Diary Blog, 29 December 2019

The migration-invasion continues…

So-called “refugees” invade Southern England, as traitors sneer (at those standing against the invasion). Note the lifejackets and the demeanour of the young men (and they are apparently all young men):



Sounds like an interesting hour. On 26 January, in Vauxhall.


  • Location

    Tea House Theatre

    139, Vauxhall Walk


    SE11 5HL

“Holdfast Theatre Company returns in 2020 with Fireside Readings.

Fireside Readings – The Doctrine of Fascism and Additional Writings by Benito Mussolini, Alfredo Rocco and Giovanni Gentile.

A controversial work, pivotal to understanding a doctrine which sought to change the world and which many say led to the Second World War. Hear from the work of Benito Mussolini and others like him who together created the philosophical underpinnings of the fascist ideology.

This is not a work for the faint hearted, nor is it an endorsement of the doctrine. It is a topic for mature minds and will, we hope, spark a healthy debate.


The Doctrine of Fascism by B. Mussolini,
The Political Doctrine of Fascism by A. Rocco,
The Philosophic Basis of Fascism by G. Gentile.

In the Fascist conception of history, man is man only by virtue of the spiritual process to which he contributes as a member of the family, the social group, the nation, and in function of history to which all nations bring their contribution. Hence the great value of tradition in records, in language, in customs, in the rules of social life.
Outside history man is a nonentity.

Join us by the fire for this spine tingling masterpiece.

Ticket £5

Book on 0207 207 4585 or here”



Some tweets seen

In 2015, the Conservative Secretary of State for Work and Pensions criticised the WCA, which was introduced when Gordon Brown was Prime Minister. He called the test “unbelievably harsh”, said it contained “perverse incentives” for claimants and lamented the fact that doctors were offered only a “binary choice” when asked for their opinion on fitness for work.[21] Litchfield’s professional opinion, as expressed to Parliament, was that the test was “by no means perfect” but nevertheless adequate.” [Wikipedia]


A former naval medic whose motives seem questionable to me (see the Wikipedia entry).

Note that point about the Work Capability Assessment. Those cruel and dishonest tests were introduced under a “Labour” government, under psychotic idiot Gordon Brown.

6 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 29 December 2019”

  1. Yes, it is an unknown fact to far too many voters that the destruction of the welfare state STARTED under those scummy globalist people called ‘New Labour’ NOT the Tories but the CONS are finishing the job.

    As Jewish libertarian economist nutter Milton Friedman said you can have mass immigration or a welfare state but not both! CONS and Labour choose to flood us with immigrants rather than protect the most basic elements of the welfare state.🤬😡🙄😞☹️


  2. Indeed. SICK, SICK, SICK describes the globalist, Zionist pro-Israeli warmongering and anti-social fanatics of New Labour well along with the globalist, anti-British, libertarian fruitcakes of the ‘modern’ Conservative Party.

    Britain and the British people FIRST is my nationalist political philosophy. Sir Oswald Mosley used the slogan ‘Britain First’ at his huge anti-war peace rally at Earl’s Court in July 1939 and the sentiment behind that slogan was right then and correct to this day. So right in fact that even Edward Heath used it on the front cover of a Conservative Party election manifesto in 1970 not that he actually sympathised with the principle but did see its electoral usefulness.🙄


      1. Indeed she does.Evil globalist woman. She has done more harm to Germany and the German people than the Royal Air Force ever did!

        Still, unlike Britain, Germany is, in many ways though not all, an exemplary modern democracy with an excellent Mixed-Member Proportional Representation voting system (MMP) so those Germans who are pro-German can vote for the pretty good Alternative For Germany (AfD) party and be confident they will gain the appropriate and proportionate number of seats in the Bundestag. If only our country could drag itself away from the 19th Century and have a rational and fair voting system!




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