Tag Archives: immigration

Diary Blog, 29 April 2024

Morning music

[painting by Vicente Romero Redondo]

Tweets seen

As one of the 80% or more of Conservative Party MPs who belong to Conservative Friends of Israel, Mel Stride is a spokesman for Israel.

As to the renewed attack on disability benefits, desperate clutching at straws by a government trying to appeal to people who know nothing, read the Sun, Star etc, and who might be persuaded to vote Conservative as a result of all this kefuffle.

I doubt whether it will work. People in all sorts of conditions of life want rid of this government and its venal, ignorant MPs, and are just waiting for the opportunity to put their “X” in any box but the one marked “Conservative Party”.

This contrived storm around disability benefits is also designed to deflect attention from the renewed slaughter in Gaza.

While there is a section of the UK electorate easily fooled by rhetoric against State benefits generally, those voters are mainly those already intending to vote Con at GE 2024; probably already within the Con “core vote” bloc which is about 20% of the entire electorate. That 20% can probably be characterized broadly as “over 65, retired, owner-occupiers, living in Southern England”.

Using the Electoral Calculus website, the most recent opinion polling indicates that, after GE 2024, the number of Con Party MPs might well be below 50. This contrived storm is a desperate attempt to seize back the initiative; I doubt that it will work.

Ay, there’s the rub“… “Labour”-label is no real alternative, just a different set of freeloading, “Friends of Israel” puppets.

Mel Stride is the latest in a long line of smug, entitled yet completely ignorant MPs pronouncing on such questions.

A few tweets, or a blog post, will not wipe the smug and self-satisfied smile off the mug of a creature of his sort, and the state of free speech is such that I cannot really say what might.

I happened to see an old Peter Cushing/Christopher Lee vampire film yesterday. When it comes to most MPs, certainly most MPs on the “Conservative” benches, my feeling is similar to that of Peter Cushing and others “driving the point home” in such a film…

I myself do not receive any disability benefits, but understand the issues. How is it that a Cabinet minister with specific responsibility for those issues seems to be so lacking, both in knowledge of them, and in both reason and compassion?

Basic Income is obviously the way forward.

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Huge numbers of people (in my opinion, far greater than the number who favour Labour-label) want to stamp on and wipe out the “Conservative” Party. I am one of them.

If only 14% of the voters were actually to vote that way at GE 2024 (with Labour on a notional 45%, LibDems 10%, Reform UK 15% and Greens 7%), the result would be the Cons left with just 7 MPs! (Labour 541, LibDems 53, SNP 26, Greens 2). https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html.

Interesting. I think that those figures need nuance here and there, though: for example, the supposed “Serbians” in Germany may well really be not Serbs but Gypsies from Serbia. The same goes for supposed “Romanians” in that table.

I believe that military people refer to such methods (boobytrapping cans of food etc with explosives or poison) as “technical attack”.

When dealing with such as the IRA in the 1970s, or the ZANLA terrorists in the Rhodesia of the same period, it might have been justified (in rural areas where arms dumps or support stores were found), but surely not when applied as a form of terrorism on an urbanized civilian population.

I have seen the usual Jew-Zionist lawyers arguing narrow legalistic points about whether what the Israeli Jews are doing in Palestine and particularly in Gaza is “genocide” or not. The reality is that this is at least a quasi-genocide. If it falls slightly short of a fully-delineated, legally-rubberstamped “genocide”, that is really only of academic interest.

Incidentally, Jews wanted to destroy the German people in the 1940s. That was why the atomic scientists, almost all of whom were Jews, developed the first atom bomb. They did so despite there having been a small theoretical possibility that the first full test would set alight Earth’s atmosphere and destroy all life on Earth.

The atom bombs were designed to be dropped on Berlin and other German cities, not Japanese ones. Those working on them were willing to accept that much of Central Europe might be devastated and irradiated.

Ironically, the terrible and devastating defeat of the German Reich in the Spring of 1945 saved Germany and much of Central Europe generally from atomic devastation.

The Morgenthau Plan was another quasi-genocidal strategy, suggested by a Jew highly-placed in the F.D. Roosevelt administration: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Morgenthau_Jr.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgenthau_Plan (“An investigation by Herbert Hoover concluded the plan was unworkable, and would result in up to 25 million Germans dying from starvation“).

More tweets

Yes, he did. I once knew a woman in the private security industry, and she told me (about 5 years after the event) that people directly involved in the case had told her that Madeley certainly did it. Hearsay twice over, admittedly, but plausible all the same.

(I should add that, actually, Madeley never denied having taken the Champagne; he denied that he had any dishonest intent).

Why he did it, God knows. Excitement?



There are many cases where a famous person, famous as an individual or because a member of a famous family, has been acquitted in circumstances where a not-famous person would have been convicted. One, remembered from my time in the USA was this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Kennedy_Smith. Guilty, in my opinion. but acquitted.

Another? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Salmond_sexual_harassment_scandal.

Late tweets seen

[“that which the Israelis are doing is ethnic cleansing”]

Anyone who supports Israeli war crimes, or the Jewish-Zionist lobby in the West, should be ashamed. That especially applies to those in official positions at all levels.

A Jew, of course: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_Blinken.

In fact, one of his grandparents was a prominent early supporter of Israel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_Blinken#Early_life_and_education.

So we are now in a different situation. We’re looking at Ukraine. Russia, in the last two and a half years has built up an enormously powerful and successful force. This is battle hardened, well-equipped, well-led, well-trained, highly disciplined.

The Ukrainian force has been annihilated. They’ve lost over 600,000 dead on the battlefield. There’s nothing left. The place is falling apart. And most of the money you were talking about will never get there. It’s simply sent through the washing machine over to defense and then to the defense industries, and then the donations flow back to the hill. So it doesn’t, you know, it’s not a question that we’re sending 60 billion and putting it into Zelensky’s hands now.

Now Zelensky and his friends will profit, no doubt about it. Let’s not kid ourselves. They’ll get some of it. How much? Who knows? I mean, this is the most corrupt country in the world. This is a country that has missing children, probably at this point in the hundreds of thousands. Prostitution, out of control. I mean, you’re talking about criminality on a scale that we in the west can’t even begin to imagine. It’s a tragedy. It’s the worst of all possible outcomes. The Ukrainian nation has been destroyed. Why? Because it’s mortgaged to our vanity.

In the west, Russia must be taught a lesson. Russia must be destroyed. Putin must be removed. Really? Why? Well, because we’ve decided that we want to strip Russia of its resources. So we turned Ukraine into a battering ram designed to stab Russia in the heart. The Russians woke up, not completely, but at the last minute, and decided, well, we probably should intervene here and stop what’s happening and signal just how serious this is, in our estimation. So they did, and they found out it’s much worse than we thought.

The force is much larger, much better trained. It has much more equipment. This is a far more serious problem. And as a result, they had to step back, establish a defense, build up their forces, and now they’re moving, and they’re going to finish the job.

Finish the job means everything from Odessa up to Kharkov is back in Russian hands. And those areas are originally Russian anyway, as has been pointed out. Your question is, what happens to the rest of the country that is west of the Dnieper River, this rump, Ukraine, and I think it’s going to become a giant demilitarized zone, a DMZ, similar to what we have between north and South Korea. There will be nothing there. There won’t be any fighting forces of any kind. And the Ukrainians can live there. And they may have some form of administration, but they’re not going to be permitted to ever again present a direct threat to Russia.

You pointed to the CIA stations and laboratories inside Ukraine. The Russians have overrun those. They know what’s there. They know what we’ve been trying to do. They know that we’ve been experimenting biologically with various weapons that could be used against them. This is insanity. And it was never necessary.

No one in the United States supported that. No one in the United States was consulted. So what do they do? They lie. They create a narrative. Russia is a revanchist nation. Russia is the Soviet Union reborn. We must stop it and defend democracy. That’s all crap. That’s nothing to do with any of it. And of course, Kiev is not a democratic state. Zelensky is not a democratic leader. He makes Stalin look good. So he’s going to go out of business. He’s going to vanish here over the next 30 to 60 days.

Whether he succumbs to whatever the Ukrainians decide to do with him on the ground, I don’t know. I’m sure that his foreign mercenaries that are surrounding him, special ops types from the United States and Britain and other countries, will do everything they can to keep him alive. But at some point, even they may abandon him. But the narrative persists because the media is an arm of the government.

This is very similar to what Noam Chomsky wrote about during Vietnam. Manufactured consent creates the illusion that this is something we all want. No, we didn’t want it. We didn’t ask anybody to open the borders. We did not ask for millions of people that we don’t know and know nothing about to come into the United States. And what do we do with millions of people who can’t find work? Especially if we go into the serious financial crisis that every sane person on the planet is predicting is coming.

