Tag Archives: Hampshire Air Ambulance

Diary Blog, 16 May 2024, including thoughts about the UK housing crisis, about Islington North, about Simon Myerson, and about “grifters” such as the now-exposed Depher UK

Morning music

[Clare Bridge over the River Cam, Cambridge]

From the newspapers


More than 2,000 households a month are facing homelessness in England because private landlords say they are selling up, with some blaming uncertainty caused by government delays to renting reforms.

Official figures show that more than four in 10 families who have asked councils for temporary housing after a private landlord ended their tenancy are in the predicament because the owner told them they were putting the property on the market.

Despite increasing demand, the supply of private housing available to rent is still 50,000 homes below pre-pandemic levels, figures from Rightmove show. The total number of privately renting households, including those in stable accommodation, has hovered around the 4.5m mark for the last decade, according to the English Housing Survey. In that time, England’s population grew by 3.2 million, equivalent to 1.4m households.

[The Guardian]

Look at the effect of mass migration aka migration invasion: In the last decade alone, the UK population grew by 3.2 MILLION…

Islington North

The Labour Party is to select its candidate to fight Islington North in the expected 2024 General Election. Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader, sacked from Labour by Israel and Jewish lobby puppet Keir Starmer, has not been invited to apply.

Corbyn presently sits as Independent, but was elected at Islington North for Labour in every general election since 1983. At that first election, Corbyn and Labour scored a vote-share of 40.4% (Con 25.3%, SDP 22.4%), but since then Corbyn has never received less than 50% of the total vote, and usually above 60%, peaking in 2017 (when he was Labour leader) at 73% (Con 12.5%, LibDems 9%). At the most recent general election, in 2019, Corbyn scored 64.3% (LibDems 15.6%, Con 10.2%).


The huge unknown is what percentage of the voters voted for Corbyn, and what percentage voted for the Labour label.

Usually, voters vote by label. Few indeed are the instances where a candidate who has been cast out by his or her party, and who has then stood as Independent (or for a small party) then been re-elected. Most face ignominious defeat. However, Islington North may be different.

There has never been a case where a party leader has been expelled, in effect, from his own party, and has then stood as Independent in the constituency that he has represented for 41 years and is still, at time of writing, representing.

Corbyn is very high profile, and of course has been the MP since 1983, over 40 years.

It seems that local Labour has been frozen out of the selection process, and that Starmer or his minions on the Labour NEC will select the candidate. Apparently, there are several not-unlikely possibilities, and a few political chancers, such as faux-revolutionary (and System msm drone) Paul Mason, will probably also apply.

Assuming that Corbyn does stand (as Independent), I think that he might be able to win the election, and I should put his likely vote-share at somewhere around 30%-40%. The official Labour candidate will probably also get about 30%-40%.

There is likely to be a Reform UK candidate, who will probably get below 5%, and possibly (as with UKIP and Brexit Party in previous elections) only around 1% or 2%. The Conservative candidate will almost certainly struggle to get over 10% and, in the present circumstances, may be in lost-deposit territory, below 5%.

It is possible that the LibDem candidate will score over 10%; hard to say.

My view is that, if Corbyn does stand, it will be a straight fight between him and whosoever is selected as the official Labour candidate. Corbyn surely has every chance, if he stands (I think that he will).

Tweets seen

As previously blogged, not even 1997 was 1997 (as popularly now understood); Labour received only 43.2% of the popular vote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_United_Kingdom_general_election.

The 1997 General Election passed me by; I was in the middle of living for a year in Kazakhstan, was busy with everyday and not-so-everyday things, and did not have a satellite (or any other) TV; also, BBC World Service radio reception from the UK was very poor by reason of the nearby mountains (Almaty is on the lower slopes of the Tien Shan) and the remoteness from Europe etc.

I was and am willing to believe that “Captain Tom” meant well (though the whole stunt was basically brainless), but his daughter and her husband were very obviously riding it for all it was worth from the start. Disgraceful people.

The msm went along with it all because it tended to reinforce the “panicdemic”/”scamdemic” narrative of the times, the “Covid” craziness, “clapping for the NHS”, and other related nonsense.

See also: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3gxg4jd0ggo, which is well worth reading. An important investigation. These “grifters” should be hounded and prosecuted, not least because they destroy trust in the whole concept of charity and giving.

I myself gave a couple of small donations to that supposed quasi-charitable org. That’s a tenner I shall never get back. Not a fortune, true, but that “grifter” has thereby deprived me not only of a good feeling but also £10 with which I could have bought a couple of Lottery scratchcards. Never mind. If I ever meet him, I shall recover my money from the bastard in person.

