Diary Blog, 6 March 2024, including some thoughts about inventions and the human mind

Morning music

[El Greco, The Assumption of the Virgin]

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Not much later— next week!

Even some Jews, the ones less contaminated by ancient tribalism, oppose the mass “slaughter of the innocent(s)” in Gaza.

Givati Brigade: Israeli Jews known for brutality and ethnic cleansing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Givati_Brigade.

A horrible tribe.

Apocalyptic. Contrast the complacent American reaction to this with the scalded American reaction to the destruction, by Islamist militants, of two large buildings in New York City in 2001.

According to the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] pressure group in the UK, something like 96% of Jews in the UK identify with Israel and Zionism. That may or may not be exactly accurate, but gives a general picture, anyway.

Even New York is slowly turning anti-Zionist.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Katie Hopkins about OFCOM censorship, Talk TV and GB News


Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable” [John F. Kennedy].

From the newspapers


Donald Trump surged closer to a rematch with Joe Biden in November as he trounced Nikki Haley, his final rival for the Republican nomination, on Super Tuesday.

The former president, 77, dominated the biggest day of the primaries, winning eleven states by 9.30pm, and leaving the ex-South Carolina governor’s White House dreams hanging by a thread.”

[Daily Mail]

Trump is very flawed, but at least he is not suffering from increasingly-obvious dementia. He will take away Zelensky’s ricebowl, and that will end the war in Ukraine within weeks, as the already-crumbling frontlines of the Kiev regime break, allowing Russian to fulfil its “manifest destiny” and take over all Ukraine east of the Dnieper, and also the Black Sea littoral as far west as Transdniestria.


Birmingham City Council has signed off on a wave of ‘devastating’ cuts to services and a 21% rise in council tax. 

The Labour-run local authority has declared itself effectively bankrupt and says it needs to make £300million in savings, after after identifying equal pay liabilities estimated at £760million. 

Councillors were seen leaving Tuesday’s crunch vote in tears after more than 50 of them voted in favour of the financial measures needed to secure a £1.255billion bail-out loan from the Government.

[Daily Mail]

That is what happens when the Common Purpose cancer takes hold— administrative chaos.

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Yes…but a good part of the overall problem is caused, or made far worse, by the migration invasion, meaning the importation into the UK, every single year now, of a million backward persons, almost all non-European, i.e. non-white, and most of whom are little more than parasites, a substantial minority actively criminal and/or terroristic.

Unfortunately, the trade unions are no longer very useful to the workers of the UK. They have been captured by “woke” fanatics, pro-immigration lunatics, and/or the Zionist lobby. The Labour Party is similar.

[“...and then there were none...”]

Sam Melia and Laura Towler

As most readers will probably know, Sam Melia was sentenced last Friday to 2 years imprisonment (which may in practice mean 6-12 months —more likely 12 than 6) for distributing stickers which themselves contained nothing illegal, as the trial and sentencing judge recognized.

The judge is said also to have recognized, in his summation, that Sam Melia is a good fellow (or some such), a good family man, a good citizen and community member etc. Despite that, Melia has been imprisoned, for what amount to purely political reasons.

Melia’s wife, the brave Laura Towler, has been left to struggle with her home and small business, with one small child, as well as being about to give birth to a second child.

The crowdfunder set up to help Melia and Laura Towler has now reached, as at time of writing, £55,641.

This is the link to that crowdfunder: https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia. Donate as little as £4, and so not only help that family but also stick it to the System, to “the lobby”, and to all enemies of this country’s future.

[A hero with a Valkyrie— Sam Melia and Laura Towler]

I am personally unacquainted with that couple; neither do I belong to Patriotic Alternative.

The couple and their children are exactly the kind of people who could, if existing in sufficiently-great numbers, form the basis for a new civilization once the present one collapses, which will probably happen within the next decade.

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Habib is half-English, half-Pakistani.

He talks about only the past 5 years. Look at, also, the past 50 years.

