Diary Blog, 4 June 2024

Morning music

[Watercress Line, Hampshire; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watercress_Line]

“Jack Monroe” and other frauds

I have covered on the blog, in past years, various aspects of the fraudulent “grifting” of “Jack Monroe”, but even today there are, it seems, utter mugs around who not only believe her nonsense but also send money to her.

I have also covered, to a lesser extent, other similar frauds: Simon Harris, aka “Man Behaving Dadly” (Essex Jew who blagged £600,000 from Essex County Council, as well as large amounts from individual mugs online); “Supertanskiii” (whose modus operandi is to post tweets etc shouting angrily and often vulgarly at “the Tories”, while asking mugs to send her money; what will she do when her beloved fake “Labour” turns out to be as bad, or worse?); Julia Grace Patterson (her u.s.p. is that she was briefly a medical doctor in the NHS —for about 2 years—); Mike Stuchbery (see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/23/a-few-words-about-mike-stuchbery/) etc.

Then of course, there is the “Captain Tom” fraud/embezzlement/”grift”, carried out by the daughter and son-in-law of the ancient ex-officer who raised millions (supposedly for the NHS) by that now-famous yet brainless stunt of traversing his garden lawn on a Zimmer frame thousands of times a few years ago. “Captain Tom” himself was no doubt sincere; his daughter is just a freeloading fraud.

As the BBC might say “other fraudulent grifters are available“…

Even I myself was briefly taken in by the Depher fraud (see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3gxg4jd0ggo), and gave a few pounds a couple of times.

…and still sob-storying about “her boy“, who must be 20 years old now, and who (it is said) was mostly taken care of by others, not by drink/drug wreck “Jack Monroe”.

A black woman in Bristol was imprisoned for doing but a fraction of what “Jack Monroe” has done. I am hardly likely to intone “is it ‘cos she is black?“, but it hardly seems fair or just when “Jack Monroe’s” behaviour has been 100x worse… see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13283627/black-lives-matter-blm-fraud-bristol-colston-statue-protest.html.

I still fail to see how “Jack Monroe” asking for money to sue Lee Anderson and Martin Daubney (and then spending the money on her own pleasures and whims) is any different to what Xahra Saleem did.

Other tweets seen

The BBC must be defunded.

Not that I have much time for Farage, for several reasons. For one thing, “net zero” migration would still, if implemented, mean about 200,000 non-whites entering the UK and staying indefinitely, because about that many persons (mostly whites people, i.e. real British people) leave every year to try to find a decent life is Australasia or North America etc.

Well, of course, Sunak has all the charisma or “in-touch-ness” of a limp lettuce, something that Sunak has in common with ludicrously over-promoted and now washed-up 49-day-PM Liz Truss.

That reminds me: I have heard and seen nothing, for weeks if not months, about or from Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng), who lasted only 38 days as Chancellor, yet received a payoff for those 38 days of nearly £17,000 (in addition to salary etc): see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwasi_Kwarteng#Dismissal.

Woollyhead will get another quite decent payoff, because he is not contesting his safe seat at Spelthorne (Surrey), which has only once elected a non-Conservative— in 1945. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spelthorne_(UK_Parliament_constituency)

I can only imagine that Woollyhead has a very good job offer somewhere. Who on Earth would employ him? Puzzling. still, there it is.

Controlled opposition. The Conservative Party is generally pro the Jewish/Zionist/Israel lobby, and Israel itself. So is Farage. So is Goodwin. Get the picture?

Only a social-national party or movement can save the future of this country, but such a party or movement does not exist. The nearest is Patriotic Alternative, I suppose.

Hard to believe.

I too, like tweeter “@JoeeggJoe”, think that the Cons have the potential to fall further. Now that Farage is Reform UK leader, Reform may increase its support, not so much because Farage is wildly popular but simply because Reform now as a very identifiable leader, which was not the case with Tice.

I also tend to think that there is a bloc of “secret Reform UK” voters, unwilling to admit to it publicly or to poll canvassers, but who, on 4 July (or before that, in postal voting), will put their X by Reform UK candidates, either because they support Reform UK anyway, or because they see it as the best way, where they live, of kicking the Conservative Party).

The clowns at Westminster are far more amusing (usually, though, unintentionally) than the huge number of officially-approved and unfunny “comedians” we see in the msm.

