Diary Blog, 17 November 2023

Morning music

Battles past

My Daily Mail newspaper horoscope today


You’re struggling to understand something. The problem, is that everyone assumes that you know what’s going on. And they’re looking to you for guidance/leadership. It’s an uncomfortable sensation, which is making you feel even more uncertain and insecure. But your lack of understanding is based on a lack of knowledge. You don’t possess all the facts. This weekend brings an opportunity to make some subtle enquiries. Once you know more, you’ll be able to guide everyone in the right direction. It’s epiphany time.”

[Daily Mail]

Amusing, if nothing else…

The stars in their courses fight on the side of the just” [Chinese proverb].


Some regular readers will be aware that I am standing trial today, a prosecution brought by the Crown Prosecution Service [CPS] but in fact contrived by the serially-malicious “Campaign Against Anti-Semitism” or “CAA” after the CPS and police initially refused to prosecute me in 2021-2022 (see the blog post above for 15 January 2022).

However, not one of those malicious and cowardly Zionists is giving evidence (even of their usual perjured sort) against me. Indeed, there are no prosecution witnesses at all giving evidence against me (bar some formal police evidence on paper). Likewise, it is not alleged by the Prosecution that any “harm” has been done by me or my blog; neither is there any named “victim” or “aggrieved person”, not even of the (((usual))) contrived sort.

I am charged under the notorious “bad law” of the Communications Act 2003, s.127, recommended by the Law Commission for repeal, and which will soon be superseded by the Online Harms Bill when it becomes the Online Harms Act.

I have never been arrested or questioned in respect of the charges, and the summons to Court came via the post. A contrived and politically-motivated prosecution.

I refused Legal Aid and will be representing myself. The reasons for that are both practical and philosophical. I have decided not to invite any supporters or well-wishers to attend. I therefore stand alone against the (corrupted or suborned) forces of the State.

For reasons connected with propriety and any potential notional contempt of Court, I cannot blog in detail about the overall matter until the trial process is at an end (probably on Monday 20 November 2023, but possibly on a later date). However, I wanted to make an initial statement in case there is any attempt to interfere with the publication of the blog.

Wish me well.

Update, same day: Well, sadly, dear readers, the case went the wrong way for me. I shall know my fate by February 2024. Whether there will be an attempt to shut down the blog for a period of time after that, I do not know.

I shall not be blogging in detail about the case or today’s hearing until some time in 2024.

Free speech is now effectively dead in the UK.

Tweets seen

A trifle vulgar, but true all the same.

35 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 17 November 2023”

  1. I wish you the best of luck, Ian. I will hope that the vindictive and vicious attack upon you fails utterly and that those inciting this state sponsored bullying fall flat on their faces.

    All the very best to you.


      1. I am very sad to hear that, Ian. Yet, somehow, not in the least surprised. It seems to be the case that if one is accused by the representatives of those who own the politicians, the judiciary, and the media, that there is little, if any, hope of receiving an impartial hearing. Just yet more evidence of the dystopian hell in which the British people now reside. And you’re just the latest victim of its tyranny.


  2. I wish you good luck. The courts and the police have been systematically defunded for the last thirteen years by the ‘Israel First’ (NOT Britain First as it should be) globalist, PC fake Conservative ‘government’ and which has resulted in the wheels of justice for crime victims turning very slowly indeed (the popular saying is that ‘justice delayed is justice denied’) yet they waste time and resources on prosecuting you.

    If they were a real Tory government they would be adequately funding the court system and the police and that badly designed piece of Blair era legislation would be scrapped and not replaced by anything with a similar PC lunacy intention behind it.


      1. Rhys, Liz Kendall is a supporter of that sinister Labour group called the Labour Friends of Israel.

        You really should not be surprised that a useless bitch like her supports viciously evil oppression of benefit claimants.

