Diary Blog, 9 November 2023, including thoughts about Douglas Murray’s apparent incitement of civil war in the UK

Morning music

[November 9th commemoration, Munich, 1930s]

Beer Hall Putsch

Today is exactly 100 years since the decisive day of the “Beer Hall Putsch”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch.

[Odeonsplatz, Munich, 9 November 1923]

Despite its partly comic-opera characteristics, the Putsch might have succeeded. That it did not was just Fate (Schicksal).

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9_November_in_German_history [Schicksalstag].

Battles past

Is Douglas Murray inciting civil war in the UK? What is he doing?

“Tommy Robinson” makes common cause with Douglas Murray:

A half-truth is still a half-lie. Jewish-lobby mouthpiece Douglas Murray is not completely wrong about the non-British influxes, including the migration-invasion, but —of course— says nothing about the Jew-Zionist influence which has undermined Britain’s way of life for many decades in a number of ways; culturally, politically etc.

It is quite possible to oppose the Gaza slaughter, oppose the evil Israeli invasion of Gaza, and the slaughter of children etc, and yet be firmly on the side of (real) British values, including “race and nation” and/or “race and culture”, and against Jew-Zionist supremacism both in the Middle East and Europe.

Nick Griffin is onto it:

Douglas Murray – upper class, homosexual, no children, highly paid by neocon and Zionist foundations – is cold-bloodedly winding up a “very brutal” civil war in the UK.

He won’t be there. He has no sons to be there. He has total contempt for working class Brits. You’ll not find him holding a gun, planting a bomb or cleaning up brains and guts. That’s your role – peasants!

When the BNP raised the very real problems of Pakistani grooming gangs and anti-white racist violence, he did nothing except sneer & condemn us. But now he is talking up a non-existent ‘threat’ – to a stone monument that was built as a sop because the elite wouldn’t pay to bring our dead home from their obscene Western Front – to wind us up to bring Israel’s war to our streets.

Why? Because his paymasters want us to support genocide in Gaza and go to war against Iran – one of the nations that stood up to and defeated ISIS and Al Qaeda.

There ARE real problems in the Britain that he and the rest of ‘our’ ruling class have created, and the British have plenty to be angry about – as have UK Muslims. But a new flood of refugees and a 30-year war won’t solve anything. So stop trying to start one, Murray, you disgusting, warmongering excuse for a human being!

[Nick Griffin].

Well said, Griffin, though “upper class” is stretching it a bit! Murray’s parents were neither titled nor wealthy (father a civil servant, mother a schoolteacher), and Murray attended local primary, comprehensive and Roman Catholic schools in the Hammersmith and Ealing areas of London before spending a year at Eton, in the 6th form, on a scholarship.


I think that what we are seeing here is one of the latest forms of “controlled opposition”: pro-Israel, pro-Jewish-lobby, anti-immigration (superficially), and anti any real social nationalism.

Murray is there, as we just saw, in the leather club chairs, hamming up the pseudo-Establishment “cosplay”, while “Tommy Robinson”, co-incidentally (?) just released from Twitter/X jail (along with Katie Hopkins), stirs up the untutored masses against the Palestine protest marches etc.

The aim seems to be to sunder the two parts of what might have become a pro-social-nationalist but anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish-lobby, movement.

Thus the potentially “British nationalist” masses end up controlled —in ideology, or literally— by the Douglas Murrays, the Tommy Robinsons, the Katie Hopkins’s, and the huge numbers of white British people who hate what Israel is doing in Gaza are outflanked, and forced into the false choice of being either pro-Israel and pro-Jewish (and superficially pro-Brit, and pro-Union Jack flagwaving), or anti-Palestine marches and also pro-immigration.

Murray retails the old “paradox of liberalism”, i.e. that a liberal society has to be illiberal towards illiberal persons or tendencies in order to preserve its liberal character.

That is frequently seen pushed out by the Jew-Zionist lobby. Indeed, it forms a secondary element in my own rapidly-upcoming trial, in which I shall stand up for free speech and freedom of expression against a Zionist-corrupted police and prosecution set-up.