Good grief! Ecce the new Mayor of “Derry” (“Londonderry”, as was). So much for Irish nationalism! The SDLP, and Sinn Fein, are as fake as the SNP and Plaid Cymru. Is this what the IRA and others struggled for, all those years, all those decades, indeed all those centuries?!

More music

I like The Shadows for several reasons. Firstly, their music reminds me of my fairly early years of childhood, I having been born in 1956 (and so was about 6-7 in 1963). Secondly, their originality and quality. Thirdly, their music evokes a sense of the optimism of England in the years of the early/mid 1960s. Fourthly, they are or were unmistakably English, for all their enthusiasm for Americana (eg their piece, F.B.I.) in those Atlanticist years.

I remember seeing their name on the outside of the Kursaal in Ostend (Belgium) in the summer of maybe 1963, maybe 1965, along with that of Cliff Richard, when they were his backing group.


Nigel Farage attacked in Clacton

The smug look on the little bitch’s face says it all. Entitled. Probably pig-ignorant. Probably either a student or a trustafarian, or maybe unemployed. My money would be on her being a student of some kind, probably from an affluent family.

Almost certainly pro-mass migration and the invasion of the UK.

Regular readers will be aware that I am no fan of Farage’s “controlled opposition” “conservative nationalism” but this must be punished. I doubt that that will happen.

I wrote a piece about this type of sub-terrorism some years ago, when Farage was again the victim of an idiot milkshake-thrower, and the terminally unfunny supposed “comedienne”, Jo Brand, “joked” that it should have been battery acid.

Will the police track down and arrest the woman who today attacked Farage? I wonder…

Obviously, today’s attack was very predictable, and Farage does not seem to have effective personal protection.

I wonder whether Farage will get more votes because of what happened today. Maybe. Certainly, I have scoured the Press looking for any mention of his Conservative Party opponent, one Giles Watling, but without result. Watling is invisible in Clacton. Farage is the only game in town, both for those who like his candidature and those who hate it (and him).

Farage is probably a good deal more sanguine about the attack today than I should be in his position. I am restricted in what I can express, by reason of my free speech trial last year, which has had at least a marginally chilling effect on my freedom of expression, but I think that my regular readers will be able to read between the lines.

The perpetrator should be identified and arrested, though. At least that.

I see that a 25-y-o woman from Clacton has now been arrested: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/04/milkshake-thrown-nigel-farage-campaign-clacton/.

I presume that we shall know more about her when she appears in the magistrates’ court.

[the guilty party: note the “entitled” smug smirk]

I have now seen a small piece about Giles Watling, on the BBC website:

“Mr Watling told BBC Essex that Mr Farage “doesn’t give two hoots” about the constituency.

This is all about Nigel, as ever,” said the former actor, who appeared in 1980s BBC sitcom Bread.

“I don’t want to see the residents of Clacton-on-Sea taken for granted and sacrificed on the altar of his vanity.”

Mr Watling said he felt it was his job to “transform Clacton’s future” by using government funding he had secured.”


Watling himself seems rather remote from the majority of Clacton residents and voters. I notice that, in the photo on the BBC website, he is wearing a Garrick Club tie:

[Giles Watling, Conservative Party candidate for the Clacton constituency, 2024, wearing his Garrick Club tie; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrick_Club]
[Garrick Club tie]
[Garrick Club— dining room]
[Garrick Club— entrance]

Does Watling have much in common with most of his constituents?

Basic Income


As part of a privately funded experiment in Universal Basic Income in 2019, the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (S.E.E.D.) conducted a pilot project that gave a $500 stipend to 125 randomly selected residents for an 24-month period with “no strings attached.[51] “


SEED was a Randomized Control Trial that distributed $500 a month for 24 months to 125 recipients. The cash was unconditional, with no strings attached and no work requirements, and recipients were selected randomly from neighborhoods at or below Stockton’s median household income.

Results gathered from the first year, which spanned February of 2019 to February of 2020, found recipients obtained full-time employment at more than twice the rate of non-recipients. Recipients were less anxious and depressed, both over time and compared to the control  group. They also saw statistically significant improvements in emotional health, fatigue levels and overall well being. Recipients had a greater ability to pay for unexpected expenses.

People spent the SEED money on basic needs, including food (nearly 37%), sales/merchandise (22%, on home goods, clothes/shoes and discount/dollar stores), utilities (11%) and auto costs (10%). Less than 1% was spent on alcohol and/or tobacco.”


