Tag Archives: Deutsche Wochenschau

Diary Blog, Christmas Day, 2023

Merry Christmas to all well-intentioned readers of the blog.

Tweets seen

The enemy celebrates when we are divided, I demand that the leadership restrain the campaigns.”

Political and social instability is observed in Israel after heavy losses in the Gaza Strip. Israel has already announced hundreds of dead officers, but the number of ordinary soldiers killed has not yet been disclosed.

Yesterday at the cabinet meeting there were also great disagreements and criticism of Netanyahu.

Protests from the families of the hostages are intensifying, knowing that without a ceasefire their loved ones will not survive the war in Gaza.

The economy is knocked down, there is a huge decline, large numbers of Israeli settlers in the border areas of Gaza and Lebanon have been displaced and are unlikely to return anytime soon.”

Map of military operations in Ukraine at the end of 2023 from ISW The American Institute for the Study of War indicated in red on the map the territory that is under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, and in blue – what the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to occupy during its counter-offensive.

For the sake of such “success,” the Kiev regime destroyed almost 160 thousand military personnel, hundreds of tanks and aircraft, and never overcame the tactical defense of the Russian Armed Forces.”

2024 will see, by grace of God, a general Russian advance across Eastern Ukraine; an advance to, and northward along, the Dnieper, and then towards the Kiev area. If so, that may precipitate a collapse of the Zelensky dictatorship.

Meanwhile, in the UK, the Jew-Zionist supporters of Israel pretend to be “afraid” (of mild or non-existent “antisemitism”). They constantly whine (or, more often, demand) that people such as myself be dragged into court for having the temerity to criticize both Israel and “their” behaviour. In a month or so, I myself am to be sentenced, having been convicted of publishing [the truth] on this blog.

Most seem, though, to be being destroyed while still in flight.

Late music

[Rembrandt, Man in Armour]