I have blogged previously, several times, about this contemporary disease of online “grifters”— “Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas, the Anglo-Cypriot fraudster known as the “Bootstrap Cook”), “Supertanskiii” (grifts money via her pathetic Twitter/X account which pretends to be doing pro-Labour political campaigning via swearing at “the Tories”), “Man Behaving Dadly” (a Jew called Simon Harris, who “grifted” hundreds of thousands of pounds, like “Jack Monroe”, from gullible members of the public, and also cheated Essex County Council out of about £600,000).

Many others exist, including Julia Grace Patterson, a woman who worked as a very junior NHS doctor for about 2 years before deciding that it was easier to live from online “grifting” in various ways, while also posing online as some kind of champion of the crumbling NHS.

The Essex Police seem to be red-hot when it comes to supposedly “racist” teddy-bears, or jumping on legitimate free speech at the behest of the Jewish lobby, but not much use when it comes to frauds like the above (all based in Essex, apart from Depher UK).

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/.

Well, when they are gone, that’s Ukraine’s future as a nation and people pretty much gone too. The birthrate is already far lower than replacement level, and about a third of the pre-2022 population is now outside Ukraine.

What might be called “the Reduction of the Gaza Ghetto”.

Don’t forget the main one—Israel, aided by the Jewish lobby within the USA, embedded in politics, finance, TV, radio, newspapers, publishing, and business.


Simon Myerson

Many readers will be aware of the social media presence of a Jew-Zionist called Simon Myerson, a barrister and Recorder (part-time criminal and civil judge), whose toxic social media presence has led to his being given formal “words of advice” (equivalent to a caution) by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office.

I have blogged a little about Myerson in the past; he used to tweet obsessively about me and others, and is tied up with the two organizations who have tried to persecute me over the past 10-12 years, the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] and “UK Lawyers for Israel” [“UKLFI”].

Recently, Myerson’s sworn testimony in the civil case Wilson v. Mendelsohn, Newbon, and Cantor was discounted by the judge, along with that of other unreliable Jewish witnesses (Nathan Comiskey, Joanne Bell, Adam Cailler).

The Jewish defendants lost out, and at least one may have to sell his family home to pay the costs of the Claimant, he (the defendant in question) plainly having been misadvised by self-seeking Israel-based Mark Lewis and others.

One defendant, Newbon, another obsessed Zionist, committed suicide during the trial. The attempt to ruin a university lecturer, James Wilson, and make money out of it for Lewis and the defendants, backfired spectacularly.

Despite the above, Myerson is still practising at the Bar, and (as far as I know) still sitting as a Recorder.

He is an obsessive, like so many of “them”. Here we are at 1300 hrs on a Thursday afternoon, and Myerson has already tweeted 39 times today by my count, starting at about 0800 hrs this morning. So about 8 times per hour, for 5 hours (so far).

I have no idea whether his practice is busy or not.

Should Myerson be sitting in judgment over the fate of British people?

For more on that specific legal case and the fallout therefrom, see previous posts on this blog and/or the tweets of the successful and brave Claimant in the case, James Wilson: https://twitter.com/per_incuriam2.

More tweets seen

Here’s an angry email from Patron’s partner Alexander Zivancevic. My view is that there is no blackmail, there is no harassment, there are no threats, and there are no mindless emails. My position is: Patron Law led its clients – Mr Mendelsohn, Dr Newbon and Mr Cantor – into disaster. And Patron Law ought to pay to get them out. Mr Zivancevic is annoyed and threatening because all this is going to cost him some cash. But it’s fair enough that he coughs up some cash to protect Mr Mendelsohn and Mr Cantor? What do you think?”

I myself have no idea whether the defeated and possibly insolvent Jewish defendants will now seek to sue Mark Lewis and others, including Patron Law, on the basis of professional negligence, but it seems that that is a distinct possibility, if not probability.

Lewis himself has no property in this country, having “relocated” (fled?) to Israel several years ago. Indeed, just before he left, and at the time of his “conviction” in the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal in 2018 (for violently insulting people on Twitter etc), and just before he moved “permanently” to Israel, his own Counsel pleaded that he should not be fined too heavily because his “only assets” were his clothes, a private pension worth £70 a week, and a mobility scooter. Even his car had been provided for him for free, paid for by the “antisemitic” British taxpayers, via the DWP-connected Motability scheme. The so-called “top libel lawyer” (according to the tabloid Press in years past)…

Egregious on its own, but also interesting in that Lewis is apparently a partner in that Jewish or mainly Jewish law firm, Patron Law, based in West London. If Lewis is sued (successfully), it may be the case that the other partners of that firm will be jointly and severally liable, if joined to the putative or potential action.

