Tag Archives: freed lobster

Diary Blog, 19 September 2023

Afternoon music

[Akademgorodok, near Novosibirsk, Western Siberia]

Battles past

From the newspapers


I agree with Hitchens. I have not bothered to address the UK’s exploding Russell Brand scandal on the blog because, first of all, the man himself seems to me to be not worth analyzing. Just one more cheap, tawdry, pseudo-“celebrity” know-nothing paid millions by the corrupt msm for nothing very much; plainly a negative contributor to society.

Secondly, there are more important issues around. The migration-invasion. The destruction of our society in many different ways (the fake “celebrity” culture being but one of those). The war in Ukraine and the threat of nuclear war between the USA and Russia (with the UK likely to cease to exist if such a war ever happens). World overpopulation. The threat to the bees. The Jew-Zionist situation. Many other issues.

Having said that, it is interesting that Brand is in process of being “cancelled” just as he (apparently) has (as I read, quite recently) started to publicly question some of the recent socio-political shibboleths. Co-incidence or, as with some other public people, pour encourager les autres?


Good to see some true humanity. The lady who liberated the lobster will herself remember the feelings of that evening all her life, while a mere lobster dinner would soon be forgotten.

Tweets seen

A complete victory for Kiev will take a lot of time, and expelling all Russian troops from Ukraine is “too high a bar,” US Chief of Staff Mark Milley said in an interview with The Hill.

Zelensky has resisted peace talks with Moscow, saying Russia needs to be pushed out of all “Ukrainian territory.” However, according to General Milley, during the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces it is impossible to achieve this goal.

“There are significantly more than 200,000 Russian military personnel in the Russian-controlled part of Ukraine. This offensive, although significant, even if its goals are fully achieved, they will not drive out all the Russians, which is Zelensky’s broad strategic goal,” Milley said.”

Denmark, and the other countries in the NATO alliance, had better hope that there is not going to be a conventional war with Russia. They might find that all their armour has been turned into scrap metal in Ukraine.

More music

[Levitan, Vladimirka]

More tweets seen

Deceit is everywhere in the UK these days, but the fraudster/”grifter” who calls herself “Jack Monroe” is in the premier league for the sheer gall of her lying narratives.

I just checked the Patreon website for the first time in quite a few days: “Jack Monroe” still has no less than 366 utter mugs each sending her between £3.50 and £44 per month.

“Jack Monroe” may have crashed and burned as a minor “celebrity”, and I doubt whether she will be writing any more recipe books after the disaster of the last one, and her appearances on Question Time etc are (one hopes) at an end, but all the same, if the aforesaid mugs keep paying her a total of, probably, a few thousand pounds per month, she can scarcely complain.

When I was about 10 or 11, and living in Sydney (Australia), I sometimes thought how nice it would be if every person in the country were to give me 1 cent. The population of Australia was then 12 million, so my idea would be worth about AUS $120,000. Why I even thought that, I have no idea.

The amount I mention might seem to have been modest, but houses in the best areas of Sydney, such as where I lived, were only about $30,000 or so in those days.

Incidentally, the Australian population is now about 27 million, more than twice the size it was in the late 1960s, the result of mass immigration from all over the world (rather than only from the UK and mainland Europe), which started in the late 1970s.

Late tweets

Pretty much what I have been saying for the past 18+ months.

Late music