What else can we say? I wish I could paint a positive picture.

[Colonel Douglas MacGregor].

I agree with most of that. The Colonel has repeated pretty much what I have said on the blog, for 2 years, should happen.

Kiev-regime Ukraine— a shambolic, brutal, corrupt, Jew-Zionist-ruled dictatorship. It has to go.

Late music

Diary Blog, 8 April 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

…and the same applies to the —ten or even twenty times greater— “legal” migration invasion.

Incidentally, those opinion poll statistics add up to only 77% of voters asked. Is most of the remaining 23% a group of people who might support something perhaps not on the question-paper, such as a social nationalist movement as yet not in existence?

[“our unconquerable children”]

At GE 2024, such figures might result in the Conservative Party being left with as few as 30 MPs, as noted on yesterday’s blog post.

A country which has no control over its borders, no control who has civil rights within borders, no right to expel non-citizens for default or at will, is not a nation but just a territory open to all, and not far from chaos or civil war, a place where disparate tribes occupy space for a time; or a kind of “Hotel California”…

Looks like he has learned the term that characterizes employed life at the bottom level in North America— “wage slavery”, with the accent on slavery…

If I had to guess, I should say that embezzling fake Zelensky will be gone within a year or so, either into exile and to his several multimillion-dollar houses in Florida and elsewhere or, well, just gone…

It’s now a week since Scotland’s new Hate Crime Act became law and 8,000 hate complaints have been logged with the police —about one a minute. Police union bosses described the law as ‘a disaster’ and claimed officers are already ‘swamped under a deluge of complaints’. Senior officers also warned that police will be forced to make cuts to frontline crimefighting to deal with the deluge and face a big overtime bill which the Scottish taxpayer will need to pick up — or the police will cut back elsewhere.”

Scotland, a region where a bunch of pseudo-nationalist clowns and foreign ideologues have taken power over the past 9 years, and where the white Scottish majority population is a hated and reviled group, despite numerical and other superiority.

Not just the SNP under Pakistani “First Minister” Humza Yousaf. “Scottish” Labour under Anas Sarwar, another Pakistani, is no better. I was always told that Scottish education was better than English, and Scottish people shrewd. What happened?

Google “Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan”…

Free speech is now all but dead in the UK, so I cannot comment as I should like…

For those unaware of the term, aliyah is a Hebrew term meaning, in everyday usage, “immigration“, and usually refers to immigration to Israel/occupied Palestine by Jews living elsewhere in the world; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliyah.

Talking point


In February 2002, Charlie Burrell and his wife Isabella Tree sent a letter to Defra declaring their intent ‘to establish a biodiverse wilderness area in the Low Weald of Sussex’. Twenty years later, their rewilding project on the 3,500-acre Knepp estate is a huge success story – a pioneering project that has inspired dozens of similar enterprises around the UK.” 

[House and Garden magazine]

Rewilding. Worth reading.

The UK needs a “wildlife grid”, perhaps one partly under private ownership but with a central state office to offer help and advice, and to co-ordinate useful initiatives.

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Israeli war crimes. Ethnic cleansing. Slaughter of women and children. Clearing Gaza of its Arab population so that, later, it can be settled by Israeli Jews. For a small country like Israel, even a region as small as Gaza represents what one might call Lebensraum [“living space”]. See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensraum.

…and see how actually reverential they look as they count the money…

I do not want “a debate“. I want an end to this invasion. So do the British people.

Also, it is quite clear why such information remains secret or unavailable, which is because public release of the statistical evidence would underline how hugely negative mass immigration has been to this country. A conspiracy by secret cabals embedded in the body politic to import non-whites into the UK (and the rest of Europe).

Even the press-gangs have not brought in enough people to become cannon-fodder for the incompetent Ukrainian high command. Now they want to press into service the old, the extremely young, women, even disabled people.

In the end, I think that many Ukrainian people will be glad to welcome the Russian armies as they advance.

The Sunday Times reports that among the residents of Ukraine there are no people left willing to fight, and a breakthrough of Russian troops to Kyiv is quite real “The front line is 480 km away, but to nervous young people from Podol, a Kyiv district famous for its nightclubs and cafes, the war suddenly seems much closer. “I’m afraid,” the publication quotes 31-year-old Dima as saying, specifying that he is a “heavy smoker.” Main points of the article:

Ukrainian generals said that there is no alternative to mass mobilization to stop Russia’s offensive. Zelensky warned allies to expect more territorial losses and called on Ukrainian men who fled abroad to return and serve their country.

But under the bright spring sun of Kyiv, the answers to questions about Zelensky’s desire to mobilize are clear. The video producer, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he travels between Ukrainian cities only at night to avoid being drafted into the army.

Western partners hesitant about arms supplies face brutal calculations: the population of the remaining Ukraine is approximately 31 million, compared with 144 million in Russia. The longer the military conflict continues, the greater the fear that the numbers will prevail.

Ukraine, suffering from the lowest birth rate in the world, tried to save young people from the horrors of war. But now, when the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is 43 years old, the desire to protect the country’s future prevails.

In the capital of Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of people are browsing Telegram channels in search of advice on how to avoid conscription into the army. The messages are encrypted: “They just dumped a lot of snow on one person near the Polytechnic Institute station,” “It’s very cloudy on the street near the Festivalny shopping center now.”

People are accustomed to the idea that the front line is far away, that it is unshakable. But the truth is that the Russians could break through at any moment. We can fight for Kyiv again. People don’t understand the threat,” says military medic Boris.

Regular readers of the blog will note that many of the above points have featured on the blog over the past 1-2 years.

Russia cannot lose this war. Russia will not lose this war.

What goes around comes around“, in the American saying…

That photo, showing President Assad, reminds me of when little William Hague, about 12 years ago, said that Assad was finished and would be on a plane out to exile somewhere or other within days, if not hours. Ha ha! The UK is ruled by clowns of the William Hague sort— or even worse in fact, now. No wonder that 80% of the electorate want to stamp on the Conservative Party, and stamp and stamp…

Not that fake Labour, entirely controlled at top level by the Israel-lobby cabal, will be any better, looking at thick and ignorant “diversity hire”, Lammy.

Well, you people, most of you “Conservative” and “Labour” voters, never supported those who tried to warn of the likely consequences of the mass immigration invasion of the UK —from the 1950s through to today—, meaning Enoch Powell, the National Front, the BNP, social-national thinkers etc.

Many tried to get a public hearing, but were ignored, or persecuted, or even prosecuted. You people kept voting for System parties and their corrupt and/or stupid MPs. Even now, you vote for a System party. Now see the results…

Forget about knives. Knives are just a peripheral symptom. Look at and then deal with the causes. Those who carry the knives. They are probably already breeding the next generation of knife-carriers and stabbers.

Late tweets seen

On a very low cultural level.

Late music


A few weeks ago, I set up a crowdfund appeal to help with the imposed costs of my recent free speech trial. Any donations gratefully received.

If you cannot donate, please share the link wherever you can.

Thank you.


Diary Blog, 26 February 2024

Afternoon music

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That, and the migration invasion etc.


…and there it is. Paul Mason, still doing his thing for NWO/ZOG…

…but answer came there none…”Boris”-Idiot, then Liz Truss (“ably” supported by Woollyhead Trussbanger, aka Kwasi Kwarteng), then the little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, who neither looks, nor behaves, nor thinks like a prime minister.

Talking point

That may or may not be historically-accurate, but look what has happened in the ~76 years since then:

Now, the Gaza Strip enclave looks as if it too may soon revert to Jewish/Israeli occupation and, perhaps, settlement or resettlement by Israeli Jews, once the present Gazan population is killed or driven out.

Another talking point


In a 1931 interview with a Leipzig newspaper editor, Adolf Hitler made a passionate declaration of the true significance of his National Socialist movement:

The Frenchman Gobineau and the Englishman Chamberlain were inspired by our concept of a new order-a new order, I tell you, or if you prefer, an ideological glimpse into history in accordance with the basic principle of the blood.

We do not judge by merely artistic or military standards or even by purely scientific ones. We judge by the spiritual energy which a people is capable of putting forth, which will enable it in ten years to recapture what it has lost in a thousand years of warfare.

I intend to set up a thousand year Reich and anyone who supports me in battle is a fellow-fighter for a unique spiritual-I would almost say divine-creation.

