Tag Archives: Yemen

Diary Blog, 14 January 2024

Morning music

[Kennet & Avon Canal]

From the newspapers


Oh, when will Britain just grow up? We have no money, yet we spend billions on arming Ukraine in a dubious war in which we have no national interest. We cannot control the beaches on our southern shores, on which strangers land almost daily, but we tail along behind the Americans in the pretence that we can control the Red Sea as we seek (as far as I can grasp) to get entangled in yet another war in the Middle East. Haven’t we had enough of these stupid brawls?

We spend decades failing to do justice to wronged postmasters. We cannot keep order in our pothole-peppered streets. Our children can’t read or write. Our universities, when they are not imposing mad speech codes on students and teachers, sell themselves to the highest bidder to ensure they can pay their vice-chancellors’ enormous salaries.

We have created a society in which working hard is probably the worst possible route to riches. If you want to be comfortably off (and perhaps get a decoration or a peerage too), go and strip some assets, or sell dodgy PPE to the NHS, or some such.

[Peter Hitchens, in the Mail on Sunday]

Also, from the same Peter Hitchens column:

Might I too be sanctioned for saying the ‘wrong’ thing?”  

At some point I shall write at more length about the High Court’s failure last week to come to the aid of Graham Phillips, the unlovable video blogger sanctioned by the Foreign Office.

The case is not about Mr Phillips. It is about free speech, and whether the Government can punish people for exercising it.

I might say I was (in the judge’s words) ‘an objective independent and fair-minded journalist’ who had happened to say things that ‘did not align’ with UK Government policy. But how would I prove it? The Government would be its own prosecution, judge and jury, and my only recourse would be to take the matter before someone, well, like Mr Justice Johnson. Be warned. These are dark times for dissent.”

Don’t I know it! Sad to say, the likes of Peter Hitchens, Toby Young, Farage, the “Free Speech Union” etc have not mentioned my “case” once. Disbarred (wrongfully and unlawfully, which the Bar Standards Board itself accepts was the case) in 2016, and now facing court sentence (in a few weeks’ time) for having allegedly posted a few home truths about the Jew-Zionists in the UK and Israel/Palestine.

People might argue that the apparent lack of interest (or is it out of fear of the Jewish lobby?) on the part of Hitchens (himself of course part-Jew), Toby Young (uncertain) etc is because I am not sufficiently well-known (and so of too little importance) for those puffed-up characters to take an interest in how my rights to freedom of expression are being trashed.

Well, if so, that scarcely chimes with the assertion of the malicious Jewish or Jew-Zionist cabal known as “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] itself, on their own website and Twitter/X account, to the effect that it has taken them seven years of effort to finally have the (corrupt and/or suborned) police and Crown Prosecution Service get me into court (magistrates’ court) and have me tried and convicted of having posted supposedly “grossly offensive” remarks, cartoons etc about Jews or Jew-Zionists on my blog (those remarks and cartoons being only a small part of the allegedly posted blog posts, and those five blog posts only 5 of over 1,700 posted since this blog started to operate in late 2016, over seven years ago).

As to my case itself, anyone interested might like to know that, though I am inclined to appeal the conviction (the trial was a couple of months ago), I shall only decide on that after the sentencing hearing.

If I do appeal, the appeal would be, in effect, a complete retrial, but this time in the Crown Court. There does exist another route of appeal, by “case stated” to the Divisional Court (i.e. High Court) on point of law, but I should probably take the more usual route if I do appeal, i.e. via the Crown Court. If that happens, the appeal might not be heard until late 2024, or even on some date in 2025.

Tweets seen


“They”, meaning (((they))), have thoroughly infiltrated the UK mass media, publishing etc over the past 75+ years. That applies even more to anything published about the Second World War, “holocaust” etc.

Ha ha. The Financial Times has lost all credibility in recent years, and politically is on or about the same level as someone such as Paul Mason. Pathetic.

Yemeni Houtis maintain offensive capabilities despite US bombing US and British forces in the Red Sea struck 30 targets of Yemen’s Houthis.

It is stated that “about 90 percent of targets were damaged or destroyed.” Lieutenant General Douglas Sims even states that “the strikes achieved their goal of crippling the Houthis’ ability to conduct sophisticated drone and missile attacks.”

At the same time, two American officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The New York Times that even after massive bombing, the Houthis retain “three-quarters of their offensive capabilities.”

“Locating Houthi targets has proven more difficult than expected,” as, according to the officials, “US and other Western intelligence agencies have not spent significant time or resources in recent years collecting data on the locations of Houthi air defenses, command centers, ammunition depots, as well as facilities for the storage and production of drones and missiles.” Currently, the Pentagon is forced to conduct an urgent analysis of the situation and literally in real time assign targets for troops to strike.

The USA has a short collective memory. “What goes around comes around”…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

You cannot compare the Israeli-Jew mindset with that of nominally Christian countries, or even that of the Soviet Union under Stalin; you have to revisit the Old Testament, in which the ancient Israelites wiped whole tribes and nations off the map.

So in just over three months, the Israeli war machine has killed or injured over 84,000 people, the vast majority civilians. It is worth remembering, also, that about half of those killed or injured have been under 18 years of age, and about half of those under 12 years of age. Israeli war crimes.

Those supporting those war crimes, and who are resident in the UK, France, USA, are also guilty.

I certainly disagree with the overall state of society in Russia (as well as in the UK and Western Europe, let alone USA etc), but the fact remains that Putin “bestrides the narrow world like a colossus” when compared to political pygmies such as Sunak, Starmer, Macron etc, and of course poor old dementia sufferer Biden.

If you would not have sympathy for predators and pillagers who get hurt trying to break into and enter your individual home, why would you sympathize with predators and pillagers trying to break into our collective home— “this England“?

Gonzalo Lira’s last public statement is chilling. He knew that if arrested, he would die in a Ukrainian prison. He pleaded for public outcry to put pressure on the U.S. State Department to do what it ordinarily does for American citizens trapped in these circumstances. But the outcry never came. The mainstream media ignored his story. So State Department officials were free to ignore the plight of a journalist who had criticized them. Gonzalo was abandoned.

And so the Ukrainian government could treat him as they wished, as they treat other dissenters and critics — with imprisonment, brutality and murder.”

