Tag Archives: German National Socialists

Diary Blog, 1 February 2024

Morning music

[El Greco, Christ Driving the Moneychangers from the Temple]


Regular readers of this blog, who will be aware that I was before a magistrates’ court yesterday (31 January 2024), and facing sentence in respect of the alleged publication of 5 blog posts during 2020-2022 (and facing the possible enforced closure of this blog for a lengthy period) will be interested in what transpired.

It is inexpedient for me to blog in detail about the state of play in the case, the matter still being before the Court, but I can tell readers that the sentence will not now be determined for another 6 weeks. It stands deferred until a date in March 2024.

Having said that, it now seems that the Crown Prosecution Service is not applying for a full closure of the blog, but for a lesser level of censorship, which attempt at censorship will, however, still be resisted by me.

The blog will therefore continue to be published until mid-March, and may well continue to be published after that.

Tweets seen

Attacks of this sort were almost unknown in the UK until the migration-invasion happened. What can one say? Import Asia, import Africa (etc) and you import also their behaviours.

From the newspapers


Not Jewish, but a total doormat for the Israel lobby. Went to university in Scotland but did not graduate. As local government politician, speculated with council funds (unsuccessfully), and cut back local services.

In January 2016, the Labour Party unsuccessfully proposed an amendment in Parliament that would have required private landlords to make their homes “fit for human habitation”. According to Parliament’s register of interests, Freer was one of 72 Conservative MPs who voted against the amendment who personally derived an income from renting out property.” [Wikipedia].


Looks like his constituents will be well rid of him.


Police today released the mugshots of two teenagers who accidentally stabbed one of their own gang members to death as they murdered another boy during a ‘ride out’.

[Daily Mail]


Britain 2024. What will it be like in 2034? Or 2044? Thank God I shall probably not be around to see 2044 (I would be 87-88 by then), and certainly not 2054.

The question is not “will the UK become a multikulti dystopian hell of some sort?” but when


“Scotland Yard have since apologised for the mishap, explaining that the supposed breach was due to unlicensed busking rather than the content of the songs she was singing, adding that Hadzhipetkova is being investigated.

But now a new clip of the incident shows there were five other constables at the scene, with one of the cops being heckled by a passer-by who asked why officers were not spending their time ‘catching murderers, rapists, killers’ instead.

[Daily Mail]

The public are getting fed-up and actually angry at the morphing of the police from normal police to a kind of poundshop Stasi.

I myself had a wheel (not just the tyre— the whole wheel) stolen from my parked car a year ago. Despite passing on to the police (via Internet) information provided to me by locals as to the general area where the suspect was said to live, despite also there having been at least one eye-witness (details of whom were known), the police were useless.

Scroll on a few months, and it transpired that the policeman apparently in charge of policing the neighbourhood in question was also the very same one who had been… to put it that way… snooping on my blog posts and gathering “evidence” about it and me! ‘Nuff said?

In the reported case of the Oxford Street busker, I am not sure whether it is a good idea to let people do that (it being arguably rather a nuisance) but, in the big scheme of things, she was doing no harm; maybe even the opposite.

More music

[El Greco, The Dream of Philip II]

More tweets

He forgot to add “so please send more billions of pounds and US dollars from the taxpayers of Western Europe and North America to Kiev“…

It is wrong, of course, to call the Israeli Jews “nazis” (because the German National Socialists, even in WW2, never did anything like that, and as even those who often attack them admit).

The Israeli Jews have therefore killed, in Gaza, in just under 4 months, somewhere in the region of 24,000 women, young persons under 18 years of age, and children, including babies. The number of those wounded, often very badly, is many times that number.

At the same time, in countries such as the UK, where many non-Israeli Jews (or Jews with dual nationality) live, we are told that British etc people such as me, who blog or tweet the truth, are the ones who are “abhorrent” or “evil”.

The world turned upside down.

…and anyone trying to comment or analyze objectively, via blogs or tweets etc, will be adjudged “abhorrent”, or at least “worrying”, by those who prefer their illusions (of a happy —and non-existent— multikulti society) to reality.

I can see only one advantage to that happening (but I am effectively barred from saying what that advantage would be…).

More music

Matt Goodwin

Matt Goodwin:

A decade or so ago I was basically where the average voter was. I leaned a little a bit to the left on the economy and a little bit to the right on culture.

I thought the economy, which had been battered by the global financial crisis, was in desperate need of reform.

The crisis had exposed how dependent we were on London’s financial services and how corrupt the system was. I was furious that so few people were sent to prison for causing the global meltdown.