At the decisive moment the decisive factor is not the ratio of strength but the spiritual force employed. Betrayal of the nation is possible even when no crime has been committed, in other words when a historical mission has not been fulfilled.”

[Adolf Hitler]

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A pack of thieves.

Looks like white phosphorus.

Israeli war crimes continue.

NWO/ZOG cretin.

Another idiot. He has no idea of what he is saying. Meaningless verbiage.

I can agree with some, perhaps much, of what is written by Matt Goodwin, but he sees the threat to Western civilization as coming only from radical Islamism. He misses out several other basically “ethnic” threats— the Jew-Zionist influence and control, embedded within “Western” power structures; the non-Muslim black/brown influxes (and consequent emergence of mixed-race populations within Europe); also, the outwardly peaceful Chinese population influx.

In relation to the last-mentioned, I cannot do better than to quote the famous maxim of Sun Tzu: “to win without war, this is the supreme excellence” [Sun Tzu, The Art of War]. Peking (Beijing) is playing a long game, as always.

The multi-headed threat is a major reason why the West is losing.

Matt Goodwin’s material is a classic example: he concentrates on only one of several threats (extreme Islamism, given strength by the Muslim part of the migration-invasion of Europe).

Goodwin scarcely recognises the other ethnic-centred threats to our culture and civilization and, when it comes to the Jewish/Zionist element, vociferously supports it!

More tweets

Looks as if Biden, if he stands again, will be, so to speak, trumped.

What about the influence, control, and/or ownership of the UK mass media by Jewish and Zionist interests? Wilful naivety by Andrew Neil.

I wonder whether social-nationalism might attract people there once the present lunatic, Milei, ruins the country even more.

“EU Fear of Russia Degenerates into War Weariness – Bloomberg…

The protests of farmers in Europe, which erupted in the third year of the Ukrainian conflict, serve as a clear illustration of the fact that Kyiv’s Western allies are exhausted by military actions and their consequences, writes a Bloomberg columnist.

As the journalist reminds, the French government eventually managed to reassure its farmers by promising to protect them from Ukrainian imports. Chicken producers were especially afraid of eastern competitors, claiming that Ukrainian chicken was imported in huge volumes, it was extremely difficult to track, and the income from its sales enriched large corporations.

French President Emmanuel Macron this month even “pointed his finger” at the Ukrainian “chicken tycoon” Yuriy Kosyuk, owner of the MHP holding – the French leader warned that Paris “is not interested in enriching this man.”

The dissatisfaction of farmers may seem like a side problem to some – especially against the backdrop of difficulties with the bill on the allocation of additional aid to Kiev, which is stuck in the US Congress – but in fact it demonstrates well “how the Europeans, who, against the backdrop of stagnation in the economy and the prospects for the return of Donald Trump, are not very inclined to be heroic, fear of Russia degenerates into war fatigue.”

Late music

Diary Blog, 24 February 2024, including some thoughts about Ashfield constituency and Lee Anderson MP

Morning music

[river Moskva, upstream of Moscow]

Saturday quiz

This week brings a narrow victory over political journalist John Rentoul. He scored 5/10, but I trumped that with 6/10. I did not know the answers to questions 1, 2, 3, and 8.

From the newspapers


Women are having fewer children than ever before, official figures revealed today. 

Office for National Statistics data shows the fertility rate — the average number of children a woman has — in England and Wales slumped to 1.49 in 2022. 

It marks the lowest figure since records began in 1938, laying bare the reality of the ongoing baby bust that threatens to cripple the economy. 

Not a single one of the 330-plus authorities in both countries has a fertility rate that is above ‘replacement level’, according to MailOnline analysis.

[Daily Mail]

When one considers that (overall) the blacks and browns etc are having children, the birthrate among white people (“the people formerly known as British”) is seen more clearly as being at a rock-bottom level.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

More from the newspapers


An MP has had his conviction for racially aggravated offense quashed after he told an activist to ‘go back to Bahrain.’

Bob Stewart, MP for Beckenham in south-east London, made the remark towards activist Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei during a row outside the Foreign Office’s Lancaster House on December 14 2022. 

Last November, Mr Stewart was convicted for a racially aggravated public order offence and was fined £600. Following the conviction, Mr Stewart lost the Tory whip and has since sat in the House of Commons as an independent. 

Now, following an appeal, his conviction has been overturned today at Southwark Crown Court.”

[Daily Mail]

One has to wonder how absolutely stupid are the police and Crown Prosecution Service that this was ever brought to a trial. Mad.

Incidentally, note that the Daily Mail wannabee “journalist” scribbler spells “offence” as “offense“, American-style, in the first line. Newspapers have declined in every way since the 1970s.

As for my own conviction under the very stupid Communications Act 2003, s.127 (trial was on 17 November 2023), I am due to be sentenced in a few weeks’ time. After that, I shall have 3 weeks in which to decide whether to appeal to the Crown Court.

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Britain Occupied territory

For me, what is most alarming is that dim people like Hoyle can get to some of the highest-status positions in our country and society.

At least he is an animal-lover in his private life. I can approve of that.

Paul Golding/Britain First is only partly correct. While Islamism is a threat to the UK, so is Jew-Zionism, which is far more embedded in the power structure. Paul Golding always attacks the one but not the other, which may be one reason why Britain First has a poor electoral record; most recently, 1.6% at the Wellingborough by-election, only 8th out of 11 candidates.

At Wellingborough, Britain First’s 8th-placed position came after Labour, Conservative, Reform, LibDems, an Independent, Greens, and another Independent, only beating the Monster Raving Loony and two more Independents. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellingborough_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Only one caveat: I do not know whether those numbers are inflation-adjusted.

By sending long-range “Taurus” cruise missiles to Ukraine, they will make Germany part of the Ukrainian conflict, German politician Sara Wagenknecht told the German media.

“You really think that if we deliver more weapons, the Ukrainians will be able to drive the Russians out of Crimea? Do you think Russia, a nuclear power, will allow that? If we bring war to Russia with German weapons, then we will also bring war to Germany,” she said.”

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahra_Wagenknecht. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahra_Wagenknecht#Refugee_policy. Interesting.

Sara Wagenknecht only finished her secondary education in 1988, a year before the collapse of the DDR (and, incidentally, the same year in which I myself saw the country, though only briefly), so she could not have been a member of the Aufklärung (the foreign intelligence component of the State Security apparat or “Stasi“). Had she been older, one might wonder.

Lee Anderson, and Ashfield (Derbyshire)

The maverick MP has been suspended from being under the Conservative Party whip.

Naturally, I do not agree with his statement that London is “run by Muslims”. Sadiq Khan is from a Muslim background, but has been pretty much in the Jew-Zionist pocket for many years.

It would be more accurate to characterize Sadiq Khan as “anti-white”.

As to Anderson himself, I suggest that he is trying to bolster his position vis a vis the General Election expected later this year.

Until 2019, Ashfield had always been won by Labour since its inception in 1955, with one closely-run by-electoral exception in 1977. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashfield_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s. “New Labour” and Gloria de Piero changed all that.

David Marquand, a former MP for Ashfield (1966-1977; he is still alive, at 89): “Originally a tentative supporter of Blair’s New Labour, he has since become a trenchant critic, arguing that “New Labour has ‘modernised’ the social-democratic tradition out of all recognition”, even while retaining the over-centralisation and disdain for the radical intelligentsia of the old “Labourite” tradition.” [Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Marquand.

Marquand defected to the SDP and then was honourable enough to step down as MP, not contesting the by-election.

In fact, Marquand was himself rather intellectual:

Marquand addressed Britain’s relative economic decline in The Unprincipled Society (1988) and The New Reckoning (1997). He argued that this decline was caused by Britain’s failure to become a developmental state like France, Germany and Japan. In those countries state intervention had encouraged industrial development and had facilitated the necessary adjustments to competition. Britain, however, was wedded to an economic liberalism which prevented the state from undertaking the necessary measures to meet the country’s developmental needs.[7] In The New Reckoning Marquand claimed: “The economies that have succeeded more spectacularly have been those fostered by developmental states, where public power, acting in concert with private interest, has induced market forces to flow in the desired direction”.[8]” [Wikipedia].

In fact, Ashfield is not quite as “safe Labour” as the history might suggest superficially. Gloria de Piero won in 2010 by a majority of under half a point (0.4%, 192 votes) from a LibDem.

While de Piero’s majority increased in 2015 (as the LibDems imploded), in 2017 she beat the Conservative candidate by less than one point (0.9%, 441 votes). An Ashfield Independent came third with over 9% of the vote.

