Diary Blog, 11 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Tweets seen

Luttwak, the author of the well-known yet overrated book, Coup d’Etat (I read it in or about 1978) is himself, of course, not Ukrainian but Jew: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Luttwak.

Having said that, Luttwak’s views are often of interest: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Luttwak#Predictions.

In the 1999 book Turbo-Capitalism: Winners and Losers in the Global Economy Luttwak predicted that dynamic economic growth would increase ugly social phenomena such as crime rates and job insecurity, as anticipated in his London Review of Books article “Why Fascism is the Wave of the Future”.[15]

In 2009 Richard Posner analyzed intellectuals with a public profile in the U.S. Posner claimed that Luttwak sees many affinities between the United States and the declining Roman empire, leading Luttwak to predict a dark age in which the U.S. population will experience decline into third world status.”


The so-called “free” and “democratic” “state” of Ukraine…

In an interview with renowned reporter Seymour Hersh, a US intelligence official scolded the media for misleading the American public about Ukraine’s battlefield failures during the Spring counteroffensive. The official told Hersh no matter how committed Kyiv is to the war effort, President Zelensky’s goals are unattainable.  “Zelensky will never get his land back,” he said. “The American press is doing anything but honest reporting on the failure thus far of the [offensive]https://news.antiwar.com/2023/09/07/us-intel-official-media-misleading-americans-about-ukraines-battlefield-success/.”

I wonder how long it will be before BBC News and Sky News stop reporting the war entirely from the “Ukrainian” (Jew-Zionist Kiev regime) propaganda point of view. Their “reportage” is a total disgrace.

Cowardly little bastards.

Afternoon music


From the newspapers


Britain 2023. Police uninterested in most real crimes. They would rather play at being “anti-terror” police, and/or spend their time snooping on people expressing socio-political views on Twitter, or on blogs such as this.

More tweets seen

The Kiev-regime rabble take their lead from Zelensky, with his ghetto style of “negotiation”. You would imagine that “Ukraine” (Kiev regime) were a powerful state, if not more, rather than a failed “state” completely dependent upon the charity of the USA, UK, EU states etc.

Worth watching.

Late music

[Germany 1945: “We are fighting for the future of our children“]

5 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 11 September 2023”

  1. Your last video is very interesting; the American Army C.i.C. would not admit that they are telling the Ukrainians how and where kill Russian soldiers. The f… bastard said “We are helping them to defend themselves”.

    On another subject; that awful sentence of 5 years in prison for a woman who liked some comments against Zelensky’s regime on the social networks is an example of the things to come in the UK. As far as I know, your country is the closest to the former Soviet Union in regards to citizens’ surveillance and repression.


    1. Claudius:
      That of course was a Ukrainian “court”, but the courts in England and Wales (and Scotland) are moving in a similar direction. Look at the case of the pretty old fellow who got well over *3 years* imprisonment for sending (obviously completely implausible) “death threats” to that Jew tax avoider and big-mouth Alan Sugar a few years ago.


      1. I did not know of that case (I mean Alan Sugar’s) I have just read what I could find (the whole press took Sugar’s side, of course) and the whole story does not make sense.

        A) If the accused (Patrick Gomes) really sent the letters, I have to say he is a bloody idiot, who put the head under the blade of the guillotine.

        B) Only a person who is not “compos mentis” would do such a thing, therefore he should be excused and let off with a fine and a warning. BTW, the more I look at the case, the more it seems to me that the por man is mentally ill. He was 70 and still living with his mother.

        C) The article that I read said the prosecution found “Gomes DNA and fingerprints in ONE of the letters”. This does not make sense. They say he sent 3 letters. How is it possible he forgot to put on his gloves when sending one of them?

        The grovelling pro-Jewish speech by the judge was disgusting. The bastard was licking Sugar’s shoes excepting some reward.



      2. Claudius:
        I note from that report that even Sugar himself distinguished the case from what he called “serious crimes”. I suppose that the accused got a heavier sentence for having failed to attend the trial; he was convicted in his absence.

        Not sure how honest Sugar was in his supposed reluctance to involve the police. I may be mistaken, but thought that he has in the past reported other “anti-Semitic” critics to the police; people opining on Twitter etc. I think that I noticed at least one or two such incidents in the past decade or so.

        As you say, the sentence was incredibly harsh in all the circumstances; 3.5 years. I should have thought that, even on the facts as noted by the court, six *months* would have been more than adequate even in terms of the judge’s evident desire to “send out a message” etc.

        The defendant had been kept in custody between the trial he failed to attend and the sentencing hearing, 3 months. That time is taken into account, so had that judge given the defendant 6 months, and bearing in mind that 50% is customarily remitted on licence, the defendant could have been released on day of sentencing, having spent 3 months behind bars. The judge could still have made his “virtue-signal”, and a prison place (in a closed prison, at that, because of the nature of the “crime”) would not be being occupied by what seems to be a completely harmless pensioner. Looking at the dates, he may still be in prison, just about, or probably just recently released.

        I saw nothing about any personal protection Sugar may have. Maybe he has none, but many persons with his level of wealth do have bodyguard squads. If he had such protection, his claim that that defendant had frightened him and/or his family would be less credible, of course. Still, there it is. We have to judge things on the facts we know, as printed in, in this case, the Evening Standard.

        In days of yore, some of my friends would say that I would have made a good judge. I immodestly think that they were right!

        You may not have read of it in Argentina, but the recent (and hugely over-hyped) stories about the so-called “terrorist”/”spy” prison escapee, Khalife, have also stimulated comment about how prisons are over-full here by reason, mainly, of the routine over-sentencing in England. I have been mentioning this for a decade or longer. On average, sentences of imprisonment now are 50% longer than they were only 13 years ago, in 2010.

        While many people escape imprisonment when perhaps they should not, many others get quite long sentences for relatively minor crimes, or (even where the crimes are not minor) sentences needlessly long; such as 3 years when 2 years or 1 year would be more than sufficient. I think that the courts should have to give cogent reasons why any sentence over a year in length is being handed down.


      3. Thank you for your comments and information. Yes, I also believed that the poor old man should have got a reduced sentence, I believe he is off is trolley and he could not have done any harm. Just a very sad and bitter old man.

        Yes, I heard about the supposed “spy” and all the stupid hype made by the British press, I could not give a damn about that fellow, spy or not.


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