Tag Archives: Matthew Goodwin

Diary Blog, 22 October 2023

Afternoon music

[East Berlin, 1970s]

Battles past

Tweets seen

Britain 2023. A toytown police state, complete with biased police acting as a poundland KGB.

Kelvin McKenzie, a long-term msm puppet of Israel-lobbyism. Apart from even that, a hugely overpaid ignoramus (in his day; now retired). Another symptom of the contamination of the UK msm over decades.

There is so much wrong now with the way almost everything is done and run in the UK that only the most radical reforms will be able to forge a way forward.

More music

[Tiger tanks on the Eastern Front, 1943]

From 2016

I notice that someone today (just one reader) looked at a blog post from the earliest days of this blog. It was written in November 2016, and was one of the first articles I posted after the blog was set up. It is also perhaps the least-read of all my blog posts, despite having, I think, stood up well over the intervening years.

More tweets

True, but Goodwin is now parroting pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby, propaganda and views. Nein danke!

Superficially positive, but I wonder to what extent that poll reflects the fact that the blacks and browns are breeding prolifically in the UK, but the real (white Northern European) British inhabitants of the UK are not even reproducing their numbers.

In other words, the population of 16-24 year-olds is simply less white, less European, than older generations. The proportion of (among others) Muslims in that age group may be (is) far higher. Demographic shift.

The question reminds me of the Brexit Referendum, when the Remain side was terribly proud of the (apparent) fact that “the more educated” voters favoured Remain. In reality, that was a mirage. A far higher proportion of younger people have attended some kind of supposed “Uni”, but the older generations simply had a smaller proportion of people attending universities, usually for financial reasons, and because universities were fewer in number. Many of the new “universities”, are “McUniversities”, conferring “McDegrees”…

Goodwin writes a good deal of sense, but no-one British who does not oppose Jew-Zionism (as well) can be respected.


God. What a world…

Late music