaking, I think the Bank of England should be renamed. It is clearly farcical and absurd to call what is effectively the central bank of the ENTIRE United Kingdom the Bank of England.


  6. There is another by-election coming up. This time in Scotland with the recall petition involving Margaret Ferrier of the SNP being successful in Rutherglen and Hamilton West. A fierce battle between the fake ‘nationalists’ of the SNP and the Labour Party can be expected. I wonder how far the Tory vote will collapse this time? In the last few by-elections apart from Uxbridge and South Ruslip they have been losing 40% plus of their general election vote.

    Last time the Tories came third and only scored 15%.


    1. John:
      As you may have noticed, I mostly steer clear of Scottish politics, but I was just looking at the previous elections:

      The Conservatives have no chance in that constituency, so the by-election may come down to whether previous Con voters are willing to favour either SNP or Labour with their votes, or whether they prefer to sit at home and enjoy a little Islay cask-strength “dram”.

      The 2019 election was fairly close, the 2017 one very close, but the SNP won easily during its 2015 surge.

      Having said that, before 2015 —as in most of Scotland— the SNP was nowhere, in percentage terms.


      1. I think the longest held SNP seat is the Western Isles which they have had since the 1970 general election with a few interruptions by Labour. The SNP is unsurprisingly strong there as the islands are one of the few areas with large numbers of Scottish Gaelic speakers.

        Yes, it will be interesting to see what the Tory voters there do, particularly if the contest is perceived as being very close. Will some vote Labour as they are a Unionist party or just stay at home?

        I have every expectation that the Tory vote will go down substantially perhaps by a percentage decline of 40% plus which is what all these by-elections have been registering except for Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

        It may decline by a fraction more. The Extra from A Passage To India has all the electoral appeal of a bucket of cold vomit up there and this effect is greater still than it is in the rest of the UK.

        Teresa May is the only recent Tory PM who had some appeal in Scotland.


  7. Indeed, most Africans are not competent and a bit backward. The late Queen Mother was alleged to have been against African independence as, “the blackamoors can’t run countries by themselves”. 😃😃😃The wisdom of a lady born in the last year of Queen Victoria’s reign.😀😀😀

    Look how South Africa has declined under ANC misrule! Yes, Apartheid had its more petty aspects but the white minority ran things pretty well. Indeed, so much so Apartheid SA was the superpower of the African continent and had a significant illegal immigration problem from the black ruled countries surrounding it.


    1. John:
      Indeed, though the brainwashing of the masses in the UK has misled millions. They think that the British Empire was terrible, and South Africa worse. They are fed such rubbish through their “education” in the State schools, and via the msm, of course. Mandela-worship triumphed from the mid-1980s, and the gradual decline of South Africa is either ignored or is of no interest to them.


      1. It should be since, contrary to many people’s thinking here, not all members of the white population in SA are Afrikaaners who originate from The Netherlands. Quite a few Europeans there are of British descent.

        I remember reading a book once about the situation in Apartheid SA which said that the biggest ‘racists’ often came from the British-origin community.


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