In 2019, Lee Anderson won convincingly: 39.3% of the vote, followed in second (27.6%) by another “Ashfield Independent”, Jason Zadrozny [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Zadrozny], who has had a chequered political and personal history. In third place came Labour, with only 24.4%.

Zadrozny is going to contest the seat at GE 2024.

So far, apart from Anderson (who may or may not be standing as Conservative Party candidate, depending on whether he gets back the Conservative whip), only the Ashfield Independent and Reform UK are presently known to be likely to stand at GE 2024, but a full field is almost guaranteed. There may be a dozen or more candidates.

At first, I thought that Anderson could probably be written off as post-GE 2024 MP, but now am not so sure. He has now (whether by design or not) distanced himself from the unpopular Conservative leadership —and possibly from the equally-unpopular Conservative Party— is anti-EU, anti-migration invasion etc, and is now known nationwide. He must have at least a chance of retaining his seat. If he does, and if he also retains it as a “Conservative” MP, he might be one of 100 or even as few as 50 such MPs. Who knows what might then happen?

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(April 2023)

(February 2024)


Richard Tice

Mr Tice said there is “anger amongst ordinary folk about the state of the country”.

He said: “There’s no love for Keir Starmer, there’s just a deep rejection and utter fury with the toxic Tories.

[Daily Express]

To that limited extent, I agree with Tice.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 22 February 2024

Morning music

From the newspapers


A Jewish father whose five-month-old daughter’s birth certificate was returned from the Passport Office ripped with the birthplace of Israel scratched out plans to sue the individuals responsible.

‘We are very happy that the Government took swift action but I hope whoever this public servant is is banned,’ he told MailOnline last night. 

‘I would like to sue them personally for the damage they have carried out to my daughter’s birth certificate, my property.’ 

The family is in contact with a lawyer to discuss next steps and is considering whether to contact the police to report a possible hate crime.

[Daily Mail].

He wants both money and (to put it politely) revenge.

A contrived storm…

Meanwhile, in the real world…

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Next stop— either dystopia, or civil/cultural warfare.


This is what many of “them” are like. Compare their similar mocking of people (especially those unable to hit back) on Twitter/X. Jews in the UK, for example, mocking the historian David Irving, whose death (as yet unconfirmed) has been reported.

“They” never, or very rarely, have any class, or any understanding of decent behaviour.

“They” are still whining about their recent ancestors having been moved around Europe by German forces in the early/mid 1940s. Now the Jews are doing something very similar to the Palestinian Arabs.


John Huston’s famous film was based on a book by the mysterious German (?) anarchist Bruno Traven, who once went by the name “Der Ziegelbrenner” (The Brick-Burner”).



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Designs and pictures like the lion are part of a nation’s iconography. They are little pieces of a whole. Think the Robertson’s gollywog, gollywogs generally, the Camp coffee essence label scene (British officer being served by his Indian sepoy-batman), and the various famous companies with their legendary “backstories”.

Cadbury’s was one like that: its story (including Bournville village), its public-interest activity, its sheer Britishness. Now all gone, the workers betrayed, and the company sold off to American Jews who have ruined both the company and its image, and even its products. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bournville; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadbury.

Such things are not as trivial as many are now claiming about the Tate & Lyle Golden Syrup lion.

The famous old companies and their products are part of the gradually-acquired soul of this country. Their trashing and removal, or sudden metamorphosis into something alien, unfamiliar, is a symptom of what is happening to the British nation. It too is being trashed and more or less removed. All that is left is a shell. The same applies to (you name it) the Church, the Bar, Parliament, the armed forces, almost everything.

Diary Blog, 21 February 2024

Afternoon music

Crazed women abused children


“A Utah mother whose harsh parenting advice made her a YouTube influencer has been sentenced to at least four years in prison for child abuse.

The two women were arrested in August 2023 after Franke’s malnourished 12-year-old son climbed out of a window at Hildebrandt’s house in Ivins, Utah. Police said the child then ran to a neighbour’s house and asked for food and water. He had lacerations from being tied up with rope, according to police records.

 “[YouTube] fans started to become suspicious in 2020, when one of her sons mentioned that he had been forced to sleep on a bean bag for seven months.

YouTube viewers combed through her archives and pointed out other disturbing and controversial methods used by Franke – such as withholding food, threatening to chop the head off a toy stuffed animal and “cancelling” Christmas as a punishment.

Franke then began appearing in YouTube videos posted by Ms Hildebrandt – a counsellor and life coach – on her site, ConneXions Classroom.

Away from the camera, however, Franke’s children were being subjected to even harsher abuse.

This included tying them up, beating and kicking them, neglecting to feed them and forcing them to work outdoors in the summer without sunscreen, resulting in serious sunburn, according to police records.

In a plea agreement, Hildebrandt stated that she either tortured the children or was aware of the abuse and that she forced one of Franke’s daughters to “jump into a cactus multiple times”.


Terrible, and comes against a background of too-strict American parenting, though plenty of too-indulgent parenting exists there too. I concede that, as someone without offspring, I write as a mere observer. I do think, though, that many Americans are too strict with their children, but I admit that I have also seen much of the opposite tendency (children allowed to behave and speak rather rudely).

Tweets seen

Some type of civil war is coming. It may be in 2025, it may be in 2035 or later, but it is coming…

As to Matt Goodwin, I am wondering why he appears to be bolstering the electoral case for not only Reform UK but also the Conservative Party.

Having said that, I doubt whether anything can now save the Conservative Party, let alone the little Indian money-juggler, Sunak.

As Powell said, “we must be mad, literally mad“, but it is not the British people themselves but a small minority —at Westminster, in the newspapers, on TV and radio, in the legal professions and the universities etc— who are the guilty parties.

In fact, the British people as a whole do bear at least some of the guilt, for being so apathetic as to allow themselves to be repressed and then, as is now happening, replaced.

Nearly 100%, in fact, because almost all of the remaining 8% will be births to first, or second, or third-generation non-white women, and a relative few to white women but first/second/third-generation immigrant fathers. Hardly any to white couples.

My daughter is two years-old. She’s already lived through three prime ministers, four chancellors, two monarchs, a global pandemic, and wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. What will she live through in the years ahead, I often wonder?

It’s a question most parents ask themselves. And it’s one I asked myself again yesterday while reading a new forecast on how Britain’s population will change over the next twelve years —which is not a very long time at all.

The forecast, from the independent Office for National Statistics, is striking to say the least. And I suspect many people out there in the country, many of the people who are perhaps reading this Substack, will find it deeply worrying.

By the year 2036, by the time my daughter turns fifteen, Britain’s population will have grown by another 6.6 million people. In just fifteen years, in just three election cycles, the population will surge by 10 per cent, rising from 67 million people to nearly 74 million. And of the additional 6.6 million people in the country —another 6.6 million people using the NHS, the GPs, the schools, the roads, and looking for a house to buy or rent— some 6.1 million will be here because of immigration.

[Matt Goodwin]

The Gaza slaughter is only continuing because the Jewish lobby in the USA now effectively controls, as it has done since at least the 1960s, both U.S. policy in Washington and, also, the American mass media, thus cheerleading the largely-ignorant and easily-led American masses.

Boris Johnson asked for 1 million in “US dollars, gold or bitcoins” for an interview on the situation in Ukraine, Tucker Carlson said. The journalist reported the politician’s demand to Blaze.

Carlson tried to arrange an interview with the former British Prime Minister, who called him a “tool of the Kremlin” because of the interview with Putin. But he asked him for a meeting for 1 million in “US dollars, gold or bitcoins”:

“I’m not defending Putin, but Putin didn’t ask me for a million dollars. So Boris Johnson is a much more slippery and nasty guy than Vladimir Putin.”

Does that idiot even believe what he is saying? Ukraine (Kiev regime) cannot “win”. It cannot regain the oblasti of Donetsk, Lugansk (and/or Crimea etc). It cannot attack, in any serious way, Russia itself.

It could only achieve those objectives by drawing NATO directly into the war (leading, probably, to a world war), or by somehow contriving a palace revolution in Moscow. Neither of those possibilities is likely to take place.

I have been wondering why the Western msm obsession with Navalny. Was it because, after the death of Boris Nemtsov, Navalny was the only high-profile opposition figure in Russia? Like Nemtsov, his support was only about 5% of the population, and could never have reached even 20%.

Navalny did get 27% in the Moscow Mayoralty election of 2013, but Moscow is not Russia; an island of Westernization and (relative) affluence. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Navalny#Ratings.

As blogged previously, I think that Navalny was almost certainly a braver man than me (going back from exile in Germany to almost-certain arrest in Russia), and certainly a more reckless one, inter alia.

