Diary Blog, 4 July 2023, including some examination of Jewish-lobby puppet Robert Jenrick

Morning music

[one of the many places where I have lain my head]

Battles past

Britain’s increasingly useless police


A woman has reportedly told how she was “punched in the head” by a suspected shoplifter and slammed a police officer after seeing footage of him refusing to help.

The PCSO – who is seen parked up in marked police car – is told about a fight at a Co-Op store in Lancing, West Sussex, less than 300 yards away.

He responds: “But then I’ll have to deal with it.”

The officer tells the witness – who pulled up alongside his car to inform him of a fight sparked by people trying to stop shoplifters – he is not part of a response unit.

Following the attack she was left with bruising to her face and cuts to her hands.

She reportedly said that crime in the UK is getting worse with police “reluctant” to get involved and stop it.

[Daily Mirror]

The Guardian had a similar report, with a video of a man, rather than a woman, talking to the useless PCSO toy-policeman: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jul/03/sussex-pcso-filmed-refusing-to-intervene-in-alleged-assault

The police are wasting endless man-hours snooping on Twitter, and on blogs such as this, but seem to want to ignore the deterrence and detection of real crime, which is their core job.

Naturally, the police have always had a degree of discretion in how they perform their duties…

…but ignoring a fight in the public street, a fight following a shop theft just down the road, would seem to be taking a laid-back attitude rather too far…

In “peaceful” (?) Lancing, Sussex, too.

I once visited Lancing, about 28 years ago, in order to complete a SCUBA course at a dive centre which I believe no longer exists. Pity. It had a proper dive-instruction pool, i.e. not just a swimming pool.

That pool looked just like an ordinary, fairly big, indoor swimming pool, but was very different in that about a quarter of its length was only about 4 feet deep, but the rest of the pool was about 30 feet deep. The depth went straight down from 4 feet to 30 feet.

30 feet might not seem terribly deep (and ordinary recreational divers go down to depths of 70 feet) but when you are 30 feet down, and then the instructor deliberately pulls out your air supply and throws it over your shoulder (to test your ability to recover the regulator and start breathing again without panicking or striking out madly for the surface), it seems a long long way down.

I passed that test (and the course) but I admit that, for a split second, I had wanted to get to the surface no matter what. You have to overcome your own unreasoning fear, and overcome it in an instant.

Lancing, what little I saw of it from and to the little railway station (the course lasted two days, and I stayed at a B&B by the beach, close to the dive centre) seemed pretty quiet. As I say, though, that was about 28 years ago.


Tweets seen

Terrorism? See below:

Is he wrong? I think not.

When he was first in the Commons, I thought that ex-officer (Captain) Mercer might be a breath of fresh air, and a more honest voice amid the freeloaders, frauds, and careerist drones. I was wrong. Mercer turned out to be every bit as dishonest as the other System political puppets, and even more greedy for money than most of them. A real deadhead, too.

Another £2.5M wasted on the pointless war in Ukraine.

This goes beyond “multiculturalism does not work“. Europe must now fight an existential war, a war for its future.

I am completely opposed to mass immigration and the cross-Channel migration-invasion, but that is just cruel and petty, and rather depressing.

Jenrick had an oddly-stellar if very brief career before he became an MP. A student at Cambridge, at Philadelphia, and at an expensive private law school (once a “crammer” institution, I think) in London, followed by qualification as solicitor at the rather late age of 26: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Jenrick.

Wikipedia says nothing about his parentage or family. It is fairly clear, though, that he must come from a background of considerable wealth.

After having qualified aged 26 as solicitor, in 2008, Jenrick worked for about 4 years in London and Moscow for two of the most prestigious American law firms: Skadden Arps, and Sullivan & Cromwell. He was then appointed a director of the Christie’s auction house. Quite something at the age of only ~30/31.

Jenrick, elected as MP in 2014, was already appointed PPS (to Esther McVey) in early 2015, only just over a year after becoming an MP. PPS to several other ministers followed, and then he became Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury in 2018 (aged 36) and was appointed a Cabinet minister the following year, aged only 37.

