Diary Blog, 18 June 2024

Afternoon music

[Adzharia, Black Sea coast]

Tweets seen

Made me laugh (all three of those tweets)…


Just one symptom of a sick society. The sort of people who take Eddie Izzard seriously (politically or otherwise…and probably call him “her”) are the same sort that would love that fake “Labour” unemployed African freeloader to win the election at Clacton.

I am not usually a Champagne drinker but…maybe a half-bottle of vintage on 5 July.

I would not be drinking to Labour’s victory but to the Con Party’s downfall, and especially to the downfall of any of their MPs who will hopefully suffer personally at least slightly as much as those victimized by them over the past 14 years.

Late tweets

Laura Trott. Complete idiot. Idiots like that pretend to know how to rule over us, they pretend to know…things; they also have a completely misconceived sense of entitlement. Kick them into the political gutter.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevenoaks_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Trott_(politician).

Ha ha! “…I won’t be intimidated…!“, tweets Israel-lobby puppet Largan, as he runs away…

He must be looking for a new job, or getting back his old one at Marks & Spencer. His chance of re-election is very small. Nasty little man.

Another one to be binned politically in 2 weeks’ time.

Laura Farris. Another “Conservative” Party idiot. Sadly, in a (formerly, at least) very safe seat. The only way to get rid of her politically on 4 July will be tactical voting. The only obviously likely party would be the LibDems, though Reform UK is standing in Newbury, and is an unknown quantity.

In 2019, Laura Farris scored 57.4% (LibDems 30.6%).

In 2015, UKIP scored over 10% here.

In my opinion, it is not impossible to see Reform UK getting 15% or even more, and the Con vote reducing to about 40%, maybe even 35%. In those circumstances, it is at least possible to see the LibDems getting 35% (or even more, if aided by tactical voting; they scored 35.5% in 2010) and so pulling off rather a coup.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newbury_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Farris.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus, that would give Labour 512 MPs (overall majority 374), LibDems 58, Cons 31, SNP 20, Reform UK 4, Plaid Cymru 4, Greens 2 (etc).


So, on that basis, a Labour “elected” dictatorship, LibDems as official Opposition, Cons facing the end of the road, and the SNP pretty washed-up. Also, Farage with a very small but significant bloc of MPs, likely to punch above their weight in public relations terms.

Incidentally, were the Cons to fall to 17% from 18%, their MP numbers would fall from 31 to only 21. FPTP is a harsh system.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

28 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 18 June 2024”

  1. How can we go to war with China when we can’t even defend Dover and god knows how many other coastal settlements from incessant small boat crossings of illegal migrants?

    And to think Suella is supposed to be their next totally inspirational leader in waiting! Try again, Tories!


    1. John:
      The Braverman woman is pretty silly, and (like Priti Patel) a puppet of the Jewish/Israel lobby.

      China has enormous regional power, and is moving towards being a world power. The UK (as you say) can scarcely defend Dover, and is rotting internally anyway.


      1. Priti is going to be the new leader of the rump after the cull. They may as well pack-up shop now and get it all over and done with.


      2. What a cheek! An Indian talking about “defending Western civilisation”! Having said that, her idea of Western civilisation is NOT ours. To make things worse she is a puppet of the Jewish lobby.

        On another order of things, Katie Hopkins´words about the moronic supporters of Ukraine are spot on. She is usually right on most issues,. Unfortunately, she NEVER said a word against Israel, that is a BIG mark against her. Like PJW, she is a willing tool of the Jewish lobby.


      3. China is also a nuclear power with a growing arsenal of sophisticated nuclear weapons. They have many more than we do and unlike ours they don’t suffer embarrassing launch failures. Yet another thing that doesn’t work properly here!


      4. John:
        China will not attack any large state such as Russia or the USA, unless attacked first. Its leaders follow Sun-Tzu (“to win without war; this is the supreme excellence”). Slow osmotic infiltration is the Chinese way.

        Look at the way in which Chinese influence has grown by osmosis— slow infiltration by millions of affluent or other Chinese into the UK, Siberia, the USA.

        If only Sir Maurice Oldfield were still Chief of SIS. He understood the Chinese.


      5. Yes, Braverman is too often tempted to spout intemperate rants about pro-Palestinian protesters most of whom as far as I can see have been demonstrating peacefully.


      6. John:
        The more extreme Jew-Zionist elements want to close down the marches because they remind the public of what Israel has done in Gaza, which is the large-scale equivalent of a suburban house-dweller, whose garden or car has been vandalized on a Bank Holiday, then gathering together his whole family and friend group, and that group then burning the errant neighbour’s house to the ground, and killing the errant neighbour’s entire family, and his dogs and cats.


  2. Suella, you seem to be under the mistaken impression Britain is a genuine democracy. If it were your party wouldn’t be under the threat of a virtual wipe-out of seats in the House of Commons.

    And to think you only had to pass a piece of legislation entitled ‘Parliamentary Voting System (Equality of Voting) Act 2024 dumping the archaic, stand alone, ‘pure’ First Past The Post voting system and replacing it with a system of Proportional Representation/fair votes then your party would get its fair share of parliamentary seats compared to its vote share.




    1. John:
      Yes, if the Con Party were to get 20% of the vote in the GE, that would of course translate to 130 seats *under pure PR voting*, but under FPTP, it might only confer 50 seats, and would be unlikely to result in more than 100.


