Tag Archives: North Sea

Diary Blog, 22 December 2023

Morning music

Tweets seen

I have to admit that I have always found the idea of secret tunnels quite compelling. The KGB had a specific directorate specializing in tunnelling, though one finds little printed about it.

In the case of the Gaza tunnels, we are told that they extend for more miles overall than the London Underground, which has 250 miles of track, much of which, however, is overground. About 110 miles of the London Underground is actually below ground-level.

On that basis, only a small part, maybe 5-10 miles, or <10%, of the Gaza tunnels have been explored or destroyed by the invading Israeli forces so far. Information is obviously being restricted at present.

It makes me wonder whether similar tunnels do not also penetrate Israeli state territory from Lebanon or elsewhere, tunnels perhaps so far underground that they are undetectable.

Most of them are pretty useless.

Something that I, a one-time resident of the tri-state area (and qualified New York attorney and counsellor-at-law) never imagined I should see.

…and about 20,000 Gazan civilians, about half of whom were under 18, and a quarter of whom were babies, or small or young children.

12 metres, so nearly 40 feet wide. These are, in the context, war crimes.

Let them laugh. “They” will not be laughing in a few years’ time, and not only in Israel/Palestine…

Events are constantly putting Russia in a better position strategically.

When I was several months in Egypt in 1998, I used to really enjoy the flat bread fresh from local bakeries, usually bought from a hole in the wall about a foot or so wide. Still very warm, and with a unique taste not experienced anywhere else in the world. The (Egyptian) Arabic word for it is aysh, implying its importance to life.

From the newspapers


Labour MP Dawn Butler has vowed to report online message board Mumsnet to the Metropolitan Police after users on the site and other social media slammed her reaction to the Brianna Ghey murder trial verdict.

[Daily Mail]

This is where we are now in the UK. Anything online that some idiot like Dawn Butler dislikes is now “reported”, either to the police or other bodies. If a prosecution under Communications Act 2003, s.127, occurs —and despite the Law Commission having recommended repeal of that as “bad law”— anything highly critical or satirical is now deemed “offensive”, and in practice as “grossly offensive” (and so unlawful).

It is a Kafka-esque farce which I saw at first-hand as defendant in such a case only last month.

The law in this area gives carte blanche to, especially, the usual malicious and politically-motivated Jew-Zionist whiners, such as the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”, with the police and CPS as dupes.

Still, we must always remember that “the stars in their courses fight on the side of the just” [ancient Chinese proverb].

Dawn Butler’s actions give indication of what the likely “elected dictatorship” under Starmer may look like. Repressive.

Still, the only way at present to destabilize the mainly binary Lab/Con system is to knock out one or other main party. That will be the misnamed Conservative Party, which may be largely wiped out next year at the 2024 General Election, but the price for getting rid of the Conservative MPs will be a near-dictatorship under Starmer-Labour.


The developing “social dictatorship” trialled (in various respects) during the contrived panicdemic/scamdemic of 2020-2022.

If the authorities really wanted to address persistent (real) crime, they might start by banning anyone not on bona fide holiday, or bona fide recreational travel, from using a caravan or motorhome on the roads etc. You know what I mean…


Britain’s rapidly shrinking military has prompted defence chiefs to shift hundreds of troops from the front line and into recruitment offices.

More than 400 soldiers from across the British Army have been ordered by top brass to join the effort to try and get more people to enlist.

It comes as figures from the Labour party revealed the Army has shrunk by more than 3,000 troops in the past 12 months, with 9,438 personnel leaving while only 6,308 joined.

Britain’s part-time reservist force is also shrinking despite recent efforts to grow it. Between October last year and September 2023, 5,580 reservists left and only 3,780 joined. 

The latest recruitment statistics from the Ministry of Defence reveal the total Army strength plummeted from 79,139 to 75,983 during the same period, as recruiters failed to hire fresh new personnel to plug the gaps, leaving key roles unfilled.

[Daily Mail]

So the first move in getting more troops on the front-line is to…take 400 soldiers out of the spearhead forces and sit them in offices?

Lions led by donkeys“, as someone once said.

Why do we actually bother with an Army and Navy now? They seem incapable of stopping the only invasion happening, or likely to happen these days— the migration-invasion.

Occasionally, some political cretin such as Gavin Williamson [https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/02/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-gavin-williamson-story/], or Ben Wallace, will “threaten” China or Russia but, as someone else once said, “a general without troops is naked indeed“.

Empty bluster from political nonentities just makes Britain look even weaker than it is, and that is pretty weak.

More tweets

Ha ha! I liked that. It made me laugh. It may even be true.

I think —not quite sure— that that was somewhere in Mid-Bedfordshire constituency during the 2023 by-election.

[Note: the post mentioned, about a young man talking to a by-election crowd about the migration-invasion, has been deleted for some reason].

I looked at lost Doggerland in a blog post of 2020: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/05/19/lost-doggerland-some-historical-changes-and-some-large-scale-projects/.

It may be my least-read blog post, out of over 1,600, but I think that it is certainly worth reading.

Ukrainian “refugees”, among others, are doing that. Most of Ukraine is not really a war zone, only about 10% of it; the far south-east parts, mostly.

See also:

Late music

[Estonian side of the Estonia-Russia border, winter 2023]