Tag Archives: Cottingley fairies

Diary Blog, 31 December 2023

Afternoon music

From the newspapers


A key centre-left Labour MP says Keir Starmer appears to lack a clear sense of purpose due to his detachment from his party’s traditions, and casts doubt on whether he can become one of its more successful prime ministers.

In his immediate circles, he appears to value the familiar and unchallenging. It is difficult to identify the purpose of a future Starmer government – what he seeks to accomplish beyond achieving office. Labour appears to be content for the coming election to amount to a referendum on the performance of the governing Conservatives rather than a choice between competing visions of politics and justice.

[The Guardian]

Quite. The misnamed Conservative Party is going to lose the 2024 General Election because of its own 14 years of ineptitude, sleaze, and uselessness, not because of anything that the ridiculous Labour Party is putting forward.

Tweets seen

As a Jew, I have become increasingly worried that the charge of antisemitism is being levelled to silence legitimate and important debate.

Antisemitism is on the rise, but there is also a rise in the unscrupulous use of the term to silence reasonable questions about the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza.

This article in the Harvard Crimson by Jewish community leader Bernie Steinberg warns of incipient McCarthyism. It is worth reading, whichever side of the debate you are on https://thecrimson.com/article/2023/12/29/steinberg-weaponizing-antisemitism/.”

In the UK, the police and even the Crown Prosecution Service have been much-suborned by the Jewish/Zionist/Israel lobby, which has also corrupted the Westminster political milieu.

Get rid of them.

Such backward tribesmen have no place in civilized Europe.

Ha ha! That made me laugh.

I think that we know what will have to happen in the end but, in the unfree and censored UK of 2023, we cannot speak or blog about it.

Late tweets

Late music

I wish a happy New Year to all well-intentioned readers of the blog.