        You will normally find that supporters of the continual international law disobeying Zionist entity and its treatment of the Palestinians are basically evil, throughly immoral and degenerate scum with no heart so wanting to deny benefit claiments even dental treatment is par for the course for people with their twisted and evil mentality.

        Evil loves company!


      2. What a travesty of justice! Be a drug dealer and endanger the lives and health of often vulnerable people in poor communities and you will be very unlucky to get five years imprisonment let alone a few decades or a whole life tariff as in very well-governed Singapore yet if you upset the globalist, anti-British, lunatic fringe, UTTERLY USELESS Tory government and its pets you will be likely to get more than that.

        This government is just pure evil and SICK with a capital S. No wonder it will fully deserve its expected and maybe existential defeat next year not that Sir Kid Starver and his Zionist entity First posse are any better.


  3. It is no wonder the criminal fraternity are having a field day under the so-called ‘party of law and order’ (complete with its confirmed criminal as PM) when the underfunded courts are bogged down with silly ‘cases’ like yours.

    If you are going to deter crime successfully you need to have a high ratio of police officers to the number level of the population and a well-funded court system so a potential criminal thinks he or she has a high risk of getting caught and that they will be put before a court speedily after their crime is committed.


  4. Hello Ian: I have just read your blog. Knowing what kind of country you are living in (very much like mine, totally controlled by “the chosen ones”) it does not surprise me that you have to go to court to defend yourself when you have done NOTHING at all!

    Incidentally, the singer Roger Waters, who is coming to BA for a series of concerts, has been accused of “inciting hate” by the greatest haters of all time. A f… (((journalist))) even suggested that his concerts should be cancelled and the money collected by the sale of tickets sent to Israel. Never mind the people who bought the tickets!

    Good luck! I hope this ridiculous “trial” ends quickly and well. All the best!


      1. You have no idea how mad I am! Had I been your lawyer I would have been charged and condemned for contempt of court and God knows what else, because I would have given them a mouthful! So much for (((British))) “justice”!


    1. Disgraceful. It only goes to show how virulent the hatred from the Zionist Jew Pro Israel extremists is when they viciously attack one of the most accomplished and world renowned musicians Britain or the world has ever produced with his only ‘crime’ being defending the basic human rights of an oppressed people.

      Incidentally, how convenient is it that a recently created organisation in the USA exposing Jew Zionist haters has had its page shut down by Instagram?

      Instagram and Facebook are part of the huge Meta social media platform owned by Mark Zuckerberg.

      I wonder if he is a fervent Jew Zionist supporter of the Zionist entity by any chance?


      1. So that mad Zionist wants to not just genocide out of existence the ever suffering Palestinians but also eliminate Russians as well. The country that gave us Tchaikovsky, the Bolshoi Ballet, Boris Pasternak and Doctor Zhivago. Any other peoples to genocide? What about the Germans who gave us the sublime classical music of Beethoven, Wagner etc. What about we English with William Shakespeare?

        Zionists as the last few weeks have surely taught the world really don’t like anyone but themselves and now, ever so slowly but surely, the world is gradually waking up to them.


      2. Such are the nature of the vile genocidal comments expressed on that Twitter account by British-based Jew Zionist fanatics it might well be a good idea if we offered grants to them to emigrate to the Zionist entity.

        This wouldn’t be good for Palestinians obviously but it would be good for us. I have no wish to share my country with these vicious Jew Zionist loonies. Over the last few weeks they have really exposed themselves and it is not a pretty sight.


      3. Ha, ha, that tweeter calling himself Yakowolf! The picture of his handle is of a Hasidic Ultra-Orthadox Jew wearing one of their typical funny hats. Quite a few individuals of that type of Jew are opposed to the political philosophy of Zionism and the existence of the Zionist state so why use that picture unless you are an Ultra-orthodox Jew and a Zionist?


    2. One day, these vicious Zionist Pro Zionist entity extremists will pick on someone even wealthier than Roger Waters is eg the richest man, by far, in the world, Elon Musk, and will, finally, get their come uppance.