Despite that superficially stellar start to his career(s), I have never seen anything very intelligent said or done by Jenrick, and he is a total puppet of the Jewish lobby:

On 26 July 2019, he said, “I want tackling antisemitism and ensuring that the Jewish community feels protected and respected to be one of my priorities as Secretary of State”.[17] In September 2019, he said, “I will use my position as Secretary of State to write to all universities and local authorities to insist that they adopt the IHRA definition at the earliest opportunity… and use it when considering matters such as disciplinary procedures. Failure to act in this regard is unacceptable.”


In January 2020, Jenrick spoke at the Conservative Friends of Israel Parliamentary reception and told the audience that he would “look forward to the day” when Britain’s embassy in Israel will be “moved to Jerusalem”.”


In June 2020, Jenrick faced questions over his links to a Conservative donor after it emerged that he met an Israeli businessman, Idan Ofer, with an interest in the future of a multibillion-pound project that Jenrick, then exchequer secretary to the Treasury, was overseeing. Ofer stated that the £10,000 donation via his Quantum Pacific business was made at the behest of Conservative Friends of Israel, of which Jenrick was a member.[38] Jenrick later said that Ofer was a family friend.”

On 14 January 2020, Jenrick approved a £1 billion luxury housing development of 1,500 homes on Westferry Road, Isle of Dogs, proposed by Richard Desmond, a Conservative Party donor and owner of Northern & Shell. A Government planning inspector had advised against permitting the scheme, as it would not deliver enough affordable housing and as the height of the tower would be detrimental to the character of the area.[46] When Jenrick approved the scheme on 14 January, he knew that an approval by that date would enable Desmond to avoid having to pay a council-imposed infrastructure levy of between £30 and £50 million, which could have been used for funding schools and health clinics.[47][48] Tower Hamlets London Borough Council then pursued a judicial review against Jenrick’s decision in the High Court, arguing that it had shown bias towards Desmond. It was also reported that Jenrick had helped Desmond to save an additional £106m by allowing affordable housing at 21%, instead of enforcing the local and London-wide planning policy requirement of 35%.[49][50] This could have resulted in a total discount (and subsequent loss of revenue to the Exchequer) of approximately £150 million.[50]

In May 2020, Jenrick did not contest the judicial review, conceding that his sign-off of the scheme was “unlawful by reason of apparent bias”. He also confirmed that his approval had deliberately been issued before the new CIL policy could be adopted. This meant that Jenrick was able to avoid disclosing correspondence relating to the application in open court. His planning permission was quashed by the High Court, which ordered that the matter was to be decided by a different minister.[51]

Jenrick maintained that although the decision had been “unlawful by reason of apparent bias”, there had been no “actual bias”.”


Once again a Jewish connection, the developer, Richard Desmond [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Desmond] being Jewish.

In June 2020, Jenrick was described by Baroness Deech as breaching “the guidance on planning propriety” over his management of a planning application to build a national Holocaust memorial, which she described as controversial. The MHCLG, Jenrick’s department, took control of the approval process from Westminster Council days after he met the project’s main backers, including Gerald Ronson.”


Again, the said Ronson is a Jew and, despite having a criminal conviction for fraud, very well-connected with government, being head (“Founding Chairman”) of the Jewish strongarm and snooping organization, the “Community Security Trust” [“CST”]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ronson; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Security_Trust. The CST receives tens of millions of pounds annually from the government, i.e. the British taxpayer.

Jenrick is a member of the Parliamentary Conservative Friends of Israel group.[68][69] In July 2019 he spoke of his visit to Auschwitz concentration camp; “It had a huge impact on me and in particular because my wife is the daughter of Holocaust survivors from modern day Poland and Ukraine.”[17] Jenrick has said his connection to the Jewish community forms “a very important and integral part of my life”.[17]


Jenrick is married to Michal Berkner. She is nine years older than Jenrick[71] and is the child of Holocaust survivors.[72] She is an Israeli-born and US educated[73] corporate lawyer who practises mainly in London. The couple have three daughters, whom they are bringing up in the Jewish faith.[2][74][18]

He owns two £2m homes in London, one of which is a £2.5m townhouse less than a mile from the Houses of Parliament. He also owns Eye Manor, a Grade I listed building in Herefordshire which he purchased for £1.1 million in 2009.[75][76] His constituency of Newark is 150 miles (240 km) from his ‘family home’ in Herefordshire.[77] He rents a £2,000-a-month property in his Newark constituency,[25] which is paid for by the MPs’ second homes allowance.”[78]


The leitmotiv of Jenrick’s political career has been a tangled skein of what at least appears to be corruption tied-in with Jewish interests.

