Diary Blog, 4 August 2023

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

Tweets seen

I blogged once or twice recently about Ukraine’s severe demographic problems: low birthrate, 20% of the pre-2022 population (mostly women and under-18s) now not within Ukrainian borders, and now these deaths and other casualties. If the war continues, Ukraine as a state has no future.

Never underestimate the strategic importance of defence in depth. In 1943, Allied forces invaded Sicily, then landed at Anzio, south of Rome, in January 1944, subsequently advancing to Rome itself by June 1944. The Italian government of Mussolini collapsed after the Fascist Grand Council and the King dismissed Mussolini, who was arrested (though later rescued by Otto Skorzeny’s commando and glider force).

The fall of Rome in 1944, however, was not the end of the matter in big-picture terms. The several east-west German lines of defence were only slowly breached by Allied forces: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_Line.

The German forces withdrew from the various lines in good order, always to the North. By the end of the Second World War in 1945, the Allies had still not reached the Austrian frontier.

In the present Ukraine conflict, the Kiev-regime forces are exhausting themselves. They have little prospect of advancing as far as Crimea, nor of regaining the former Ukrainian oblasts of Donetsk and Lugansk, let alone of breaching, in any substantial way, the borders of Russia proper.

[“Russia has no borders; it is wherever there are Russians“]

Sunak’s ancestors picked our crops in British Raj India and in British East Africa; he now tells middleaged/elderly white British people to “chop chop“…

Traitors facilitated the importation of exploitative hordes who despise the British people.

The main assault of freedom of expression in the UK comes from the Jew-Zionist element; 95%+ of the anti-free-speech tyranny is from “them”.

“Grifter”/fraudster “Jack Monroe” has now deployed yet another “sock account”, one “@ThelastFM2” (joined Twitter July 2023, 1 “follower”). She has hundreds of such fake personas. They even have contrived conversations with each other about how good Jack Monroe is, and/or about how bad or dishonest are those exposing “Jack Monroe”.

One of many many examples.

The police, HMRC and charity regulators (and Twitter) should be investigating “Jack Monroe”.

Are they waking up?

…and look at those stupid police “me too-ers” supporting Eddie Izzard and thus the whole “trans” nonsense.

Those police idiots should get out and start doing their proper job, assuming that they can still remember what that is.

…and all the msm “enablers” are now calling Eddie Izzard “she”, “her” etc. The UK is at least halfway to going absolutely mad, but that progression to lunacy has not come about by accident. It has been contrived. It is being contrived. Daily. Conspiracy.

My own, and more polite, assessment of Therese Coffey, first published on the blog about 4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/. It has proven one of the most popular things I have written here.

Late music

19 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 4 August 2023”

  1. Yes, Ann Mac, a snobbish wanker like Sunak (though why he is snobbish is beyond me since real British upper-class people with far more wealth than he has such as that young chap who is the Duke of Westminster would undoubtedly think he is innately foreign, lower-class trash) does look down upon plebs even if they are aged from 50 plus and might therefore vote Tory.

    Sunak should be back in India and serving British people eg by bringing Britons drinks under the hot Indian sun as a servant like that famous British TV series of the 1980’s The Jewel In The Crown depicted. As an aside, why is that excellent drama never shown on British terrestrial tv now? Is it because, yawn, it would be considered non-PC?

    As Churchil remarked, “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion”.

    I bet Ann is a leftist in favour of open borders. We anti-globalist nationalists alongside traditional Tories like Enoch Powell warned people like Ann of what the consequences could be if people like Sunak were allowed to mass migrate to here but they ignored us and now we get him and his type demeaning Britons in general and poor, older ones in particular and treating us like they are the owner of a cotton plantation in Georgia, USA like in that film Gone With The Wind.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I doubt that Olaf Scholz is waking-up. His party, the SPD, is fully committed to the war as is his coalition partners, the Free Democrats (FDP) and the really dementedly pro-war Greens.

    He might though be getting increasingly worried by the rise in the polls of the anti-war national-conservative/nationalist Alternative For Germany (Afd) party which is now averaging 18-20% of the national vote and, in some polls, has reached 22%.

