Diary Blog, 15 January 2022, including an outline of the failure of the latest Jew-Zionist attempt to prosecute me

Blog news

Readers of my blog will be unaware that, nearly 6 months ago, an individual closely-connected to the fake “charity” known as “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] made a malicious and unwarranted complaint to the police about me.

I shall not mention today the name of the guilty individual, nor those of his half-dozen or so most-guilty accomplices.

In the heat of summer, on my birthday at that, two local uniformed police arrived at my door, and informed me that ********** (a serial complainer to police, as I knew but they, probably, did not) had accused me of “racial harassment”.

After a brief discussion —slightly heated, certainly exasperated, on my side— the police agreed to email me with details of when I might, on a date of my choosing, be willing to attend the local police station.

I arranged for a London solicitor known to me to be in attendance remotely, via telephone, but on the agreed day of the interview (about a week later) there was a communications problem, so the interview was rescheduled.

Three weeks or so after the police had arrived (entirely unnecessarily) at my door, I attended the (so-called) “voluntary” interview at the new and bijou local police station, set in a quiet location away from the nearest road. A hot and sunny Saturday, and early evening.

So quiet, in terms of crime, is the local town, that the new police station is rather hidden away, and one has to press a button to ask to be let in.

The young policeman (well, when you are 65, as I now am, they all look young!) who had come to my door, and a female colleague, interviewed me on both audio and video tape (pursuant to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act [PACE] 1984,

I had prepared (and already emailed) a quite long statement about the situation as I saw it, i.e. the 9 years of attempts by dishonest and malicious Jew-Zionists to have me, inter alia, expelled from Twitter, disbarred, questioned by police, arrested, prosecuted, tried, convicted, and imprisoned.

So far, they have had me disbarred [see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/], though both wrongfully and actually unlawfully (see the link just posted for details). That was in October 2016, complaint having been made in 2014 (sub nom “UK Lawyers for Israel”).

The Jew-Zionists also managed to have me expelled from Twitter (in 2018, via a concerted conspiratorial campaign which took them about 6 years).

The said pack, or connected packs, have also had me questioned a few times now by the police (twice under caution), but I have never been arrested, never been charged or summonsed, never been prosecuted, never been tried, never been convicted, and never been imprisoned.

As we know, “they” can be relentless in their vindictive pursuit, as written about by none other than William Shakespeare, and the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” crowed mightily, after satirical singer Alison Chabloz was imprisoned, that it had taken the “CAA” 5 years “to get her“.

That evil pack will no doubt make further attempts to use “lawfare” (as they call it) to attack British people such as me, people standing up for Britain and for European civilization. They will continue to fail, most of the time.

Reverting to that police interview, though, it started off with some rather odd questions. I was asked when I last had had a drink! This was not their way of offering me a cold beer on a very hot day, but I have no idea whether that is now a standard police question in the era of the nanny-state, or whether I looked intoxicated!

I thought about it for a second, before answering that I had had a glass of cognac— about a week previously. That answer made both of them laugh, as I explained that I do not drink a great deal these days.

Another odd question was as to whether I had ever been in the Army, by which I assumed they meant the British Army (rather than the Salvation Army, Church Army, Barmy Army, or the Foreign Legion etc) . I replied, truthfully, that I had never held any commission, nor any enlisted rank, in the Army, though I had spent the odd day, and the odd weekend, as a kind of visitor, on British Army bases (in the 1970s and late 1980s).

I have to admit that the police were polite, even pleasant, and of course they were “only following orders” by asking about that absurd accusation of harassment.

After a few more questions (mostly as to whether I had any medical conditions), we started the interview proper. I read into the record my two-page statement. My throat was dry after the first page. The woman police person (are they still called “WPCs”?—maybe not) very kindly offered me a mug of water, and brought it.

Amusingly enough, the mug had an appeal from the “Prevent” nonsense on the side, and a short telephone number. I made a joke about that, to the effect that if I had any more trouble from ********* (the guilty individual) and the “CAA”, I might have to call in to denounce them! I blogged about “Prevent” years ago [https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/].

