Tag Archives: Gilad Atzmon

Diary Blog, 7 April 2024

Morning music

[Victor Ostrovsky, The Stroll]

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Compare that to the Profumo affair of the early 1960s. A Cabinet minister resigned merely for having had a secret girlfriend who happened to be also involved with the Soviet Naval Attache, and having lied about the affair.

Standards in public life have always fallen, at times and in regard to this or that individual, from the strictest level, but what we now see is a general collapse of decent behaviour.

My assessment of hugely ignorant Esther McVey, from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/03/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-esther-mcvey-story/.

A good example of stolid English police humour.

All Jews or, in a couple of cases, part-Jews.

Maureen Lipman thinks that no-one has a “right to return” (except, of course, Jews, who have a “Right of Return” law in Israel/Occupied Palestine, which allows any Jew to settle in Israel/Palestine, even those whose DNA shows that their ancestors were from Khazaria or elsewhere, and never anywhere near Israel/Palestine…).


[Ashkenazi Jews in Jerusalem, c.1885; comment perhaps unnecessary (or effectively banned by law)…]


The game is not…quite… at an end. There is still the possibility that a very small minority of Europeans (“Aryans” or, more accurately, post-Aryans) can take control sufficiently to vanquish evil and then create the basis for a new society which, eventually, over a long period of time, can become the foundation for an even later super-race.

[the Swastika, or Hakenkreuz, symbol of the positive evolution of consciousness]

As so often, people tweet or otherwise comment about the Muslim encroachment, and I have no argument about that, but they all too often ignore the fact of the far more powerful “Zionist” lobby, so embedded now in UK System politics, law, finance and business (obviously), and in the mainstream media and elsewhere.

Look at that cartoon. Islamic flags, but no Star of David or Israeli flags; yet which bloc or lobby is taking away freedom of expression in the UK? 90%+ of the repression is being co-ordinated by Jewish/Zionist and/or pro-Israel groups, such as the small but well-funded and very malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” kruzhok, which has attacked and tried to prosecute not only me but also such as Alison Chabloz, Al-Jazeera TV, David Icke, the Jewish —but anti-Israel— jazz musician Gilad Atzmon, and numerous others.

As far as my own situation is concerned, the “CAA” has engaged in a decade-long campaign against me (which fact the CAA admits, though saying it has been 7+ years-long). They also admit using the very peculiar Israel-lobby-owned “lord”, former MP Ian Austin, to pressure officials of the Crown (Clown) Prosecution Service, right up to the level of the Director of Public Prosecutions himself, to prosecute me on any basis that could be contrived.

The “CAA” (and their suborned dupes, the “Clown” Prosecution Service) were crowing online, including on Twitter/X, about having managed to get me convicted in November 2023, using the Communications Act 2003, s.127, a law so badly-drafted and unjust that the Law Commission has formally recommended its repeal, but the “CAA” has not tweeted at all about the sentence handed down in March 2024— 15 “rehabilitation” meetings with or via the Probation Service, and a costs order of £734 in all.

[I now, today, have just seen that the “CAA” website has published a long whining complaint that the sentence given to me was “scandalously lenient“. The “CAA” has nothing to complain about— its so-called “Director of Investigations and Enforcement” made a totally false allegation in 2021 that I had “racially abused” him. There was no evidence at all for that complaint, yet the individual has never been prosecuted, not yet anyway, for a quite plain attempted perversion of the course of justice].

Incidentally, should any kind persons wish to defray the costs imposed on me by the Court, donations can be made here: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

So far, £235 has been raised, about a third of the minimum payment required, and I have agreed with the payment office of the Court to pay £91.75 per month (for 8 months).

The history of my decade of persecution by the “CAA” and the other involved group, “UK Lawyers for Israel” ([UKLFI”] (both presently to be seen supporting the slaughter in Gaza, and the latter responsible for the complaint against me that resulted, after 2+ years, in my getting disbarred in 2016) can be found, in part, here below:

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/03/15/diary-blog-15-march-2024/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/03/16/diary-blog-16-march-2024/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/03/17/diary-blog-17-march-2024/.