      Let us hope that day comes soon!

      Liked by 1 person

    3. And yet, I don’t think (I could be wrong) your country has as many living there as my country does.

      I suspect Jew Zionists cause trouble and make a real nuisance of themselves even in Japan which supposedly only has a Jewish population of around 1,000 people and not all of them will be Zionists.


  5. So one of the BBC’s few respected journalists has lost his job because he dared to report the truth about the actions of a vicious, continual international law disobeying, effectively terroristic, Apartheid state and that country has complained to our supposed national broadcaster.

    How utterly disgraceful. It really is time the embassy of this pariah state was shut down and its diplomats chucked out of this country.

    Their interference in our affairs needs to be investigated by our supposed security services and their sinister lobbying activities brought to an immediate halt.

    In a decent, well run, country like South Korea conspiracy in the aid of a foreign power can potentially be punished with a death sentence.

    It is time Tory and Labour politicians aiding this foreign power in the furtherance of its interests and not ours [REDACTED]:



  6. I wonder how the Zionist state would treat a complaint from us about the celebration that state mounted a few years back about the vicious anti-British terrorist attack on the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946?

    No doubt Israel’s national broadcaster had live coverage of that celebration yet they would never apologise for hurt British feelings.


  7. Indeed, your description of Andrew Wade’s comment is correct but how could anyone with a brain disagree with the essential truth of his comment?

    Labour and fake Tory as they have shown over many years now but which has become increasingly evident with this Israel/Palestine issue over the last few years don’t care about this country at all and always put the interests of foreign countries and foreign peoples above the welfare of British people.

    Why should anyone bother to expend a few minutes walking to a polling station and voting for them?

    Hopefully, a record low turnout will happen next year.

    Labour and Tory are just innately selfish, self-serving, greedy, corrupt, immoral, anti-British scum.


  8. It is time to call a halt to this vicious war against benefit claimants. The vast majority of them are decent, law abiding people who have simply fallen on hard times often through no real fault of their own.

    Denying them dental care or free prescriptions is evil and is wholly uncalled for.

    Isn’t it just typical that the globalist, anti-British fake Conservative Party with its evil snob of an innately foreign and criminal leader chooses to pick upon poor British people rather than go after REAL people abusing state funds and taxes such as the legions of blatantly fraudulent ‘asylum seekers’ and illegal immigrants eg deliberate visa overstayers from his ancestral shithole of a country called India?

    Why can’t the Grade A cunt in No 10 just do this country a massive favour and just expire in there thus becoming the first PM to die in office since a Liberal PM did in the early part of the last century?

    Why doesn’t this confirmed criminal and Covid 19 murderer just realise he isn’t liked at all?

    He has all the popular electoral appeal of Adolf Hitler turning up at a Bar Mitzvah party or someone farting in a crowded lift.

    End Indian colonial misrule of our country!


  9. Even the most Right-wing Tory under Mrs Thatcher would never have suggested that that the government should deny dental treatment and perhaps ESSENTIAL life affirming free prescriptions to benefit claimants and certainly not whilst the government took virtually no action to secure our borders.

    That this wretched government does just goes to show how utterly degenerate, totally immoral and frankly evil the Tory Party has become since she was deposed.


  10. You have mass immigration or you can have a functioning welfare state you can’t have both. This government of utterly callous anti-British Zionist entity First /Britain Last vermin has made its choice and it is the WRONG one.


  11. Liz Kendall if she were honest would advocate a ‘Final Solution to the problem of benefit claimants’. Evil, useless, Zionist Lobby puppet bitch.

    Raus! as the Germans would say!


  12. Let us have what some patriotic parties in Europe advocate ie ‘welfare chauvinism’ with benefits given only to deserving native inhabitants of a country.


  13. Labour under Zionist entity first Sir Kid Starver argue for increased levels of austerity for the British poor whilst also proposing continual softness towards and understanding of blatantly fake asylum seekers and illegal immigrants.