      1. And with a decent leader, sense of real direction and dumping libertarian globalist values overboard a possibility of being a credible Opposition. Anything less than 100 seats puts any party at risk of being seen by the electorate as a ‘zombie’ party which isn’t clinically dead but may as well be. In effect, seen as pretty much an irrelevance.


      2. Indeed and if Reform UK and the Conservatives polled better under PR and got 50% of the vote or more they could form a coalition government together.

        Oh well, we will stay being twinned with Belarus with this crap, undemocratic system then the Labour government can hand over power to the Islamic Party of Britain in about twenty years time.

        Thanks for NOTHING, Tory undemocratic cretins!


  3. The Conservatives are not known as ‘Britain’s Stupid Party’ for nothing. They are a danger to themselves let alone this country!


  4. I certainly hope Lee ‘Hang ’em High’ Anderson gets re-elected though I disagree with some of his opinions. He should have been Home Secretary.


  5. Those fake Tory MPs you mention should be made to suffer death by the hangman’s noose or be given a sentence that has become very common in the United States of America ie LWOP (Life Without The Possibility of Parole).

    Now, we can’t say fairer than that, can we?


  6. Yes, that Guardian piece is typical of the kind of societal sickness that ‘Bible of the Liberal-Left’ promotes with enthusiasm. A truely horrible and degenerate rag it undoubtedly is.

    Sadly, its globalist and PC values are taken on board by too many Tory government ministers and MPs.


    1. They are degenerate sickos. I see that the infamous Guardian columnist, Polly Toynbee, has been mooching around East Sussex in some of the, at present, stronger Tory areas and harassing habitual Tory voters into explaining why they no longer intend to vote Tory. She could find few Farage supporters though why would one admit that to that loony-left, globalist, PC stupid woman or to those who like Sunak and still want to vote Tory.

      I hope few of those ex Tories vote Labour. That is true madness. It would be better to abstain than vote for the ‘we despise the British’ party, its no inspiration at all ‘leader’ and its absolutely no fresh ideas ‘manifesto’..


      1. John:
        The blue heartlands of southern England will mostly not vote Labour. They might vote LibDem. They might vote Reform UK. They might decide to stay home.

        I thought that the LibDems were finished until I realized, quite recently, within the past year, that just as the Con collapse benefits fake Labour, it also benefits, as a side-effect, the LibDems.


    2. Very true John! They are scum of the worst kind and deserve to be digging up coal for the rest of their miserable lives!

      PS: Only two meals a day and no blankets! (Let´s see how they enjoy the Soviet lifestyle they promote!)


  7. Only the sickos of the liberal-left, PC globalist Guardian could think her degenerate behaviour was as fulfilling as having sex with your lawfully wedded husband and bringing a new life into this world. For those who are lucky enough to be able to conceive, having a child is a real Gift from God and a wonderful blessing.


  8. According to that recently released Survation MRP poll, Laura Trott is close to losing in Sevenoaks. It is one of the more prosperous parts of Kent hence it was a Tory stronghold at the last election and the Liberal Democrats came second. The social make-up of the seat would favour the Liberal Democrats rather than Labour. If too many vote Labour there she will probably squeak home.


  9. A supposedly Tory MP taking the knee for that quasi-Marxist organisation Black Lives Matter. That really says it all, does it not?

    WHAT exact purpose is this party for now? Why not replace this liberal-left, PC globalist ‘Tory’ with a Lib Dem? Isn’t the original better than the copy?


    1. “What exact purpose is this party for now?”

      The only thing the “Conservatives” are interested in conserving is j*wish supremacy, the zionist criminal state in the Middle East, and tax cuts for their wealthy donors.


  10. Stand alone, ‘pure’ First Past The Post is not just a harsh system but a CRAZY system which is fundamentally irrational. Frankly, with the results it produces nowadays you may as well have a lottery instead. It really does have to GO.

    No wonder this country is in such a huge mess when we continue to use this archaic, profoundly undemocratic crap system which was first used in 1885! I think we are long overdue an upgrade!


  11. With the greatest respect to the people of Belarus (a country not exactly renowned as an icon of democratic values) we should not be the only country other than them in Europe to use this system for the lower House of Parliament.


  12. 24 Tory MPs is still 24 too many. I want ZERO Tories in the Commons after July 4th. If the Tories have no MPs, they won’t be able to deceive patriotic British people into voting for them. The demise of the Tories will create space on the right for a true British nationalist party to emerge and grow support, in the same way that the demise of the German “conservatives” created an opportunity for the NSDAP to become the dominant force on the German right.

    It will be very enjoyable to see all these traitorous Tories voted out, and having their political careers ended. Globalist puppets such as Theresa Villiers, Robert Jenrick, and Johnny Mercer dream of becoming Prime Minister. It will be nice to see them not even having a seat in parliament. After they lose their seats, I hope patriotic British people go up to them on the street and say “How does it feel to be a LOSER?”

    Regarding Robert Largan, I see that he still hasn’t learned his lesson about impersonating other parties. First he was using a red background on his posters and pretending to be a Labour candidate. That got him reported to the police for election fraud. I see that in his latest announcement, he is using a green background, presumably in an attempt to deceive voters into thinking he is the candidate for the Green Party. He needs to be reported to the police again.


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