Incidentally, I just saw this about Zhirinovsky, the supposedly “Russian nationalist” stalking horse of the early 1990s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Zhirinovsky#Jewish_heritage.

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Various “reasons”, from the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic fallout to “Ukraine” (support for Zelensky’s corrupt, chaotic, and brutal dictatorship, and Israel), to the importation of millions of parasites. Overall, the shorthand terms “NWO”, “ZOG”, “WEF” and “Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan ” pretty much cover it.

Elon Musk, though he strikes me as an interesting person, is at the same time rather disappointing. Take away his untold millions and billions, and what would be left? Not much, really.

The “whys and wherefores” are not yet known, as far as I can see, but the news brought to mind the old Chekist saying, “the legs of the traitor are not as long as the arms of the Cheka” [ЧК].

Roberts is, in my view, a largely ahistorical scribbler, who has posed as a kind of pseudo-aristocratic historian all his life, always having had plenty of money thanks to his father having owned both the well-known Job’s Dairy and also the UK franchise rights for Kentucky Fried Chicken (now KFC).

He was raised to the life peerage by “Boris” Johnson in 2022. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Roberts,_Baron_Roberts_of_Belgravia.

He is and always was pro-NWO etc. An “Atlanticist”, if you like. Now he seems to be regurgitating lying Israeli government propaganda instead of pro-Churchill ahistory.

Murderous vandals and thieves.

Look at it. Listen to it. Its very voice is both ugly and brutal, even before one reads the subtitles.

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Speakeasy]
[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 18 February 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Tweets seen

Ha. In a nutshell…

Not as surprising as it seems at first blush. After all, the Gurkhas were and to some extent are mercenaries or contract soldiers in British service. They have now switched, in part, to another employer. “Simples”…

The British Army still employs about 4,000 Gurkhas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurkha.

Lammy— both brainless and without principle.

Rachel Reeves— careerist and member (and Vice-Chair) of Labour Friends of Israel…

Rachel, why won’t you talk to us?“…answer: because your name is not (((you-know-who)))…

Russia counted on the honesty of its partners, Russian President Vladimir Putin said when asked why the special military operation did not start earlier.

We learned the true state of affairs only later, when the former chancellor of Germany and the former president of France said that they did not even intend to fulfill the Minsk agreements, Putin said in an interview with Russia on the 24th.

Speaking about the negotiations, he pointed out that the fighting in Ukraine would have stopped a year and a half ago had it not been for the West’s position, the Russian leader said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that it is possible to start the undamaged branch of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in a week, but Germany shows no interest in that.

Can Nord Stream 2 (launch)? Can! Turn on the valve, say: We want (gas). He will get it tomorrow. It takes a week. But they don’t want to, said the Russian leader.

Sometimes, I think that the “dirty democratic politicians” (in Hitler’s phrase) of Germany are even more stupid than those of the UK, but that would scarcely be possible.

Russia must and will win in the Ukrainian war situation, at the very least to the extent of maintaining its present position (control of Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea regions, and some other —mainly coastal— areas). Indeed, there is every chance that Russia will be able to take over (or regain, if you like) control of the entirety of Eastern Ukraine (Ukraine east of the Dnieper).

The shambolic, brutal, and corrupt Kiev regime headed by the Jew Zelensky is fast running out of arms, ammunition and, above all, soldiers.

Kiev. As the brutal reality of the war sets in on the #Ukranian people. The sadness and needless death imposed up on by Zionists and Anglo-Saxon elites on to the Ukrainian peoples. Ukrainian people and the world is slowly coming to the realisation; they have been taken for a ride.

A lunatic enjoying his “15 minutes of fame”.

There is a kind of ingrained, hypocritical sadism in “them”.

Putin: Ukraine regularly receives money for the transit of Russian gas.

So they say in Ukraine – aggressor, aggressor. But they regularly receive money for gas transit. They don’t smell ,” said President Vladimir Putin.

Putin said that a week is needed to launch the remaining Nord Stream line, but Germany does not want to.

Interesting. So Ukraine (Kiev regime) is still getting money from Russia on a regular basis as transit fees for passage of Russian gas to the EU?! Very convoluted.

I wonder where those millions of US dollars end up?

One of the worst aspects of the collapse of the Soviet Union 35 years ago (the formal termination was in 1991) has been the proliferation of that strange semi-Americanized Russian-language rock and rap music. Ghastly.

The Kiev regime has only two chances: one, to join NATO, and then be able to call upon NATO forces under the Treaty obligations. That is why NATO states will not allow Ukraine to join, because it would lead to a world war before very long.

The second Kiev regime opportunity to avoid defeat would be a revolution or palace revolution in Moscow, and the end of the Putin administration. That is not going to happen.

The Kiev regime should cede to Russia all of Eastern Ukraine, and should then agree to make Kiev and Odessa “open cities” or, failing that, condominia. The present members of the Kiev regime can then fall back on Lvov (or disappear to Israel or the USA).

Nancy Pelosi on Russia’s treachery: Russia has more people in the army than at the beginning, and they will replenish their human resources. They buy these people. They go around the villages, around the outskirts, and they pay them money so that people go to fight.” Instead of honestly grabbing people on the streets and catching them in transport and apartments, as is done in democratic free Ukraine.

Can you imagine a political system so screwed that someone such as Nancy Pelosi can attain to high office? As bad as that in the UK…

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Pelosi#Financial_status.

Not sure that I agree with that, though fraud (especially one person using another’s postal vote) is obviously a problem, particularly in areas with high non-white and especially Muslim populations.

Sophie Corcoran is a pro-Conservative Party, maybe pro-Reform UK —I don’t know enough about her exact views— talking head. She does not seem to have considered that both Reform UK and (maybe even more) the Conservative Party are those mostly voted for via postal voting, which affects the mostly middle-aged and elderly people most likely to have disabilities and chronic medical conditions.

Ms. Corcoran’s proposed postal vote ban would therefore probably be the final straw breaking the back of the Conservative Party.

Rochdale is a rather different situation. I shall blog about the upcoming by-election (29 February 2024) before the day.

Something just came unbidden to my mind.

When I lived in Almaty, Kazakhstan for a year (1996-1997) I had, in the course of my work, some limited contact with an Israeli businessman in his sixties or seventies who headed a large energy company with interests in Kazakhstan. The company was based in or near Tel Aviv, maybe at Herzliya.

The Israeli was (I was told by others) a former general in the Israeli Army. I accompanied him to a meeting with the UK Ambassador, at the British Embassy (which I visited fairly often). The Embassy was then in Furmanov Street, Almaty (the capital of Kazakhstan was then still at Almaty).

That Israeli (who from his accent originated in the UK, maybe in London) told me that (unlike the British Ambassador, whom he found insufficiently interested in his problems) every Israeli ambassador is given, by his superiors in Israel, a list of duties including how many contacts, including business contacts, to make in a year, how many business opportunities for Israelis to make or facilitate etc.

“They” are relentless.

Incidentally, I have no idea why he did not use the Israeli Ambassador for what he wanted. Maybe he did that as well. Probably.

Oddly, he did not have (at least with him) a UK passport as well as his Israeli one (I know that); so, despite the semi-“British” accent (and knowledge of London) he was probably not a dual-passport-holder. Not a hugely pleasant person, and (as I believe is common in Israel) rather abrasive in manner.

Well, that Israeli general and international business leech must have gone up the chimney many years ago now. This was in late 1996, over 27 years ago; so, in itself, it is just another of life’s memories.

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True, but the pro-“libertarian”, anti-State, pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby stances of Reform UK will limit its appeal, in all likelihood.


79 years too late.

When I lived in New Jersey in the early 1990s, my first wife (an American) and I drove a couple of times to a small shop outside the centre of Newark, which shop had been left, as if washed up on the shore, after the race riots of the late 1960s, mainly 1967, which had trashed the (then) better parts of the city. That shop sold maybe 50, maybe 100 types of ground coffee. Guatemalan, Zimbabwean, you name it.

At one time, pre-1967, Newark had been fairly decent, but after 1967, 100,000 white people left the city, leaving it a drug-ridden, crime-ridden remnant. Having said that, I sometimes walked in the main streets there, or caught the PATH Line to Manhattan, and I never had any trouble. Maybe I looked too poor or too angry to mug.

[intersection of Broad and Market streets, Newark, NJ, 2005]

My first wife’s office was by the Federal building in central Newark, though we lived at least half an hour’s drive south, in Middlesex County, and close to the Monmouth County line.

