Tag Archives: Adam Richman

Diary Blog, 11 March 2024

Morning music

[Salisbury Cathedral, Cloisters]

Tweets seen

It has occurred to me that certain cabals actually want a nuclear war, but I cannot prove that.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

“Toad” is his right characterization. The fact is, that the “Free Speech Union” is part of the “controlled opposition” matrix: Breitbart, Toby Young, James Delingpole, Farage, Brexit Party, GB News, UKIP, Reform UK etc.

Anyone, or any organization, which adheres to pro-Israelism or pro the UK (or any other) Jewish lobby is contaminated and not worth taking seriously.

Here is Young, from 6 years ago:

I’m currently in Israel on a press trip organised by Bicom — the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre. Bicom does a good job of getting experts on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to give talks to journalists and I’ve attended a few in their London offices. But this is the first time I’ve been on one of their legendary excursions to the Holy Land, which they organise about six times a year. In essence, you’re given a whistle-stop tour of the country while being briefed at every turn by senior ministers and officials on both sides of the divide. It’s seventh heaven for foreign policy nerds, but I also have another reason for being here, which is to weigh up the pros and cons of emigrating to Israel.

Believe it or not, my entire family is eligible for citizenship under the Law of Return because Caroline’s father is Jewish. And the idea of moving here is genuinely appealing because I’ve been fanatically pro-Israel since falling in love with the place aged 17. I had just failed all my O-levels and was mooning about feeling like an outcast when my father decided to send me to a kibbutz. It turned out to be the perfect antidote to my adolescent funk.

I found everything about Israel, particularly its origins, deeply affecting, and in spite of not being Jewish I felt as if I’d discovered my people at last. I was inspired by the example of pioneering Zionists like Theodor Herzl to take control of my own destiny. I would return to England, retake my O-levels, go to a sixth form and, God help me, apply to Oxford. And when it all worked out, I felt as if Israel and the wonderful example of its founders had saved me and I swore an oath that I would always defend the country from its detractors.

[Toby Young, in The Spectator, 2018]

‘Nuff said?

I have just read the article, or polemic, written by one David Hansard (real name David Johnson, it seems). Basic premise— cut back on free speech (labelled “hate speech”) in order to protect (approved) free speech. I have heard that before…

Like any msm-approved figure, “Toadmeister” runs scared of the Jewish lobby. If they were to turn on him, that would be his fake “free speech” and scribbling and TV talking head career over at once.

Sam Melia and his wife Laura Towler are heroic.

As for that “David Hansard” (David Johnson) character, his background seems opaque. More from him:

Permitting someone…”— that is the wrong starting point. Free speech on social, political, religious and historical topics, is a right, not a privilege granted by some “authority”, not something that should be licensed or allowed on application, or risked on pain of punishment.

Like many people, “David Hansard” seem not to really understand the idea of freedom of expression. He is all in favour of it so long as it does not cause “problems” in society (for those in power, or profiting by exploitation), or cause “divisions”.

In fact, the “divisions” in society are not caused by those talking about things, but by the underlying realities:

A subject close to my heart. After all, later this week a magistrate will sentence me for deemed breaches of the notorious “bad law” Communications Act 2003, s.127, a prosecution procured by the malicious Israel-lobby pressure group (tiny but well-funded) which is pleased to call itself “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”, and which has been boasting online about how it has been trying to have me prosecuted for 7 years or more.

“Hansard” once again throws in a typical argument often seen or heard: Melia’s case was “extreme”, and most people need not fear persecution or prosecution. Yeah, right!

Presumably, “Hansard” meant to tweet that “that does not mean every anti-immigration opinion will soon be prohibited“. His Freudian slip tells the truth, though, despite his intention. Every anti-immigration opinion will soon be prohibited. Melia’s case is a clear signpost.

Already, almost anything not laudatory, and said about Jewish or Zionist behaviour, is almost by default deemed “grossly offensive”.

Incidentally, I notice that “Hansard”, despite having been on Twitter/X since 2012, has only 461 Twitter/X “followers”. When a pack of Zionist Jews connected with the “CAA” had my Twitter account closed down in 2018, I had over 3,000 “followers”, despite my only following about 50 accounts, mostly organizations. If someone had 3,000 “followers” back in 2018, the same person has at least 6,000 now, usually.

I do not know who or what that “David Hansard” is. What is his locus standi to be published, and/or boosted by Toby Young etc? I have no idea. Well, there it is.

Speaking of Sam Melia and Laura Towler, their crowdfunder [https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia] has, as of time of writing, smashed through the £60,000 barrier and stands at £60,374, and still increasing.