I have little doubt that that “CAA” cabal will be trying to contrive another malicious complaint against me now that their 2021-2024 ones have fallen flat; fallen flat despite my 2023 conviction and 2024 sentence, because the sentence was fairly lenient (though I had hoped for an even-lighter sentence, a conditional discharge and/or small fine), and because the (rather fair-minded, in my opinion) sentencing judge refused to grant the pathetic —and pathetically-poorly drafted— Clown Crown Prosecution Service application to restrict what I say or publish on the blog.

Also, there was no suspended sentence of imprisonment— my written Defendant’s Argument on Sentence put paid to any idea of that sort, and Prosecution Counsel, to be fair, was not foolish enough to ask for one once the trial judge had effectively ruled that out at end of trial (let alone actual imprisonment).

Anyway, what that means is that, should the “CAA” and/or police and Clown Prosecution Service want to prosecute me again, i.e. for what has been posted on the blog since mid-November 2023, or what is being currently posted on the blog, they will have to start all over again, and if they were to do that (pointlessly wasting yet more tens of thousands of pounds of public money), the matter would probably not conclude until some time in 2025, or even later, were I to appeal any conviction and sentence (and, were I to be convicted again, an appeal might be more likely than it was in the 2023/2024 matter).

I should robustly defend any further attempt to prosecute me for anything, of course.

Actually, while I dispute that any of the material in respect of which I was recently convicted and sentenced was “grossly offensive” anyway, regular readers will have noted that the blog has, in the past months, taken on a more diplomatic and more thoughtful tone, while remaining staunch and steadfast in principle and ideology.

Incidentally, readers may like to know that no Prosecution application was made to the Court at trial or after sentence that any material should be removed from the blog. All the (5) blog posts (out of 1,800 posted since 2016) which were the subject-matter of the trial remain extant and, while naturally it is the wiser course for me not to link to them, browsing readers interested in seeing what nonsense the prosecution was can see all of those blog posts via the search box or otherwise.

Indeed, the Clown Prosecution Service and “CAA”, as well as the few mass media outlets that reported my conviction and/or sentence, have themselves republished most of the supposedly “grossly offensive” remarks about Jews allegedly first posted by me, thus spreading those remarks far and wide. Thank you, clowns!

My legal position now, in respect of the blog, is what it was this time last year, or indeed in 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016 (when the blog started). The blog remains, all previous posts remain in place, and I continue to blog, despite the inevitably chilling effect on freedom of expression of the past year’s repressive legal process.

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I have little time for any of the three (Julia-Hartley-Brewer, Andrew Tate, Greta Nut), but I agree (for once) with radio loudmouth Julia Hartley-Brewer (about Greta Nut).

From the newspapers


British soldiers training in Kenya have carried out initiation ceremonies in which younger recruits are forced into having unprotected sex with prostitutes, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Senior soldiers allegedly toss a coin to determine whether the squaddie wears a condom, to prove how ‘brave’ they are.

The claims have alarmed defence chiefs because of the high rates of HIV/Aids in Kenya, where it affects one in 20 people.

[Daily Mail]


Wait until Spetsnaz commandos burst into your base; prove how “brave” you and your officers are then…

More seriously, are any of the UK armed forces worth a plugged nickel these days?

Talking point

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future” [Oscar Wilde].

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

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London. Zoo.


[My London]

Look at the photographs…

Late tweets

Late music

[Shishkin, Bee Families in the Forest]

Diary blog, 1 August 2022

Morning music

[Spetsnaz officer exits aircraft over St. Petersburg]

On this day a year ago

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More music

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Keep the Elgin Marbles where they are.

UK Police again behaving like a Thought Police

It seems that some employees of Hampshire Police and other police orgs think that Nineteen Eighty-Four is a training manual: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11067677/Recording-non-crime-hate-incidents-makes-people-question-police-police-chief-says.html

A senior police chief has said that recording non-crime ‘hate incidents’ makes people lose faith in cops.

Stephen Watson [Chief Constable] of Greater Manchester Police said that officers needed to have confidence in telling the public when matters were not for the police.

He said that he was happy that the national standards body for policy had issued guidance emphasising that offence being taken should not lead to views being stigmatised.

He said that officers recording non-crime hate incidents ’caused people to question whether we know what we’re doing‘.