His mean little action in re having ordered those murals painted over is odd, bearing in mind that Jewish interests and individual Jews have always been and still are in the forefront of encouragement of mass immigration into the UK (and Europe generally). I can only suppose that it was a public relations ploy that backfired.

More tweets

Frenzied System scrambling to control the narrative of that story, because once the public see that there is a background conspiracy to delegitimize dissident individuals and parties, a whole new chapter of questioning “officially-approved” narratives begins, questioning of narratives such as “liberal democracy”, “a fair society”, the 20thC/21stC history of the UK, and indeed the contrived “holocaust” farrago.

Look not at the Schauspiel, but at what is behind it, and at those who are really pulling the strings.

Communism” here is just a label for a power-takeover. Many think of “Communism” in the sense of the Marxist-Leninist socialist/communist movements of the 20thC— red flags, Lenin, Trotsky, bas-reliefs of Marx, Engels and Lenin, Soviet power complete with displays of tanks etc.

“Soviet power” was, to some extent, and in the earliest phase almost entirely, hatched by secretive Western groups, mainly Jewish.

What is happening now is something different, but still with the theme of power-elites subjugating the populations of the world. “Lockdowns”, “15-minute cities”, removal of car ownership, removal of the freedom conferred by cash, everything to be online, monitored, controlled etc.

Not far down the line— microchip implants, and then control by AI robots and systems. All facilitated using sophisticated methods of psychological control, making the population collaborators in their own enslavement. This was tested out across the world during the “Covid” “panicdemic”/”scamdemic”.

More music

Late tweets

At this point, anyone who is still sending money to “Jack Monroe” is either an utter, utter, mug or is mentally disturbed, or both.

The sad thing is that the —no doubt well-meaning— old fellow was used from the start, both by the System, then by his daughter etc. His “walk around his garden for the NHS” made a huge public impression, but the NHS was not really short of money— it was just misapplied. Inessential instant “Covid” hospitals, useless —and mostly inessential anyway— PPE supplies etc. Also, the whole “Covid” “panicdemic” ruined the economy in various ways, resulting in higher medical demand as people went untreated and unchecked, but less money available to deal with that.

No wonder that the Kiev regime has run out of volunteers, and is using press-gang methods to force Ukrainians unable to emigrate to enlist. Anyone fighting for the Kiev regime is now doomed, pretty much.

Late music

[dark and stormy skies over the Black Sea at Odessa]

18 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 4 July 2023, including some examination of Jewish-lobby puppet Robert Jenrick”

  1. Hello! Excellent words from lord Sumpton. I believe most people in the Western world are like that, regardless of the country. The problem is that this hateful and cowardly mindset is the result of decades of subtle indoctrination. We cannot reverse that; it will take decades of re-education at the hands of a social-national regime and that would only happen after a bloody civil war or revolution.


    1. Claudius:
      You may well be right. Weimar was only in place for 14-15 years. We are talking about really decades, certainly 34 years (1989-2023) and, arguably, far longer, maybe 67 years (1956-2023).


  2. Loved the clip from “Cockleshell Heroes”. At the beginning I did not see/understand the meaning of the story and its connection with the despicable British police of today. How nice and how English (in the best sense) was the dialogue between Trevor Howard and the policeman. 😂 😂 😂 

    This reminded me a story my father told me. It happened in 1943. He was a 2nd lieutenant in an infantry regiment and one day he saw an NCO insulting and hitting a soldier, the soldier was an athletic and very strong fellow who hit the sergeant back, knocking him out and breaking his jaw.