A few questions followed, mostly answered with “no comment”, and that was that. I was informed that I would not be placed under arrest, or charged there and then, but that the statement would be sent to other (unspecified) persons —I assumed to another part of the country, and/or the Crown Prosecution Service [CPS]— who would decide whether the matter would be taken further.

I parted from the police on an amicable basis, and briefly considered pocketing the now-empty “Prevent” mug as a souvenir and trophy, but thought better of it.

That, however, was not the end of the affair.

Some of my readers, perhaps especially any legal people, may ask why I made a statement at all, rather than just no-commenting. That is usually good advice (and is what the London solicitor had advised), but I decided to detail a number of matters going beyond the fact that there was no actual evidence of “racial” (or any other form of) harassment by me in relation to ********* (the guilty party…) and his pack. If you like, I decided to let rip and give the pack of bastards both barrels (metaphorically).

True, in the absence of any evidence that there had been any “harassment” in the first place, I could have, perhaps should have, in effect said, simply, “prove it“, but my decision was both tactical and also me wanting to put the record straight about those criminal CAA bastards.

Weeks passed. Months passed. Nothing happened, and I began to assume that the matter had been dropped but without formal notification, as had happened on a previous occasion, in 2017, when the same bastards, typically, had thought to kick me when I was down (soon after my wrongful and unlawful disbarment), and via another malicious complaint, that time under the notorious “bad law” known as Communications Act 2003, s.127.

That complaint had been to tame (((occupied))) police at Grays, Essex. (my blog post about that 2017 complaint against me can be found via the search box on this blog).

Well, just when I thought that it was safe to go back in the water, the local police sent me a letter. So creaking is Britain’s infrastructure now that it took 11 days to reach me (in the same area, only about 2 miles away, at that)! The decision had (it seemed, though nothing was written directly) still not been made to drop what was a ridiculous “case” that should never have been taken seriously by the police (in another part of the country, I believe) in the first place.

That was it. Forget both barrels. Think nuclear strike. I dropped a —metaphorical— strategic nuclear bomb. Within 24 hours, I had received email notification that the CPS had decided that no further action would be taken against me on the complaint by ********** and that I would receive no further contact about it.

In other words, ********** can slither away again now. I would suggest that he gets better legal advice next time.

[Update, 20 August 2023: Further to the above, I can now say that, though I was not arrested, still less convicted of anything by reason of the malicious complaints of the “CAA” cabal, I have now been summonsed. A postal summons arrived through the letterbox at my home address in March 2023, alleging breach of the “bad law” Communications Act 2003, s.127, i.e. it is alleged that five (5) posts on this blog (from 2020 to 2022) were “grossly offensive“.

I appeared in Court on a date in May 2023, pleading Not Guilty to all five counts. A further brief hearing took place in June 2023. Trial is now set down for 1.5 days in late November 2023. I shall represent myself despite being eligible for a solicitor and Counsel via Legal Aid.

I have every expectation of acquittal on those charges. In fact, the Communications Act 2003, s.127 (which the Law Commission has recommended should be repealed) is soon going to be superseded anyway by the Online Safety Bill presently before Parliament. I may be the last person charged under Communications Act 2003, s.127.

I shall not be blogging further in detail about the case until after the trial. I can say, though, that whatever happens at trial, this blog will continue to be published as if nothing at all had happened.]

Saturday cartoon

[“buzz off“]

[Update, 10 March 2023: see also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/].

Morning music

[Karlovy Vary/Carlsbad]

On this day a year ago

Saturday quiz


Once again, I managed to trump political journalist John Rentoul. He scored 7/10, but I trumped that with 9/10. I did not know the answer to question 5. I felt that the questions were a shade easier than usual this week.

Tweets seen

…and therein lies the voters’ dilemma— useless Government, useless fake “Opposition”…

“Our” government…


Late tweets

Late music

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