It comes after an army veteran was arrested by police for ‘causing anxiety’ after retweeting a picture of a swastika made out of Pride flags on social media. 

Darren Brady, 51, slammed Hampshire Police for ‘impeding his right to free speech’ after he was placed into handcuffs on Friday at his home in Aldershot for sharing a meme.

Footage of the arrest was widely shared on social media and showed an officer who told Mr Brady he was being apprehended because his post had ’caused anxiety’ and been reported to authorities.

Harry Miller, a former police officer, was also arrested after claiming he had tried to prevent the former serviceman from being detained.

He told MailOnline: ‘Hampshire Police showed a blatant disregard of the law. They approached Mr Brady and acted as summary judge, jury and executioner – but didn’t know what offence he’d actually committed. They said he was being arrested for causing anxiety, which is utterly ridiculous!

Mr Brady is a British Army Veteran and they were trying to extort him for money by making him pay around £80 for educational course so he could downgrade from a crime to a non-crime, which would still show up in a basic Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

Writing on Twitter on Sunday, Mr Brady told his followers: ‘It’s nice to be able to enjoy a Sunday morning in peace without being harassed by Hampshire Police trying to extort money from me, or have me ‘re-educated’ for sharing a meme on the Internet.

[Daily Mail]

Wouldn’t you know it? The so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [CAA], a tiny but well-funded group of fanatically pro-Israel Jew-Zionists, was, with others, involved in stoking it all.

I have blogged in the past about the “CAA” fake charity and its (in fact, few) “activists”. They have targeted me for years. Two examples below, from 2017 and from 2021-22:

It will be seen that the latter complaint against me of those two (among many other false and malicious complaints made against me by the same Jewish cabal over the past 12 years) also involved Hampshire Police (though at the request of another police force).

The “CAA” has (((typically))) managed to worm its way into influence within some police forces.

Backstairs influence, resulting in socio-politically-motivated injustice.

The “CAA” fake charity pretends (via supporters, often Jewish, in the msm) to be some massive Jewish organization, whereas in reality we are talking about a few dozen fanatically pro-Israel Jews, not hundreds, not thousands, and certainly not the 250,000+ Jews living in the UK.

The “CAA” is a tiny, nasty, fanatical cabal, nothing more.

Apart from trying to get the police to do their dirty work by prosecuting me (I have in fact not, at least as yet, been prosecuted, nor even arrested), the CAA has also tried to attack, in various ways, many others, including the writer and theorist David Icke, the satirist Alison Chabloz, the nationalist activist Jez Turner, Al Jazeera TV, and even Jewish —but anti-Zionist— persons such as the jazz musician Gilad Atzmon and the journalist Mira bar-Hillel.

Some of the leading activists of the “CAA” have actually been caught out using pseudonyms to sadistically troll people (mainly women) online, a fact inadvertently admitted by an incompetent CAA lawyer some years ago in open court.

As to the police themselves, I have to say that those members of both Essex Police (in 2017) and Hampshire Police (in 2021-22) whom I encountered conducted themselves in a reasonably-fair manner while taking part in a wholly unreasonable exercise, i.e. questioning me at the instigation of the perennially-whining and/or demanding “CAA” nuisances, who waste huge amounts of police time on those false and malicious accusations.

The ordinary police are, usually, “just following orders“…

In the incidents I blogged about, I was never actually arrested, by either police force, just invited to supposedly “voluntary” interviews under caution, both times leading eventually to the matters being dropped. The police, though, really should have told those malicious “CAA” bastards to go whistle right from the start…

The Daily Mail report shows clearly what happens when confused bad law (eg Communications Act 2003 s.127; eg Protection from Harassment Act 1997) is abused by such as the “CAA” bastards, bamboozling the poor old “plods”, who themselves however often seem to be unaware of the limitations to their lawful powers. They are often also ignorant of the law generally.

The police really should wake up to the fact that the “Campaign Against AntiSemitism” snoopers and serial whining complainers are abusing law and procedure for their own ends, and manipulating the police at the same time. Many well-known Jews agree with me, incidentally: see

It may be that the “Common Purpose” poison, encouraging mediocre office-holders to “lead beyond authority” has in fact led to this mess, and others, in the police, in local government etc.

