Diary Blog, 6 February 2024

Morning music

From the newspapers


Four of the Royal Navy’s smallest ships are preparing to head to the Arctic to represent Britain in a major NATO exercise after the fleet’s largest ship, the £3bn HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier, was forced to pull out due to a ‘propeller issue’.

Four tiny P2000s, which normally patrol coastlines with crews of five, were seen making final preparations before heading to Norway for NATO’s largest joint exercise since the Cold War amid fears of escalating tensions on Europe’s eastern border.

Notably absent from today’s preparations was the 65,000-ton aircraft carrier, usually manned by a team of 780, which experts say could be docked for ‘a couple of months’ as engineers scramble to fix it. 

[Daily Mail]

[from the Daily Mail]

Ha ha! “I see no ships“…

In the Second World War, little boats like that would usually be numbered, not named.


Police broke up a snaking queue that formed outside a newly-opened NHS dental practice today, in scenes which illustrate the appointments crisis plaguing millions of desperate Brits.

One person stuck in the line outside the surgery in Bristol’s St Paul’s district was a disabled cancer patient who ‘had no choice’ but to brave the cold. 

Meanwhile, a carer in her late 70s who chose to sit down on the path after waiting since 8.30am slammed the unacceptable delays.

A local news website compared the queue, eventually shut by police at 2.15pm, as being ‘reminiscent of Soviet-era Eastern Europe’, where queues for basic goods like food were an infamous part of daily life.

[Daily Mail]

I was blogging several years ago about how basic services in the UK were gradually ceasing to work. Journalists started to catch up with me a few years ago. Now, almost everyone accepts it as a fact.

“Broken Britain”, if you like.

Talking point


Happened to come across the local history piece above. I was struck by the relatively lenient sentences. The ringleader (caught ripping off a bank, and in possession of gelignite, detonators etc), got 4 years. He had 10 previous convictions. Even in those days, when people convicted did either 2/3 or 3/4 of their sentence (I forget) rather than half (as today, in most cases), he would have still been out in about 2-3 years. That was in 1962. He would get far longer today.

Tweets seen

Well, I am glad that I do not live in Iran…

It becomes embarrassing for the USA. Could Biden really defeat Trump (if that is the choice)? Seems doubtful.

It would be nice were both to lose out. That’s me, always the optimist…


The Israeli ship of state is sinking, so…

Look at that! Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng) quite obviously drugged and incapable at the memorial service for the late Queen.

More from the newspapers


Metropolitan Police officer charged with multiple rapes tied up one alleged victim and threatened to ‘slit’ her with a knife, a court heard yesterday.

Cliff Mitchell, 24, came under investigation by colleagues after his alleged victim was seen trying to escape from his car, her wrists bound with cable ties, it is claimed.

His fellow officers were summoned, and after that ‘harrowing’ incident, in September last year, an investigation began, Croydon Crown Court was told, leading to a series of allegations against the policeman.

Yesterday Mitchell, who is no longer in the force, faced 13 counts of rape against two alleged victims. Six charges relate to one female – including one when she was aged just 12.

[Daily Mail]


“The case continues”…

Late music

[Stuttgart 1945…]

Europe has already been devastated within living memory. The leaders of Europe, particularly in the councils of NATO and the EU, must stop provoking another and even more devastating war.

14 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 6 February 2024”

  1. Excellent news that drugged as expletive Kwasi Kwarteng is doing the decent thing at long last and resigning after having trashed the British economy. It is a shame though that his replacement as so-called Conservative Party candidate for Spelthorne will probably be a lunatic libertarian anti-British, globalist idiot like most ‘Tories’ are nowdays or and ethnic or probably both.


    1. John:
      That video clip is incredible. Even more egregious than the drunken or drugged behaviour of Israel puppet Michael Gove in the Commons. After all, Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwarteng) was at a *funeral” or memorial service!


      1. And not just at anybodies’ funeral either but that of our country’s longest ever reigning Head of State’s one which was a rare full state occasion watched by millions worldwide!