In my view, Basic Income must be the way to go, with AI and robotics impacting employment and set to do so more. The alternative to Basic Income is to have a tiny sliver of the population ultra-wealthy, a wider layer wealthy, and about 80% of the population near-destitute.

More tweets seen

When is the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office going to remove Myerson from sitting as a Recorder (p/t judge)? He is plainly unfit.

The same goes for his role as King’s Counsel and barrister: https://www.barstandardsboard.org.uk/for-the-public/reporting-concerns.html#How%20to%20report%20a%20concern.

I have noted before on the blog how Myerson sometimes tweets dozens of times in a day; the other day nearly a hundred. An obsessive.

So far today, by my count, Myerson has tweeted and retweeted about 28 times. On a Tuesday, and mostly this afternoon. Relatively modest by his standards.

Well worth reading the whole thread. It happened not in 1980s (or 1950s) South Africa, not in Russia, not in Kazakhstan, nor in China, but in one of the wealthiest states of the USA, California. So much for “the land of freedom”. Really bad.


Managed” decline? Hardly! “Mismanaged” maybe. “Uncontrolled“, really.

Nasty little Con scribbler-careerist James Forsyth [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Forsyth_(political_aide)] seems to be to be a very unpleasant little shit (I concede, though, that I have never met him).

Forsyth and his wife, Allegra Stratton, have been albatrosses round the neck of the Conservative Party for over a decade. Sunak was best man at their wedding in 2011.

Allegra Stratton [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegra_Stratton] was one reason why “Boris”-idiot sank as PM. As for Forsyth, he was appointed Political Secretary to Sunak in December 2022. Since then, well…

‘Nuff said?

(actually, it comes as a shock to discover that the Forsyths are in their mid-40s now. Tempus fugit…).

Late tweets

Amir Bohbout, military analyst of the Israeli website: The Israeli Air Force is not ready for Hezbollah drones and this is a fact. Hezbollah has thousands of drones at its disposal, and this means that if we increase the depth of our attacks to 40 or 100 kilometers and Hezbollah feels that it is in a war situation, then it will send a large number of drones here.

As predicted on this blog quite a while ago, eventually Israel and particularly the Tel Aviv region will face fleets of thousands of drones. Also, powerful missiles in very large numbers.

Oil reserves of different regions of the earth Middle East by far in the top. Recently, a report in the British Parliament revealed that Russia has discovered unimaginable oil in areas of the Arctic that Britain also claims. The report says that the volume of oil in this discovery is more than 510 billion barrels.

Late music

[painting by Arnold Bocklin]

29 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 4 June 2024”

  1. Sunak has no popular electoral appeal whatsoever. In a country, unlike the USA, that views with suspicion and envy anyone that has a lot of money it would be bad enough for the Tories to choose someone modestly rich like Jeremy Hunt as party leader let alone someone with obscene wealth like Sunak.

    Choosing that young extremely wealthy chap the Duke of Westminster (a multi-billionaire) to be Tory leader would be more popular since at least that man is a true Briton unlike Sunak.

    Then there is the fact that Sunak comes across as socially awkward and just downright weird with a capital W and his rabid desire to tell us what we must think about various world situations such as that in the Middle East at the moment and wish to control our protests over it will never go down well with a country that still tends to value freedom of speech and freedom of peaceful assembly.

    God only knows what could have possessed Tory MPs to think he would be popular compared to Penny Mordaunt.

    There was a survey done a few months ago which indicated that virtually every constituency in the country preferred Starmer than Sunak as PM. Sunak didn’t even come out on top in the relatively few seats you might think he would have some real popularity in ie wealthy, fairly cosmopolitan, Tory seats such as the Cities of London and Westminster, Chelsea and Fulham ect.


  2. What a moron Supertanskiii is. A typical leftie who can’t think for herself. Just because the Tories are awful (and a lot of that is because the so-called ‘modern’ Conservatives have dumped real Conservatism overboard and are now just a posher and more undemocratic version of the Liberal Democrats) DOES NOT mean New Labour Mark 2 under Starmer is any better.

    This Labour Party is led by a so-called ‘human rights lawyer’ who is on record as saying it is ok to cut-off an ESSENTIAL means of human survival ie water to Palestinians. Put simply, I question Starmer’s basic humanity let alone his right to call himself a human rights lawyer when he has no understanding of basic human rights.