    If they grow much further they will even overtake the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian Social Union (CSU) centre-right parties and become Germany’s leading party. At that point, the ‘cordon sanitaire’ the Establishment parties have placed around the Afd will surely break and stable governments will be hard to form without the Afd’s involvement.


    1. John:
      You are probably right about the “German” government. My remark was, though, slightly disingenuous, if truth be known. My Twitter account (as you know, the Jews had me expelled in 2018) was barred from being seen in Germany. “Long live freedom!”…oh, no, wait… However, my blog is still read there. I get hits on the blog from Germany on a daily basis.


  3. Caroline Lucas won’t be an MP soon. She is standing down at the next rigged, fake ‘election’ so any new Green Party candidate won’t have her personal vote which might be quite hefty.

    Yes, they have a ‘choice’ on their hands. Lib Dems and Tories get nowhere in that seat nowadays so the choice is between Eddie Izzard and the Green candidate.

    Not much of a choice really but at least the Green Party does have something in the way of a distinct ideology and real political principles and, unlike disgraceful Labour, the Greens are DEMOCRATS in the sense they back changing our severely out of date and profoundly undemocratic First Past The Post electoral system and changing it to a system of Proportional Representation such as modern, genuine democracies like Germany has had for decades.


    I hope the Green candidate gets elected instead of a representative from an undemocratic party like Labour who have no real fresh ideas and only offer a return to discredited Blairism.


    1. John:
      Frankly, I expect Izzard to win. As you say, the Green vote in Brighton Pavilion is really a Caroline Lucas/Green vote, and much more of the former than the latter. Izzard is, like it or not, a “celebrity” of sorts, so has a built-in advantage, and Brighton Pavilion was a Con-Lab marginal before that, though the last Con win was in 1992:



      1. He is but that might not be to Labour’s advantage even in a seat like that. Personally-speaking, I am fairly convinced Eddie Izzard’s appearances on Question Time were not beneficial to the Remain campaign and boosted the Leave vote.


      2. John:
        Brighton Pavilion is a peculiar constituency. Brighton itself is odd, imo; it always was, and has become odder since the days of the 1970s when I occasionally attended the racecourse there. In recent years, I have not been there; the last time was an appearance at Brighton County Court in (I think) 2006, maybe 2007.

        I may be mistaken after about 16 years, but I think that I was appearing on behalf of the regional electricity company, and against a litigant in person, the head of some political organization, which person I think was the anti-Zionist Jew Greenstein (who lives in the town), though I am not 100% sure it was him, and at the time I had never heard of him. I did win, incidentally.

        I remember the case partly because I never appeared —before or after— at Brighton County Court, secondly because the actual courthouse was the least impressive one I had ever seen, like a public loo from outside, and not much better inside. The case also stuck in my mind because of a few other things.

        I have to say that (like many seaside places), Brighton, even in 2006-2007, was less pleasant than in the 1970s. Just an impression, I suppose. I did not linger long, though. As soon as I won the case, I drove back to Exeter, a long drive indeed.


      3. Some Tory voters may vote Green to block Eddie Izzard from winning. The Left forget that tactical voting can work against them as well as for them. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few Tory voters done that in Scotland to ensure Labour MPs don’t get elected.

        Last time, the Greens polled a significant number of actual votes in the seat. It had a very good turnout. Undoubtedly, they must have gained a significant number of votes from people who don’t normally vote and are disillusioned with Lib/Blairite/Starmerite New Labour and Con.


      4. John:
        I am prepared to concede that Brighton Pavilion *may* not go to Labour. It seems a contest between Lab and Green. I cannot see the Con Party coming better than third place with about 15% of the vote.


  4. That article from DIE WELT is very revealing. It is obvious that the European governments are sick and tired of Zelensky’s arrogant demands. Having said that, they deserve everything they get, because it was them who glorified this pathetic clown as a new Frederick the Great (LOL). Now, the monster they created has turned on them.