Undeniable, but it would be a mistake to imagine that Labour, under Jewish-lobby puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc will be much different, or any better. Still, stamp on the Conservative Party anyway— extinguish it.

Ha ha.

I must have missed all that.

I have my own (non-“conspiracy”) theory, which is that anything the human mind can imagine, even if only as a vague concept, can and will eventually become reality.

The idea of human flight by artificial means was first thought of in ancient times: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icarus. In mediaeval and then Renaissance times, a few of the more-educated people conceived the idea of flight using either harnessed birds (Bishop Godwin) or mechanical contrivances (Leonardo da Vinci): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_in_the_Moone

[Frontispiece of Der Fliegende Wandersmann nach dem Mond, 1659]



[Leonardo— “aerial screw”]

Neither Godwin’s nor Leonardo’s ideas were immediately practicable, but the important thing was that those people, and Leonardo in particular, had the idea that flight was possible, in Leonardo’s case by mechanical means. That was key.

Later, of course, in the 18th and 19th centuries, there were hot-air and lighter-than-air balloons, then Zeppelins (late-19th/early 20th centuries), and then the several people in the early 20thC who developed heavier-than-air machines; the Wright brothers are of course most famous.

[World War One: German Zeppelin over the palace of Westminster, probably 1916]

The fast jets, passenger airliners, spacecraft etc which we now know came, originally, from that one spark in a human mind.

The same is true in all spheres of activity. The human mind need only be able to think that something can exist for it to exist, though the working out may take, sometimes, hundreds or even thousands of years.

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Typical of the “Conservative” drone-MPs of the past 15-20 years.

Jesus, she is so thick“, the lady says…well, the only thing that can now save the Conservative Party is that many of the voters are also very stupid…

Harsh? Look at how many voters at the recent by-elections still voted Con. Yes, a minority, but thousands each time…a third of the voters who voted at Kingswood, and a quarter at Wellingborough. At Rochdale only 12%, but of course English voters who voted were a small minority there.

I have no problem with the examples shown; some may, but not me.

Ireland is pretty sad these days. Sinn Fein/IRA too. They seem to have surrendered completely to NWO/ZOG. Their “Irish Republican resistance” stance has become a kind of joke “cosplay” that evokes little but derision, and rightly so.

[Irish Republican Army volunteers, 1920]
[Black and Tans search a suspect, Ireland, 1920. Note the officer using his left hand to search the suspect’s pockets, while probably covering him with a pistol or revolver held in his right hand (unseen). Note also the body of a woman lying in the roadway behind]

In that event, Britain will be something akin to a dictatorship. In that event, anything will be justifiable by way of resistance to what may amount to a disguised tyranny.

In that event, will Zelensky and his wife go to his USD $40M villa in Florida, to another of his luxury houses (in Italy and elsewhere), or will he drop all pretence and go “home” to Israel?

Ha ha…

There are many basically negative influences in our world, but there is one particular “influence” that is just poisoning the Western world.

Late music

20 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 6 March 2024, including some thoughts about inventions and the human mind”

  1. It isn’t their tribal nature that makes some Israelis act as they do but because they have been infected by the supremacist and evil political ideology of ZIONISM.

    Not all Jews are Zionists and as we see in the House of Treason some of the most fanatical, extremist and just plain evil and wicked Zionists of the lot are NOT remotely Jewish in anyway such as the Hindu Indian, increasingly crazy, diminutive despot called Rishi Sunak and that very poor example of a native Briton, Sir Keir Starmer.

    Zionist Jews are in many ways not real Jews as they tend to be irreligious and Zionism goes against the main tenets of the Jewish faith such as thou shall NOT steal, thou shall NOT murder/kill ect.

    Those Ultra-orthodox Jews who faithfully abide by Judaism such as Rabbi Elhanan Beck of NetureiKarta UK are real Jews.

    You can’t be a real Jew if you disregard the main tenets of Judaism like Zionists do. That would be like saying a Christian is a Christian if they entirely disregard the teachings of the Bible or a Muslim totally ignoring the Koran.




