Diary Blog, 13 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


I am increasingly tending to the view that what Britain, the USA, and much of Europe need is not only a political party or movement but also (as much, or more) something akin to the “Witchfinder General”…

Tweets seen

Russia has stopped the Kiev-regime counteroffensive in its tracks. Attacks such as the above are a substitute for substantial advances on the ground.

Blog note

There seems to be a problem copying tweets to the blog today. There must be a technical obstacle within Twitter/”X”.

More music

More from the newspapers


Antisemitism definition used by UK universities leading to ‘unreasonable’ accusations.

An antisemitism definition adopted by most UK universities has come under fire in a report, which ​says it has led to 40 cases being brought against students, academics, unions, and societies – 38 of whom have been cleared.

The remaining two cases have yet to conclude, meaning that none of the allegations – all based on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition – have been substantiated, according to the analysis by the European Legal Support Center (ELSC) and the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (Brismes).

The report, published on Wednesday, echoes criticisms previously voiced by the leading lawyers Hugh Tomlinson KC and Geoffrey Robertson KC, and the retired lord justices of appeal Sir Stephen Sedley and Sir Anthony Hooper.

The report said: “Accusations of antisemitism levelled against students and staff in UK universities are often based on a definition of antisemitism that is not fit for purpose and, in practice, is undercutting academic freedom and the rights to lawful speech of students and staff … University staff and students are being subjected to unreasonable investigations and disciplinary proceedings based on the IHRA definition.”

[The Guardian]

In fact, the so-called “International Definition of Antisemitism” has been adopted by only about 20 states out of 200. The Jew-Zionist lobby (eg the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” in the UK) pushes it constantly, but it is just a cloak for the destruction of freedom of expression.

More music


So far, the problem preventing transfer of tweets seen onto the blog has not been resolved. Still, tomorrow is another day…

Late music

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