I published Lira’s last tweet (before his final arrest) a few months ago on the blog. Sadly, it looks as though the brutal, murderous, corrupt yet shambolic Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev has finally killed him.

Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak, the little Indian money-juggler presently posing as UK Prime Minister, is just now gifting the Jew Zelensky another £2.5 BILLIONS of UK taxpayers’ money.

The Kiev regime is toast regardless of how many billions are thrown its way by Sunak, Biden etc. Its people are not reproducing themselves, its population numbers are collapsing, it has no volunteers asking to join its armed forces, only foreign mercenaries from poor parts of the world (the Western ones have all gone home or been killed off in battle), and the Kiev regime is press-ganging any Ukrainians able to walk and talk, regardless of health, fitness, and age (except the gilded offspring of the pseudo-elite).

“Ukraine”, the failed state, only keeps fighting because the UK, USA etc are supplying arms, ammunition, medical supplies, food, and vast amounts of UK/US/EU taxpayers’ money.

All the same, strategically, Ukraine has already lost. The failed 2023 summer counter-offensive proved that. Once the ground is hard, very soon, Russian armour will rule the land, as Russian air already rules the skies.

Ukraine’s electricity infrastructure is already largely shattered.

The Russian economy is doing better not only compared to the collapsed economy of Ukraine but also better than those of the UK, USA, and EU.

In any case, even if (which cannot now happen, realistically) the Kiev regime could contemplate advancing in eastern Ukraine or (impossible) southern Russia, Russia has devastating weapons which have not even been used yet, not least tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.

I repeat, “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) simply cannot “win” this war.

Jesus H. Christ! There are still idiots, or maliciously tendentious types, like that Dominic Campbell tweeter, who can claim that Europe (inc. UK) is somehow better off because it is flooded by huge numbers of low-skilled, often hostile, immigrants. “Treason” is a word often bandied about carelessly, but what else is such deliberately misinformed and misinforming nonsense?

The said tweeter is obviously one of those who thinks himself part of a self-regarding “enlightened”/”woke” fake “elite”. Wrongly, at that.

Immigration is good for the ultra-wealthy, and exploitative transnational companies, because a larger population creates more consumer demand, and because pay rates and benefit rates are automatically lower as more potential workers flood in. For 99% of the population, though, mass immigration is a disaster.

We, the British people, do not need more “debate”, more research papers, more msm yapping on chat shows or Question Time, more pointless dialogue with idiots or enemies. We need political action to create an ethnostate.

I myself am already facing a sentencing hearing in court, after my recent political trial, for having published the truth about what is happening in our society. I therefore cannot speak freely. Read between the lines, dear blog readers…

Late music

[pine martens in the New Forest]

Diary Blog, 13 January 2024

Morning music

Part of the soundtrack to my childhood in the early 1960s.

[Ostend, Belgium. The large building in the background, far left, is the Kursaal casino and auditorium complex. I remember that, when my family were on holiday there in (?) 1963, the starring act advertised on the outside was Cliff Richard and the Shadows]

Saturday quiz

Well, this week another narrow victory over political journalist John Rentoul, my 5/10 trumping his 4/10. I did not know the answers to questions 2, 6, and 7, and also failed to immediately bring to mind the answers to questions 8 and 10, which I “really” knew (in the back of my mind)…

Tweets seen

More music

Telstar…perhaps the music, a short piece, that sticks in my mind the most from when I was 6 years old (it came out in December 1962).

More tweets

According to Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html] (adjusted to add-in tactical voting and Scottish voting), that would leave the Conservative Party with only 80 seats (Labour Party 483; LibDems 38).

The latest YouGov poll (9 January 2024) is even more stark: Con 72, Lab 514, LibDems 36.

Call me spiteful, but one of the aspects of all that I like the most is thinking about all those nasty and/or smug little careerists of recent years, in the 20-40 age range, willing to “throw under a bus” the poor, unemployed, disabled etc, and who thought that they had a future as Con Party MPs coming to them, and now face a less-pleasant future of having to work in a real job for a living.

Army“? Do they mean “Navy“? Are the 20-something wannabee “journalists” of 2024 really that ignorant? Seems so…

Ha ha. The Kiev regime is toast.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 12 January 2024

Morning music


Tweets seen

I am hardly “pro-Trump”, as such, but if he can struggle through to a second term, that will make the world a rather safer place. He would take away the ricebowl of the Jew-Zionist dictatorship in Ukraine, and try to make some kind of peace with both Iran and the Arab world.

The UK Government these days is completely in the pocket of the Jew-Zionist lobby, which has infiltrated, over about 75 years, not only into the UK political milieu but also into the key parts of the Civil Service (as well as academia, publishing, the msm and, of course, business).

Look at the state of this country! Potholed roads, railways that do not run half the time, corrupt MPs, useless police, environmental degradation, endless scandals, and the continuing (and enormous) migration-invasion.

So on what does little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, waste money? Attacking Yemeni rebels, supporting Israel, and funnelling arms, ammunition and actual money to Zelensky’s brutal and doomed Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev.

The sooner the General Election comes, the better, even if, in the short term, the result is a Labour Party elected dictatorship. The “Conservative” Party must be destroyed.

Interesting. Just as Brexit (the 2016 Referendum) was about more than Brexit alone, so the protest votes (especially for Reform UK) will be about the whole state of this country, and especially the migration-invasion (not just the cross-Channel aspect but the whole “million-blacks-and-browns-a-year” aspect). The existential threat to whatever up to now could be called “Britain”.

Make no mistake: even if the “net” increase per year is “only” half a million, or 600,000, that is still enough to collapse this whole country into rubble and social disorder within 5-10 years. Bear in mind that the invaders will be breeding as well.

Both numbers and ethnicities. Many white (i.e. British) people are leaving for countries such as Australia, New Zealand etc. They may be wrong about those countries being safe havens, but leave that question aside. It means that even the “net” immigration of non-whites into the UK is somewhere around 800,000 per year.

Ha. Quite.

“Refugees”, according to the “refugees welcome” dimwits.

Migrant-invaders. Britain is undefended.

If only…

The country falling to pieces in every way, huge numbers of British people without a home, and the little Indian money-juggler is sending another £2.5 BILLION to the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev. Unbelievable.

However you vote this year, if you vote, do not vote for the “Conservative” Party. It hates you.