Actually, even the “Federal” enclave in Newark was not completely safe. Two FBI agents were held up and robbed at gunpoint in the same supposedly guarded car park that my wife and her small group of colleagues used. Strange; I believe that the FBI are supposed to be armed at all times when in public. Maybe they were caught napping. After the mugging, the local police had a patrol car parked by that car park every late afternoon and evening.

Cities can of course fall into desolation via social factors alone, without war. Drugs, poverty, cultural decadence, breakdown of social trust, breakdown of social order generally. It worries me what I see in the UK whenever I have to go to heavily-urban areas (thankfully now not often). What will Britain be like by, say, 2030, or 2040? God knows.

The flight of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Avdiivka threatens to turn into a serious problem, since the city is of strategic importance, retired US Air Force Colonel Cedric Layton said on CNN.

Due to the transfer of the city to Russian control, it will be much more difficult for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to organize attempts at a counter-offensive on Donbass – not to mention the fact that the Russian Armed Forces may move further west after Avdievka.

Late music

[Central Kiev, 1943]

Diary Blog, 17 February 2024

Morning music

Saturday quiz

Well, an unusual week, in that I was outscored by political journalist John Rentoul, who managed 6/10; I only got 5/10. I nearly guessed the answer to question 1, but could not be sure, and also came close on question 7. As it was, I only knew for sure the answers to questions 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9.

Tweets seen

Exactly so. Labour actually offers nothing (except, possibly, arguably, tighter administration) that is not offered or done by the present “Conservative” misgovernment. Having said that, the voters plainly wish to punish the Government for being so weak and, indeed, hopeless.

It was surprising to see that just over a third of the Kingswood voters who voted, still voted Con, albeit that the turnout was well under 40% (so only about 10% or so of all eligible voters voted Con), but that may indicate that in a general election, the Con vote in that constituency (were it not being abolished) would be nearer to 20% or 25%, on a putative turnout of about 70%. However, that would still be not enough to win (were the seat to still exist at GE 2024).

All speculation, of course…

According to the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] cabal (on its website), “lord” Ian Austin, the notorious Israel-lobby and Jewish-lobby puppet who was once an MP, and who is one of the “Patrons” of the “CAA”, actually wrote to the Director of Public Prosecutions in 2022 demanding that I be prosecuted for expressing my views on this blog.

See https://antisemitism.org/former-barrister-ian-millard-found-guilty-of-five-communications-offences-after-seven-years-of-action-by-caa/.

Regular readers of the blog will know that I was tried last November, found guilty on all 5 counts, and will be sentenced next month. Freedom of expression is almost dead, and a large part of the reason for that is the existence of the Jew-Zionist lobby.

Austin is very odd. He once tweeted that pornography involving bestiality should be decriminalized, a view echoed by the Jewish girl at the centre of the campaign against Dr. David Miller of Bristol University. Those tweets were later deleted. At the same time, Austin thinks that “holocaust” “denial” should be criminalized!

Austin’s quite long Wikipedia entry says nothing at all about his personal life.

Austin, as MP, was also a hard-core expenses cheat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Austin#Expenses

You can bet that Austin makes sure to “sign on” at the House of Lords every sitting day, in order to get his c.£350 a day taxfree cash “allowance” and other freebies.

I wonder how many other lucrative part-time jobs (in the argot of today, “side-hustles”) Austin has. That housing chairmanship was almost certainly only one of several.

Austin almost personifies the corrupt pro-Israel political system of the UK today, as well as Starmer-Labour.

More music

More tweets

Tories said they’d lower migration

Then put it on steroids

Tories said control borders

Then lost control Tories say we are sovereign

But won’t leave ECHR

Tories blame Labour

But won’t change New Labour law

Tories promised new economy

Then gave us more of the same

This isn’t hard. People are leaving the Tories because they promised one thing only to do the very opposite.”


Lack of funding is part of that, but I doubt that the tweeter (obviously Indian) would agree that another large part of the problem is the half-million to a million immigrants of various kinds every single year.

Yes, a tiny percentage of the migration influx consists of doctors and nurses, but the other 99.9% are those who will not work in the NHS but will use its services.

Then factor in the disastrous “lockdowns” and/or restricted service throughout 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Then factor in the other recent developments: the strikes in the NHS, and the explosion of part-time working by GPs and the better-paid clinical staff generally, and also the phenomenon of medical students getting trained here in the UK, mainly at UK taxpayers’ expense (despite student loans), then emigrating to countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc for more money and a better lifestyle. They should have to work in the NHS for 5-10 years after qualification and training.

Here’s a chart I tweeted this week which went viral on social media. It shows rates of home ownership in Britain by age, from 1960 through to today. Take a look…

[Home ownership rates by age. Source: Sunday Times]

Highlighting the fact mass immigration is directly fuelling our housing crisis clashes with the elite’s “luxury beliefs”. Routinely, they demand more and more immigrants, looser and looser borders, to project their liberal beliefs to other elites all the while knowing they and their families will never be the ones to have to compete with immigrants and newcomers for a roof above their heads.”

As Andrew Neil said in response: “And the Tories wonder why young folks won’t vote for them”. Indeed. At the looming general election just 8% of Zoomers from Generation-Z plan to vote Conservative.

This is why, last weekend, housing secretary Michael Gove went further, touring media in Westminster to warn if young British people and families remain unable to get on the housing ladder ‘they will abandon democracy’.

Our day in the sun may be nearer than we ourselves, as social nationalists, realize.

Look at recent by-elections. Only a third of voters are even bothering to vote. They despise the System parties and refuse to validate those “elected”, who have no real legitimacy.

By that date (2036), UK society will have either collapsed into civil war or chaos, or be very close to that point.

Only social nationalism can save Britain; and, frankly, even that will be a struggle. Things are very bad and, equally important, getting worse, and rapidly.

Scholz blocked the candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen for the post of NATO Secretary General, – Welt. According to the publication, there were two reasons for this:

Scholz considers the position of NATO Secretary General too important to give it to a Christian Democrat from Germany (opposition to Scholz’s party).

Scholz considers Ursula von der Leyen’s attitude towards Russia too critical.

Die Welt is a heavyweight German conservative newspaper. Its business-oriented attitudes make it interesting that, recently, its coverage has mellowed towards Russia. The sanctions on Russia, and the general hostility to Russia from such as Ursula von der Leyen harm, not Russia, but Germany itself (and the rest of the EU).

Ursula von der Leyen always strikes me as —in the American phrase— “nutty”— excessively driven, and even mentally-ill. Another similar specimen is Christine Lagarde. NWO insiders.

It looks like Scholz and other major political players in Germany are waking up to the fact of the inevitable Russian victory in Ukraine, certainly in Eastern Ukraine. Realpolitik.

Unsurprising, given that Milei is a populist. However, this may be shadow boxing.

The UK now has not the power and global reach to defend the islands, certainly not to retake them after an invasion, as happened in 1982.

However, by the same token it may well be that the Argentine government does not today have the ability to launch such an invasion in the first place; I am unsure.

In the unlikely event that Russia starts to be pushed back significantly on the battlefield because of such weapons given to the Kiev regime, the escalation might result in Russia using ever-heavier missiles and bombs, even tactical nuclear weapons. Kiev could be completely flattened

There must be a peace process that leaves Russia with, at minimum, Crimea, the Donetsk region, and the Lugansk region, and at least much of the Azov Sea and Black Sea littoral.

That relates to the Russian victory in the devastated city of Avdeevka (“Avdiivka” in Ukrainian). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avdiivka. Victory was declared by the Russian side only today. The Kiev-regime forces not killed or captured have withdrawn in disarray.

[Avdeevka/Avdiivka before the present war]

War is hell. Avdeevka in that photo looks (i.e. looked, before the war) reasonably decent for a once-Soviet industrial town.

Interesting, if true. A few thoughts come to my mind. Firstly, what conceivable British interest was being served here? None, in my view. As to the alleged MI6/SIS officer, he seems to be a good listener (which must be part of his job) and is evidently trying to be non-committal yet friendly (also part of his job, I presume). Other than that, hard to say much about him. Maybe privately-educated but trying to flatten the accent (like the present Prince of Wales and his brother)? Maybe, maybe not. A suitably “grey” person…

Navalny and his group were playing for high stakes. They lost.

The msm in the EU, UK, USA etc all show the masses a series of pictures (on TV, in the Press) etc; metaphorical pictures; shadows on the wall of the cave, if you like. “Ukraine”, “Navalny”, “Black Lives Matter”, “Covid”, “far right extremism”, “Russia about to attack Western Europe”. Mostly lies, or the truth bent so far out of shape that it becomes a lie.