    Anyone interested in what being a real Jew entails should watch Rabbi Elhanan Beck on Youtube videos. I have been watching several featuring him and they are interesting.

    There is an interesting one featuring Rabbi Cohen of the Manchester branch of Neturei Karta as well on Youtube.

    The first PM of the Zionist entity, David Ben Gurion, was someone who didn’t keep faithfully to Judaism. The founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, was an atheist ‘Jew’. How the hell you can describe yourself as a real Jew and not practice the religion or follow its main tenets is beyond my understanding.


    1. John:
      It has been suggested, in the past, that the present situation goes all the way back to the time of Jesus Christ’s trial, or just before that, when the Jewish mob in Jerusalem chose Barabbas over Jesus Christ.


      “So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.” And all the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!” (Greek: Τὸ αἷμα αὐτοῦ ἐφ’ ἡμᾶς καὶ ἐπὶ τὰ τέκνα ἡμῶν)” [Matthew 27: 24-25]

      Zionism, on those premises, is the modern “Barabbas movement”.


  2. Was 9/11 caused by Islamist militants? Or was it an inside job by the American security services so that the US could go on a destructive tour of the Middle East? I remember watching the footage of that fateful day on TV at the time and I must say how one of those towers fell was distinctly suspicious to put it mildly.

    America has form for horrific incidents to be turned on their head for other purposes eg President Roosevelt intentionally blockading Japan of raw materials (Japan has NO real natural resources of its own) in order for them to attack the US and outrage the US public enough for him to declare war on Japan.

    Before Pearl Harbour, the average American was an isolationist. Roosevelt apparently knew what Japan was about to do but decided to not tell Congress and let it proceed as he needed an enraged American public to drop their isolationist tendencies and get Congress to approve a declaration of war upon the Empire of Japan.


    1. John:
      A fact alluded to but not explored in the film Tora Tora Tora, one of the best films out.

      As to the attack on the World Trade Center, very suspicious, as you say. When it happened, I was in a London taxi driving down the Strand, en route to my then office near Berkeley Square in Mayfair, and with an American colleague. His wife called (from Charleston, South Carolina). He was desperate to get to a TV. I recalled that there was a Dixons in the Strand, so we got out and wandered around, looking at the coverage of the attack on hundreds of large TV screens, while a few other people, customers of Dixons, were there, it seemed, just to buy a TV! Surrealistic.


  3. If the Tories hadn’t been so globalist, PC and just plainly on an entirely different planet to the rest of us to have that increasingly mad and diminutive Hindu Indian despot, Sunak, as leader they could have used that infamous picture of Starmer and his deputy pathetically kneeling on an election poster but since they have him as their leader and their own record in government isn’t exactly non PC they can’t really do that with any credibility.


  4. Just look at that ghastly picture of Matt Goodwin’s. A more horrific picture it would be difficult to conceive of. Three globalist anti-British men in one picture.A trinity of Satan’s disciples together! Is Tony Bliar too old to be hanged for treason?


  5. Laura Trott is not just thick but positively evil ie her fairly recent comments about benefit claimants with their alleged ‘entitlement culture’. As if the vast majority of Tory MPs don’t personify that trait ie their fanatical and demented defence of the stand alone First Past The Post electoral system where a party doesn’t have to REALLY EARN its place as the single governing party when it can get 57% of the seats on just 43% of the national vote share.

    The Tories far too often personify in themselves what they allege are the character defects in other groups in society.


    Unfortunately, Laura Trott holds one of the safest Conservative seats in the country in Sevenoaks, Kent. It is a pretty well to do area hence not only does the Conservative Party hold the seat with a big majority the Liberal Democrats and not Labour are in second place.

    There is a slight chance she could lose her seat but only if the local voters vote tactically for the Liberal Democrats and not Labour. Otherwise, even with the present electoral hole the Tory Party is in she has a good chance of surviving the forthcoming cull.


