Diary Blog, 31 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

What idiot thinks that the UK is “at war” (presumably with Russia)? Whoever that was must never be appointed to any position of importance.

Shapps is also a hardcore Zionist Jew, who was at one time head of the youth section of the fanatical Jew-Zionist organization “B’nai Brith”.

Over 4,000 votes. Obviously unscientific, yet still interesting. Even people who (like me) despise the present “Conservative” madadministration often still dislike and distrust fake “Labour”.

In my opinion, despite the present Government being doomed, electorally, it remains an open question as to whether Labour can really secure a huge victory or a smaller victory in 2024, or whether, in the end, a hung Parliament is more likely.

It has become a joke. The former Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace, was thought to be a military expert because he had been an officer in the Scots Guards (highest rank held— Captain). Johnny Mercer MP is likewise thought, for some reason, to be expert, despite also having only reached a Captain’s rank. Then we have neo-Cold War desk-warrior Tobias Ellwood, who also reached Captain, and served 5 years in the Royal Greenjackets, though as a Reserves officer he now holds the rank of Lt.Col in the internet propaganda outfit known as the 77th Brigade.

I have even seen people saying that Penny Mordaunt should have been made Defence Secretary because she was once a Reserves naval sub-lieutenant! (she now holds the purely honorary rank of naval Captain, i.e, equivalent to honorary Army Colonel).

Our system of government is just nonsensical. So are many of those holding office.

More tweets seen

If “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime under the Jew Zelensky) had hundreds of jet fighter aircraft, it would only be a matter of time before Kiev were reduced to rubble. Fighters cannot destroy most missiles, least of all the most powerful strategic ones.

What a society, and the UK is little better.

If the US had planned a counter-offensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, then the Ukrainian troops would have achieved much greater success, former senior CIA intelligence agent Tony Shafer told “Judging Freedom”. “We (USA) have effective armored formations designed to penetrate deep into the enemy’s defenses. They have proven themselves well in Iraq. If we were to do this (planning an offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine) then we would never advise them to do what they are doing now,” emphasizes Shafer. Shafer believes that if American advisers consult with Kiev during this conflict, but probably the command of Ukrainian troops does not always listen to their advice and orders. “Either we have the most incompetent commanders and generals on the battlefield, which is possible, or the Ukrainians simply don’t listen to orders,” he emphasizes.

Late tweets

The various transnational conspiracies are all inter-connected: NWO, Zionism/ZOG, WEF, Gates’ activities, the “panicdemic”/”scamdemic”, “Black Lives Matter”, the climate agenda and “net zero”, even “Ukraine” [etc].

Zelensky— not only a corrupt and brutal Jew dictator, but apparently rather stupid. None of his preconditions exist or will exist. On the contrary.

Late music

5 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 31 August 2023”

  1. Is it true that Schapps has used other names? The man is undoubtedly a crook! According to the woman tweeting about this he also assumed a female identity! (Corinne Stockheath)

    BTW, who is/was “Mr. Benn”?


    1. Claudius:



      Mr Benn:
      I have to admit that I know little about the children’s character, Mr. Benn. However:

      Obviously satirically-used in that tweet, connected to Shapps:
      “Mr Benn, a man wearing a black suit and bowler hat, leaves his house at 52 Festive Road, London, and visits a fancy-dress costume shop where he is invited by the moustachioed, fez-wearing shopkeeper to try on a particular outfit. He leaves the shop through a magic door at the back of the changing room and enters a world appropriate to his costume, where he has an adventure (which usually contains a moral) before the shopkeeper reappears to lead him back to the changing room, and the story comes to an end. Mr Benn returns to his normal life.”


  2. I have read about Grant Schapps, the bastard is hated by lots of people (I wonder why….) He is another lunatic bent on war with Russia. I found that in March 2022 the moron proudly tweeted: “I have made it a criminal offence for ANY Russian aircraft to enter UK airspace and now HMG can detain these jets.”

    How stupid can you be? Does he believe Russia has no nuclear weapons?


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