Tag Archives: Tanger

Daily Blog, 25 January 2024

Afternoon music

[Tangier on a rainy day]

Sam Melia


A far-right activist who was caught with a library of online stickers telling non-white people to “go back” has been found guilty of inciting racial hatred.

The jury at Leeds Crown Court returned a verdict this afternoon after spending less than a day deliberating the case of Sam Melia.

The 34-year-old was on trial following a raid at his Pudsey home on Town Street in April 2021 in which police uncovered a catalogue of downloadable stickers which were “intended to stir up racial hatred” and encouraged racially-aggravated criminal damage. They also found a poster of Adolf Hitler on his wall and a book by the infamous British fascist, Oswald Mosley.

[Yorkshire Evening Post]

There was a time in England, not so very long ago, when people had real freedom of expression. Even in the 1970s, when free speech had already been cut back, it still existed to an extent unthinkable in the England of 2024, in which the “woke” or “politically correct” rule almost supreme, and in which the malicious and fanatical Jew-Zionists “monitor” anything British people say or write, lest it might be —or can be be contrived to look— “grossly offensive” (to “them”).

The great British jury has also fallen by the wayside, and now almost inevitably finds anyone accused of “inciting racial hatred” guilty, no matter how flimsy the evidence. Rubber-stamp juries. I have no idea whether that was the case in respect of the Sam Melia trial. I know only what has been in the Press over the past day or two.

Not only that. Anyone found with such innocuous things as “racist” stickers may get, not even months but years of incarceration, in an England where real crime, even violent crime, is often scarcely punished by the courts.

Look at that Yorkshire Evening Post report. Things actually perfectly lawful (having a poster of Hitler on the wall at home, owning a book by a long-dead British politician) added to the mix in a “nudge-nudge, wink-wink” way…

I do not know Sam Melia, only of him, and only slightly even on that basis, but I very much regret that he has been found guilty. My thoughts are with him, and with his wife, the socio-political activist Laura Towler.

Tweets seen

Ukraine’s (Kiev regime’s) only hope in this war is to bring in NATO on the Kiev-regime side; to widen the conflict. Russia has not taken the bait so far, but the Zelensky regime keeps pushing, keeps prodding, in the hope of provoking a massive Russian response which might draw NATO into the war directly. If that were to happen though, it would be but a short step to a world war.

…and to the Jewish/Zionist lobby in the UK, USA, France etc.

Yes. A toad. Indeed, a “slithey tove“, it might be said…

Young and his controlled opposition friends have never said one word in defence of my supposed rights to freedom of expression.

Tell me about it…I myself face a sentencing court next week, after my conviction for having published a few supposedly “grossly offensive” comments, cartoons etc on this blog.

Many people kid themselves that we live in a somehow “free” country, when what it really is, or has become, is an “iron fist in velvet glove” dictatorship. Well-disguised at times, yes, and somewhat shambolic too, which gives the appearance of laxity (and so “liberty”), at times, but still a repressive dictatorship under (((the usual))) influence; and it is getting worse almost daily.

The usual “controlled opposition” grifters, such as Toby Young, can be disregarded as a total waste of space.

While I’ve no time for #PA, this has to be said: Sam Melia is dragged through the courts and portrayed as a racist monster over stickers with messages such as “White Lives Matter”, which graced a few hundred lampposts.

Meanwhile, Tommy Robinson is allowed to post blatant incitement and heavy-duty ‘Islamiphobia’ like this to a gigantic audience.

I have always believed that the Muslim #grooming gangs – and the native traitors who facilitated them – should be tried and, if convicted, executed. But to use their crimes to incite generic hatred of an entire community is nothing more or less than conditioning for war against Iran – a war for Israel, without a shred of legitimate British interest.

Make no mistake, this is the UK deep state giving an asset free rein to prod the herd to war.

Griffin is, of course, correct.

All the same, we must be clear from where the poisonous repression is coming. Not from, at root, the police, MI5, the CPS, but from the “special-interest cabals” behind them…

From the newspapers


David Mundell says Scotland Office was not consulted about Mone’s 2015 appointment.

David Cameron breached “proper process” when he appointed Michelle Mone to the House of Lords in 2015, David Mundell, who was the secretary for Scotland at the time, has said.

Ms Mone is not a successful entrepreneur, she is a small-time businesswoman with a PR exposure far in excess of any actual success,” Anderson wrote. “Awarding her a peerage for a very mediocre business performance brings the awarding of titles into disrepute by rewarding failure.” [a well-informed Glasgow business leader wrote— to Cameron privately— at the time].

[The Guardian]

I blogged about Mone’s fakery at the time. Like so many in both the Commons and the Lords, she was always a fake.


Forests with two or three tree species are on average 35% more resilient to storms than forests with only one species, simulations created by researchers found. The type of trees also matters – forestry plantations are typically made up of fast-growing tall trees such as conifers, but they are more vulnerable to high winds than slower-growing hardwood species such as oak.

[The Guardian]


“Conservationists have praised the launch of a new government strategy to revive the remaining fragments of the vast temperate rainforests that were once “one of the jewels of Britain’s nature crown”.

Temperate rainforest, also known as Atlantic woodland or Celtic rainforest, once covered most of western Britain and Ireland. The archipelago’s wet, mild conditions are ideal for lichens, mosses and liverworts. But centuries of destruction have meant that only small, isolated pockets remain.

[The Guardian]

More tweets

Tice is hopeless. It is a measure of how unpopular the present misgovernment is, and how discontented are many of the voters, that Reform UK, even under Tice, even though it is not social-national, is apparently now on 13%, acc. to opinion polling.

Whether that will cut much ice at GE 2024 remains to be seen. We have, in a sense, been here before, with both UKIP and Brexit Party (both Farage vehicles, as is Reform UK). The difference, maybe, is in the degree of desperation felt by the voters.

When the voters feel real desperation, and in sufficient numbers, they may be ready, finally, to turn to real social-nationalism.

[the 20th Century’s Man of Destiny. 1889-1945]

“...the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not“…

Those latest polling figures are striking all the same. They might translate, at GE 2024, to a Labour majority of 420, with the “Conservatives” left as a rump of 35 MPs.

South Essex fraudster/”grifter” “Jack Monroe”.

Well-meaning people ripped off by a dishonest and indeed evil woman.

It is depressing, though, to observe how many of the said idiots are unwilling to see the truth even when it is presented, unambiguously and with irrefutable supporting evidence, to them… a bit like the people in the 1930s, 1940s, even up to the 1980s, who sincerely believed both in Marxism-Leninism and in the idea that the Soviet Union was a wonderful society, maybe with a few flaws here and there. I must have met hundreds like that.

Gaza (and the Jew-Zionist quasi-genocidal devastation there) is a very important issue but, as an acerbic Dutch lady once told me, about 42 years ago, “the shirt is closer than the skirt” (apparently an old Dutch proverb akin to “blood is thicker than water”). First things first. This country is now in a truly terrible mess. Our own people have needs that are not being addressed, still less satisfied. No wonder so many people say that they are “politically homeless”, and are unwilling to vote for any System party.

So it seems that the winds are set fair for a second Trump presidential term.

Late cartoon

Seems to hit the spot right now…

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]