As speculated about previously, it may be that deep tunnels will be the method of choice for Palestinian Arabs to attack Israel in areas far from Gaza.

Though tunnels have been used in places in other conflicts (eg in the Vietnam War), tunnels of the length and sophistication of those under Gaza have not played a big part in warfare anywhere, except in fixed defensive lines, such as the Maginot Line constructed on the French-German border between the world wars. Of course, fixed defences in a few fortresses have also employed underground tunnels and emplacements— Gibraltar, under Moscow and other cities, NORAD in the Rocky Mountains etc.

The advantage in the Israel/Palestine conflict is that the Palestinian Arabs do not have air fleets, tanks etc. Tunnels give them the chance to strike unexpectedly in the heart of enemy territory.

Look at the Old Testament. Look at the Jewish religious festivals. Ethnic supremacism.

Slightly simplistic as applied to individuals, but absolutely correct on the group basis. Only the Aryan can give life.

More music

More tweets

If I were a rich man, doo di doo di doo…[etc]”

A pretty obvious case of fraud and local government corruption, prima facie, and in my opinion. Either that, or local government maladministration on an almost unbelievable scale.

The “scamdemic”/”panicdemic” did seem to make so-called decision-makers lose their heads, including those in central government. “Eat Out to Help Out”…what an incredibly stupid and wasteful policy. “PPE” contracts…another example. “Test and Trace”…yet another.

Tens of billions of pounds just wasted totally.

Paul Mason

I have blogged about Paul Mason previously a few times. My view originally was that he was interesting on economics, but politically completely stupid, seeming to endorse a kind of anarcho-syndicalism (superficially) while (rather a red flag) wanting to forcibly repress those with whose views he disagreed. The latter would be social-national people like me.

I then discovered that Mason was both a one-time Trotskyist, and part-Jew.

I have seen allegations online that Mason is tied up with British security and/or intelligence. Maybe. I find him hard to pin down either politically or even in terms of economics. Another red flag, at least for me. Someone who seems to run with the quarry and chase with the hunters.

When Mason was reporting on the Greek financial crisis, he was plainly (even expressly, I think) pro-Syriza, the supposed socialist “party of the people”, which took power for a while, but then repressed the real voice of the Greeks (Golden Dawn), and then sold out the Greek people to transnational forces of capital and the EU. NWO/ZOG, in short.

Now we see that Mason supports the attack on the Yemeni rebels, supports the Israeli attack on Gaza, supports (loudly) the dictatorship of the Jew Zelensky in Kiev etc. No wonder some call him a System “stooge”.

Some tweets:

Invoke Article V“? To invoke Article V would be to push the button to start the third world war. Madness. I hope that this crazed scribbler, Mason, does not have any real influence in the corridors of British power.

The best way to ensure peace is to dump support for Israel, dump support for the Kiev regime, and try for a realistic realignment in Ukraine, with Russia ruling the part of Ukraine east of the Dnieper and along the Black Sea coast.

Again the interventionist mindset.

Incidentally, even something as mild as UKIP enrages him: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Mason_(journalist)#Politics.

Ultimately, Mason is someone whom —despite never having met him, only having seen him on TV— I instinctively dislike, and someone who, in my opinion, is not to be trusted.

Seems that my view of Mason is shared by others…

Quite a few tweeters explicitly naming Mason as an SIS agent, but of course without any direct proof. Still, “by their fruits shall ye know them“, arguende.,..

Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations:

Israel intensifies aerial bombardment in the areas it asked civilians to move to in Gaza

I am disturbed by the statement of Israeli ministers regarding encouraging the movement of Gazans to other countries

These statements raise serious concerns about the possibility of mass forced transfer from the Gaza Strip

Any attempt to change the demographic composition of Gaza must be firmly rejected.”

Late music

]painting by Jack Vettriano]

Diary Blog, 7 January 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

From the newspapers


Two supercar bandits who kidnapped a rich Lamborghini driver at gunpoint in Cheltenham and handcuffed a Ferrari owner’s lover in front of his terrified little son have been jailed for 27 years.

Esther Harrison, for Juwara, said her client had come to the UK via Africa and Europe. She added that he was living with his older brothers in Leeds and that his father lives in Spain.”


[Daily Mail]

Yet another example of the new “diversity” in our poor broken land…

We can expect even more of this sort of thing as the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan takes greater hold: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.


A bank manager who was unfairly sacked for seeking advice on what to do if he heard a black person using the N-word at work has won a £490,000 payout.

Father-of-two Carl Borg-Neal, 59, from Andover, Hampshire, raised the question during a Lloyds Bank race education training session on July 16, 2021, but in doing so inadvertently used the word in full himself. He apologised immediately.

It left the woman leading the exercise apparently so ‘badly distressed’ that she had to take a week off – a ‘key reason’ for the decision to dismiss Mr Borg-Neal for gross misconduct.

This week, he was awarded almost £500,000 in damages. Added to Lloyds’s legal costs and tax, the bank has a bill of nearly £1million.

The payout is the culmination of a two-year battle to clear his name after working for the bank and its affiliates for 30 years.

He told The Telegraph:  ‘I often wonder if I wasn’t a white middle-aged male would I have had to go through everything I went through. There is no way of telling. You are bottom of everything.’

[Daily Mail]

Another example of the brainwashing that has accompanied the immigration-invasion of the past half-century or so.

Reading between the lines, it is pretty clear that the so called “diversity trainer” in the case was a black, probably West Indian.


The Belchertown State School in Western Massachusetts, once described as ‘barbaric’ and ‘a hell hole,’ was a place of horror for its patients.

The school, which opened in 1922, housed around 700 students with mental health disorders and developmental disabilities…

children naked, covered in urine, faeces, and food, with “maggots wriggling inside or crawling out of the infected ears of several helpless, profoundly r******d persons while they lay in their crib-beds.

Reports suggest that many patients had their teeth removed by staff to make feeding easier.

In 1972, Judge Joseph Tauro of the Massachusetts District Court, unannounced, visited the school to verify Ricci’s accusations. He confirmed the awful conditions, even witnessing “a little girl drinking from a faeces-filled commode.” Tauro dubbed the facility “a hell hole”.”

[Daily Mirror]

Had that place been situated somewhere in Germany in the 1930s, we should still be hearing about it (and, of course, about the supposedly terrible “Nazis”) endlessly. In fact, situations such as Belcherwood were not uncommon in the West in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s etc; Belcherwood was as described at least until 1972, and closed only in 1992, albeit apparently after improvements had been made.