    When are lefties like Supertanskiii going to look at the Labour Party box and not just approve of its packaging but carefully examine what is ACTUALLY INSIDE the Labour labeled box?

    What is so inherently wrong with a ‘hung’ or balanced parliament anyway? It seems to me that our worst governments such as New Labour Mark 1 from 1997 to 2010 and Boris Idiot’s administration from 2019 to 2022 had large, unearned majorities gifted to them by the grotesquely inefficient workings of an unfair and thus undemocratic ele toral system.

    Unearned landslide ‘victories’ under the archaic, undemocratic fraud of ‘pure’ First Past The Post make for bad governments in this country.



    1. John:
      That “Supertanskiii” cretin seems to be typical of many unthinking Labour supporters. They love the idea of an elected (?) dictatorship of fake “Labour” types such as Starmer, but will not be so happy when Labour fails to improve the UK, as millions more of the non-white hordes pour in relentlessly, as “Labour” chokes back State benefits, and forces those reliant on them to jump through even more hoops, and so on. Lower standards even than now in the NHS, police etc.

      I can see a much greater polarization happening. Not just racial/ethnic. Age polarization especially. We see already the hate campaign against “boomers” [b.1945-1965] (“you under-30s and under-40s cannot get a house or a…whatever… because…greedy boomers…” and so on.

      Like all “big lies” (eg “gas chambers”, “holocaust” etc), there is usually some small truth to support the big lie. As Churchill said, “the truth must be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies” or similar words.

      Anyway, my view is that, a few years on, with the Conservative Party all but gone, and with, by that time, Starmer-Labour totally discredited, many many people, esp. the over-50s, will be turning to something far beyond Faragist populism.


      1. Speaking personally, I am very reluctant to abide by any laws imposed by the coming ‘elected dictatorship’ of Labour since I don’t recognise their legitimacy to be in the total control of government as, EVEN NOW, the majority of voters will NOT be voting for them on July 4th 2024.

        As the American revolutionaries put it, ‘No Taxation Without Representation’.


      2. Cretins like Supertanskiii probably approve of mass immigration because to oppose it would be ‘racist’, ‘xenophobic’, blah, blah, blah but they can’t make the obvious connection that the improved public services they rightly want to see simply can’t become a reality if a now not particularly wealthy country has to spend untold billions on the immigrants instead.

        As the Jewish libertarian economist, Milton Friedman, said you can have a welfare state or you can have mass immigration you can’t have both. It is one or the other. Choices have to be made in government and Labour and the Tories make the wrong ones.


      3. John:
        Exactly. Already, one can see that mass immigration has made the UK far poorer, but the cretins prefer not to see it. Like that Osland idiot, who imagines that all that has to happen to give everyone a good home is for the Government to wave a wand and say “More houses!”, and that the way to improve real pay is for the same politicians to wave a wand and simply “ban” low pay!


    2. Landslide victories are not inherently wrong per se BUT they should be REAL, EARNT landslide victories gained by REAL, SUFFICIENT VOTES in ballot boxes and NOT ‘gifted’ by an archaic, severely out of date, electoral system very inefficiently translating votes into seats.


  3. Yes, Sinn Fein/IRA, the SDLP, the SNP and Plaid Cymru are all ‘woke’ fake ‘nationalists’.

    The other day, the new leader of the SNP had a go in the Commons at the Tory immigration minister for his alleged ‘racism’. If the SNP were genuine nationalists as they used to be its leader would be urging the Tories to adopt far tougher and more restrictive immigration policies.


    1. John:
      Can you (can *they*, the SNP) imagine what Scotland would be like with no North Sea Oil revenues, no Westminster subsidy, and with a tsunami of non-Europeans flooding in to “share” the limited public services which an “independent” Scotland might provide? Housing too.


      1. Scotland would be poorer. To make ‘independence’ work would require very tough choices to be made. Economic policies would have to be akin to ‘Thatcherism/austerity on steroids’ thus the kind of voters the SNP attract ie ex Labour ones in the main would be hit very hard.

        The very limited public services would be overwhelmed by the tide of new immigrants the SNP want.