If that is so, the withdrawal order was just a figleaf to cover what was really an uncontrolled flight by the Ukrainian front-line forces.

Late music

[River Ob at Barnaul, Western Siberia. At that point, the Ob is still 1,200 miles from where it flows into the Arctic Ocean]

Diary Blog, 16 February 2024, with thoughts about the Wellingborough and Kingswood by-election results, and the death of Alexei Navalny

Morning music

I remember that song. 1967; I was a 10-y-o child living in Mosman, a North Shore suburb of Sydney. Different times (look at the comments appended to that YouTube video).

From the mass media


Major French magazine L’Express has revealed that its prominent former editor, Philippe Grumbach, was a KGB spy for 35 years.

He counted presidents, actors and literary giants as close friends. He was a legendary figure in journalism who shaped the editorial direction of one of France’s most successful publications. When he died in 2003, Minister of Culture Jean-Jacques Aillagon said Grumbach had been “one of the most memorable and respected figures in French media”.

But he was also “Brok”, the KGB spy.

Extensive proof of Grumbach’s duplicitous life can be found in the so-called Mitrokhin archive.

Born in Paris in 1924 into a Jewish family, Grumbach fled France with his mother and siblings in 1940 – the year Nazi Germany invaded and Marshal Philippe Pétain took power in Vichy with a collaborationist regime.


The Wellingborough and Kingswood by-elections

At Wellingborough, a convincing win for Labour. I thought that it might go closer than it did. Labour 45.9%, Conservatives 24.6%, Reform UK 13%. All 8 other candidates lost their deposits; the LibDems came closest with 4.7%. A local Independent, Marion Turner-Hawes, scored 3.7% and probably would have beaten the LibDems had she been the only Independent standing. The Greens, as usual, were nowhere (6th) on 3.4%, and Britain First was even more “nowhere” on 1.6%.

The Conservatives were let down partly by the choice of candidate, the girlfriend of unpleasant former MP, Peter Bone. Having said that, the main reason for the electoral upset was that people want a change, even if it is really not much of a change, or the wrong change. They wanted, also, to stamp on the Conservative Party.

The Conservative candidate tried to make “stopping the boats“, i.e. the continuing cross-Channel migration-invasion, the issue. Of course, the fact is that the cross-Channel invasion is only a tenth, if that, of the main invasion— the enormous influx of “students”, “family-members”, “highly-skilled workers” (Indians that can work a computer) as well as supposed “asylum-seekers” etc.

Also, the “Conservative” governments of 2010-2024 have not even seriously tried to “stop the boats”, let alone the main migration-invasion. Not far short of a million a year now.

Talk is cheap…

Empty words at best, lying words at worst (collusion with the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan).

A better candidate, and one not tied up with Peter Bone, might have scored higher, maybe well over 30%, and so lost less embarrassingly.

A real social-national party, if one existed, might have won. Turnout was only 38%; a huge 62% of those eligible to vote did not bother, or showed their contempt for the whole system via abstention.

No need to “analyze” the Britain First vote— pathetic. As for Reform UK, it is going to have to do a lot better than that if it is going to start winning seats. Another pro-Israel scam-party by Nigel Farage.

Overall, the result is another nail in the coffin of the Rishi Sunak government, and the Conservative Party (and Sunak himself, of course).

I should be ready to bet that, if voters aged 65+ (many of whom would have voted early by post) were taken away, the remaining Con Party vote would have been no more than 10%.


Kingswood, north of Bristol and in effect an outer suburb of Bristol, also returned a Labour MP yesterday. Pointlessly, of course, because not only will there be a general election this year but, also, the constituency is being abolished.

The result was Labour 44.9%, Conservatives 34.9%, Reform UK 10.4%, Green 5.8%, LibDems 3.5%, UKIP 0.5%.

Turnout was 37.1%, even lower than at Wellingborough. Almost two-thirds of those eligible could not be bothered to vote, and/or despise the whole circus.

The Labour candidate had the advantage of being of local origin, more or less, combined with not being a Conservative. His unusual personal life (gay, and having converted from Roman Catholicism to Judaism to fit in with his Jewish “civil partner”) seems to have been disregarded by the voters (meaning the 11,176 who voted for him, out of about 80,000; the other ~68,000 were eligible to vote but either did not vote or voted for other candidates).

The Conservative Party candidate came closer than I had expected. His own local origins can probably be thanked for that. The Farage vehicle, Reform UK, came third, but again seems to be —time after time— the “also ran” party…

The Greens saved their deposit and beat the LibDems into 5th place. The rump of UKIP came last, and one has to wonder why candidates for no-hope parties like that even bother.

Yet another nail in Sunak’s political coffin, of course.

Taking away the local aspects of both by-elections, for me the “takeaways” are that this “Conservative” government is toast, that Sunak is toast, and that the Conservative Party is toast. Also, that the LibDems are seen as dull and, except where they have a good tactical chance against a Conservative candidate, unappealing to voters.

More? Well, that Reform UK is not exciting enough people, not yet anyway, to start being a major player. Also, that the Greens only appeal to around 5% of the electorate, if that.

Finally, for me the point is that, in both of these by-elections, only just over a third of people even bothered to vote; without postal voting, that 37%/38% would probably have been nearer to 20%. The voters most interesting to me are those not presently energized to vote.

What do these results say about GE 2024? That Labour must be en route to victory, though a victory not welcomed by all, or even a majority, of the voters. A feeling of dull meaninglessness, perhaps. A hollow victory?

For the Conservative Party, these results must mean that the bulk of their MPs are on the way out. 50 may survive, maybe 100.

Tweets seen

A few days ago. I missed that story.

The time may come when Israel faces thousands of such drones.

I agree with the first bit, but only partly with the second. Many 2019 Con Party voters seem to be switching, in despair, to Reform UK, but that would be only a small minority of the overall electorate. Look at the turnout figures from yesterday. Only a third (just over) of eligible voters even voted. Reform UK, with its limited “conservative nationalism” “cosplay”, its pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby attitude, and its semi-“libertarian” economics, will never inspire even a half of the voters. Maybe 10%, maybe 20%. I doubt that it will go higher.

The fact is that, even at Kingswood, where the result scarcely mattered in itself (a general election this year, and the seat then ceasing to exist), Reform UK only gathered in 13% of the votes, i.e. about 5% of all possible votes. The Wellingborough result was similar: 9.4% of votes cast, i.e. about 3% of all possible votes.

Only a fully-credible social-national party might be able to energise and inspire the British people. That party does not exist.

Today, the Tories are only holding half the people who voted for them at the last general election, in 2019, and only a little more than one in three of the people who voted for Brexit, in 2016. These are supposed to be the party’s core supporters. But many of them are now abandoning Sunak in droves, running for the hills.

And do you blame them? Seriously? Given some of the other events this week it’s not hard to see why. For a start, Sunak’s failure to control Britain’s borders was reflected in the remarkable finding that just 1.3% of the illegal migrants who entered Britain on the small boats since 2018 have been removed from the country.

And then came the latest data on the dire state of the economy, which confirms Britain is in recession and suffering the longest hit to living standards since records began, in 1955. Contrary to Sunak’s pledge to deliver economic growth, this week we learned that throughout his first year in office Britain’s economy grew by just 0.1%, while GDP per capita —which adjusts for population growth — fell by 0.7%.

This, too, will prompt many voters to ask Sunak some tough questions. Where is the growth you promised? Where is the strong economy? And where is the growth the Treasury, the Office for Budget Responsibility, and countless other experts told us would surely arrive if Britain opened its doors to unprecedented immigration?

The answer is it’s nowhere to be seen, partly because rather than deliver the high-skill, high-wage, highly-selective, and highly productive immigration the Tories have been promising since Brexit they’ve instead delivered low-skill, low-wage, non-selective, and unproductive immigration from outside Europe, which has been shown to be a net fiscal cost rather than a net benefit to Western economies.

...more and more [voters] are turning off and tuning out. Just look at the rates of turnout at the latest by-elections. Labour and Keir Starmer are not setting Britain on fire, far from it; the Tories are staying home.

These voters aren’t idiots. They know they’ve been led down the garden path by a Conservative government and a Conservative prime minister which have routinely overpromised and underdelivered.

These voters want decent economic growth and an economic model which prioritises British people. But Rishi Sunak and the Tories have given them more of the same.

These voters want much lower and manageable rates of immigration. But Rishi Sunak and the Tories keep putting mass migration on steroids. And these voters want strong and secure borders and a government which prioritises the security of the British people. But Rishi Sunak and the Tories have lost control of our borders, largely because they refuse to reform laws and leave conventions which make it impossible to remove illegal migrants and foreign nationals who commit crime, as we saw with the shocking case of Abdul Ezedi.

