Tag Archives: Hanan Ashrawi

Diary Blog, 14 August 2020

The question is “when will the mad carousel crash?” and then, “what political and social movement will then be able to seize power across Europe?

Labour, Corbyn and the Jew-Zionists

The above blog piece is fairly interesting, but fails to use the words “Jew” or even “Jew-Zionist” even once! Yet “they” were those plotting against Labour from as soon as Corbyn was elected leader! The whole campaign against Corbyn was led and almost entirely staffed by Zionist, pro-Israel Jews. I am no “Corbynist”, but I am a truthful and accurate observer and commentator on policy, events and people, as well as being a struggler for a better society and thinker into the future.

By a campaign of malicious denunciation to police, CPS and Twitter (etc), the fanatical Jew-Zionists have suppressed free speech to the point where it scarcely exists; where it does, it is because a relatively few British and other Europeans are determined to express their socio-political views and to fight for freedom, come what may.

In fact, the pro-Israel Jew-Zionist fanatics, such as those in the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”], reserve some of their worst venom for anti-Zionist Jews, such as the journalist Mira bar Hillel [https://www.pressgazette.co.uk/mira-bar-hillel-says-fellow-uk-based-jewish-journalists-wont-speak-out-against-israel-fear/], the jazz musician Gilad Atzmon [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Atzmon#Allegations_of_antisemitism], and the Israeli dissident Miko Peled [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miko_Peled].

In 2003, [Gilad] Atzmon wrote that: “We must begin to take the accusation that the Jewish people are trying to control the world very seriously”,[48][49][50] the blog post was subsequently amended[51] with “Zionists” replacing “the Jewish people” in the original post.[52][53]” [Wikipedia]

At a meeting at University College London the following November [2018], [Miko] Peled complained about the “witch-hunt against antisemites and Holocaust deniers” over the past two years.” [Wikipedia]

Note the (((typically))) violent language: “slaughtered“… the language of kosher (kashrut) butchery, of ethnic cleansing, of Jew-Zionist tribalism and cruelty.


It is when the leader of the party is a Labour Friends of Israel member, married to a Jewish woman lawyer, with their children being brought up as both Jewish and Zionist!

More thoughts about the facemask nonsense

The joke below was sent to me. It has a sharp and topical edge:

Doctor: Good morning Mr Jones – how are you feeling today?

Patient: Great, just been for a 7k run.

Doctor: Right, Right. There’s no easy way to say this – I’m afraid I have some bad news for you, you had better take a seat.

Patient: Oh God, what is it doctor?

Doctor: Theres no way to cushion this, I’m afraid – the test you took for Covid-19 came back positive.

Patient: Oh no, that’s awful. Give it to me straight doctor, what are my chances? Don’t hold back. I need to know the truth.

Doctor: Well, I’m afraid you only have between a 99.8% and 99.4% chance of survival – although as you are 35 and have no other conditions it may be as much as 99.9%, maybe more – we just can’t tell at this stage. Though we’re pretty sure.

(Long pause)

Patient: Riiiiiiighhhht

Doctor: Also the test may be wrong. You may just have a cold or something…

(Patient gets up and walks out)

Doctor: Don’t forget your mask!

Well, there it is. Reasonably amusing and displaying the fact that virtually no-one is getting infected with Coronavirus in the UK now, but the fear is almost as great as it was when the ridiculous over-reaction started.

Yesterday, 20 people died in UK hospitals from or with Coronavirus. This virus is not, now, a really serious public health threat. The Government, though, is intent on forcing facemasks on the public, and is going to increase fines for non-compliance, after a first offence, to £3,200!

I was watching part of an episode of the 1970s TV documentary, The World at War. R.A. “Rab” Butler [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rab_Butler] talking about what happened on 3 September 1939, the day when Britain declared war on Germany, The air-raid sirens were sounded in London, all over London, and people were told to wear, and were filmed wearing, gasmasks.

In fact, there was no danger from either gas attacks or air raids. The Germans had no plans to use gas, (and few if any supplies); there were no gas attacks on Britain during the whole of the War. As for air raids and bombing, the first German bombs fell on London (in the area of the docks by the Thames, since the 1980s known as the Docklands) in September 1940, over a year after war had been declared.

So no real danger but much whipping-up of fear among the public, the public told that they must wear masks (at times) and react like lemmings if air raid warnings (klaxons or whining air-whistles) were heard.

That sounds rather like Britain today. No real risk to most people but everyone told (on pain of increasingly heavy fines) to wear (useless) masks inside many buildings (how long before that diktat is enlarged to include various outside places?). All for nothing except to control the public. Nothing to do with the “virus” itself, which for the past month has killed only a small fraction of those dying in the UK from influenza.

Historical note: Einstein and another Jew scientist, Szilard, approached President Roosevelt in September 1939 with a proposal that the USA should build atom bombs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Manhattan_Project#1939

Tweets seen in the past couple of days

Below: looks as though some doctor or other may be in trouble…

No doubt done with the best of intentions, but one wonders what such technology might change into, down the line…

Some interesting tweets from “Socialist Voice” (Scott Nelson), who used to like and retweet some of my own Twitter comment before the Jew-Zionists (and a few non-Jew doormats) in the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” pressure group (cabal) conspired to have me removed from Twitter. The same untermenschen have been trying for years to get the Socialist Voice Twitter account removed; so far it is still there, but, with (mainly) Jewish/Zionist censorship intensifying, for how long?.

One has to wonder how long the fighters for freedom are going to play by “their” rules in a rigged game?

In respect of that report about the Labour Party, it is a matter of unconcern to the Zionists now again controlling Labour that membership numbers are plummeting. All that matters to “them” is that Labour, as one of the two “main parties” is not, even slightly, “antisemitic” and/or anti-Israel. “They” do not care if Labour does not win elections (95% of Jews now vote Conservative anyway), and in fact the lower taxes under Conservative Party rule suit most Jews very well…

The Conservative Party now claims 191,000 members. If true, that is an increase, in a year or so, of 50,000. Still, the relevant facts are that only 1 person in every 350 in the UK is a Conservative Party member even now, yet the Party won the 2019 General Election anyway, despite having only about 1 person in 500 as a member. Labour’s 500,000-600,000 members (2019), about 1 person out of 120 UK inhabitants, made little difference to that result.

Both System parties are now mere facades; both are controlled, in effect, by Jew-Zionists, and both are pretty much following similar policies. To put it another way, Labour is weakly echoing whatever Boris-idiot does, but adding “we might have done it better...”

Below: the whole thread is worth reading; click to read it.


I cannot see Easyjet and the like surviving for long.

Musical interlude


Meine Ehre heisst Treue…


Some tweets seen

Well, there it is. The “Auntie Tom” has made the ritual obeisance to Jew-Zionism expected of all American political candidates at the national level.

Griffin should probably start, if he has not already, with the account in the memoirs of Col. Ron Reid Daly, the founder and commanding officer of the Scouts: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Selous-Scouts-Secret-Rhodesia-Zimbabwe/dp/0620066741

[Pamwe Chete]
