Tag Archives: excessive pay

Diary Blog, 23 August 2023, including the failure of the Kiev-regime counter-offensive, and about David Lammy’s latest nonsense

Afternoon music

[Bishop Rock Lighthouse, Isles of Scilly]

Battles past

Tweets seen

THE LOSS of the last elite reserve units, which the military leadership of Ukraine has inserted into the fighting on the Zaporizhzhya front, will lead to its collapse, said former UN weapons inspector in Iraq Scott Ritter.

“Now we are witnessing – emphasized Ritter – the last phase of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, which has not achieved any goal. It alone led to the death of more than 45 thousand Ukrainian soldiers. There are only 15 thousand of them left.

‘I’m talking about elite reserve units armed with British Challenger tanks, Marder and Stryker combat vehicles.”

Ritter pointed out that Kiev’s fresh forces “also got stuck in minefields in front of Russian defense lines.” According to him, as soon as the last elite units of Kiev are destroyed, the Ukrainian front will begin to collapse, like an old dam unable to hold back a powerful river flow.”

[Scott Ritter, former UN Weapons Inspector and military intelligence officer]

You can already see the NWO/ZOG-ruled powers reconsidering— various EU states are modifying the military and other aid going to the Kiev regime, and the US Government has been increasingly making public, in a guarded way, its concern that the Ukraine war might become a general European conflict and even an intercontinental nuclear one.

Can you imagine? Lammy might become a Cabinet minister if/when Labour forms a government…

Lammy, a thick “diversity hire”, who (like Diane Abbott) basically hates white (eg British) people, history, and culture (but has a wife who is not black: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicola_Green).

The bigger scandal is that any bank executive gets that kind of pay. The same applies to lawyers, business executives, entertainers, TV talking heads etc.


The Jew Shapps was once youth leader of the sinister B’nai Brith Zionist organization in the UK.

More from the newspapers


This matter has taken three years to get to trial.


Labour plans for tougher hate crime laws if they enter power could lead to criminal charges for misgendering trans people, a think tank warns today.

‘Maintaining free speech… is essential if we are to defend a liberal society based on rationality rather than coercion.’

[the] study was backed by Labour backbencher Graham Stringer, who likened gender ideology to the claim made by Humpty Dumpty in Alice In Wonderland that words mean whatever he chooses them to mean. 

He said: ‘There are many in the transgender debate who follow in the Humpty Dumpty tradition. 

‘Men become women and women become men via a simple declaration. If words can have any meaning debate becomes meaningless. 

‘You end up with authoritarianism, which is what transgender ideologues desire, with them in authority.’

[Daily Mail]

See also, blogged by me in 2018: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

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If true, not entirely unexpected. Aircraft (and tall buildings) can be hazardous for those eyeing Putin’s purple, or that of any ruler of “all the Russias”. General Lebed would have made an excellent ruler of Russia, had his helicopter not crashed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Lebed. Others have gone the same way under Putin, Yeltsin and, of course, Stalin, among others carrying the status of Vozhd.

Late music