Diary Blog, 21 November 2023

Afternoon music

[Lazienki Park, Warsaw]

Tweets seen

More music

[Tunis in the rain. I have trodden the same pavement, long ago (mid-1980s)]

More tweets

Ha. The expressions on the faces of those oddly middle-aged soldiers or reservists! The boring and derivative turbofolk (music) is obviously not hitting the spot.

Scarcely more mad than “Ukraine” (Kiev regime) having as President a corrupt Jewish TV comedian, as has happened already.

As I have blogged previously, if some of the people in Gaza are —or seem— monstrous, it is because they have been made monstrous, and made so by the Israeli Jews, and the conditions in which the Gazans have been forced to live for decades.

Obviously, Israel can hardly fail to “win” on the battlefield of Gaza. Atomic weapons (in reserve), huge air power, tanks etc, versus infantry hiding in tunnels and, sometimes, smallish rockets fired.

The question is not so much which side will prevail on the open battlefield in the short term, but rather the longer-term picture.

Even with the settlers lured from USA, Australia, UK, France and elsewhere, the Israeli state is running out of people compared to the Palestinians and the surrounding Arab/Muslim populations. Eventually, the numbers will tell, as they are now beginning to tell politically in Northern Ireland.

The recent incursion from Gaza to southern Israel shocked the Israelis precisely because it was a direct attack by organized Palestinian Arabs on Israeli military and civilian strongholds. The Israelis must be thinking about the possibility of larger incursions happening in the more populated parts of the country, and whether from Gaza or elsewhere. The distances are not great. Gaza to Tel-Aviv or Jerusalem is in the 40-50 mile range.

That is just ridiculous! I am not opposed to some forms of civilian ownership of weapons, but that is a whole armoury.


An octopus is anti-Semitic. A rat is anti-Semitic Ceasefire is anti-Semitic. Complaining is anti-Semitic. Freedom of speech is anti-Semitic. Protests are anti-Semitic. Trash cans are anti-Semitic. Supporting Muslims is anti-Semitic. What else do you think we can add to the list?

Ha ha! Perhaps I should have put that tweet before the Court at my recent trial!

I wonder what they mean by “blacks“? Moors, probably.

They are claiming that 145 “blacks” lived in London c. 1350. Until the outbreaks of the Black Death, the whole population of London seems to have been around 80,000, maybe more.

The msm drones such as the woman mentioned are usually complete puppets of Jewish-lobby or Israeli-lobby propaganda. They are not the honest journalistic commentators of the past.


The above tweet hits the nail on the head. No matter whether people on this or that State benefit “deserve” the monies received (and do the Royal Family “deserve” their inherited wealth? Do entitled drones of the David Cameron-Levita type?), the fact is that almost 100% of those monies received are spent almost immediately, thus turning the wheels of the consumer economy. The “cost” of State benefits, ultimately, is far less than the superficial figures sometimes suggest.

I think that we are seeing all this “benefits/workshy/disability/feckless” stuff because the present government is desperate to find issues to hit on re. the 2024 General Election. This one, surely, is a non-starter after years of the same since 2010, and indeed since about 2005.

Strange, the UK these days. I am not only messed about and then charged with having posted supposedly “grossly offensive” comments and cartoons about Jews on this blog, and then actually convicted of the same, but a total waste of space such as Camilla Tominey can go on TV and call millions of people, many suffering from painful medical conditions, “parasites“…

Which is the more “offensive”?

Yes, I know that TV station broadcasts are excluded from the ambit of Communications Act 2003 s.127, but that just makes it an even more ridiculous law.

More music

The incredible Sadie Marquardt.

[East Berlin, 1970s; suburban railway station; Volga sedan in foreground]

I have blogged once or twice in the past about my impressions of that odd little state, the DDR (East Germany), seen briefly in 1988, only a year before its whole system collapsed.

Late music

28 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 21 November 2023”

  1. These privileged toff Tories who call British people on any sort of benefits “parasites” also love sending money to places like Israel. The American Republicans and their voters are similar. They always complain about welfare, say socialised medicine is “Communism” etc, but then fully support sending billions in “aid” to Israel, and paying for Israelis to have free healthcare. Meanwhile an American (even one who works) who has to sell his car just to pay for the ambulance trip to hospital (let alone the treatment costs) gets zero sympathy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ENGLISHBRIT89, when push comes to shove there is only one solution to these fundamentally evil, treasonous, anti-British, globalist, open borders supporting, soft on REAL criminals, poor hating Tory scum and that is to round them up and open several [REDACTED] fully on.

