Tag Archives: Rote Armee Fraktion

Diary Blog, 14 September 2023

Afternoon music

]painting by Russell Flint]

Battles past

Blog note

There still seems to be a problem embedding tweets seen to this blog. Whether that is so by reason of some general situation or whether it applies to my blog alone, I have no idea (and lack the computing skills that might resolve the issue).

In the meantime, I shall have to change the format of the blog by not exhibiting tweets seen, which is a nuisance. Perhaps the matter will resolve.

Popular blog post from 2019

From the newspapers


Horrifying video shows Ms Faulkener walking along the side of the road in Great Barr, Birmingham before his black Renault Clio slams into her, throwing her into a bush.

Aish, who was 17 at the time, immediately fled the scene – and was only caught when cops released the CCTV showing his car.

Aish admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving, failing to stop, driving without a licence and insurance, criminal damage as well as possession of cannabis back in 2021.

He was finally sentenced today to 22 months, suspended for 18 months, after proceedings were delayed as he had been receiving treatment for cancer, reports Mail Online.

Mrs Faulkner suffered a broken leg and concussion while her dog was fatally injured.

A victim impact statement to the court said her dog was “my world, an absolutely wonderful dog.”

She added: “I can’t understand how anybody could leave a dying dog alone in pain. I will forever miss her. Nothing will replace her.”

[The Sun]

Far too lenient, on the surface, but the sentencing judge obviously took the surrounding facts into account: see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12513947/Outrage-unlicensed-driver-seriously-injured-dog-walker-75-killed-pet-losing-control-country-lane-avoids-jail-judge-heard-later-suffered-karma-skull-shattered-hit-run.html.

The Mail report above gives more facts. I still think that the defendant was treated pretty leniently, though.


“I thought knife crime was something that happened to other people… until a stranger pulled a 10-inch blade on me in a busy London street

[Daily Mail]

[“Tedi Fanta, 27, on a day trip to London’s West End from his home in Swansea, knifed retired civil servant Stephen Dempsey outside the Microsoft store on Oxford Street in July 2021“]

If you import the denizens of the jungle, if they start to breed, then you and your children start to live in that same or very similar jungle…

Incidentally, the above-pictured “denizen” is described by Wales Today as a “Swansea man” despite the fact that the horrible bastard is a bloody Eritrean, who only arrived in the UK a few years ago! See https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/tedi-fanta-boy-soldier-face-26136258.

The msm call it “knife crime”, but really it is —mostly, though not entirely— black/brown thug crime.

In the same online newspaper, I noticed another example of the wonderful “diversity” we now “enjoy” in the UK: https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/jewellery-thief-fled-cardiff-store-27664170?int_source=nba.


Incredible. In the 1970s, when social conditions in the UK, Australia, (West) Germany etc were actually better, overall, than now (in my view), there were all sorts of “urban guerrilla” and similar groups around, such as the German “Rote Armee Fraktion”, aka Baader-Meinhoff gang, playing at revolutionary war. Now, you have selfish ultra-wealthy individuals, such as the one featured in that report, saying that the bulk of the population (of Australia, in his case) should be pretty much ground underfoot, yet with little pushback beyond social media tweets or comments.

The ageing population of the West is quiescent, all but dormant. Very strange, at least to me. It may be that the ageing of the Western populations is key; surely that cannot be the whole picture, though?

More music

[Red Square, 1946]
[“Don’t cry, girl“]
[painting by Volegov]

Tweets seen

I am still unable to simply copy and paste tweets seen, but can post a few screenshots of interest:

Is that really Kissinger? Reads rather roughly for his usual style.

Ukraine news

A popular uprising against the Zelensky regime will begin in Ukraine this winter This forecast was announced on Wednesday, September 13, in his YouTube blog by Oleg Soskin, a former adviser to Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma. He explained that Zelensky and his clique usurped power in the country and established a dictatorship, taking advantage of martial law.

The adviser is confident that the revolutionary situation has matured in all elements of the system: social, demographic, political, economic, financial. He recalled that a similar situation existed in the eighties and nineties. According to Soskin, the revolutionary situation will move into the stage of a new Maidan in the coming winter, when public utilities will stop working.

“When there is no light, no water, neither hot nor cold, when the sewage system does not work, when it all freezes, when there are various regional blackouts, God forbid, a central blackout throughout the country, then, of course, the people will start,” – confident expert.

According to him, the start of the revolution will also be facilitated by the onset of famine and the collapse of transport logistics amid a lack of fuel. “When the cars don’t run, the cities don’t get cleaned up, food can’t be delivered to populated areas, then mass protests will begin,” predicted Kuchma’s ex-adviser.

[YouTube vlog by Oleg Soskin]

More music


Late tweets

Ritter: I’m not sure that the Russians – when they reach Odessa – will give Ukraine a “last chance”


Former UN weapons inspector in Iraq Scott RITTER: It’s not just a military issue, it’s a political one. Therefore, we cannot even predict the outcome of the Ukrainian conflict.”

“Johnson: Russia will destroy all F-16 aircraft that the US sends to Ukraine


ANY F-16 the United States sends to the war zone in Ukraine will be destroyed by Russian air defense systems, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson said. According to him, the Russian Federation has the most advanced and developed air defense system in the world.

Johnson was even categorical: “The US doesn’t have anything like that.” He additionally warned his own: “This means that our planes will simply be shot down.” And it doesn’t matter how many of them we send to Kiev. Everyone will simply be destroyed, so we should stop dreaming.”

Late music