    Just like the Tories, they are anti-British scum and should be serving decades in jail for their treason or be given the death penalty as Britain used to give to traitors before the anti-British cunt and war criminal Bliar rather conveniently abolished hanging for one of the last remaining offences you could be executed for:



  14. It should come as no surprise that Der Fuhrer wanted them out of Deutschland and Europe as well. I believe he even proposed sending them to your country.

    It could be a good place to set-up a new Israel being as you are lucky to be living in such a vast country in land area.

    A new Zionist state could be quite self-contained there and not affect ordinary Argentines like yourself.

    Or we could ask Mr Putin to enable that Jewish oblast they have in Russia to be a new Israel.


    1. The Zionist project is a totally failed one if the objective was to create a national homeland for Jews. If it was then how can it be described as anything other than a failure when only 46% of the world’s Jews live there and it is the most dangerous place in the world for a Jew to live and that situation has pertained virtually from the first day of its existence in 1948 and looks like it won’t end any day soon?

      Hand back Palestine to the Palestinians and create a ‘one state solution’ of an independent Palestine where Jews can live in harmony with Muslim and Christian Palestinians as they did for hundreds of years before the baleful influence of Zionist ideology came about a century or so ago OR create a new Israel in the Jewish oblast of Russia on condition that a far greater proportion of the world’s Jews ie at least about 60% plus go and live there.


  15. The Zionist entity’s existence has not been good for Jews in many ways. One of its most pernicious effects has been to maintain or increase ‘anti-semitism’.

    When Jews have a state which expressly calls itself ‘the Jewish state’ then it should come as no surprise that gentiles in the countries in which Jews have lived as a ‘diaspora’ for hundreds of years still have a tendency to think of Jews living in these countries as innately foreign/alien and perhaps as quasi Israelis by proxy with foreign loyalties.


  16. I’m sorry this has happened Ian. I’ve been quite worried since i found out this was going on. The thought of these Zionists gloating makes me want to punch a wall. I hate to say i’m not surprised though.

    Our house was burgled several months ago by cowboy workmen, ÂŁ2000 from an envelope was taken by the scumbag painter/decorator. There were two large paint fingerprints on the envelope, and one on the handle of drawer the envelope was in. Plus there was our doorbell camera footage of the guy leaving the house and putting “something” in his back pocket. Forensics came, and a police officer was here for 4 hours taking statements. After all of this the CPS basically refused to go ahead with anything. There was “Insufficient evidence” apparently. I said to them “what about the fingerprints?” I was just told they’ll keep them on file, and if he’s a known offender they’ll do something. I’m certainly not holding my breath. They refuse to do anything about real crimes, but then people get put on trial for “Malicious Communications.” Many more probably will be in the coming months as well, for simply criticising Israel. And all these so called free speech loving “conservatives” will fully support it.


    1. EnglishBrit89:

      Thank you.

      It is a trend— the police wasting their time snooping on blogs, Twitter/X etc, while almost ignoring real crime even where there is plenty of evidence against likely suspects. Hard to know to what extent the former is incompetence and laziness, as against direction. The result is the same— a chilling of free speech (as judges have warned against for decades), and a gradually-crumbling society.

      As to my trial etc, there is much more I could say, but not now, and probably not until late in 2024. I apprehend that the CPS (controlled by you-know-who) will request, in Jan/Feb 2024, an order preventing me from blogging for several months. However, as to my even being prosecuted, the “CAA” website now admits that heavy political pressure was brought to bear on the CPS by the “CAA” via (inter alia) “Lord” Ian Austin, the former MP, expenses cheat and Israel puppet, now in the discredited House of Lords.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I am very sorry (and angry) for you. The CPS is crap and so is the Police. My wife (who is English) told me “I would not go back to the UK even if you give me a million pounds” and I fully agree with her. I am very sorry for all the decent, hard-working people over there who are at the mercy of such a horrible government.

      Liked by 1 person

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