Tag Archives: Gavin Williams

Diary Blog,18 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Tweets seen

NATO: Kyiv’s requests for weapons and ammunition exceed the alliance’s capabilities Kyiv’s demands for weapons and ammunition, as well as the volume of military products used in Ukraine, exceed NATO’s capabilities.

This was stated by the head of the alliance’s military committee, Rob Bauer , during the annual conference of the NATO Chiefs of General Staff in Norway. “NATO countries that decide to supply weapons and ammunition to Kiev need to think about the risks associated with such a decision for their security and the security of the alliance,” he warned.

Bauer has previously complained about lagging defense production capacity, slowing deliveries and continuing price increases, and has expressed the view that increasing allied defense spending in such a situation may not actually improve the security situation.”

“General [Milley]: Even if the Ukrainian counter-offensive is successful – the Russians will not be expelled.


The UKRAINIAN counter-offensive will not completely expel Russia from the conquered territories, nor will it completely return them to Kiev’s control, said General Mark Milley, the chief of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

The counter-offensive, although significant, has limited operational and tactical objectives. Even if these goals are fully achieved, they will not be enough to drive the Russians out completely,” [Milley] reasoned.

He avoided saying how long it would take Kyiv to achieve “its goals,” but admitted it would be “a fairly long period.” He also added that the Ukrainian counter-offensive will be “long-lasting, difficult and bloody“.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the “counter-offensive” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “not a slip, but a fiasco.”

The new UK Defense Minister wants to transplant British pilots who trained Chinese colleagues The new British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said that former British army personnel who train colleagues from rival countries will be brought to justice. It was previously revealed that a number of former RAF military pilots were training Chinese PLA pilots for a generous payment of around £250,000.

Not sure what “transplant” means here but, leaving that aside, the Jew Shapps is talking nonsense (as usual).

Most of those ex-RAF pilots (most of whom were sacked by reason of spending cuts implemented by the “Conservative” governments of 2010-present) were selling their skills entirely lawfully at the time; I believe that the law was only recently changed. Retrospective laws are disapproved of in English law and tradition as unjust.

Over the past decade or so, the UK has been very badly served by its Secretaries of State for Defence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_State_for_Defence#Secretaries_of_State_for_Defence_(1964%E2%80%93present). Several have been just buffoons. For example, Gavin Williamson: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/02/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-gavin-williamson-story/.

The Greek people should have voted for Golden Dawn while they still had the chance…


Good point. I have blogged about this in recent months. The population of Ukraine (including Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions etc) was about 43 million in 2021. However, in 1992, the population (including Crimea and the rest) was far higher, about 52 million. By 2014, the population had already decreased to about 45 million.

Ukraine’s population, for the past 30 years, has not been breeding fast enough to replace losses. That trend has now accelerated.

Possibly as much as a quarter of the 2021 Ukraine population has relocated beyond Ukraine’s borders.

The Russian or Russian-occupied areas (Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk etc) contain several million people. Crimea has 2-3 million.

In other words, the parts of Ukraine currently under the control of the Kiev regime now have somewhere in the region of 20-25 million inhabitants.

Bearing in mind that the Kiev-regime army has lost at least 500,000 young or young-ish men since last year, and that the ~4-5 million Ukrainians now living overseas are disproportionately female, the future of Ukraine as a state looks precarious at best.

At least one of the pair mentioned is a Jew. He supports the migration-invasion of Europe by blacks and browns. Is that surprising to the above tweeter?

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

From the newspapers


Yet another Conservative Party MP who evidently has no confidence in the Con Party vote holding up, especially in her own constituency. She had no chance at the 2024 General Election. I suppose that she may have a well-paid job already lined up.

The migraine factor is probably an add-on; presumably she will still have that problem whatever her future occupation.

An oddity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehenna_Davison; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehenna_Davison#Personal_life.



Italy‘s hard-Right prime minister has claimed that Europe’s future is at stake unless the EU can stop the surge of uncontrolled migration across the Mediterranean.

[Daily Mail]

Is this “news”?!

It may be that, sooner or later, Europe will have to wade through brutal times, as bad or worse than some of the years of the 20thC, in order just to create a decent future for European people.

Late tweets

Because they are easily controlled via bribery (of all kinds) or blackmail.

Late music