Diary Blog, 29 April 2024

Morning music

[painting by Vicente Romero Redondo]

Tweets seen

As one of the 80% or more of Conservative Party MPs who belong to Conservative Friends of Israel, Mel Stride is a spokesman for Israel.

As to the renewed attack on disability benefits, desperate clutching at straws by a government trying to appeal to people who know nothing, read the Sun, Star etc, and who might be persuaded to vote Conservative as a result of all this kefuffle.

I doubt whether it will work. People in all sorts of conditions of life want rid of this government and its venal, ignorant MPs, and are just waiting for the opportunity to put their “X” in any box but the one marked “Conservative Party”.

This contrived storm around disability benefits is also designed to deflect attention from the renewed slaughter in Gaza.

While there is a section of the UK electorate easily fooled by rhetoric against State benefits generally, those voters are mainly those already intending to vote Con at GE 2024; probably already within the Con “core vote” bloc which is about 20% of the entire electorate. That 20% can probably be characterized broadly as “over 65, retired, owner-occupiers, living in Southern England”.

Using the Electoral Calculus website, the most recent opinion polling indicates that, after GE 2024, the number of Con Party MPs might well be below 50. This contrived storm is a desperate attempt to seize back the initiative; I doubt that it will work.

Ay, there’s the rub“… “Labour”-label is no real alternative, just a different set of freeloading, “Friends of Israel” puppets.

Mel Stride is the latest in a long line of smug, entitled yet completely ignorant MPs pronouncing on such questions.

A few tweets, or a blog post, will not wipe the smug and self-satisfied smile off the mug of a creature of his sort, and the state of free speech is such that I cannot really say what might.

I happened to see an old Peter Cushing/Christopher Lee vampire film yesterday. When it comes to most MPs, certainly most MPs on the “Conservative” benches, my feeling is similar to that of Peter Cushing and others “driving the point home” in such a film…

I myself do not receive any disability benefits, but understand the issues. How is it that a Cabinet minister with specific responsibility for those issues seems to be so lacking, both in knowledge of them, and in both reason and compassion?

Basic Income is obviously the way forward.

More tweets seen

Huge numbers of people (in my opinion, far greater than the number who favour Labour-label) want to stamp on and wipe out the “Conservative” Party. I am one of them.

If only 14% of the voters were actually to vote that way at GE 2024 (with Labour on a notional 45%, LibDems 10%, Reform UK 15% and Greens 7%), the result would be the Cons left with just 7 MPs! (Labour 541, LibDems 53, SNP 26, Greens 2). https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html.

Interesting. I think that those figures need nuance here and there, though: for example, the supposed “Serbians” in Germany may well really be not Serbs but Gypsies from Serbia. The same goes for supposed “Romanians” in that table.

I believe that military people refer to such methods (boobytrapping cans of food etc with explosives or poison) as “technical attack”.

When dealing with such as the IRA in the 1970s, or the ZANLA terrorists in the Rhodesia of the same period, it might have been justified (in rural areas where arms dumps or support stores were found), but surely not when applied as a form of terrorism on an urbanized civilian population.

I have seen the usual Jew-Zionist lawyers arguing narrow legalistic points about whether what the Israeli Jews are doing in Palestine and particularly in Gaza is “genocide” or not. The reality is that this is at least a quasi-genocide. If it falls slightly short of a fully-delineated, legally-rubberstamped “genocide”, that is really only of academic interest.

Incidentally, Jews wanted to destroy the German people in the 1940s. That was why the atomic scientists, almost all of whom were Jews, developed the first atom bomb. They did so despite there having been a small theoretical possibility that the first full test would set alight Earth’s atmosphere and destroy all life on Earth.

The atom bombs were designed to be dropped on Berlin and other German cities, not Japanese ones. Those working on them were willing to accept that much of Central Europe might be devastated and irradiated.

Ironically, the terrible and devastating defeat of the German Reich in the Spring of 1945 saved Germany and much of Central Europe generally from atomic devastation.