Even the Daily Mail report cited and quoted above wrongly presents the “CAA” as if it were a respectable organization worth listening to, rather than what it is.

Incidentally, the Daily Mail itself seems afraid of what the British people reading its columns might write in the “readers’ comments” section of that report, so has simply prohibited them from leaving any.

[Update, 7 August 2022: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11089847/Hate-crime-awareness-courses-SCRAPPED-Hampshire-police-following-controversy.html].

More tweets

…symbolized by Boris-idiot being replaced by an Indian, except that that plan seems to have gone wrong, so another, this time English, puppet has been put in place— Liz Truss.

I have blogged about that doctor before. She really is (unlike so many “doctors” on Twitter) a medic, though she gave it up not long after having qualified, and now tries to make money as an “activist”, supposedly propagandizing (uninvited) for the NHS. Mentally disturbed, in my admittedly lay opinion (why else would she make her young son wear a facemask while walking with her in the local park?).

To answer her question though, “because masks have no effect whatever“, as well as being a mass psychological-control conditioning experiment.

Late tweets

What gets me, apart from all the social and demographic problems the migrant-invaders cause the British people, is the sheer bloody cheek of the bastards.

When you talk about Liz Truss, you are talking about someone so devoid of intelligence, knowledge, and ideas that she makes even Boris-idiot look sage and informed.

The policewoman in the middle looks particularly spiteful; would have been good to see her get what should have been coming to her.

Late music

Diary Blog, 21 May 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Saturday quiz

Well, this week, political journalist John Rentoul scored only 4/10, but I did little better at 5/10; one of my worst efforts. I did not know the answers to questions 1, 2, 5, 9, and 10, and though I did get the answer to question 7, it was a pure guess (having said that, I really knew the answer to question 1 but, by reason of tiredness, could not bring it to mind).

Britain 2022



I happened to see on TV a minute of some meaningless speech by the part-Jew, part-Levantine liar and chancer currently posing as Prime Minister.

One often hears that “all politicians are liars“, with which view I do not agree anyway, at least not un-nuanced, but even in the ranks of what Hitler called “dirty democratic politicians“, “Boris” Johnson stands out as a liar on an epic level of untruthfulness.

What does “Boris” sell? Hope? Not really. Just a vague “it will all be OK” nothingness. There is not even any skill to his untruthfulness. It is the lying of the con-man whose victims really know that they are being conned.

In the speech, of which I saw and heard a short TV clip, “Boris” emitted words empty of meaning, belief, or even basic plausibility. He is someone who (contrary to what was said about him by the sycophantic msm years ago) has little real culture or education, or even intelligence.

The prime ministers of the past certainly varied in ability, culture, and intelligence, but most of them, in retrospect, were at least plausible as real prime ministers. Take the 1960s/1970s: Macmillan, Douglas-Home, Harold Wilson, Edward Heath, Wilson (again, by then in poor health), Callaghan, and finally Margaret Thatcher. All very different inter se, but all able to lay claim to at least some genuine weight. What a contrast to Boris-idiot.

Incidentally, I noticed that that TV report showed “Boris” either arriving or leaving somewhere. Surrounded by guards. At least half a dozen; I think maybe seven or eight. Very indicative of the fact that not a few people would like to have a go at him. Again, a huge contrast with the past.

Look at the picture below: September 1966, and Prime Minister Harold Wilson is holidaying modestly in the Scilly Isles. Accompanying him at the quayside at Hugh Town, St. Mary’s (island) is one solitary bodyguard (almost out of shot, at right), pistol concealed under a jumper tied around his waist in cricketing style.

[Prime Minister Harold Wilson, 1966, Hugh Town, Scilly Isles. Always willing to pose with members of the public, even those without a vote. I am the (just)10 year-old boy on the far left of the photograph]

Wilson was far from universally-popular. In the area where my family lived (Berkshire/Oxfordshire border) he was pretty well disliked, to say the least. Not despised though (by most), I think, and no-one (as far as I know) wanted to attack him physically, or assassinate him.