[Matt Goodwin, on his Substack blog]

In any case, the UK needs no immigration at all. It needs to educate and train real British people to a far higher level, and then provide suitable employment for them. British people, real British people.

Suitable employment, appropriate and decent pay; decent housing; decent transport; decent medical care; decent social care; also, decent architecture and town planning.

Defying the Kremlin can be dangerous. The story that Navalny “felt unwell after he went for a walk” is obviously unlikely.

The daytime temperature in that region today is about -20C. Cold weather for a stroll, even for a Russian.

As to Navalny himself, I knew nothing of him beyond what was occasionally on TV news or in the newspapers. I was unable to understand why he returned to Russia after he had recovered from having been poisoned in Russia and flown to Germany for treatment.

My conclusion (beyond the apparent fact that Navalny was a braver man than me— and a more foolish one, arguably) is that he had a huge amount of egotism. He probably wildly over-estimated his popularity in Russia (in fact only about 5% supported him), and may have thought that arriving in Moscow on a private jet with a horde of Western reporters on board would probably protect him, especially as thousands of his supporters (mostly Moscow-based) would be awaiting his arrival at Vnukovo (one of the four main airports in the Moscow region: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vnukovo_International_Airport).

The plane was diverted to Sheremetyevo Airport. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheremetyevo_International_Airport, thus bypassing the expected mass welcome.

I may be wrong, but I think that Navalny may have thought that his return to Russia would be akin to that of Lenin in 1917. However, Lenin was never in any danger of arrest and detention in 1917, and had not only supporters but an armed guard force at his historic speech at the Finlandsky Station in Petrograd. Also, the Tsarist Government had already effectively fallen. There was no-one to arrest him.

Navalny has, by reason of his imprisonment and probable murder, achieved the status of martyr, but had he ever become leader of Russia, might have been as harsh, and probably less effective, than Putin.

I am old enough to remember how the usually-wrong Western msm thought, in the 1980s, that Andropov would be “liberal” (mainly because he was said to like jazz). The same or similar was said in the late 1970s of the African tyrant Robert Mugabe (“well-educated” by Jesuits, and a “democrat” by African standards. So they said…). Indeed, look at how the globalist msm lauded thick-as-two-short-planks Nelson Mandela…

Well, there it is.

One interesting aspect to the news coverage in the UK today is that it has been so extensive. In a way, surprising, when Navalny had no real support base in Russia, and never had a real chance of deposing Putin.

Were I more of a conspiracy theorist than people think I am, I should suspect that the UK TV people are using the Navalny matter to talk less about yesterday’s by-election results.

Also, the Kiev-regime forces are crumbling on the Ukrainian front-line.


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Many, even perhaps I myself, might think that a retaliatory strike by Israel on Gaza, immediately after the October 2023 incursion, meaning in the following few days, would probably fall into the “self-defence” and “proportionate” area (leaving aside the behaviour of the Israeli Jews since 1948), but what has happened since then is a cruel slaughter and devastation worse than the much-criticized Reduction of the Warsaw Ghetto by German forces in 1943. The Germans did evacuate most of the non-combatant Jews before killing or capturing the rest (saboteurs, terrorists, and rebels) and then levelling the area.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus, that would still leave the Con Party with 117 MPs. Maybe. One or two points can make a big difference. For example, if the Con/Lab numbers were 23% and 45% respectively, the Cons would have only 97 MPs.

Also, these polls always over-estimate the Green vote. When and where (except at Brighton Pavilion) did the Greens get anywhere close to 8%? 5% is more usual; or lower.


As to “the best Prime Minister“, terrible for Sunak, but hardly a ringing endorsement of Starmer either.

After Guantanamo, Bagram, Kabul, Abu Ghraib etc, the U.S. Government can say nothing about human rights abuses.

Well, anyone can make a “mathematical error”, as when a number of, say, six million becomes one of four million and then, later, one and a half million…anyone could make such a mistake, I suppose…

Adam Smith wrote about “the hidden hand“, but I don’t think he had this “hidden hand” in mind…

Interesting, but Britain First can never be the party Britain needs. Its pro-Jewish lobby, pro-Israel stance…that alone…

…and here is Emily Thornberry living the high life with a pack of Zionists in London, including the former Israeli Ambassador, Regev (centre of photo):

Labour, “the party for working people”??

For me, the main thing is to break the rigged “two main parties” system (scam). So if the Conservative Party is trampled upon and left almost powerless at GE 2024, good, even though that would be at the cost of a Labour Party “elected dictatorship” for up to 5 years. With one large party reduced to almost nothing, the System’s rhythm will be disrupted. No more the idea that “the other lot” will be better. With the Cons deflated, and the LibDems already on the floor, other ideas, social-national ideas, will come through, one way or the other.

Late tweets seen

So the percentage of complete idiots or outright traitors in this country is now “only” 21%. Still far too high.

My thoughts are with him. He may not be quite my sort of person, but he is a martyr for truth. The UK should ditch the one-sided UK/US extradition law.

The Kiev regime may collect money, but on the front-line its soldiers are being gradually defeated, and the UKR ranks are thinning daily.

Late music

[Schloss Hohenschwangau, Bavaria]

Diary Blog, 13 February 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

Omg…@Kevin_Maguire calls @Nohj_85 and @oneadds, “anti-vaxxers” when they literally sustained life-changing heart and vascular damage after HAVING THE VACCINES! Do some research Kevin. Stop being so hateful. Stop pretending that you’re a #BeKind left-winger when you’re just a cold-hearted champagne socialist splashing around in the shallows of old fashioned media. The lack of compassion in this clip makes me sick....”

Kevin Maguire is one of the worst fakes on TV and in the Press. Poses as a radical “socialist”, but in reality is a Blairite system-Labour drone with kneejerk “anti-Tory”-ism. He lives with his wife and family in affluent circumstances. They have a house in Richmond or Wimbledon (I forget), SW London, as well as another house in the South West of England, maybe the expensive part of coastal Devon near Salcombe (again, I cannot recall exactly).

Maguire will back the Labour Party under the likes of Blair, Brown, and Starmer no matter what, and will oppose anything else, no matter what. He favours mass immigration, and opposes anything which does not fit his narrow and rigid world-view. He will always support the Israel lobby in Labour. Not worth reading or listening to. Not an original idea in his head.

As I said, pro-immigration, and without a logical or worthwhile thought in his head.

As a matter of fact, those rigged TV comment slots with Maguire on “one side” and the Daily Mail scribbler Pierce on “the other side” are just ludicrous. The only real disagreement between the two of them is on details and personalities. Both just System drones.

It seems to me that the voters have already decided GE 2024. Their decision is not to vote for the Conservative Party. The mood seems to me to veer from apathy to disappointment to despair to anger and back again to apathy.

…but that discontent is being scooped up and captured by parties which are little more than “controlled opposition”.

Look at Twitter/X; “their” sadistic attitudes are well-exposed on that platform alone.

Reminiscent of dystopian sci-fi films such as Escape from New York and Soylent Green.

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Meanwhile, the Israeli Jews laugh at the suffering their armed forces are inflicting on helpless civilians. Outside the region, it is little different, except that many Jews are whining that Zionism and Israel are being criticized etc. They claim to be fearful, even those that live in the UK or France, though really nothing has happened to them yet.

Afternoon music

[David Pearce, Bird Souk, Cairo]

I myself have been to Egypt a couple of times, though not in the last 25 years. See, e.g. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/07/when-i-was-not-arrested-in-egypt/.

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I did blog, a few months ago, to the effect that there were unexplained aspects to the October attack, such as the apparent total failure of the supposedly very efficient Israeli intelligence and security apparat; such as the lengthy wait between the attack itself and any Israeli military response (especially in view of the small size of the country).

I asked the question whether this was akin to the mendacity of F.D. Roosevelt, who seems to have known about Pearl Harbor before it happened, and withdrew his most powerful ships from Hawaii prior to the actual attack. In that case, the purpose was to get the USA into the Second World War directly.

It still seems unlikely to me that the Israeli leadership allowed the October attack to happen, but stranger things have happened in history. Maybe the Israeli leaders anticipated an attack but thought that it would be less striking, less sanguinary etc. Then Israel could strike at Gaza and maybe drive the population out entirely, later replacing that population by Jewish settlers.

Hard to say at this stage.

What will be the co-ordinates? (only joking)…

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Rendezvous at Dawn]