      You could call it the [REDACTED] SOLUTION to the evil, poor hating Tory problem’:






      A passionate advocate for the virtues of the death penalty?

      You bet I am! Especially for snobby, stuck-up Tories who have no idea of the reality of life for far too many ordinary Britons is concerned.

      Vulnerable people should not be made to pay a big price for their economic failure.

      Seriously, the kind of comments far too many Tories like that journalist make positively incites the admittedly often excitable left to have effigies hanging from nooses at their party conferences such as in Manchester in 2017.

      The Tories really do bring things like that on themselves.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Anti-British, globalist, open borders supporting, British poor people hating Tory scum have been severely told off by the UN no less on several occasions for their despicable attitude problem and horrendous welfare policies for benefit claimants which breach international human rights treaties this country is supposedly signed up to.

      Today, the UN criticised them for their continual attacks upon legitimate protest rights contained within legislative acts like the tyrannical Public Order Act 2023.

      Britain has become a police state under their misrule and not in a good way like Monaco:


      Liked by 1 person

    3. That is more in the US but I do get your point. As the Bible says charity begins AT HOME so if there is money to be saved then save it on not acommodating thousands upon thousands of blatantly fraudulent so-called ‘asylum seekers’ illegal immigrants, employing translators and PC ‘diversity’ industry workers in councils, government departments ect and not wasting money sending Royal Navy warships to Israel as the repellent Zionist Sunak did.

      Laughably, the Tories have a grouping inside their party called the Conservative Christian Fellowship but I don’t see much evidence of true Christian values displayed by the party to vunerable, poor Britons.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, the Tories are reaching for the most despicable lower reaches of the gutter in order to try and gain a few more points from the deluded, the just plain thick and bigoted and to shore-up support from rich, old grannies with senile dementia which is their base of support.

    It is very unlikely to work as it is their essentially alien leader and cabinet and their abysmal and disgraceful record on real immigration control, crime, the environment, the economy and other issues that is holding them back.

    They are finished. That is what happens when you elect clowns who should be in a circus such as Boris Idiot to be leader who obviously wanted to be leader and PM but didn’t know what to do with it once he obtained the position then followed him with mad libertarian Truss and then the present totally out of touch sick joke.


  3. Tory MPs can see the writing is on the wall. The latest one is the MP for Southend East and Rochford near to me in ultra-safe Brentwood and Ongar.

    When Conservative MPs are standing down in the county which had the second highest Tory vote share in the country after Lincolnshire last time then that is a pretty good indication of the kind of electoral difficulty they are in.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes, there is a well-established economic tendency for poor people on benefits having a great propensity to spend whatever money they have, putting it back in effect into local economies and therefore helping to keep others in employment and paying taxes.

    On the other hand, giving tax cuts to very wealthy people will go into savings accounts etc where it will just sit there just further inflating the size of those accounts. Some extremely wealthy people will take those tax cuts and hive it off to accounts in places like Bermuda or the Cayman Islands.

    Even previous Tory chancellors recognised these facts but today’s Tories have slipped to very dismal intellectual quality levels indeed.


  5. By the way, a recent court case involving protestors who threw a traffic cone at Ian Dumbo-Smith and called him scum on account of his callous welfare ‘reforms’ and other Tory policies came to a conclusion very recently and the judge ruled that, yes, calling Tories scum was a legitimate exercise of free speech so anyone can within their rights call a Tory MP, councillor, government minister, candidate scum if they want to.


  6. Newly Appointed ‘Reichsgruppenfuhrer For The Elimination of The Poor Benefit Claimants/Disabled People Problem’, Mel Strides, is just as bigoted as to the real underlying problem as Iain Dumbo-Smith:



    Worsening the mental health of some of our society’s most vulnerable people and causing some of them to commit suicide because of the ridiculous number of hoops they have to jump through to get a pittance (the British rate of benefits is, by far, the LOWEST in Western Europe) by snobby, stuck-up cows like Laura Trott and, worse of all, by non British aliens like wholly unelected Rishi Sunak is contemptible.