The Morgenthau Plan was another quasi-genocidal strategy, suggested by a Jew highly-placed in the F.D. Roosevelt administration: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Morgenthau_Jr.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgenthau_Plan (“An investigation by Herbert Hoover concluded the plan was unworkable, and would result in up to 25 million Germans dying from starvation“).

More tweets

Yes, he did. I once knew a woman in the private security industry, and she told me (about 5 years after the event) that people directly involved in the case had told her that Madeley certainly did it. Hearsay twice over, admittedly, but plausible all the same.

(I should add that, actually, Madeley never denied having taken the Champagne; he denied that he had any dishonest intent).

Why he did it, God knows. Excitement?



There are many cases where a famous person, famous as an individual or because a member of a famous family, has been acquitted in circumstances where a not-famous person would have been convicted. One, remembered from my time in the USA was this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Kennedy_Smith. Guilty, in my opinion. but acquitted.

Another? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Salmond_sexual_harassment_scandal.

Late tweets seen

[“that which the Israelis are doing is ethnic cleansing”]

Anyone who supports Israeli war crimes, or the Jewish-Zionist lobby in the West, should be ashamed. That especially applies to those in official positions at all levels.

A Jew, of course: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_Blinken.

In fact, one of his grandparents was a prominent early supporter of Israel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_Blinken#Early_life_and_education.

So we are now in a different situation. We’re looking at Ukraine. Russia, in the last two and a half years has built up an enormously powerful and successful force. This is battle hardened, well-equipped, well-led, well-trained, highly disciplined.

The Ukrainian force has been annihilated. They’ve lost over 600,000 dead on the battlefield. There’s nothing left. The place is falling apart. And most of the money you were talking about will never get there. It’s simply sent through the washing machine over to defense and then to the defense industries, and then the donations flow back to the hill. So it doesn’t, you know, it’s not a question that we’re sending 60 billion and putting it into Zelensky’s hands now.

Now Zelensky and his friends will profit, no doubt about it. Let’s not kid ourselves. They’ll get some of it. How much? Who knows? I mean, this is the most corrupt country in the world. This is a country that has missing children, probably at this point in the hundreds of thousands. Prostitution, out of control. I mean, you’re talking about criminality on a scale that we in the west can’t even begin to imagine. It’s a tragedy. It’s the worst of all possible outcomes. The Ukrainian nation has been destroyed. Why? Because it’s mortgaged to our vanity.

In the west, Russia must be taught a lesson. Russia must be destroyed. Putin must be removed. Really? Why? Well, because we’ve decided that we want to strip Russia of its resources. So we turned Ukraine into a battering ram designed to stab Russia in the heart. The Russians woke up, not completely, but at the last minute, and decided, well, we probably should intervene here and stop what’s happening and signal just how serious this is, in our estimation. So they did, and they found out it’s much worse than we thought.

The force is much larger, much better trained. It has much more equipment. This is a far more serious problem. And as a result, they had to step back, establish a defense, build up their forces, and now they’re moving, and they’re going to finish the job.

Finish the job means everything from Odessa up to Kharkov is back in Russian hands. And those areas are originally Russian anyway, as has been pointed out. Your question is, what happens to the rest of the country that is west of the Dnieper River, this rump, Ukraine, and I think it’s going to become a giant demilitarized zone, a DMZ, similar to what we have between north and South Korea. There will be nothing there. There won’t be any fighting forces of any kind. And the Ukrainians can live there. And they may have some form of administration, but they’re not going to be permitted to ever again present a direct threat to Russia.

You pointed to the CIA stations and laboratories inside Ukraine. The Russians have overrun those. They know what’s there. They know what we’ve been trying to do. They know that we’ve been experimenting biologically with various weapons that could be used against them. This is insanity. And it was never necessary.