That place was not even in some poor state such as Mississippi, but in Massachusetts, the state so very proud of its liberal progressivist agendas.

History is rarely black-and-white, but many find that an uncomfortable idea.

Tweets seen

The Israeli state has a large and well-equipped army and air force, but for how long could it fight on two or three, or four, fronts, as well as combat armed insurrection within its own borders?

The Jew Shapps is of course a bad joke politically, though I concede that he has some way to go before he reaches the levels of lunacy displayed by former Defence Secretaries Ben Wallace and Gavin Williamson: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/02/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-gavin-williamson-story/.

To what extent is the deliberate erasure of a people’s history “cultural genocide” or similar? Admittedly, an awkward phrase.

The New York Times writes: “The Ukrainian Patriot air defense systems are working: there are chilling explosions and rays of light. America’s air defense systems have allowed Ukraine to defend itself against Russian attacks, but Washington has warned that it will not be able to support Ukraine in this way for long.”

Powerful “protection” of the Patriot air defense system and “blazing explosions” can be achieved by destroying its launchers. The United States can produce several hundred missiles a year, and the number used and destroyed in Ukraine is many times greater.

The United States is overwhelmed by the destruction of valuable missiles and systems in Ukraine and is trying as much as possible to keep new Patriots from being delivered to Ukraine, but sooner or later they will have to make a choice.

[New York Times]

As noted previously on this blog, the demographic aspect is the most important. Ukraine’s population is not reproducing itself. Millions of women and children have fled across the borders, hundreds of thousands of men have been killed, badly wounded, or captured on the front-lines. Many men have also fled from Ukraine in order to avoid military service. Relatively few Ukrainian babies are being born. All of that leaves Ukraine a (failed) state without much of a future.

While I can understand that many do not wish to vote for no-ideas, Israel-lobby, “Labour” under Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc, it does surprise me that even 23% of the voters are apparently planning on voting for the surely totally discredited Conservative Party.

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 4 December 2023

Morning music

Tweets seen


More Israeli war crimes.

“…destroys his argument“? Ha ha…

I saw the clips, not the whole show. In that second one, Tice made a reasoned plea to save what is left of our culture and way of life in the face of truly massive migration-invasion.

A very stupid woman, of whom I had not previously heard, one Christina McAnea (Irish by way of Scotland) tried to make the hackneyed claim that Irish or Scottish culture was very different from English (and that the present huge invasion and replacement of…us…was therefore somehow OK)! If so, how much more different are the cultures of Afghanistan, the Middle East, black Africa etc?

I had not heard that kind of silly and ahistorical argument (as in “the Vikings and Normans invaded ‘us’, the Huguenots settled here, and that is not different from millions of blacks and browns coming here“) for some time. It was the sort of nonsense one heard in the 1970s from ill-educated types unaware that, for example, the Vikings and Normans were the same people in origin, or that they (and the Huguenots, for that matter) were racially very similar both inter se and to the then existing inhabitants of the British Isles.

I see now that the McAnea woman read English and History at Strathclyde University in the late 1970s or 1980s, at which time she was a member of the Communist Party (she belongs to Labour now). She cannot have learned much history from that degree course.

As a matter of fact, the McAnea woman seems also to have picked up little English, listening to her confuse “less” with “fewer“…

Looking at that McAnea woman was like going back to about 1978, and not in a good way. She is a total socio-political dinosaur, who seems to turn a blind eye to the disastrous consequences of allowing up to 20,000 migrant-invaders per week (“net”, at that) to settle in this country. She and her type betray their own countrymen and women, and their own trade union members, whose children may now end up living in a race-chaos dystopia because of her and people like her. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_McAnea.

More tweets seen

It may only be about 33% now.

That last would be so if Reform UK received an across-the-board vote share of <18%; above 18% or 19%, Reform UK would get some MPs.

I have not voted since I was first eligible in 1974 (my chosen candidate came last of 4 with 594 votes). I have no interest in voting at GE 2024 either.

Appalling. The Conservative Party now attacks pensioners. There just might be no-one left standing and ready to vote Con in 2024.

Harsh, but possibly the only way.

I recall reading, in the early 1980s, the biography of the head of the Cheka, Feliks Dzerzhinsky [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Dzerzhinsky], a book produced in Soviet days (around 1970, I think) but never translated into English. It described, inter alia, how “sabotage” and negligence in various industries, particularly the railways, in the years of post-revolutionary upheaval and civil war (roughly 1918-1923) were combated by shooting those who —allegedly— abused their positions.

Whatever the whys and wherefores, it is certainly true that, after the full establishment of Soviet power, the railways never failed to work satisfactorily.


In any event, the water industry of the UK should not be in private hands. That has not worked. Water, large-scale electricity generation and distribution, gas, offshore oil, and railways, should all be under State direction.

More tweets

The picture on the right is the former head of AIPAC bragging that he controls the president and can even pick his cabinet.

The left is Joe Biden’s cabinet, showing all his top positions are given to jews.

Could you imagine if it was Russia and China bragging about controlling our president then all his cabinet was Russian or Chinese.

I’m not claiming all Jews are Israel first but I’ve noticed a large amount seem to be.”

nb. “the picture on the right” cannot be seen.

If that is even the real figure; possibly higher. So there will be a “need” (contrived, or deliberately engineered “need”) to create a city the size of Leicester, or Wakefield, or Coventry, every single year? Madness, and in fact impossible.

That’s assuming that monkey-on-a-stick Cleverly’s “plan” will work. I doubt that it will. Nothing else this Government has done works. Indeed, nothing much at all, in general, works properly in the UK any more.

That could also be said of several other System political drones.

People in the middle-stream of events are usually unaware that they are. I am thinking of Soviet citizens, East German citizens etc in the few years before Sovietism collapsed. The late 1980s. Is that where we are now in the UK? Will we look back in 10, 20, 30 years, and say “that was Britain in the last few years before it collapsed socially and economically, just before the civil war(s) started“?

Except, the future of the British people has been largely chosen for the British people, by “others”…

Interesting that only 7%-21% of the population of the UK support the Israeli side alone. “They” will have to pump out more and more msm propaganda to get those figures to increase.