The result of that paradox, as applied in practice, is that those with whom the System has no problem have almost unlimited free speech (e.g. cheap msm comedians and entertainers, corrupt pro-Israel politicos such as Nigel Farage etc), but those who pose a real, even if only germinal, threat to the System (any real social-national thinkers or activists) are jumped upon and as good as banned.

Tweets seen

Just roll over it.

When Britain has (i.e. if Britain can achieve) a real social-national government, this nonsense has to go, as a major priority: see also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

Just one example of NHS hospital maladministration.

Israel again. Centre of a worldwide web.

Evil woman.


Interesting, and far from what the Jew-Zionist-dominated mass media would have people believe.


More tweets

Ha ha. Better slowly wise than never wise.

The replies made me laugh even more.

Late tweets seen

The only such targets that matter are the reactors, storage facilities, and experimental areas at Dimona.


Late thought re. Suella Braverman

Obviously a Jewish-lobby puppet, like her predecessor, Priti Patel. What, though, is her gameplay?

To my way of thinking, she knows that this pseudo-“Conservative Party” government has no chance whatever it does. I think that it had, until quite recently, but not now. The obvious fact that Sunak has decided to hang on until the last possible moment (late 2024) speaks volumes to the voters. It says “I am afraid to submit myself to a general election”.

In strict Constitutional terms, Sunak and, before Sunak, Liz Truss, had no need to hold a general election, but as far as most voters are concerned, that smacks of fear and desperation.

On the above premises, what is Suella Braverman thinking? My view is that she is setting out her stall to be elected as Sunak’s successor. If she says inflammatory things and is sacked, then it says “I was too honest to stay in Sunak’s weak government”, but if she is not sacked, another message says “Sunak is a lame duck, and dare not sack me”.

Either way, Suella Braverman only has 12 months left in government, so she has little to lose.

Late music

[Akademgorodok, Western Siberia].

17 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 9 November 2023, including thoughts about Douglas Murray’s apparent incitement of civil war in the UK”

  1. Jacinda Ardern was one of her country’s best ever PMs. She achieved one of the world’s best responses to Covid-19 and saved many lives because she was intelligent enough to realise the danger of the virus to vulnerable people and rejected the tiresome whinging about restrictions on civil liberties by TRUELY evil, moronic, nutty, libertarian, selfish wankers like Iain Dumbo Smith, Peter Hitchens and all the rest of that ghastly, cretinous lot.

    For having achieved this, the NZ electorate rightly gave her Labour Party a deserved victory with an overall majority which is very hard to do in that country since they are, in contrast to Britain, a GENUINE modern democracy with a fair electoral system of Mixed-Member Proportional Representation.

    Better to have Jacinda Ardern as PM in a worldwide viral pandemic than a thick, self-serving, constantly lying, fat, clownish oaf/prick like Boris-Idiot!


  2. And what have you ever done with your life, Ivor Cummings? Being a PM is a tough job at anytime as it involves a big level of responsibility and that is certainly the case in a worldwide health crisis like a pandemic.

    Poundland Twitter twats can spew libertarian nutty conspiracy theories easily without thinking but PMs have to get on with the day job and take responsibility for their decisions which can be a matter of life and death and if they take the wrong ones as the now unlamented Boris Idiot did along with his gormless cabinet of thick non entities many can die needlessly.


  3. Yes, average football ‘patriots’ are being deliberately wound-up by people like Douglas Murray, Suella and ‘Right-wing’ commentators in rags like the Daily Express, Daily Mail to oppose the mainly muslim demonstrations against Israel’s actions in Gaza often don’t realise they are being used.

    The likes of the Daily Mail etc don’t really care about these Islamist LOOKING demonstrations (it needs to be acknowledged there are plenty of non Islamic people at them) at all they just make for an easy way to stir people up about Islam but make no mistake there is a larger agenda at work in the background and that is to get football ‘patriots’ and Tommy Robinson followers for want of better descriptions of these types of people to get so wound-up they would be prepared to support a war against Iran in the future.