No one in the United States supported that. No one in the United States was consulted. So what do they do? They lie. They create a narrative. Russia is a revanchist nation. Russia is the Soviet Union reborn. We must stop it and defend democracy. That’s all crap. That’s nothing to do with any of it. And of course, Kiev is not a democratic state. Zelensky is not a democratic leader. He makes Stalin look good. So he’s going to go out of business. He’s going to vanish here over the next 30 to 60 days.

Whether he succumbs to whatever the Ukrainians decide to do with him on the ground, I don’t know. I’m sure that his foreign mercenaries that are surrounding him, special ops types from the United States and Britain and other countries, will do everything they can to keep him alive. But at some point, even they may abandon him. But the narrative persists because the media is an arm of the government.

This is very similar to what Noam Chomsky wrote about during Vietnam. Manufactured consent creates the illusion that this is something we all want. No, we didn’t want it. We didn’t ask anybody to open the borders. We did not ask for millions of people that we don’t know and know nothing about to come into the United States. And what do we do with millions of people who can’t find work? Especially if we go into the serious financial crisis that every sane person on the planet is predicting is coming.

What else can we say? I wish I could paint a positive picture.

[Colonel Douglas MacGregor].

I agree with most of that. The Colonel has repeated pretty much what I have said on the blog, for 2 years, should happen.

Kiev-regime Ukraine— a shambolic, brutal, corrupt, Jew-Zionist-ruled dictatorship. It has to go.

Late music

33 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 29 April 2024”

  1. When push comes to shove, there is only one way to deal with despicably evil, extremely bigoted, useless, fat Tory arseholes like Mel Stride and the equally evil, diminutive despot and ETHNICALLY FOREIGN, unelected and UNWANTED (for the umpteenth time )wanker and that is to shove them into this contraption:


    I see that in America Zionist Jews are whinging YET AGAIN! This time about that method of execution and the latest form of it nitrogen gas executions as used recently in the great state of Alabama:




    I am feeling generous so I will say they have a point about this method of the death penalty though they should stop constantly moaning about how the USA and other countries don’t support the bandit, continual international law disobeying Zionist state enough for their liking.

    Mel Stride is a completely bigoted wanker. Devon really shouldn’t breed so many of these terminally thick, fat, prejudiced, insuferrably smug and self-satisfied Tory country yokels.

    I wonder how he would like it if some bigoted idiot would say to him he should suffer discrimination etc on account of his considerable girth? But discrimination and the whipping-up of prejudice is fine for some of the most vulnerable people in Britain.

    If only anti-British, poor people hating, no doubt corrupt vermin like him, Sunak and the other anti-British wankers in the House of Treason like Starmer would just do the decent thing at long last and just kindly eff off and expire in some way. Get off Britain’s collective back, you anti-British scum.


    1. We can even call using the contraption invented by National Socialist Germany in the 1940’s on globalist, anti-British, poor hating, Tory and Labour scumbag politicians like Mel Stride by the nifty little title of ‘The [REDACTED] Solution to the Tory and Labour problem’.

      It is very drastic I will admit but what other means can be found?


      1. John:
        Oh dear. I redact the more “harsh” comments left on the blog, but cannot rub out everything. The Jew-Zionist cabals and their dupes (the police and “Clown” Prosecution Service) do tend to watch the blog like hawks, or vultures…


  2. Mel Stride was thick enough apparently to vote for the ethnic foreigner, evil Zionist and diminutive despot to be PM. Talk about effing THICK in a political sense! According to some predictions, even his seat is at risk of falling. If he had voted for Penny Mordaunt who comes across as quite a ‘normal’ member of the human race for a politician and has actually lived amongst ordinary plebs unlike Sunak and company that risk of losing would be lessened a bit.


      1. Labour will ‘win’ a massive and dangerous landslide ‘victory’ by default. This will be done more or less by huge Tory abstention from last time. I wouldn’t be surprised if they receive no real increase in their total number of actual votes of 10.9 million? in 2019.