  5. Lawrence Fox, once again, proving what a complete idiot he is.

    Just because Britain has had a ‘Summer’ so far that hasn’t seen the normal temperatures we usually experience doesn’t mean global warming, or, as the UN Secretary General now calls it, global boiling, isn’t happening.

    It undeniably IS and the evidence for it is all around us from last month being the hottest in world history, last year being the hottest ever along with several other recent years from 2010 onwards and more recently the government of Iran ordering that country to effectively shut down for two days due to extreme high temperatures. The city of Phoenix, Arizona in the USA is still having days of plus 110F heat and easily smashing the record for the most consecutive days recording those temperatures which was set fifty years ago. Millions of Americans are under heatwave warnings.

    When is Britain going to get sensible alternative parties with decent policies and ideologies instead of a continual litany of hopeless micro parties filled with idiotic grifters like Lawrence Fox, Nigel Farage etc?

    Whilst I don’t agree with how Coutts treated him, I can only smile with some amusement when that private bank described Farage as a, “disingenuous grifter’🤣🤣🤣🤣


    1. Claudius:
      “Ann Mac” (presumably not her full name) was one of the tweeters I cited today on the blog. I just saw the tweet, and republished it, but know nothing about the tweeter.


      1. Thank you very much, I did not notice/see the tweet.

        Changing the subject. I was reading about the fabulous mansion known as Kedleston Hall and the family that built it, the Curzons. Some people say “reality is stranger than fiction” and today I found proof of it. If I had to choose an example of degeneracy and decadence within a noble family, this fellow would be my choice:



      2. Claudius:
        Thank you. Life can be a chequered pattern.

        I had heard of Kedleston Hall.I thought that it was occupied by a “social entrepreneur” woman (more or less a fraudster) who made millions under the Gordon Brown and Cameron-Levita governments (handed millions from the taxpayer in exchange for pointless “get the unemployed into work” boondoggling). Maybe that was a similar house, and not Kedleston Hall (it *was* in Derbyshire, though).

        I had certainly heard of Lord Curzon, one of the last viceroys of India.

        In fact, the degradation of titled Englishmen is not so unusual. I can think of several cases, such as that of the 8th Earl of Warwick, who sold off most of the Old Master paintings of Warwick Castle, then sold a 99-year lease of the Castle itself in 1978 (to the Tussauds Group which owns Madame Tussaud’s waxwork show in London). The 8th Earl was a wastrel who lived on the Cote d’Azur.


      3. Hello and thank you for the information about the 8th Earl of Warwick. The problem with hereditary nobility is that inevitably leads to decadence and degeneration. There is no incentive whatsoever to achieve anything because everything has been given to the, usually, spoiled heir.

        That is why almost all noble European families did not produce a person of outstanding character and or intelligence. They usually were/are mediocre nitwits. The exception, up to a point, was the Prussian nobility where service to the state as an officer was “de rigueur” and the standers were extremely high, hence the magnificent performance of the German officer corps in two world wars. The Allies’ victory was the triumph of quantity over quality.


      4. Claudius:
        Yes, I agree. Also about the Prussians, up to a point. I used to disagree —decades ago— with an old friend now (I think) deceased, who was a lady born in the 1920s into the *East* Prussian nobility on the paternal side (and the Austrian nobility on the maternal side). My point was that, speaking purely in “class” terms, in the contemporary era the part of society which is creative (in the broadest sense) are the middle classes. The proletariat are too downtrodden and uncultured, and the aristocracy too indulged and comfortable, and also too enslaved by tradition. Thus the leaders of any reform or revolution are “middle-class” in broad terms. Hitler was one such in the political sphere.

        That old friend always disagreed, despite being (apart from her general support for National Socialism) a prime example of an aristocrat enslaved by tradition. To her, the only music worth hearing was created between and including Haydn and Wagner, for example.

        You see it in those inheritors of castles and stately homes, the ones whose whole life becomes an effort (well-paid or not) to maintain the ancient and revered structure and interior. Few do anything interesting in the society generally.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I do agree 100% with you. Practically all the great and beautiful things created by the White race have been the product of middle-class men and even some of very humble birth like Michelangelo and Schubert.


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