    The only country that would really benefit from that is Israel.

    Islamism IS a problem but so is excessive pro Israel Zionism and the machinations of its Lobby in this country.


  4. This confected row Tory rags such as the excretable Daily Mail have conjured-up about pro-Palestine marchers doing it on Rememberance Day is appalling.

    So long as the demonstration is peaceful and those attending don’t damage property ect then what is the problem?

    Remembrance Day IS special but it should be remembered that those who died in two world wars didn’t die so that protests could be banned and especially not when the clear agenda of those urging a ban on this occasion many of whom are pro-Israel Zionist fanatics is more to do with shutting-up people who have legitimate concerns about the way the Zionist entity is acting than how a special day is marked.

    Also, there are rumours Suella is ranting about this because she has an ulterior motive in that some say she is attempting to get sacked so she can launch her bid to be CON Party leader.


  5. Ha, ha, that last tweet! That is truely ironic coming from a member of the FBPE crowd. The vast majority of them are ANTI-EUROPEAN in reality because most are very pro-mass immigration of Third World, NON-EUROPEAN people and have pro-globalist values.

    The only way they can be described as ‘pro-European’ is that they support Britain being a member of a pan-European POLITICAL structure called the European Union.


  6. Douglas Murray is a disgusting creature and I agree with EVERY word Nick Griffin wrote. It is not a coincidence that “Sky News”, that despicable fake-news outlet owned by the rabid Zionist Rupert Murdoch, continuously features Douglas Murray as some guru who knows everything you need to know about politics, history and cultural affairs. Needless to say, the same applies to “Conman” Farage and the staff of GB (fake) NEWS


  7. Norbury used to be such a pleasant area once as did Croydon as a whole. I fleetingly visited it for a concert at the Fairfield Halls with my old school once but that was before its slide into the ‘diverse’ and lawless abyss.

    No wonder why only the Croydon South seat is still Tory but won’t be for much longer

    Multi-culturalism is so ‘enriching’, isn’t it?


  8. Have you seen this blogger on Buy Me A Coffee and Youtube?:

    He regularly posts quite entertaining videos on YouTube under the handle of Kernow Damo.

    He is a socialist and was once, apparently, a member of the Labour Party but became very disillusioned when Sir Kid Starver took over so he has now joined the Greens.

    His politics are very different to mine not least because I can’t see how you can be a real Green/environmentalist and support globalist open borders as he and the Greens do.(Britain needs a Green-Conservative Party or National-Conservative/Green Party) At any rate, I must say I rather enjoy watching his YouTube videos where he regularly denounces the pro-Israel ‘Zionist without qualification’ puppetry of Starmer and his continual lying and flip flopping.


  9. Russia has some great fighter jets. I have always been impressed by their MIGS. I believe I am correct in stating they produce all their fighter jets themselves whilst we buy overpriced crap from the USA our master since 1940.


  10. A slight correction: the last possible moment is actually January 2025 but I very much doubt the election will be delayed to then because it would mean a campaign over Christmas, the possibility of bad weather arising which wouldn’t help in turning out the Tory Party’s staunchest supporters ie those in their sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties and centenarians and that last possible date REALLY would look like the governing party running scared.

    Apparently, we are so much the 51st state the cabinet has been warned that a November 2024 election is inappropriate as well since the Americans will be holding their presidential election then.


  11. That group of ever whining, totally tiresome pests who enjoy wasting police time called the so-called ‘Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’ (in reality, of course, the Jew Zionist Campaign for Pro Israel Extremism) is calling for the demonstration tomorrow to be banned.

    Quelle Suprise! Still, I suppose banning demonstrations is right up their street since they are fervent supporters of Benjamin Netanhayu’s FAR RIGHT Israeli government and that government is noted for its extreme authoritarianism so much so Israeli scholars have warned about the rise of Israeli fascism.


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