        If the Tories filled-up their cabinets with stray dogs from the street would anyone really notice anything different?

        They appoint any old disrespectful rubbish!


  2. Get more ethnics into the police to solve various perceived problems with forces said the loony-left PC globalist nutters brigade and all will be well. How is that faring in reality? On the evidence above not too well! I have a novel idea! Why not leave loony PC nonsense firmly OUT of the police and criminal justice system then, in time, we may get a functioning criminal justice system again as in non lunatic fringe and well governed countries like Singapore, South Korea and Japan.


  3. I have a greater fear of the USA starting WW3 especially under geriatric senile dementia sufferer, Joe Biden, than I do of Iran or Russia doing so. After all, America is the ONLY country in history to have ever used nuclear weapons.

    Also, we might start a nuclear holocaust under irresponsible Sunak or crazed Zionist pro-Israel fanatic, Sir Keir Starmer, egged on by moronic British Armed Forces armchair generals as was reported in the press the other day.


    1. John:
      Iran cannot exactly “start” a world war, not having the power to do so. It might, though, *trigger* one, as happened when Franz Ferdinand was killed by Serbian fanatics in 1914.

      If anything approaching a war with Russia starts, all bets are off, both in terms of international strategy and in terms of our own society (if it even survives).


  4. A re-elected President Trump would be better for the world but he isn’t ideal still. One of his worst acts as President was to move the US embassy to Jerusalem instead of keeping it in Tel Aviv. That sent a dangerous, irresponsible and wrong signal to the quasi-fascist regime in the Zionist entity.

    One day I hope America frees itself from being under the thumb of the Zionist Lobby as that would be in its best interests and the world’s.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So Israelis are emigrating? Where to? Not here I hope! We have far too many Zionist fanatics here already. Palestine was the wrong place for the Zionist entity to be established. If a Zionist state was the right thing to create it should have been set-up in that Jewish oblast in Russia. That is large enough to contain all the world’s Jews and having it there would not have led to ethnic cleansing of an indigenous population and their displacement.


    1. John:
      Many Israelis have dual nationality. Many of those prefer to “stand with Israel” from armchairs in London, Manchester, LA, or New York than to actually take the risk of anything happening to them in Tel Aviv or wherever, and even fewer wish to fight committed Gazan defenders in tunnels deep underground.


  6. Purveyor of crap and often cold hamburgers, McDonald’s, has lost profits due to consumers boycotting it because it supports the Zionist entity by supplying free hamburgers to the soldiers of the genocide enabling Israeli ‘Defence’ forces.

    Good! Now Starbucks should suffer the same fate.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I wonder how many people complaining about the lack of free NHS dentistry services pin the blame for it exclusively on the Tories and think Labour is blameless in this regard? Well, they would be wrong. It is infact so-called New Labour Mark One who share some culpability for the dire situation as war criminal Bliar’s government changed dentists contracts and made NHS services for ordinary people less worthwhile for dentists to perform.


  8. Indeed, DimEagleBuckle, however, you would be quite right to think Rachel Reeves would be any better. That bitch and her partner in crime, ‘Zionist without qualification’ ( and boy does if show) Keir Starmer say ‘vote for change’ but neither she or him offer any REAL change.

    She intends to stick vigorously to fake Tory austerity if not make it even worse and wholly uninspiring Keir Rodney Starmer scraps any policy which genuinely IS different from Tory policies ie their Green investment plan should, shock horror, the Tory press like the Daily Moron whinge and moan about it.

    There is a time to be bold and cautious in politics but Keir Starmer takes timidity to truely piss taking proportions.


  9. The Zionist entity is promoted by Zionists as a safe refuge for Jews but, infact, the state is the most unsafe place in the entire world for a Jewish person to live hence news reports like that one above.

    The Zionist project has been an unmitigated failure in that respect. It is time it was peacefully dismantled for the good of the oppressed Palestinians, Jews and Middle Eastern/World peace.

    At anyrate, a Jewish sovereignty is simply not ‘Kosher’ according to the Torah:


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