Diary Blog, 22 September 2023

Morning music

[Hampshire— the living fields]

Battles past

Tweets seen

FORMER British MI6 agent Alastair Crook has said that Ukrainian soldiers will start refusing to carry out an order to launch a new offensive if President Volodymyr Zelensky issues it on his return from the United States.

Kruk put forward the assumption that it will look like this: Zelensky addresses his generals with the words: “We must continue […] and break through the Russian defenses.” So he turns to his generals and realizes that none of them will follow him in this. Kruk estimates that the Ukrainian army is exhausted and that there is no продавница where Zelensky can buy new troops…

MI6 agent A. Crook“? Buyer beware, I suppose…

Thousands of Ukrainian men who are recognized as partially fit for military service will be drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The so-called “reserve” battalions will be formed from them. It was announced that there will be no combat training with them, nor will they be involved in combat tasks.”

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From the newspapers


Is the world running out of patience with Zelensky’s ‘blank cheque’ demands? Poland stops giving arms and US gives a fraction of what Ukraine’s leader asked for as he visits Canada today to win support

[Daily Mail]

Take away Zelensky’s ricebowl.

Russia cannot “lose” this war, whatever happens (unless there is a palace revolution in the Kremlin).

The best solution is for Russia to retain Crimea, take all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper, and also retain or take all of the coastal regions of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to a depth of (arguende) 50 miles, including the city of Odessa. Kiev can either be taken by Russia or operated as a condominium, or maybe as a “free city” not fully controlled either by Russia or by a rump Ukrainian regime based (probably) in Lvov.




Once again, the police make fools of themselves.


Since the Queen died, I’ve struggled to see what the point is of the Royal Family any more. Is that wrong?

[Daily Mail]

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/


A mere £80 fine? What a pathetic sentence for being cruel to his own dog.

More tweets

The article: https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/09/21/the-casual-authoritarianism-of-caroline-dinenage/.

I covered this on the blog yesterday, concentrating on the linkage between the Secretary of State (Caroline Dinenage) and her husband (Mark Lancaster, life peer, former Con MP, Major-General in the Reserves, and former second-in-command of the Army’s 77 Brigade, which operates around online disinformation etc): https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/09/21/diary-blog-21-september-2023-with-material-about-freedom-of-expression-russell-brand-caroline-dineage-and-77th-brigade/.

More from the newspapers


One in 12 people in Germany shares a right-wing extremist worldview, according to a new study published on Thursday.

The research by Friedrich Ebert Foundation has found that the number of people with far-right views has significantly increased in the past two years, and has exceeded 8%.

In the foundation’s 2020/2021 survey, less than 2% of the respondents had clearly expressed support for right-wing extremist views.

Researchers said the consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war, skyrocketing energy prices, and high inflation are creating challenges for the democratic parties in the center, and strengthening the far-right.

Insecurities and conflicts over who gets what and how much, are providing a gateway for right-wing extremist ideologies and anti-democratic attitudes,” the researchers said in a summary of their report.

According to the survey, trust in the institutions and in the functioning of democracy in Germany has fallen to below 60%.

The number of those who see themselves more to the right of the democratic center has significantly increased, from 9% to 15.5%.

More than 16% of those surveyed approved xenophobic statements, while 5.7% expressed antisemitic views. Some 4% played down crimes committed by Hitler and praised Nazi ideology or policies.”

[Turkish news agency Anadolu: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/p/history]

In 1928, the NSDAP was voted for by only 2.6% of German voters nationally. By 1932, that had grown to over 33%, and by 1933 to nearly 44%. With God, all things are possible.

At present, there is no suitable party or leader known to the people (the same is true in the UK), but “cometh the hour, cometh the man“…

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[Germany 1945— “We are fighting for the future of our children“]

Late tweets seen

Dried whole fish, leaves, live crayfish (or are they insects?), Red Bull…;Thai military rations?

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