    When the NCO recovered, he told me father he was going to present charges against the soldier. My father said: “I saw what happened, you are a despicable human being and if I was you and would keep my mouth shut”. My dad reported that the sergeant (who agreed with him) “had been kicked by a mule” and that was the end of it. Sometimes you have to bend the rules! 😂 😂 😂 


    1. Claudius:
      The overall story is actually a true one.

      In the UK, Queen’s Regulations (now King’s Regulations) state that an officer or NCO who strikes a private soldier has committed an offence, and the reverse is also, of course, true. Having said that, I know or knew someone whose brother was an Army dentist, recently qualified. Such people (doctors, lawyers etc) usually take a short course at Sandhurst so that they know how to salute etc properly. They are, I think, already commissioned, but are promoted to captain before being posted,,and before long reach the rank of major.

      On this occasion, a sergeant of the Black Watch (a notoriously tough Highland Scottish regiment) was told to take this young dentist for a run. He did, but when in a quiet rural spot slapped him just to bully him. He was surprised to find that the young dentist (a mountaineer and rather tough himself) punched the sergeant, taking out several teeth. The sergeant apparently stood to attention and said “good punch, Sir!”… The dentist-officer then said that nothing would be said, but that they should get back to barracks so that the teeth could be re-inserted. Apparently that can work if done expeditiously.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Very interesting story, I can image that! I remember another funny anecdote about the power and prestige of senior sergeants in the British army.

        If I remember correctly the story was like this: There was an officer cadet in Sandhurst who was a bit clumsy or not very bright; however, he managed to graduate. His drill sergeant told him: “Mr. X, tomorrow you will be commissioned and I will call you “Sir” but I would like you to know that for me you will always be a nincompoop”


      2. Claudius:
        I believe that the classic advice given by instructors to a class of cadets at Sandhurst is “you are all gentlemen-cadets, and I shall address you as Sir. You will also address me as Sir while you are here. The difference is that YOU will mean it!”

        There was an incident some decades ago, I think in the 1980s. There had been concern that instructors were being too easy on cadets from wealthy foreign backgrounds, many of whom were Saudi or other Arab princes etc, learning so that they could eventually become generals in their home countries. Many had given instructors Rolex and other expensive watches. This was criticized as promoting favouritism. One day, an instructor tapped hard on the head of a British cadet who had fallen asleep at a lecture. The cadet complained that several Arab cadets were being allowed to sleep undisturbed. The instructor replied “Well, Sir, in a few years we may be fighting those wogs, so the less they learn the better!”…

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Wonderful anecdote Ian (LOL) I found (and I believe is true) that the word “wog” comes from the acronym “W.O.G.S.” that meant “Worker In Government Service”. These letters were printed on the shirts/tunics wore by Egyptians working for the British government. The British soldiers stationed in Egypt started calling all Egyptians and dark-coloured people in the region “wogs”.

        When I arrived in Australia I was asked by a pretty woman of Italian or Arab origin who was serving in a shop: “Are you a wog?” at that time I did not know what it mean but as she was friendly and smiling, I thought it was a riddle or a joke. My Australian companion explained to me that traditionally the old Australians (i.e.: of British descent) used to refer as contemptuously to the Italian, Arab and Greek immigrants who began to arrive in the 1960s as “wogs”.

        The girl laughed and said: “Don’t you worry I am a wog myself!” Funny enough a famous Australian comedian of Greek descent calls himself “a wog” and in 1987 he wrote and acted in a play called “Wogs Out of Work” about Greek immigrants in Melbourne.


      4. Claudius:
        There have been various suggestions as to the origin of the word “wog”, including “Worthy (or Wily) Oriental Gentleman”.

        When I was in Australia as a child of 10-13 —1967, 1968, 1969—, I do not think that I had heard the word “wog”, even on TV. The few Greeks one saw were always owners of small greengrocery shops, often quite dark inside, rather humid, and smelling of the fruits and vegetables sold there, including oranges and pumpkin. They also sold Coca-Cola (always in small glass bottles then) and ice-cream.

        My family lived in Mosman, and then in a part of Cremorne walking distance from the first place. They were (and are) among the more expensive areas in Sydney (as you know), so there would have been few if any recent non-Brit, or even British, immigrants there.

        As for Italians, my parents became friendly with a very nice Italian or half-Italian family (I think the connection was because the sister of the wife of that family taught my youngest brother, but maybe not) called the Zucconi family. They lived a couple of miles away. Freddy Zucconi was a self-employed deliverer of milk and juices over a wide area of North Sydney, as far north as the areas now called the Northern Beaches. I went out with him in his van once, getting up at the crack of dawn and finishing at about midday. They were good people.