The problem the Israelis and their UK Jewish supporters have is that the British people are now aware that half the population of Gaza is 18-y-o or under, and that about a quarter of the Gaza population is under-12. British people just dislike the mass killing of small or smallish children by bombing, shelling, and shooting, and by the deprivation of medical care, food, and water…

Late tweets

…yet the Telegraph has been a loudspeaker for the Israel lobby for decades.

Starmer has no principles. A puppet for the Jewish/Israel lobby.

The Editor of the Jewish Chronicle complains about abrogation of the rule of law. He might like to consider how the rule of law in the UK has been corrupted by Jewish/Zionist cabals such as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”, the members of which admit on their website and on Twitter/X that they have been trying to get me prosecuted for at least 7 years, even prevailing upon ex-MP expenses cheat “lord” Ian Austin to write to the Director of Public Prosecutions to demand the same.

“What goes around comes around”…

Just (as Hitler said of the Weimar Republic equivalents) “dirty democratic politicians“, though “democratic” might be merely arguable.

Which is the bigger “terrorist” effect, the recent Hamas actions, or the Israeli war crimes, bombing and otherwise killing literally thousands of small children, among others?

In a way, I am surprised at that poll. After all, the younger generations in the UK have been bombarded in their schools with Jewish-Zionist propaganda for many many years, albeit mainly confined to the years 1939-45.

[Bela de Tirefort,1951, New York Harbor from the East River]

Diary Blog, 9 November 2023, including thoughts about Douglas Murray’s apparent incitement of civil war in the UK

Morning music

[November 9th commemoration, Munich, 1930s]

Beer Hall Putsch

Today is exactly 100 years since the decisive day of the “Beer Hall Putsch”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch.

[Odeonsplatz, Munich, 9 November 1923]

Despite its partly comic-opera characteristics, the Putsch might have succeeded. That it did not was just Fate (Schicksal).

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9_November_in_German_history [Schicksalstag].

Battles past

Is Douglas Murray inciting civil war in the UK? What is he doing?

“Tommy Robinson” makes common cause with Douglas Murray:

A half-truth is still a half-lie. Jewish-lobby mouthpiece Douglas Murray is not completely wrong about the non-British influxes, including the migration-invasion, but —of course— says nothing about the Jew-Zionist influence which has undermined Britain’s way of life for many decades in a number of ways; culturally, politically etc.

It is quite possible to oppose the Gaza slaughter, oppose the evil Israeli invasion of Gaza, and the slaughter of children etc, and yet be firmly on the side of (real) British values, including “race and nation” and/or “race and culture”, and against Jew-Zionist supremacism both in the Middle East and Europe.

Nick Griffin is onto it:

Douglas Murray – upper class, homosexual, no children, highly paid by neocon and Zionist foundations – is cold-bloodedly winding up a “very brutal” civil war in the UK.

He won’t be there. He has no sons to be there. He has total contempt for working class Brits. You’ll not find him holding a gun, planting a bomb or cleaning up brains and guts. That’s your role – peasants!

When the BNP raised the very real problems of Pakistani grooming gangs and anti-white racist violence, he did nothing except sneer & condemn us. But now he is talking up a non-existent ‘threat’ – to a stone monument that was built as a sop because the elite wouldn’t pay to bring our dead home from their obscene Western Front – to wind us up to bring Israel’s war to our streets.

Why? Because his paymasters want us to support genocide in Gaza and go to war against Iran – one of the nations that stood up to and defeated ISIS and Al Qaeda.

There ARE real problems in the Britain that he and the rest of ‘our’ ruling class have created, and the British have plenty to be angry about – as have UK Muslims. But a new flood of refugees and a 30-year war won’t solve anything. So stop trying to start one, Murray, you disgusting, warmongering excuse for a human being!

[Nick Griffin].

Well said, Griffin, though “upper class” is stretching it a bit! Murray’s parents were neither titled nor wealthy (father a civil servant, mother a schoolteacher), and Murray attended local primary, comprehensive and Roman Catholic schools in the Hammersmith and Ealing areas of London before spending a year at Eton, in the 6th form, on a scholarship.


I think that what we are seeing here is one of the latest forms of “controlled opposition”: pro-Israel, pro-Jewish-lobby, anti-immigration (superficially), and anti any real social nationalism.

Murray is there, as we just saw, in the leather club chairs, hamming up the pseudo-Establishment “cosplay”, while “Tommy Robinson”, co-incidentally (?) just released from Twitter/X jail (along with Katie Hopkins), stirs up the untutored masses against the Palestine protest marches etc.

The aim seems to be to sunder the two parts of what might have become a pro-social-nationalist but anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish-lobby, movement.

Thus the potentially “British nationalist” masses end up controlled —in ideology, or literally— by the Douglas Murrays, the Tommy Robinsons, the Katie Hopkins’s, and the huge numbers of white British people who hate what Israel is doing in Gaza are outflanked, and forced into the false choice of being either pro-Israel and pro-Jewish (and superficially pro-Brit, and pro-Union Jack flagwaving), or anti-Palestine marches and also pro-immigration.

Murray retails the old “paradox of liberalism”, i.e. that a liberal society has to be illiberal towards illiberal persons or tendencies in order to preserve its liberal character.

That is frequently seen pushed out by the Jew-Zionist lobby. Indeed, it forms a secondary element in my own rapidly-upcoming trial, in which I shall stand up for free speech and freedom of expression against a Zionist-corrupted police and prosecution set-up.

The result of that paradox, as applied in practice, is that those with whom the System has no problem have almost unlimited free speech (e.g. cheap msm comedians and entertainers, corrupt pro-Israel politicos such as Nigel Farage etc), but those who pose a real, even if only germinal, threat to the System (any real social-national thinkers or activists) are jumped upon and as good as banned.

Tweets seen

Just roll over it.

When Britain has (i.e. if Britain can achieve) a real social-national government, this nonsense has to go, as a major priority: see also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

Just one example of NHS hospital maladministration.

Israel again. Centre of a worldwide web.

Evil woman.


Interesting, and far from what the Jew-Zionist-dominated mass media would have people believe.


More tweets

Ha ha. Better slowly wise than never wise.

The replies made me laugh even more.

Late tweets seen

The only such targets that matter are the reactors, storage facilities, and experimental areas at Dimona.