I hesitate to be unequivocal on this, because I have not practised at the Bar since 2008, and was (albeit wrongfully and unlawfully) disbarred for political reasons in 2016: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

It is not unlikely that the laws of both libel and business or professional partnership have changed over the past few years. I no longer bother to keep up with most legal changes.

Well, there it is, my opinion (which must now come with a non-governmental health warning…).

I have to say that Mr. Wilson is a far more forgiving man than I am. Those Jewish defendants were trying to ruin Wilson and, even if they have been used and bamboozled and manipulated by their fellow Jews, deserve to suffer the consequences of their own badness, in my opinion.

Blackmail?! Well there’s a coincidence. It is so weird. Before the “meanings” judgment was signed off and approved in my case, reading the draft I could see that it was not going well for the other side, that there would likely be further publicity which might be damaging to them and I did not want to cause them any harm. Like the old Buddhist hippy I am, via my sols, I made an offer that was pretty much in the same terms as the settlement we eventually ended up with, suggesting settlement before the judgment was handed down, and then we could ask the judge if he’d be willing not to hand down judgment in those circumstances. My offer was refused as “blackmail”. The judgment was delivered, and published on the BAILII website. The other side then settled. I don’t get it.” [tweeter Cremant Communarde “@0Calamity”]

…or maybe it’s just a (((you know who))) thing…

Needless to add, a “moral case” would not cut it; only a clear legal case would do that.

I wish Mr. Wilson good luck, and victory.

More music

More tweets


Regular readers will have seen that I recently had a slight disagreement with my wife over whether we should give to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance via some fellow who knocked uninvited at the door. I was unsure whether he was bona fide or not.

I later tried to contact the air ambulance people, only to discover that their telephone (the real one— I looked it up online) is an automated message which then switches to a line that then goes dead almost immediately. I emailed them via their own website but (about a week on), I have had no reply, nor even an acknowledgment.

I believe their CEO gets about £150,000 a year, maybe more, and that their total administrative staff salary spend (ie not pilots, not doctors etc) is about £700,000 a year. P*** poor.

I myself would never now give to Hampshire Air Ambulance, whether or not the bozo at the door was bona fide.

People should be banned from fundraising at the door anyway; it’s an open invitation to rip off householders.

The same goes for most of the larger charities as well. The higher-up staff are often getting £100,000, £200,000, even £400,000 a year. Forget it.

He has completely missed the point that he owns the house! Is this not fraud? After Captain Tom foundation debacle – nothing is sacred anymore. Money corrupts people. I for one will not give to charities like this again.” [tweeter Martina J, “@MartinaJ70”].

I can only agree.

Ha ha! Tweeter “@ACSpinner” has obviously slept through the past 2-3 years or more, during which time “Jack Monroe” has been comprehensively exposed as not only a “grifter” but a literal fraudster (though for some reason unknown, she has not as yet been prosecuted).


Late tweets seen

Quite so. The Kiev regime, as I have blogged for over a year now, is running out of soldiers, even the untrained cannon-fodder which has been pointlessly dying in waves over the past two years. As for those “unprepared defensive lines“, they merely emphasize the shambolic and corrupt nature of the Kiev regime.

The Kiev regime has run out of “useful idiots” willing to volunteer to be killed or crippled on the chaotic and crumbling front lines. The foreign idiot virtue-signallers (unemployed Brit ex-private soldiers and adventure junkies, American Soldier of Fortune readers etc) have long since gone home, or been killed. Kiev now press-gangs people off the streets to be sent —on pain of the firing squad— to the front. Few will return. No wonder they put up a serious fight before they are “recruited” and have to face the guns.

The Russian army is reportedly advancing on the Kharkov front, with reports indicating a storming of Liptsy. Ukrainian sources confirm the developments, stating that Russian infantry is launching attacks from the forest west of Lukyantsy, situated on the eastern outskirts of Liptsy. Heavy fighting is also reported west of Volchansk in the areas of Burgovatka and Starytsya, according to other Ukrainian sources.

Late talking point

A country that has forgotten its culture, history, traditions and national heroes is doomed to extinction” [Tolstoy]

I look at Britain and muse as to whether that can be said (can yet be said) about this country. I am unwilling to say so —yet— but that is probably the heart ruling the head, to be frank.



Late music

[Shishkin, Gathering Storm]