Tag Archives: BBC Today Programme

Diary Blog, 30 August 2023

Afternoon music

[Old Orangerie, Lazienki Park, Warsaw]

Battles past

Tweets seen

Once again, Israel puppet Starmer shows to what extent his mind is dominated by finance-capitalist and basically Jewish-oriented thinking.

Anyone imagining that the expected (?) “Labour” government of 2024 will be any better than the present “Conservative” misrule will be very disappointed.

“Wagner” Group rides again?

Whisky wow wow! Hard-core.

Ukraine war

Happened to listen to BBC Radio 4 Today Programme for a few minutes in the car. A correspondent was talking about the drone attacks on Moscow, and saying that prior to the Russian invasion, there had been no attacks, and so these attacks were happening only because of the Russian invasion.

Superficially true, in that Russia proper was never attacked before the invasion of early 2022, but what was not mentioned was the 8 years of artillery bombardment (and bombing) of the Russian-speaking and/or pro-Russian areas of formerly-Ukraine territory, particularly Donetsk, starting in 2014.

I waited to hear who was giving what was basically a lying-by-omission account of things. Turned out that it was “Steve Rosenberg, Russia Editor“. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Rosenberg]. What a surprise. Or not.

Every single time…

Soap alibi

I notice that some of my oldest and also least-read blog posts received hits today. One, written in 2018, was this little anecdote about my Bar pupillage in 1992: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/06/19/home-and-away-or-neighbours/


I visited Poland several times in the late 1980s, spending maybe 2 months or so there altogether. I also once spent a few days travelling by car from Poland to West Germany, so I saw small parts of the southern regions of the DDR (East Germany) at that time (summer 1988). I have blogged about it previously. A strange-seeming society, very very different from the Bundesrepublik (West Germany).

The DDR was a very controlled group-dictatorship: rule by the few (Communists), of course, and in most respects the DDR was very inferior to the Bundesrepublik, but the situation was not entirely black and white. Few things are.

Late afternoon music

[East Berlin street scene, 1970s; near a suburban rail station; the car in the foreground is a 1960s Soviet-made Volga saloon/sedan]

Late tweets seen

The Ukrainian army will begin to lose control over the situation along the entire front, as is the case in the Kharkiv region, former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter wrote in an article for Sputnik. “The thinning of Ukrainian defense lines has provided Russian forces with new opportunities.” This resulted in great successes in the area of ​​Kupjansk. The armed forces of Ukraine will continue to weaken as they suffer losses, and gaps will appear in their defense that the Russian army can use to break through,” the expert predicts.”

Black Africa. That’s where the wealth goes— into the pockets of a few corrupt bastards…

There can be little doubt that, as the Ukrainian (Kiev regime) counter-offensive is failing, the air war is heating up. If Russia keeps getting attacked from the air, even if only by drones, the response may be devastating.

Late music

[Red Army tank, Crimea, 1943]