I urge everyone to send at least the minimum (£4) and a message of support. Stick it to the System and the “usual suspects”.

[Laura Towler and Sam Melia, with their little child; another is expected very soon]

More tweets seen

Walked into a restaurant in London’s Chinatown last night, While waiting to be seated, some drunken fool, a person I’ve neither met before nor interacted with, sitting with other drunken fools, looks up at me out of nowhere, and asks rather loudly– “Are you Jewish?

I was Stunned. I wasn’t dressed in anything traditional, nor had anything indicating my faith. The fact that it’s a bizarre thing to ask, not this idiot’s, business, and just a weird thing for him to have done, I was just shocked – realizing that fairly a year ago he wouldn’t have had the gall to do that 1 million different responses raced through my mind.

And to my surprise, (and I’m sure to my Mom’s satisfaction,) the one I chose was to just turn to my friend, carry on talking – and ignore the sheer stupidity I encountered. No point in wrestling with a pig. You both get dirty & the pig likes it. My pride in my Judaism is not going to override my common sense. Wishing you all a lovely Sunday.

Strange how Jews, or many Jews, find it absolutely insulting to be recognized as Jews (as does the one tweeting above, notwithstanding that he claims to be proud to be a Jew).

I have lived in a number of foreign countries, and would quite often be asked, unexpectedly, “are you [whatever nationality]?” I did not find it insulting (as a matter of fact, I was often mistaken for American or German anyway, as well as, on other occasions, correctly identified as English).

Jews are different. They seem to find it a deadly insult to be identified as Jewish, no matter what.

What can one say? Not much, since free speech is all but dead in England…

Only now, writing that, did it come to mind that I had such an experience when hitch-hiking, aged early twenties, going between Hammersmith Flyover in London and Herefordshire late at night. 1980, I think.

I was picked up by a large truck, and that truck took me most of the way. En route, there was the usual desultory kind of conversation. Eventually, the driver asked me where I was from. I replied that I was presently living in London. The driver then asked, “yes, but where did you originally come from? What country?

It transpired that that truck driver thought that I was not English but something else, but he could not guess what.

Not sure why the driver thought that I was from a foreign country; maybe because I was learning Russian and German (part-time). In fact, I had that very evening come straight from a small Russian conversation circle in Belgravia (at the GB-USSR Association, a cultural and para-diplomatic body funded by the Foreign Office). Maybe that had slightly affected my normal speech, though it seems unlikely.

An interesting weapon. If it is as good as the Israelis claim, it would be very effective (for either side) in the Ukrainian theatre, but at present it is claimed (in the clip in that tweet) that Israel alone has it.

I don’t see Reform UK making much headway, despite the inadequacies of the main System parties. Well, perhaps I am wrong; we shall quite soon find out.

I used to think that NATO would stick together in the event of conflict with the then Soviet Union (and later the Russian Federation), but that was assuming that NATO’s basic posture would be defensive, defending Western Europe from Soviet invasion, or (later) defending NATO’s new front-lines in the Baltic region.

Now? I am not so sure, and Macron’s belligerence looks more like an unnecessary attack on the Russian front-lines in the Ukrainian theatre. Will other NATO states directly support an attack of that nature or support France if Russia attacked its armies? I am thinking “not necessarily”. I certainly cannot see the USA going that far. If it did, of course, it might lead to a Third World War.

Calls to mind a (literal) “blast from the past”:

More tweets

The clip is worth watching.

[“Toby Young in a 2018 article: “I felt as if Israel and the wonderful example of its founders had saved me and I swore an oath that I would always defend the country from its detractors. In the 37 years since, I have done my best to keep that promise and been back several times to renew my vows.” Does anyone seriously think he would stand up for your free speech if you called out Zionist control in the West or Israeli war crimes?“].

What “founders” does he mean?

London. Zoo.



What will London be like in, say, 2034? Or will it have been wiped out by nuclear attack by then?

More tweets

So what’s the plan? Depose the little Indian money-juggler, then…? Replace him with…?

Not that I oppose his removal in the slightest, but is there a credible replacement? Is there a credible English replacement? The only one that comes to mind is David Davis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Davis_(British_politician).

True, Davis is now 75, but he was fit enough to rescue someone from street thugs only a few months ago: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Davis_(British_politician)#Personal_life.

I expect that the rebel “Conservative” MPs have someone else in mind, probably one of the non-whites like Kemi Badenoch or Suella Braverman (or, even worse, arguably, the return of “Boris”-idiot).

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, The House]