Late thought re. Suella Braverman

Obviously a Jewish-lobby puppet, like her predecessor, Priti Patel. What, though, is her gameplay?

To my way of thinking, she knows that this pseudo-“Conservative Party” government has no chance whatever it does. I think that it had, until quite recently, but not now. The obvious fact that Sunak has decided to hang on until the last possible moment (late 2024) speaks volumes to the voters. It says “I am afraid to submit myself to a general election”.

In strict Constitutional terms, Sunak and, before Sunak, Liz Truss, had no need to hold a general election, but as far as most voters are concerned, that smacks of fear and desperation.

On the above premises, what is Suella Braverman thinking? My view is that she is setting out her stall to be elected as Sunak’s successor. If she says inflammatory things and is sacked, then it says “I was too honest to stay in Sunak’s weak government”, but if she is not sacked, another message says “Sunak is a lame duck, and dare not sack me”.

Either way, Suella Braverman only has 12 months left in government, so she has little to lose.

Late music

[Akademgorodok, Western Siberia].

Diary Blog, 2 November 2023

Battles past

Tweets seen

I have been writing, tweeting, then blogging against “Boris”-idiot for 20 years.

Either they are secretly related or he was fucking her, or both.


Many “British” Jews give overt or covert help to the Israeli state, its propaganda, its agencies and/or its intelligence services. Look at the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” cabal.

In one or two places I have lived in the past, I had similar problems. I took action directe

What horrible creatures “they” are.

Meanwhile Jews in the UK are reporting almost anything and everything to the “counter-terror” police: swastikas drawn on walls by children, women wearing little pictures of paragliders on their clothing, you name it.

The Jew-Zionist lobby has all but destroyed free speech in this country.

The situation has become just mad…

Late music

Diary Blog, 1 November 2023

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

From the newspapers


A United Nations Human Rights New York office director has resigned in protest of the UN’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war – after calling attacks on Gaza ‘a text-book case of genocide.'”

[Daily Mail]

Yet you see countless Jew lawyers and armchair “lawyers” on Twitter/X denying it.

Good to see that at least one person still has honour and principle.

Tweets seen

My dear friends – please watch this video! Is it a plane? Is it a bird? No, it’s not….and it’s most definitely not a helicopter or a drone either! This mysterious light made absolutely NO sound at all. And it remained perfectly still and static while I watched it – hovering high in the sky above the holy land.

Is it possible that “They” are watching over us all during this dangerous and tumultuous time?

During World War II many Airforce pilots reported seeing similar anomalous balls of light, which they nicknamed Foo Fighters, and historically there have been many UFO/UAP sightings which happened in close proximity to military bases and manoeuvres.

I believe that the human race has long been observed by a higher intelligence…and these beings are watching us because they care about our wellbeing and are worried about our ongoing survival as a species. #MysteriousLight #UnidentifiedFlyingObject #UFOs #HigherIntelligence #Observation #Survival #FooFighters #HolyLand #WatchfulBeings #AnomalousLights #MilitaryBases #Manoeuvres #WorldWarII #HumanRace #Wellbeing

I am interested in the same questions and the same phenomena.

Do people really need to read a “report” from a “think-tank” to see what has happened to the UK over the past 13 (in fact more like 20) years?

Labour 1997-2010 was not quite as bad as the Con Party has been (2010-2023), but they were going along the same lines, especially after 2005.

Little friends. “The world is not without kind people” [Russian proverb].

Oliver Dowden. What a total deadhead.

There you have, in that interview, in 2 minutes of floundering nonsense, why very few people are going to be voting “Conservative” next year. Complete incompetence, total lack of preparation, just unwarranted self-confidence based on nothing more than always having had money and an easy career progression. A belief that you can always “blah blah” out of any difficulty. The “Boris Johnson” school of incompetent political pseudo-leadership.

How do such idiots ever get appointed? Oh…(see below)

Dowden is a former officer of the Conservative Friends of Israel, and has twice chaired the APPG for British Jews. Dowden has said he feels a “cultural affinity” with the Jewish community – his constituency of Hertsmere has the largest Jewish population outside of London.[14]” [Wikipedia]. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Dowden].

More music

[Adolf Hitler signs a portrait photograph for a young admirer]
[Adolf Hitler accedes to requests for his autograph]

More tweets


That Jewish Lobby puppet sees himself as a “statesman”, it seems. The Israel lobby is trying to present him as such. Nein danke!

David Lammy, that ridiculous monkey-on-a-stick, again. Incredibly, that ignorant creature will probably be Foreign Secretary a year or so from today.

In the case of the egregious Cummings, that is just a label. I blogged about that particular crazie a couple of times, years ago:



Her expensive lawyers“? I suppose that that must refer to the vituperative Mark Lewis, the Jew-Zionist solicitor who fled to Israel after having been found guilty on several charges by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority. His fine was considerably reduced because Lewis’s own counsel pleaded that Lewis’s only assets were “...his clothes, a personal pension worth £70 a week, and a mobility scooter.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/.

From the newspapers


A plane passenger from hell who shouted ‘white children are easy to rape’ has been jailed for 14 months after drunkenly hurling racist and misogynistic abuse towards women on two flights back to Britain. 

Father-of-three Mohammed Shiraz Riaz, 42, fat-shamed an air stewardess and called her a ‘f…ing white b****’ during a nightmare journey from Marrakesh, Morocco, to Liverpool John Lennon airport, before later biting a policeman and leaving him with teeth marks on his arm.

Despite being arrested and bailed to face trail, car valeter Riaz was able to book a second flight to Istanbul, and on the way back to Manchester hurled a torrent of sexist and racist abuse towards cabin crew, fellow passengers, police and female airport officials.

During the flight Riaz, who it emerged had a string of 30 offences on his record, was seen drunkenly shadow boxing in the aisles and punching the seats.”

As he was placed in a police van, he went on: ‘No wonder it’s so easy for us to rape your white children – you’re all a bunch of p******. You f***ing s***s, fat-a*** c****. White woman are easy to rape. White children are easy to rape because white men are p******.’

Riaz was not charged with any racially aggravated offences.

Another of the fruits of “diversity”…


A man sexually assaulted a girl in front of her friend on board a train in south London.

Detectives on Wednesday released a photo of a man they want to speak to in connection with the attack, which happened around 10.15pm on September 16.