        In Germany, under their modern Mixed-Member version of Proportional Representation such a fake ‘victory’ wouldn’t be achievable. A party has to EARN a real victory by getting enough votes by the regional, explicit PARTY LIST PR part of their electoral system.


      2. John:
        If Labour under Starmer and his “Friends of Israel” clique becomes an elected dictatorship, there may be only one way to get rid of them once they become tyrannical.


      3. With any luck Starmer and his repellent anti-British globalist posse will keel over and die as soon as they sit around the cabinet table. No doubt the supremely arrogant tosser will start smirking immediately as that evil globalist Bliar creature did on day one of his rancid and ruinous administration.

        A [REDACTED] squad as in the great state of Utah is otherwise required:


        All we ever get from 99% of ‘our’ politicians is constant anti-British treason. I’m heartily sick of it especially as they, thanks to our crooked electoral system, have no genuine democratic mandate.

        Is it possible to replace our largely fraudulent ‘democracy’ with a benevolent dictator?


  3. 14% is the figure one opinion poll indicated during Liz Truss’s illustrious Premiership. As it was just a single occasion this occurred I had thought it was a rogue poll but perhaps as your tweet reports 14% IS indeed the rock-solid Tory ‘core vote’. They are almost beyond the help of even Proportional Representation let alone the archaic, deeply unfair and therefore profoundly undemocratic ‘pure’, stand alone, First Past The Post electoral system they are, weirdly, so fanatically in favour of.

    It looks increasingly likely their infatuation with this undemocratic, unfit for the 21st Century electoral system is going to hit them massively over the head and effectively end them as a viable Opposition.

    Canada 1993 here we come:




  4. Apparently, in London, the Tories are predicted to lose nearly all of their FPTP constituency members of the London Assembly but will be saved from total extinction by the capital-wide, regional Proportional Representation ‘top-up’ list part of the system.

    How ironic it would be if that happened to a PR hating party! This is especially so as Teresa May wanted to get rid of PR on the London Assembly.

    Mind you, if it did it wouldn’t be the first time it has occurred. The Scottish and Welsh Conservative Party were only saved after their 1997 general election wipe-out by the Proportional Representation ‘top-up’ list element in Holyrood and Cardiff Bay. If those institutions had not used PR those branches of the Conservative Party would only have local councillors.


  5. Matt Goodwin should remove Maggie’s picture from that tweet. Mrs Thatcher was by no means perfect in that her libertarian globalist economic policies laid the groundwork for some of today’s problems but she did have some good points in that her governments did make a reasonable stab at controlling immigration properly and she, whilst friendly on a personal level to Jews, would not idly stand by and allow herself to be pushed around by Zionist Pro Israel extremists in Tel Aviv like Menachem Begin or fanatical Pro Israel Zionist lunatics and extremists here as Sunak allows with respect to troublemaking organisations like the very misnamed ‘Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’.

    The globalist drift of the Conservative Party has deep and long standing roots over many decades but the rot really set-in when Major became PM and has accelerated since.


    1. John:
      John Major, who was rejected as a teenager when he applied to become a bus conductor. When he looked likely to become an MP, the directors of the bank where he worked (at a fairly low level) decided that they should meet him. He was summoned to the boardroom, where his lack of nous stupefied his bosses, apparently.


      1. Hello Ian: I never saw or heard the expression “lack of nous”, therefore I just searched for it and its definition confirmed my suspicion about John Major. You could tell the man was useless by just looking at him. 😁​😁​😁​

        By the way, I remembered a funny, old-fashioned English expression describing a stupid person: “A blockhead” I found it in a letter where an 18th-century English nobleman used it to complain about a useless relative.


      2. Claudius:
        Yes, both quite well-used expressions. As you will have seen, “nous” (pron. “nowss”) is from the Greek:

        “In colloquial British English, nous also denotes “good sense”, which is close to one everyday meaning it had in Ancient Greece. The nous performed a role comparable to the modern concept of intuition.”


