Diary Blog, 14 August 2023

Morning music

[Odeonsplatz: watercolour of a Munich street scene, circa 1913, by Adolf Hitler]

Battles past

From the newspapers

The System and its entourage of “woke” idiots is very fragile. Even a picture of the cover of a book is enough to trigger a panic.

Tweets seen

Unless a nuclear missile lands on Kiev one day.

So the “Conservative” Party has now alienated the” “young” generally (maybe 90% of those under 30), the working families, the unemployed, most voters under 60, both those who support “refugees” incoming and also those who do not want more migrant-invaders, those renting properties because unable to buy, those wanting clean rivers and other environmental improvements, and now those who are sick and/or disabled and who are not already anti-Con.

Many, perhaps most, of those getting disability benefits are over 60, i.e. the only demographic until recently still supporting the Conservative Party.

The trend of things electoral seems to be that the hard core of Conservative Party support for the expected 2024 General Election will be persons over 60 who 1. have no opinion either way about the migration invasion, who 2. are homeowners without any mortgage obligation, who 3. are not short of money, 4. who do not receive any State benefits at all (beyond the State Pension itself), and 5. who do not object to a government (at Cabinet level) largely composed of non-whites.

There is at least a possibility that Sunak will suspend the Triple Lock on State pensions, as he did when Chancellor. As I predicted on the blog at the time, that first decision cut away the bedrock of pensioner electoral support for (and trust in) the Conservative Party; the fall in Con Party fortunes dates from that time a couple of years ago.

I begin to think that Sunak will be lucky to keep even 20% of the popular vote, though I still see Labour as not offering anything much to the British people (and, after all, Starmer’s policies are not, in reality, going to be much different to those of Sunak).

I should think that, despite the fact that the Sunak government is doomed, the next election in terms of seats will be decided by many voters making their decision in the final days of the campaign.


More tweets seen

I did not know that he was still around; I recall reading his book, Coup d’Etat, around 1978. Some British Army fellow “borrowed” it, and I was unable to get it back.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Luttwak; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coup_d%27%C3%89tat:_A_Practical_Handbook

It is a notorious fact that armies and states often prepare to fight the last war, the war already fought. In 1939, Poland collapsed within 5 weeks after powerful German forces invaded from the west, indeed from west, north, and south simultaneously on and after 1 September 1939.

The Polish forces were hopelessly outmanouvered and outgunnned. They withdrew to the southeast, only to be outplayed when Soviet forces invaded from the easterly direction on 17 September 1939. Faced with attacks from all sides, the Poles had no choice but to surrender de facto by 6 October 1939, though there never was a formal surrender.


Notoriously, the Poles, in one famous engagement, made a hopeless cavalry charge against the latest German tanks. The Germans were fighting (as it turned out) the Second World War, whereas the Poles were using the tactics not even of the First World War but of the 19th Century.

Scrolling on to 2023, we see the Polish Army more powerful than it has been for centuries, but its strength lies in armour, and in numbers. Second World War strengths. The Russians may or may not be able to equal that, not without general mobilization, but Russia also has well over 6,000 nuclear weapons of various kinds, mostly missiles. Nuclear missiles (etc) against tanks?

The old Soviet Union also had “suitcase bombs”, capable of destroying city centres to a diameter of perhaps two miles. Does Russia have a similar programme now? I do not know, but would not bet against it.

What is disturbing at present is that, even more than in 1939, the war drums are beating far louder than the plaintive cries for peace.

Not just in Poland and Ukraine, but across the world, especially in the USA and UK, and in the EU.

It is a warning, “a shot across the bow”. The fastest, most advanced Russian missiles, with nuclear warheads, cannot be intercepted at present. Stop fuelling the Kiev regime, stop getting entangled in war with Russia.

Late tweets seen

Late music

[Paris in the early 1940s, and under German occupation]

8 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 14 August 2023”

  1. Regarding that black blob known as Dawn Butler, I believe her book is “personal and raw” (whatever the last word is supposed to mean) but it cannot be honest coming from someone like her.


      1. One of far, far too many and not just on the Labour benches either. Most MPs nowadays are talentless, dim, relentlessly anti-British treasonous scumbags.

        I’m normally in favour of democracy though Britain should try being a modern, genuine one like Germany is to take just one European example but I find myself wondering whether this country could do with a benevolent dictatorship for a couple of years.

        They can work wonders. Not many people in this country know that South Korea’s rise from being one of the world’s poorest countries in the 1950’s to today’s ‘Miracle On The Han River’ economy with world giants of manufacturing prowess such as Samsung Electronics, LG and Hyundai (now the world’s third largest car company) was enabled by a military dictatorship in the 1960’s and 1970’s.


      2. John:
        The same is true of 1933-1940 Germany, or indeed Chile after Allende. Though a friend of a friend who knew Pinochet referred to him as merely “Mrs Thatcher with an armband” (ie a militarized finance-capitalist supporter, not social-national), he did pick Chile up hugely, economically.

        Economic progress is almost impossible without both social order and also the rule of law.


  2. The fake Conservative Party is doomed. Even a new leader such as Penny Mordaunt or better still, Lee Anderson, wouldn’t make much difference now. The sheer stench Boris Idiot left behind him stinks all the way to Vladivostok and back again. They had a chance to replace him with someone even mildly popular yet their MPs comprehensively blew it not once but twice!

    For the last thirteen years, they have been been basically telling people who naturally gravitate towards them ie people opposed to continual migration-invasion, those who wish the increasingly ill effects of PC dealt with, people who want the police to concentrate on real crimes and deal with real criminals severely and some other issues to Foxtrot Oscar with the inevitable result that without decent economic growth they have nothing to fall back upon apart from a small hardcore of old people and the wealthy/ultra-rich.

    Sunak is about as popular with most people as Adolf Hitler at your average Bar Mitzvah party. To many, an alien from Outer Space would be more relatable. That factor all by itself is depressing potential support.


  3. If you can’t beat in the best PM stakes the most dull, terminally untrustworthy and non inspirational leader the Labour Party has ever had you should do the decent thing and resign.

    This silly wild experiment the Conservative Party has had for the last nine months has run its course.


  4. Speaking about Starmer’s untrustworthy nature he has now gone back upon yet another pledge this time about clean air.

    Can he not keep at least one promise? This man is a flip flopper extraordinaire.

    Does anyone know what Starmer’s Labour Party is actually for? Personally, I struggle to see what that party’s raison d’etre is!


    1. John:
      As you may have noticed, the blog has been saying that for at least 3 years. What is Labour’s point in existing, not in 1926 or 1945, or even 1997, but now in 2023? No socialism, little social democracy, little that is even British (more to do with Jews and non-whites).


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