Tag Archives: demographics

Diary Blog, 4 August 2023

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

Tweets seen

I blogged once or twice recently about Ukraine’s severe demographic problems: low birthrate, 20% of the pre-2022 population (mostly women and under-18s) now not within Ukrainian borders, and now these deaths and other casualties. If the war continues, Ukraine as a state has no future.

Never underestimate the strategic importance of defence in depth. In 1943, Allied forces invaded Sicily, then landed at Anzio, south of Rome, in January 1944, subsequently advancing to Rome itself by June 1944. The Italian government of Mussolini collapsed after the Fascist Grand Council and the King dismissed Mussolini, who was arrested (though later rescued by Otto Skorzeny’s commando and glider force).

The fall of Rome in 1944, however, was not the end of the matter in big-picture terms. The several east-west German lines of defence were only slowly breached by Allied forces: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_Line.

The German forces withdrew from the various lines in good order, always to the North. By the end of the Second World War in 1945, the Allies had still not reached the Austrian frontier.

In the present Ukraine conflict, the Kiev-regime forces are exhausting themselves. They have little prospect of advancing as far as Crimea, nor of regaining the former Ukrainian oblasts of Donetsk and Lugansk, let alone of breaching, in any substantial way, the borders of Russia proper.

[“Russia has no borders; it is wherever there are Russians“]

Sunak’s ancestors picked our crops in British Raj India and in British East Africa; he now tells middleaged/elderly white British people to “chop chop“…

Traitors facilitated the importation of exploitative hordes who despise the British people.

The main assault of freedom of expression in the UK comes from the Jew-Zionist element; 95%+ of the anti-free-speech tyranny is from “them”.

“Grifter”/fraudster “Jack Monroe” has now deployed yet another “sock account”, one “@ThelastFM2” (joined Twitter July 2023, 1 “follower”). She has hundreds of such fake personas. They even have contrived conversations with each other about how good Jack Monroe is, and/or about how bad or dishonest are those exposing “Jack Monroe”.

One of many many examples.

The police, HMRC and charity regulators (and Twitter) should be investigating “Jack Monroe”.

Are they waking up?

…and look at those stupid police “me too-ers” supporting Eddie Izzard and thus the whole “trans” nonsense.

Those police idiots should get out and start doing their proper job, assuming that they can still remember what that is.

…and all the msm “enablers” are now calling Eddie Izzard “she”, “her” etc. The UK is at least halfway to going absolutely mad, but that progression to lunacy has not come about by accident. It has been contrived. It is being contrived. Daily. Conspiracy.

My own, and more polite, assessment of Therese Coffey, first published on the blog about 4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/. It has proven one of the most popular things I have written here.

Late music