    No wonder the fake Conservatives are so utterly despised and will be getting a right hiding whenever they have the bravery to call the election.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Re that picture above of the weapons in the US: America has a real problem with its extreme love of guns.

    Is it any wonder why they have a high murder rate? To murder another person with a gun is too easy for someone with a murderous intent to do because it is a relatively clean thing with little blood involved usually but to stab someone to death involves more blood and, to be frank, you have to be a real animal to do that.

    The US needs to severely tighten their gun laws to at least our standard let alone that of countries with ultra-strict laws like Singapore or Japan.

    If they did, they should find their murder rate dropping a decent amount.


    1. John:
      I am not entirely with you re. “gun laws” in the USA. When you are in the less populated areas even of states not thought of as wildernesses, such as New York state, it feels a long long way from help. Also, the ways things now are there, a ban on firearms would mean a ban on everyone but criminals possessing them.

      What I thought odd when I lived over there was that *every* state requires training and a licence to drive a car, but many states (most) have no such requirement when buying a pistol, revolver, or rifle, Many are killed through accident, negligent discharge etc.


      1. Apart from the crime they have and other not favourable points about the US, it would be good to live there.

        I have been looking at the population densities of the various states on Wikipedia and even more populated ones like New York with its 20 million odd people have densities that are tolerable and relatively low let alone true wildernesses like Wyoming, Montana, South and North Dakota etc.

        It must be nice to live in a country which still has plenty of wide open spaces where you can get away from it all easily.


      2. John:
        Yes, there are good aspects to life in the USA, though it is of course a harsh finance-capitalist society.

        I used to like the warmer states where I spent time, intermittently, from 1989 to 2002; states such as Florida, South Carolina etc, though I have spent far more time in New Jersey and New York.

        I think that I would like Vermont. That is where Solzhenitsyn spent about 17 years:

        Solzhenitsyn chose a rather isolated area even for Vermont:


      3. Yes, Vermont would be good. I have seen pictures of it using Google image search and looked at travel videos on YouTube and it looks picturesque, especially in the Autumn or Fall as the Yanks call it.

        I believe that many Americans rank the state of Vermont as one of the most beautiful of the fifty States if not the most.

        Hawai is nice as well. Unlike quite a few exotic and tropical destinations it has some spectacular scenery.


  8. The callous Tory attitude towards benefit claimants and the disabled is mirrored by their Zionist mates in Israel where a soldier has been filmed beating-up a Palestinian with Down’s Syndrome.

    No wonder the fake Conservatives have such an affinity with that evil state! They obviously recognise a kindred spirit at work.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Why doesn’t the Conservative Party just rename itself the Nazi Party and be done with it? Mind you, at least Der Fuhrer and his party had strict, ACTUAL, immigration controls, took stiff measures against REAL criminals (Berlin in the 1930’s had no mass stabbing problem like ‘Stab City Upon The Thames’ has), took the issue of the environment seriously instead of disregarding scientific evidence and worked to end class conflict in German society and to unify native Germans into a ‘Volksgemeinschaft’ ie a national community at ease with itself.

    The Tories do the opposite and help to foster class conflict and set native Briton against native Briton.


      1. Good for you! Why any remotely sane or patriotic person would want to PAY good money to a formerly world renowned and respected ‘newspaper’ owned and totally ruined over the years he has owned it by that extremely nasty Zionist fanatic piece of Australian fruit called Rupert Murdoch is beyond me!

        You could read that type of globalist, PC, anti-British, British poor people hating, Israel is always right propaganda for free in his other disreputable rag ‘The Scum’ or other renowned ‘newspapers’ like the Daily Diana/Daily Express or The Daily Mail/Daily Tory Moron.

        Rupert Murdoch has helped in no inconsiderable way to ruin our formerly great country. He is about 90 years old now and, frankly, it is high time he expired.

        Either that or he should be deported back to Australia where he belongs though I don’t wish our Australian cousins and friends any harm.


      2. John:
        I note, in my fairly brief time in the witness box last Friday (in retrospect, it was pointless and probably counter-productive to testify at all; I was tired by the end of the day), that Rupert Murdoch said, quite many years ago (in 2014, I believe, when the last big attack on Gaza happened), that the UK press is mainly owned or controlled by Jews. The difference is that *he* said that he approved of that…


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