Tag Archives: Nina Tempia

Diary Blog, 17 April 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

For several years, I have been blogging and (before the Jew lobby had me expelled from Twitter in 2018) tweeting that the UK needs to join more closely with Russia, partly because, on certain premises, Russia would supply the UK with natural gas at or near cost-price.

The present “British” government of Jews, part-Jews, Indians etc has no interest in the welfare of the British people, preferring to do the job of the New World Order [NWO] in attacking Russia, Ukraine being the latest excuse.

Who will suffer because of the sanctions regime on Russia? Putin? The neo-nomenklatura of Russia? No. Us, mainly. The British people.

England has had some ridiculous Archbishops of Canterbury over the past half-century, but Welby takes the biscuit.

So is the direction of travel… fake meat–“fake” animals–fake people?

A pile of rubble, and semi-humans crawling over the ruins, that may be the future, not so far down the line, of our present civilization and culture.

Alison Chabloz

Happened to see a report about the Alison Chabloz sentencing hearing. It appeared on the online news site MyLondon: https://www.mylondon.news/news/north-london-news/racist-who-compared-auschwitz-theme-23695991.

Pretty typical of many news reports seen now, eg in the Daily Mail and other online newspapers: containing spelling mistakes as well as misunderstood bits and pieces. For example, “shackle” for “shekel“. The (mostly quite poorly-paid) 20-somethings now writing for newspapers do not, most of them, have the real-life journalistic background of the old-style reporters.

Having said that, the MyLondon report, by one Holly Evans, does cover the main facts adequately, if briefly and selectively.

Blackheath funfair

While looking at that report about Alison Chabloz, I saw also the following one: https://www.mylondon.news/news/south-london-news/no-acid-attacks-no-stabbing-23695186. That brought back memories.

In the early 1980s, I think 1981 or 1982, I was at that funfair, or a similar one, on the grassed open area or Common at Blackheath. My then girlfriend’s small children, aged about 5 and 7, wanted to go. I rather dislike funfairs but had to agree to take them and their mother. It was just about walking distance from their house.

We tried various stalls and rides. I think (though cannot truly remember after 40 years) that I won a prize at the rifle-shooting stall, and I remember being asked (told by the attendant, and rudely) to stop driving my dodgem car broadside into other peoples’ cars; not aggression, but I honestly thought that that was what you were allowed and expected to do; in fact that had happened several times before in my life…I must be a recidivist!

Anyway, the children’s mother noticed a placard inviting anyone wanting to earn £5 to return at midnight to help dismantle all the rides etc. This was 1982, but £5 was no great sum even then; maybe £20 in the money of today.

If truth be known, I was not very enthusiastic, but I had no real or weekly/monthly source of income, and was not even on the dole, so I felt obliged to do it. I had not even started the law degree I later did (from 1984-1987), and had been overseas not long before.

A rather unwanted guest, a recent ex-Soviet citizen, middle-aged, and with glasses and a pipe, called Volodya (the children, unable to say his name, called him Volyoda), was accompanying us, but was saved from having to do any hard work by his (suddenly-mentioned) bad knee…

I turned up at midnight, and so began a very tiring and unpleasant overnight slog lasting hours, during which I, and about 8 other foolish volunteers, had to do things such as dismantle the dodgem car ride (carrying steel girders as well as cars), and (in my case) also climbing and wriggling to the top of the largest marquee and dismantling that.

Needless to say, I was in far better physical condition then than I now am. I could not even think of doing such labour now. All the same, this was hard hard work.

The funfair manageress woman, some kind of tinker-“traveller” type, wanted us, at 0400 hrs, to return to do more work and collect our £5 notes in the later morning! I led a “peasants’ revolt” against this transparent attempt to cheat us, and we then slaved for another hour or so before being (grudgingly) paid off.

I returned home dirty, whacked out, covered in scratches and oil etc, but triumphantly clutching my £5 note. Never again.

More tweets seen

I am beginning to think that the System actually wants a nuclear war with Russia. Maybe Europe, including the UK, is to be largely wiped out, leaving only (partly-intact) North America, China, and the less-populated parts of Russia…

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan…


One of the characteristics of our time is rich people paying huge amounts of money for trash, such as Internet “art”, non-fungible tokens etc, not to mention actual “art” trash, such as that produced by the likes of Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst.

Roll up! Get your nuclear fallout shelters here! Oh, no, wait…

The UK’s pathetic government needs to stay well out of the Ukraine situation.

David Lammy

Bad-joke MP and one-time, rather briefly, practising and/or employed barrister, David Lammy, like quite a few of the blacks, thinks that Jesus Christ was “a refugee“. George Galloway, ex-MP, puts him, somewhat, in his place…

A few other of Lammy’s ignorant pronouncements: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Lammy#Comments_attracting_criticism. He is no better than semi-educated, in reality.

Lammy is no doubt welcome at Lincoln’s Inn, the Inn of Court to which he belongs. He may be a Bencher there —a member of the governing body— I do not know. I myself was a member of Lincoln’s Inn from 1986 until the Jew lobby procured my (wrongful/unlawful) disbarment in 2016 (so triggering expulsion from the Inn as well). So Lammy is welcome but I am not welcome. Sour grapes aside…is that not absolutely stupid and ridiculous?

Late tweets

Many areas of England, especially but not exclusively in the South, are becoming overcrowded in the extreme, with green bits gradually being filled in by private developments of little houses, developments without decent gardens or public parks, all because local authorities allow developers almost free rein, and because, on the big picture level, immigration and births to immigrants are swamping us.

Late music