        In ordinary present-day usage, “common sense”

        Examples of *lack* of nous might be Boris-Idiot and his various “Covid” pseudo-pandemic “rules”, such as the “Rule of Six” (no more than 6 ppl at a social gathering), people allowed to be unmasked in pubs but not nearby supermarkets etc. Just idiotic arbitrary “rules” with no sense at all behind them.

        Another example might be the Rwanda Plan, which may see a few hundred migrant-invaders deported from the UK to Rwanda every week, when the same number of invaders are entering the UK *daily* even by the cross-Channel “small boat” route, let alone the number (perhaps 20x) entering the UK “legally” in a variety of ways.


      3. Yes, the Rwanda Plan is a very expensive gimmick which will do nothing to solve even the small boats issue let alone the overall immigration CRISIS. Sunak says it is already working and his evidence is the mostly fraudulent asylum seekers are going to the Republic of Ireland instead of here. Well, thanks to that wretched Bliar creature our ‘border’ on the island of Ireland is no longer operated as a true international border demarcating a frontier between two supposedly separate and sovereign states as under the silly Good Friday Agreement we have to keep an ‘open border’ at all times so what is to stop these asylum seekers from easily re-entering the United Kingdom illegally from the Republic? Unlike the French, Germans, Japanese and other countries with a sensible and intelligent government we have no national identity card scheme to help to track and detect illegal migrants within our supposedly sovereign territory.

        Previous REAL Tory governments such as that run by Neville Chamberlain would have imposed strict numerical limits on proven GENUINE ‘asylum seekers’ such as Jews from National Socialist Germany. In 1938 Chamberlain’s administration admitted some but there was was a real LIMIT and it WAS adhered to. Also, Chamberlain’s Home Secretary admitted them with the expectation they WOULD go home to Germany and Austria once the perceived danger to them was a thing of the past. They never did go home even after the fall of the Nazi regime in 1945. That has been the story with the vast majority of even genuine ‘asylum seekers’ ever since. The British government whether composed of Tories or Labour have been using asylum as a backdoor method of facilitating mass migration since that time and I see no real change to this approach.

        When are we coming out of the farcical European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) which is surely one of the real keys to stopping the small boats invasion?


      4. John:
        The underlying problem is that much of the world, and especially much of Asia and Africa, is in such a mess that at least a substantial minority can “legitimately” claim asylum, as the rules now stand. That means that as high as 80% that are being processed are actually being allowed to stay here (and elsewhere in Europe). That is going to destroy our society, because literally hundreds of millions might have the “right” to come here on that basis.

        Ultimately, the only way to deal with this is at source.


      5. The French have been telling us repeatedly ad nauseum since that globalist idiot Bunkett was Home Secretary over TWO DECADES AGO to reduce the ‘pull factors’ for illegal migration especially as we along with the Irish have a huge one of the English language in order to deter illegal migrants from trying to enter this country from across the channel.

        Little to no action in this regard has been taken in over twenty years such as the institution of a national ID card scheme. ‘Tory’ libertarian morons are against this for often silly libertarian reasons but probably the absence of one provides a good ready made excuse to explain to the electorate their utter failure to control illegal migration.


      6. John:
        Frankly, I doubt whether any migrant-invaders will be deterred even if they all know in advance that they will be supplied with ID cards, or even if they are told that shelter, food, money etc will not be made available to them.

        The migration-invasion is a migration of lemmings; it can be compared to the “Gold Rushes” of the 19thC in California, the Yukon, Victoria (Australia) etc.


      7. No wonder that the French especially but also other countries in Europe despise us. Our treasonous globalist governments are a real pain in the arse not just for the British people but also our fellow Europeans. We are Europe’s most longstanding ‘weakest link’ as far as illegal migration and fraudulent asylum seeking to Europe is concerned. We are creating problems for others as well as ourselves. We have no right to complain to the French about illegal migration from across the Channel when they have repeatedly told us what we need to do to reduce our huge ‘pull factors’.