[Evening Standard]

[police want to talk to this creature]

More wonderful “diversity” in our country…


I have to admit that that piece by Rachel Johnson is quite fair.


An organiser of a Black Lives Matter protest who used tens of thousands of pounds in donations from a fundraising page to back her expensive lifestyle has been jailed for two and a half years.”

[Evening Standard]

When will “Jack Monroe” face charges? She has also defrauded hundreds of people, and kept crowdfunded monies raised (in some cases) for specific and/or charitable purposes for her own use.

Seems that I am not the only one who has noticed.

Late tweets seen

I missed those tweets, posted a couple of days ago.

Jews with weapons. Jews with power. Need I say more?

Israel, the state founded by terrorists who shot and hanged British troops in the 1940s, and also British (and Arab) civilians, the state founded on ethnic cleansing, mass graves, theft of land, and Jewish supremacism, has over the past decades shown its real face more and more clearly. It is also the hub of a global financial and criminal empire.

As for Jews living outside Israel, the two “communities” have a symbiotic relationship, each feeding from the other.

This could be the moment… the Arabs (and Iranians) have always been disunited or mutually-opposed both in general and vis-a-vis Israel. Could this be the moment when all fall upon Israel, from all sides? We wait to see…

So that’s the end of that.

So that means that, probably, the Israeli Jews have killed at least 2,000 young children and babies, and wounded (including tearing off limbs etc) about 6,000, in less than a month.

I wonder how many will, one day soon, be landing in Tel Aviv?


Looks more like 1938 Vienna. Ironic…

Zionist Jews in the UK, USA, France etc support, most of them, the carnage unleashed by Israeli forces and their political leaders.

Look at Twitter/X etc. It is all there, in plain sight.

Late music

Diary Blog, 31 October 2023

Morning music

Battles past

From the newspapers


A party of seven who tucked into an enormous Sunday lunch including oysters and lobster thermidors that cost an eyewatering £489 before allegedly ‘doing a runner’ fled the restaurant in an untaxed £40,000 Audi, MailOnline can reveal.

One of the people caught on CCTV is believed to be a man named Edward O’Reilly, 23, who is known as Ned, MailOnline revealed previously. 

He is the managing director of a company called Kings Landscaping and he lives in a static caravan on a traveller site next to the A38 in Plympton, Devon.

A number of people came forward to identify Mr O’Reilly in the footage, although the businessman is believed to deny that he was at the pub on Sunday and insists it is not him on CCTV.

[Daily Mail]

Irish tinkers (again). So-called “travellers” (again). The police useless (again).

This country needs a radical social-national reboot.


“Our wonderful police”…


This is the sick moment a farmer dragged his white husky down the road before she later died due to her injuries.

Kim Norman Rendall, 65, drove for approximately 200 metres, around 55 seconds, along a road in Timsbury, near Bath with his dog Daisy tied to the back of his car on April 17 this year.

Motorists attempted to stop him and, when he did finally pull over, he refused to take Daisy to the vet, telling one distressed driver: ‘I’ll do what I want, it’s my dog.’

Rendall later hid Daisy in a cow barn where she was found by police following a two and a half hour hunt in the Somerset countryside. Daisy was immediately rushed to a vet hospital in Bath but was sadly put down nine days later due to her injuries. 

Rendall pleaded guilty to two counts of causing the unnecessary suffering of an animal contrary to the Animal Welfare Act at North Somerset Magistrates’ Court. He will appear at Bristol Crown Court for sentencing on 21 November.

At a previous hearing, Rendall pleaded guilty to two counts of causing the unnecessary suffering of an animal contrary to the Animal Welfare Act.

Suggesting the starting point was two years in prison for his crimes, the magistrates agreed that their powers were likely to be insufficient, and [remitted] Rendall [to] Bristol Crown Court for sentencing.

He was released on unconditional bail to appear on 21 November.

[Daily Mail]

What a horrible bastard.


A trans police officer who trolled a free speech campaigner online branding him a women beater and a Nazi has been sacked.

Lynsay Watson, 56, sent former police officer Harry Miller more than 1,200 messages over an 18-month period in which she also described him as a Fascist and a bigot and labelled his campaign group Fair Cop ‘domestic terrorists’.

PC Watson targeted Mr Miller because his views about gender identity were ‘in direct contradiction to her own’ a police misconduct panel was told on Friday.

In the messages she made ‘factual assertions that Mr Miller was violent towards women’.

She also described broadcaster Sonia Poulton as Terf (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) – intended to be a derogatory term.

The panel heard she initially sent messages from an account in which she identified herself as a police officer – prompting Mr Miller to complain about her conduct to Leicestershire police.

But when she was spoken to by a senior officer – he simply advised her to post anonymously instead using a pseudonym, the panel was told.

She went on to set up at least four different accounts with fake names, including one in which she claimed to be a retired officer from another force as well as a Home Office adviser on policing and transgender issues with a masters in legal studies.

[Daily Mail]

There should be no “transgender police officers” in the first place.

As to that “senior officer“, I hope (but doubt) that he has been disciplined.

The police seem to be recruiting and often retaining the mad and dangerous.

Britain 2023, itself at least halfway-mad.

Tweets seen

To answer those questions: (a) Chris Bryant is a major puppet of the Israel lobby in the Commons (and is tied up with the evil Common Purpose cult, as well as the LGBTQXYZ stuff); (b) see answer to (a).

Bryant was also one of the worst expenses cheats, really a fraudster.

The UK political class is almost entirely Jew-Zionist contaminated.

Starmer’s own wife is a Jewish lawyer; their children are being brought up as if full-Jew. They celebrate Jewish-supremacist festivals etc. I suppose that that means that Starmer wears one of those little skullcaps (I believe called a yarmulka). I have not seen any photo of Starmer wearing one, though. He has been very careful.

Meanwhile, Jews in Israel and elsewhere mock, on social media, the children dying from lack of water in Gaza, posting pictures of gushing taps etc. “Their” mentality, exactly.

London. Zoo.


A London gang abducted, imprisoned, tortured and blackmailed a man, using techniques reminiscent of horror films to torment the victim. They held him for a £100,000 ransom in cash for the return of the man’s life, a court has heard.”

[My London]

[main defendant]
[all defendants]

What future has London, has Britain, with a population similar to the above? No (decent) future.

If no social-national government emerges to reboot the UK, reboot its society, the country will quite soon not be worth saving.