  3. Mercer is a real,Grade A Tory PRICK with a capital P if he genuinely believes people don’t like the unelected extra from A Passage To India merely on account of his obscene wealth.

    Many don’t like him not just because of that factor but also due to his slimy, arrogant and conceited nature, his lying, his proven CRIMINAL inclinations ( one minor point in Boris Idiot’s favour was that he wasn’t a criminal BEFORE assuming the position of PM).

    Sunak is a Tory version of Blair and that makes him just as repellent.

    Frankly, there are very few people in this country who can genuinely relate in any appreciable way to him because of his wealth AND his alien ethnicity.

    How many ultra-rich Indians who work or who have worked in frankly parasistical occupations as Goldman Sachs bankers does the average person know?

    Jeremy Hunt would be more relatable to me even taking into account his privileged background, his wealth which though big isn’t in Sunak’s league and the fact Jeremy is a fellow Englishman.

    What ON EARTH were Tory MPs thinking when they undemocratically imposed Sunak upon us?

    They need to get out into the REAL world occasionally. Sunak is losing the Tory Party at least 1% of the national vote purely by himself.


    1. John:
      The MPs of the Conservative Party have been living in the world of illusion for a long long time, over 30 years, at minimum. Trouble is, that applies to the MPs of Labour, LibDems, and SNP too.


      1. Which isn’t surprising since at the last election as many as 14 AND A HALF MILLION VOTES ie about HALF the TOTAL were basically put into the nearest bin by our archaic electoral system of First Past The Post in the sense that those votes didn’t elect any MPs.

        IF politicians truly had to chase votes ALL over the country instead of only in the minority of seats which are marginal they might dare to try and be more in touch with the voters.



  4. Implanting microchips into people’s brains at birth could be of use though. Why not programme people when they are born to not commit murders, rapes, go out drug dealing ext?

    Countries like Singapore, Japan and the USA ect won’t need to use the rather blunt instrument of the death penalty to control serious offences then.


    1. John:
      That is, of course, the argument explored in the book/film “A Clockwork Orange”.

      To what extent can human freedom, or free will, be taken away for the supposed “social good”?


      1. An excellent film which is one of my personal favourites along with The Exorcist though I have not read Anthony Burgess’s famous novel upon which the film was based.


  5. What a farce that Coutts bank facade is! Coutts is an elite private bank for the very wealthy and is one of the most prestigious and oldest banks in this country. Rumour has it that its customers include or have included past and present members of the Royal Family such as the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II etc, Elton John, Premiership footballers, some lottery winners and you have to have about 1 million pounds or more available to invest with them to become a client so, in other words, very few people can have an account with them.

    As the LGBT population of Britain is only around 7% as an absolute maximum and most of them wouldn’t have sufficient funds to become clients of Coutts who are they trying to appeal to and what purpose does that rather garish display on their headquarters in The Strand serve?


    1. John:
      I must be out of date— I thought that the only rule for a Coutt’s account in terms of money kept there was that you had to have a certain amount of cash at all times in your *current* account (I thought £25,000). It seems that that is not the only rule, though:


      Commercial considerations are secondary where the propaganda is concerned. It goes deeper than that. There are secret groups embedded in out society. They have to be rooted out.


      1. I think you are allowed to have free banking with them if you keep a certain amount ie 25 thousand pounds plus in it every month or they will charge you a monthly fee to have a current account.

        Of course, to open a bank account with Coutts in the first place you have to be someone they find worthwhile taking on and can make a profit out of which means a person who has sufficient wealth they can invest with them which is nowadays about a million pounds in capital or more.

        Coutts is obviously a posh bank for the rich which can provide them with retail bank current accounts with swanky cheque books and status symbol charge and debit cards but also specialised services like wealth management that only private banks can provide.

        Coutts is a very prestigious bank but there is a private bank that is even posher and has even more demanding requirements to be a member over and above having a million pounds or more to spare and that bank is Hoares.

        They are so posh even having a million pounds plus won’t get you through their doors as you have to have not just sufficient capital but also two references from existing customers and have an interview at the bank.


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