      8. A lot of this problem is Churchil’s and America’s fault in helping to dismantle the former British Empire where many of these ‘asylum seekers’ come from. Put brutally simply, very few of our ex colonies have shown any real ability to govern themselves competently hence their peoples are desperate and produce many economic migrants so they pretend to be genuine asylum seekers or are genuine in a few cases. However, it is profoundly unfair on the British people in general and on our poorest citizens and communities in particular to host limitless numbers of asylum seekers even if they are genuine for evermore. We have a moral obligation to care for our own people first.

        If only WW2 had never happened then the British Empire and the French one would still be in existence then we could stop this problem at source as you say.

        Why not process a very limited number of asylum seekers on Ascension Island or the British Indian Ocean Territory just like Australia under John Howard had an agreement with the tiny country of Nauru in the South Pacific to do? Though we don’t need an international agreement as we still own those two places as overseas dependent territories.

        Alternatively, we could just pull out of any international agreements to accept asylum seekers. As you say, the numbers of people who could claim a legitimate right to asylum are virtually limitless and far too many for us to absorb. The highly sensible, very well-governed, admirable in many ways, nationalist and advanced nation of Japan:


        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights _in_Japan

        accepts only around 1,000 or so a year and we should emulate them.


      9. John:
        As you say. The Pandora’s Box of international (worldwide) chaos and warfare etc was opened by the Second World War. Had that not happened, at least on the Western front, the European empires would have continued to exist (probably up to the present day); they may have had their flaws, but look at what has occurred by reason of their having been dismantled.


      10. When a country is subjected to a continual invasion by an invading and unwelcome force of people its government should, when push comes to shove, be able to use lethal means to defend its sovereign territory on behalf of its people/citizens. Of course, this should be a last resort but if that is the only way to stop the invasion then so be it

        This action was proposed by an elected politician of Germany’s excellent national-conservative/nationalist Alternative For Germany party to defend their borders. Of course, she was heavily criticised for saying it but she did say as a last resort when all other options haven’t worked and, in essence, the suggestion would be no worse than Churchil’s plan to use WW1 stocks of poison gas on any possible invading Nazi troops in 1940.


  6. Didn’t investigators find unmarked graves containing numerous dead bodies of Palestinians recently? I believe they did. From the Einzatsgruppen of the 1940’s to those graves now in 2024. History really does have an uncanny knack of coming full circle yet constant repetition of this particular story will not be forthcoming in the years ahead least of all by Zionist extremists. This truth will be unceremoniously buried never to be seen or heard again.


  7. Systematic genocide can be achieved in numerous ways as the UN says. British immigration policies of the last seventy years fit the description ie ‘actions designed to bring about the destruction of distinct ethnic groups in whole or in part’ . Gas chambers do not necessarily have to be used.


      1. Well, I’m afraid I will have to disagree with you there. Jews who have little to no reason to lie about it ie the often anti-Zionist/non-Zionist ie anti the Zionist state Ultra-Orthodox/Strictly-Orthodox devoutly religious ones say it happened and I have little reason to disbelieve them.

        Unlike the pro-Israel Zionist lunatic extremist troublemaking fraternity they don’t have a reason to constantly regurgitate the tale for sinister Zionist purposes and that is pretty much good enough for me.

        One may quibble about the overall numbers involved but I think there was some sort of intentional plan to get rid of Europe’s Jews by any means possible especially as the original plan of forced emigration to Madagascar became impossible to achieve.

        Undeniably, Hitler blamed ‘the Jews’ as a collective for everything that was wrong as he perceived it in Germany and Europe. He didn’t distinguish between ‘good’ devoutly religious Torah believing Jews and the ‘bad’ Zionist, often non religious, ‘Jews’ who hide behind and misuse a 3,000 year old religious faith and try to turn it into an atheist nationalism thereby inevitably rubbing up against the national feelings of their host societies and antagonising gentiles. Hitler’s view was about simplistically ‘collaring the lot’.