More tweets

People, across the usual political spectrum, are waking up to the reality— Parliamentary “democracy” in the UK is now just a public relations facade, a scam, really.

“Them”…and those in hock to “them”…


What interests me about the Israeli nuclear base at Dimona is that it is within range of missiles from Gaza, as well as within range of missiles from some of the states surrounding Israel.

Ah, “Ostrovsky”…yes, I read his book (By Way of Deception) when it first appeared, about 33-34 years ago, around 1989, I think. I have to say that the years have not been too unkind to him, if that is a recent clip. He must be (?) about 65 or even 70.

According to Wikipedia, 73: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Ostrovsky.

[addendum, a few hours later: just noticed the date on the video—1995! Just as well that I was never in the spy business…]

What mostly stuck in my mind from his (first) book was how he had been taught (by MOSSAD) that Israeli agents maintain well-hidden caches of arms and explosives in all countries of the world except the USA. I presume(d) that the exception is because arms and ammo are so easily available in the USA anyway, and ownership of weapons so widespread.

Despite the above, the UK government colludes with the sending to Israel, every year, by the Jew-Zionist set-up in the UK, hundreds if not thousands of young “British” Jews, who then return to the UK after weeks, months, or even years, many of the Jews having become well-versed in weapons-handling, how to attack and kill using streetfighting techniques etc. It is a kind of preparatory Jewish terrorism, and the “British” government, police etc turn a blind eye to it.

Should there be a danger that Jews en masse might be expelled from the UK, those weapons, those individuals, in effect “sleeper” cells, would be activated and deployed in the UK, causing mayhem.

The pre-battle speech by the Israeli military commander on the ground. Quite powerful, a little sub-Churchillian at one point, but not one which will go down in history, I think.

When you consider that, in reality, his forces face a mostly civilian population, half of which is under-18, a quarter of which consists of very young children and babies, that takes any gloss off, of course.

All the same, the defending forces must (?) have expected something of the sort even before they launched their attack on southern Israel three weeks ago. That implies that they are well-prepared.

This is Israel’s “Reduction of the Warsaw Ghetto”, in effect. Not only the Israeli soldiers and bombers and missile-targeters take on the karmic burden of what is happening and what is about to happen. So do all Israelis, and indeed all Jewish and other supporters of Jew-Zionism and Israel, wherever they live in this world.

Late tweets seen


Interesting. Russia will not attack Europe anyway, unless European states allow themselves to be involved in war against Russia.

European states should join with Russia in creating a near-future and peaceful —where possible— autarky, a white-magic Christendom.

Late music

You see, my son, here Time turns into Space!

Diary Blog, 2 April 2023

Morning music

[Ely Cathedral]

On this day a year ago


[the writing on the side reads “We are the musicians”, presumably a double reference to the Wagner Group and to composer Richard Wagner]

Peter Hitchens


“Trans” nonsense


Society in the western world has for some time been displaying signs of total lunacy, and in various ways.

More from the newspapers


See also: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2005/sep/29/guardianobituaries.veronicahorwell.

Rather ironic surname (of the Guardian journalist, that is), in view of the subject-matter.

More tweets

The Jew Zelensky is somewhere between dictator and figurehead, or between figurehead and puppet, and his regime has shot or imprisoned its political opponents, closed down trade unions, and repressed free speech.

It is noticeable that, in Western news photos and footage, the Ukrainian children repatriated to Ukraine, after having spent time in Russia, always look happy and well-fed.

Why on Earth would Russia, which left Marxism-Leninism behind 30+ years ago, want to invade Western Europe (inc. UK)? How could it even try? The whole idea is ludicrous.

Wien— das ist’s!

More “trans” nonsense

We know the way all of that is probably going to end, somewhere down the line…

What is it when, like —and yet unlike— those souls noted in Gray’s Elegy, some “wade through slaughter“, not “to a throne“, but simply “pro bono publico“? Duty? Higher law? “For the welfare of the people is the highest law“: salus populi suprema lex esto [Cicero, De Legibus].

More music

[Eton College Chapel]

I’ll vote for that…

That comes out very strongly in certain recent msm/System campaigns, including (but not exhaustively) the “trans” nonsense, pro-“Ukraine” (Zelensky regime), “Black Lives Matter” (etc).


Late tweets seen

…apply that to contemporary “Scottish” politics…

American memories

Idly “surfing the net”, I came across a brief obituary of a lady I had met a few times between late 1989 and early 1993, during which years I spent about half my time in the USA (mostly in New Jersey and New York City). I shall not name the lady or her family.

In 1989, I travelled with my then fiancee from New Jersey (near the Jersey Shore) to Fox Chapel, an affluent semi-rural area near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, we having been invited to spend Thanksgiving with a family there.

The couple who owned the large, comfortable house were in their fifties, and their daughter, aged about 25, was a friend of my then fiancee. The father of that family was a nuclear scientist, and his wife what the Americans charmingly call a “homemaker”, a much more respectful term, I think, than the Anglo-German terms “housewife” or “hausfrau”. American to the core, they had both been born and brought up in the Mid-West, but had also lived in Belgium, and had travelled very widely, to dozens of countries from Mexico to the Soviet Union.

The house, though on a semi-rural, semi-suburban road with a few other similarly-large houses, had a large hinterland, mostly not so much a “garden” as a tranche of forest; I think they said about 40 acres, where some of Pennsylvania’s millions of deer were often seen.

The lady’s husband was a tough but very decent type, very solid (in both senses), rather like a more intelligent version of John Wayne (to my European perception). He was a fan of American football, and I think that he had played football himself at college (university) level.

I admired the lady’s collection of Palekh lacquer boxes [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palekh_miniature], and also their very American cars, his a Cadillac (I forget the model), and hers a Lincoln Town Car, probably my own favourite at the time, though I myself did not have a licence then (I only held a driving licence —a foreign one— from 1999, and a UK one from 2002).

The couple were very hospitable to me; I have always remembered them with good feelings.

I last saw the couple in Maryland, in (I think) 1992.

The lady mentioned died a few years ago, it seems, aged 85 (at that time, at least, her husband was still living). I was unaware until today, not having kept up with any of those I knew or met so long ago.

I have been struck recently by renewed realization at how transient life is in any one incarnation. We must do what we can while we are still on the Earth.

Late music