  6. At Kingswood the swing against the Conservatives was caused by Tory abstention rather than Tories actively switching to Labour. That has been the pattern in this parliament. The swing to Labour there would have been greater if the Labour candidate had not lost 5,000 votes from the general election 2019 figure. That was the first time in recent by-elections where not just the Tories but also the Labour Party suffered from abstention of normal supporters.

    I wonder if the fact the Labour candidate had a partner associated with the Israeli Defence Forces was the reason for that abstention?


  7. Notice how those who work as immigration officers etc are not mentioned in that Yougov poll as a public service. Why? Immigration officers working in airports etc and Border Force/FARCE employees are DEFINITELY a public service and their equivalents in other countries certainly would be regarded that way.

    They are more of a genuine public service than bus drivers are since most bus services in this country are run by private companies and have been since Mrs Thatcher deregulated bus services in the 1980’s.


    1. John:
      Yes, bus services are mainly “private” enterprise outfits, yet many routes are subsidized by local or county councils, at least up to now. Some, in rural areas, have few passengers but are a lifeline for those without cars. I recall catching a rural bus in the western part of Herefordshire about 25 years ago. I was the only passenger!


      1. Indeed. Several services in my local council area of Brentwood, Essex, are subsidised by the County Council and if they were not would be very unlikely to exist.


  8. The Republic of Ireland and the UK needs to bring back capital punishment. There is some debate nowadays in a few of the countries which still have it such as the USA to increase the minimum age to be executed from the usual age of 18 to 21 because recent scientific research suggests that the brain in humans doesn’t fully mature until someone is 21 or over.

    So, even if the ROI still had hangings and increased the minimum age to be executed he would be old enough to hang.


    Ex President and looking like he will win again Donald John Trump is a big fan of the death penalty:



  9. Apparently, Zionist Pro Israel extremist and MP for Tel Aviv Central, Michael Gove, is due to report soon on a new definition of what constitutes ‘extremism’ and draw-up yet more laws to criminalize free speech.

    Of course, Zionist extremism will get a free pass as ever. The fake Conservatives wouldn’t want to upset their paymasters, would they?

    I find theunelected diminutive despot in No.10 and his henchmen like Gove deeply sinister. God, will someone save us from these loons!

    Come on good people of Surrey Heath, remove Michael Gove from the House of Commons even if that necessitates the election of a Lib Dem.


      1. Whilst your criticism of the police is spot-on as far as Chief Constables go, I wouldn’t necessarily include many ordinary police officers. I think most joined for decent motives of wanting to increase public safety by arresting the excess number of criminally inclined scumbags we have in this blighted ‘country’/economic zone.

        Being a police officer used to be a very noble profession before Labour and Tory done such an efficient demolition job on our forces. Once we get rid of Labour and Tory PC manical wreckers it will be once again and being a police officer will take its rightful position in society again and they will be looked up to as they should be.


      2. John:
        In my own present case, the only policeman to give evidence (and who seems rather enthusiastic about criminalizing me and my freedom of expression) turned out to be a local PC (whom I shall not name for now) whose “neighbourhood policing team” was markedly useless, as far as I know, indeed totally useless, in dealing with a number of incidents in my local area last year, including the (never “solved”, of course) theft of an entire wheel from my car (this happened just over a year ago).

        The police now are already a politicized “poundland KGB”. God knows what they will be like once Gove, Starmer, Yvette Cooper and the other MP-puppets of the Israel lobby give them more powers to deal with supposed “extremism” (i.e. snoop upon and repress dissidents and radicals).

        Incidentally, being a policeman has never, I think, been a recognized “profession”…


  10. Not a recognised profession as such but before Labour and Tory PC destruction a noble calling in life/occupation.

    It really is a disgrace how both parties have wrecked our police forces and made them into constant political footballs. I bet many officers are extremely demoralised and wonder if anyone in the country really wants them to exist at all.


    1. John:
      If they do their proper job(s) properly, yes; if they want to target people like me with their poundland KGB snooping and the rest (at the behest of the UK Jewish lobby), then no.


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