      2. That is true but their relatives were and they were of the same devoutly religious Ultra-Orthodox/Strictly-Orthodox backgrounds and had non-Zionist/anti-Zionist beliefs.

        Their Rabbis warned in the 1880’s about this mostly atheist development of Zionism and its purpose of transforming a religion into a national feeling and encouragement of a nationalism which would inevitably come into conflict with the nationalisms of the host societies in which Jews lived. They saw the dangers it would bring and Hitler was one result. They were obviously correct in foreseeing these dangers.


      3. A day or so ago the Zionist fanatic Daily Mail ran a story about a young Ultra-Orthodox/Strictly-Orthodox Jewish man in Stamford Hill being kidnapped and bundled into a car which may have been done by a a person upset about the Zionist oppression of Palestinians.

        This was a disgrace and should be condemned and regretted. It is a shame when these types of Jews are targeted for abuse by people who are not knowledgeable about Zionism and think that ALL Jews are lunatic, fanatical, extremist Zionists who support the Zionist state whatever it does. These incidents can sometimes come about because rags like the Daily Mail, The Scum, the Daily Telegraph, Zionist organisations like the Board of Deputies of British Jews constantly and dangerously conflate any criticism of Israel or Zionism with anti-semitism.

        According to Rabbi Elhanan Beck of Neturei Karta UK you will never see an Israeli flag flying in Stamford Hill nor do Ultra-Orthodox/Strictly-Orthodox Jews living there mark Israeli Independence Day in the Hebrew Calender of their diaries.


      4. John:
        Many of the “journalist” scribblers are Jew-Zionists. I noticed that the Daily Mail now employs Sabrina Miller, who was the focal point at Bristol University for the Jewish campaign against Dr. David Miller (now on Twitter/X as “@trackingpower”), which campaign resulted in his dismissal. Apparently the Daily Mail has no objection to her other odd ideas (as a student, at least), either, such as that bestiality pornography should be decriminalized, a view also taken at that time, a few years ago now (and tweeted, though later deleted) by that horrible bastard Ian Austin (now “Lord” Ian Austin), a “CAA” patron, whose letter or letters to the Director of Public Prosecutions may have been one reason why I was prosecuted eventually (as you know, the trial and sentence took place in 2023-2024, but the overall matter has been rumbling away like distant thunder for several years, indeed many years).


  8. Normally, it is never justifiable to steal from supermarkets or anywhere else but one can see why some very poor and desperate people do it. This is what will happen when you have dunces like Iain Dumbo-Smith and his LABOUR predecessors systematically smashing apart the social safety net so far too many people fall through the gaps.

    The Tories AND Labour should be throughly ashamed of themselves for effectively destroying this country’s proudest post war achievement and the part of the welfare state that is the most important and necessary part. In effect, a vital means to combat the degradations of capitalism especially the libertarian globalist financial failing version we have.

    Meanwhile, the NHS remains the gargantuan state owned monolith that it has always been and isn’t reformed properly even though effective reform of it by its roots is more easily achieved but then reforming it properly will make propaganda for constant mass immigration less easily believed which is no doubt one of the real reasons no government has set about changing this model of universal healthcare.

    Can we get rid of the fake, libertarian globalist ‘Conservative’ Party AND fake, anti-British, Zionist extremist ‘Labour’. BOTH parties are about as relevant and useful to Britain as a chocolate fireguard.


    1. John:
      The post-1945, and especially post-1950, Welfare State in the UK depended on two factors: most jobs paying enough to live on —even if modestly— and there being enough of such jobs, with the corollary that relatively few needed State benefits.

      Today, yes there may be (as claimed) 900,000 vacancies, but a huge number do not pay enough to live on. The poor-paying employers wish to be subsidized by their own employees and by the State (topping-up the poor pay via State benefits and credits).

      The mass immigration tsunami of course makes that whole situation worse, both via putting more unskilled labour on the market and also by putting huge numbers of virtually unemployable persons in the social security/”welfare” system.


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