And while I thought Britain needed some high-skill immigration to help things like the National Health Service (which employed most of my family) I was sceptical of the rising levels of legal and illegal migration under New Labour and which would later reach even higher levels under the Tories.

Like much of the country, and as research shows, I thought mass immigration erodes social trust, social cohesion, public support for welfare, and fuels populism.

what has changed, what has left me and millions others like me feeling politically homeless, is what’s happened to the people running Britain—the new elite class. In short, they’ve radicalised —they’ve driven the car off the cliff and abandoned the rest of us.

Put simply, we are living through the greatest radicalisation of the elite class since the 1960s.

Increasingly, especially since Brexit, Trump, and the summer of 2020, the white, urban, liberal graduates from elite universities and comfortable backgrounds who have joined, and are now replacing, the old ruling class have been moving sharply leftwards on cultural issues.

On all the issues which have been surging up the agenda —immigration, multiculturalism, borders, race, sex, gender, diversity, anti-racism, and more— they’ve simply turned inwards and away from much of the rest of Britain.

And as they’ve moved leftwards, they’ve taken the institutions they dominate with them —the BBC, the civil service, the universities, the advertisement agencies, the museums, the galleries, the public bodies— using their social and cultural power to impose a narrow set of strongly socially liberal beliefs on the rest of society which, as the latest British Social Attitudes survey shows, are supported by no more than 20% of Britain.

As the research shows —the new elite are the most likely to unfriend people they disagree with on Facebook, block them on Twitter, feel unhappy if their children have a relationship with a Conservative or Brexiteer, and —as I discovered after the debate— refuse to even share dinner with somebody they disagree with.

This intolerance became most visible in the aftermath of the vote for Brexit when I watched many people on the ‘liberal’ left berate much of the rest of the country as an assortment of racists, bigots, gammons, and morons, all the while making it abundantly clear they had never actually met any of them.

And it’s also reflected in how, over the last decade, the new elite have steadily expanded concepts such as ‘racism’, ‘transphobia’, ‘hate’ and ‘misinformation’ to silence or stigmatise otherwise acceptable views, such as wanting to lower immigration, strengthen out national borders or protect sex-based rights, as being socially unacceptable.

And when it comes to their political views they are, like the new elite class more generally, completely detached from the rest of the country.

They’re far more likely than everybody else to believe Britain is a “very racist” society, to think minority rights ‘have not gone far enough’ and should ultimately be prioritised above the majority, to think mass immigration has been positive, to say we should curtail free speech in order to promote ‘social justice’, to say British identity is a source of shame and embarrassment, to support radical gender identity theory, like thinking men can become women and women can become men or, as we saw in Scotland, children should be able to simply switch their sex, and to believe we cannot move on as a society unless we stop to address historic ‘injustices’ which happened centuries ago while simultaneously ignoring many similar injustices that are taking place in the world today but which, to be blunt, don’t happen to involve white people.

You see it in the institutions where I work, the universities, where my former friends have spent much of the last decade denying we have any problem with free speech and expression whilst simultaneously ignoring the growing pile of evidence, remaining completely silent as universities become increasingly politicised, prioritising ‘social justice’ above free speech and the search for truth, and then saying nothing as the likes of Kathleen Stock, Jo Phoenix, Helen Joyce, Eric Kaufmann, and many other nonconformists who merely happen to hold different views were harassed, bullied, or chased off campus altogether. What happened to me? What happened to you?

You see it also in the general, routine reaction to anybody who dares question or challenge the liberal consensus on mass immigration, hyper-globalization, and the hollowing out of our national democracy —the online mobbings, the shrieking, the cancellations, the lobbying of employers, the online archaeology, the coordinated way in which ‘liberal’ progressives work together to essentially try and destroy the reputations and livelihoods of anybody who disagrees with them, and the downplaying or complete avoidance of national scandals which do not support their worldview, such as the widespread sexual exploitation of young, white, working-class girls. What happened to me? You must be joking. What happened to you.

[a long extract from Matt Goodwin’s Substack blog]

(and, in the UK, the Communications Act 2003, s.127)… (and the increasingly aggressive Jewish/Zionist anti-free speech campaign)…

Late tweets seen

Merciless. Subhuman. Britain must be cleansed of evil.

Only pan-European social nationalism can save Europe and our culture based on thousands of years of historical development. Only social nationalism can guarantee a decent future for the peoples of Europe.

Late music

[painting by Albert Gleizes; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Gleizes]