    2. If the SNP were genuine nationalists and not fakes they would be loudly proclaiming an immigration policy based upon the principle of ‘Scotland for the Scots’.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The stupid and profoundly ignorant woman who attacked Nigel Farage is probably one of the few Labour voters in Clacton. That is the sort of uneducated cretin Starmer and his Zionist ‘Israel First and Britain LAST’ goon squad attract.

    No doubt she ‘reads’ the Daily Mirror and thinks it is a reliable and trueful newspaper of record as well. Moron.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. No, the present Tory MP doesn’t have much in common with his constituents. Clacton-on-Sea is the NINTH safest Conservative Party-held seat in the country but if you were to visit it you wouldn’t think it was that safe for the Tories. One part called Jaywick Sands is one of the poorest and most deprived wards in the whole of Britain, the main areas like Clacton are lower middle-class at best and have seen better days and the one part that is more well to do ie Frinton-On-Sea doesn’t comprise a great deal of the constituency but has a lot of old people living there The Tory vote in the country and in Clacton tends to come mainly from the over 60’s and over 70’s.

    The reason Clacton-On-Sea is so Tory nowadays is because it is an older, whiter part of the country with people moving there as part of ‘white flight’ from ‘enriched’ places like ‘Stab City Upon The Thames’ (formerly known as London) and the local council area of Tendring which covers the constituency had a very high vote in favour of Brexit in that now infamous referendum in 2016. Infact, Tendring was in the top 10 council areas for a Leave vote.


  6. Hello Ian: I have got some funny, and almost incredible, news, well, nor exactly “news”, what I am going to tell you happened nearly three weeks ago and proves, as if it was necessary to do so, that Milei is unhinged.

    The maniac arrived in Spain on the 20th of May on an official visit and he had nothing better to say than the wife of the Spanish PM was a crook. Unbelievable, isn´t it? Well, here is the proof:



  7. The contest in Clacton on Sea is between Farage and Giles Watling. Being the NINTH safest Tory seat it wouldn’t be amongst the Labour Party’s target seats at the best of times however their candidate selection proves they aren’t taking the seat seriously. Yes, who would have guessed it? The globalist, open borders supporting, foreigners first, Labour Party have selected someone with a very non British sounding name.


  8. Is California really all that wealthy nowadays? Yes, it has world famous places associated with the uber-rich like Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Holmby Hills and there is ‘Silicon Valley’ but there must be some reasons as to why Republicans call it Commifornia.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It is probably wealthy just because it is the state with the largest population. A huge amount of Hispanics live there now. I believe I am correct in stating that white Americans are a minority so it should come as no surprise the Democrats win the Presidential elections there handsomely and many other elections.


    1. Hello: If you look at the history of the USA over the last 50 years you will see that California was always the most “leftie” of all states. Of course, they describe themselves as “liberals” or “progressives” but they have always been a powerful force at a cultural level, despite some occasional Republican governors like Reagan and Schwarzenegger. Let´s not forget that Hollywood, the source of all the pro-Communist filth and depravity in the US, is the most powerful symbol of California (or “Mexifornia” as some White American patriots call it)


  9. So the US is now afraid of what Ukraine might do. Well, what about us here in Europe? Europe has had enough of US proxy wars which could involve us in a nuclear conflict with the world’s PRIMARY nuclear power.

    The last time an American President, Roosevelt, irresponsibly stirred the pot behind Europe’s back, in 1939, we got WW2.


    1. John:
      The whole thing is madness. On one side of the scales, Russia will re-occupy Eastern Ukraine, controlled by Russia for the past thousand years; on the other, nuclear devastation across Europe, and maybe across Russia and North America. What objective person would prefer option 2?


  10. How thick is that Tory cretin, James Forsyth? If a few tens of thousands of legal migrants swarmed into my town of Brentwood tomorrow that will make me feel like a foreigner here just as much as the same amount would if they came illegally here on dingys from France.

    ALL forms of migration must be very strictly controlled. Under Margaret Thatcher, immigration was reasonably controlled. Since the ejection of her from office by her own party in November 1990 and particularly since that Bliar creature ‘won’ in 1997 it hasn’t been.


    1. John:
      You are, of course, correct to put “won” into quotation marks, in view of that fact that Labour only scored 42.3% of the popular vote in 1997. A plurality of votes but nowhere near a majority. The kind of enormously destructive socio-political, including Constitutional, change brought in by Blair and his minions has no validity, imo, unless backed by a large majority of the people.


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