Tag Archives: maquis rabble

Diary Blog, 28 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


History is usually grey, not black and white. The revision of conventionally-accepted history is a never-ending process.

Tweets seen

Evil and chaos invade civilized Europe.

The slide to general war continues.

More music

More tweets

The graphic represents how much territory Ukraine has reclaimed so far in the counteroffensive. This is what the West’s mountain of metal accomplished for the AFU. The Western media is now busy programming the public mind to accept impending failure. Ukraine blew that massive metal wad on a number of square kilometers quantifiable in less than three digits. And 30-45K soldiers. All farmland and small settlements.”

It may be that there will be a massive Russian push in the winter.


Trump would take away Zelensky’s ricebowl, and now others are going the same way. Not only on the Republican side. Robert Kennedy jnr. seems to be on the same page.

Lies about Putin spread by Western media – ex-CIA agent Former CIA agent Phil Giraldi, in an interview with Judging Freedom, said that the Western media is entirely composed of lies and disinformation. “This is how the whole system works now. We do not expect to see the truth, or anything that even looks like the truth,” he said. It is the Western media, together with their governments, who spread all the nonsense about the “Putin monster” , adds Giraldi.


Late music