People in the 1960s might not all have supported, or even trusted, Wilson, but few would think that he was nothing but a total incompetent, who had lied outright to become PM, and then continued to do so while in office, and while accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Now look again at fake “Boris”.

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That kind of criticism of Basic Income always comes from those who have never been desperate for a few pounds, and/or those who have never been angry at being stuck in the Kafka-esque bureaucratic snoop-state which is the world of the DWP.

…which is why System creatures such as Denis MacShane (fraudulent ex-MP, Jewish-lobby puppet) oppose proportional representation— it is too democratic.

There have been growing parallels, since the late 1960s or early 1970s, between Britain and the society of Weimar Germany in the 1920s. Not exact parallels in all areas, but enough to make one think.

Why would Russia use as a weapon something that leaves 90% of those infected alive and soon-recovered?

There’s one answer only, but one cannot promote it online…

Interesting railway history documentary

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In other words, a pseudo-elected tyranny, with part-Jew, part-Levantine criminal “Boris” as pathetic yet sinister tyrant.

Had the GRU and other Russian state organs done their job properly, Zelensky and his cabal would have been eliminated days before any Russian troops crossed the artificial frontier.

1928 in the Soviet Union: the calm before the storm.

Late music

Diary Blog, 14 March 2022

Afternoon music

[panorama of Kiev and the river Dnieper]

On this day a year ago

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As blogged previously, do you still think that the lockdown shutdown(s), fraudulent “loans”, “test and trace” nonsense, “furlough” baksheesh etc, all came at no cost? Think again…

Thank God for that, at least! I myself am not against a modest number of (real) Ukrainians, especially if genuine refugees, coming to the UK, because they are European, and because some at least are quite cultured. However, I am talking about hundreds, not hundreds of thousands.

Blog post about Ukraine, by Gilad Atzmon


Worth reading.


More music

[Kazan, Tatarstan]

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As some commentators have noted, there actually is scarcely any conventional Ukrainian Army worth talking about, at least not on any large scale. The corruption and chaotic misrule emanating from Kiev for the past 30+ years has stripped the Ukrainian armed forces of most of their past (Soviet) effectiveness.

We have already seen, in the past couple of weeks since the invasion began, that the Kiev-regime air force has been either destroyed on the ground or shot down. In fact, the most noteworthy fighter pilot on the Kiev-regime side, the so-called “Ghost of Kiev”, turned out to be just an Internet “meme” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_of_Kyiv].

The Kiev regime has effectively no navy.

The Ukrainian Army has in fact been conspicuous by its absence, but that is probably because, as previously blogged, the decision has been made that it would be suicidal for the forces of the Kiev regime to confront the Russian Army in battles reminiscent of the Battle of Kursk in 1943 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kursk].

It seems that the strategy of the Ukrainian/Kiev-regime side mimics that of the Russians during Napoleon’s disastrous 1812 invasion of Russia, occupation of Moscow, and eventual retreat from Russia.

Incidentally, Tolstoy’s famous War and Peace starts with the words “On the twelfth of June, 1812, the forces of Western Europe crossed the Russian frontier and war began, that is, an event took place opposed to human reason and to human nature.” Note that: not “French forces” but “the forces of Western Europe“, which was in fact the case. See the overall order of battle in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_invasion_of_Russia.

The tactics of the Russians in 1812, at least during Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow, might be called “shoot and scoot” or hit-and-run.

Those tactics of 1812 are now being used by the forces of the Kiev regime.

There have now begun to appear, in some American publications, comments to the effect that the tactics that Zelensky’s forces are using may be effective, but lack any real strategy.

The overall Ukrainian/Zelensky regime plan seems to be to barricade, fortify and defend cities, particularly Kiev, while using those shoot and scoot tactics to wear down the Russian forces by attrition: shooting down helicopters and planes, ambushing tank columns, launching only skirmish raids on the ground.

On the other hand, after a more than sluggish start, the Russian forces are now beginning to take the smaller cities such as Kherson (290,000 inhabitants, and only 17th in terms of population, if Crimean cities are included: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_Ukraine).

Kiev is being encircled steadily now, and food as well as ammunition is in short supply (the Zelensky regime claims that Kiev has food for two weeks).

The Russians are bringing up more troops now. Also supplies. As Gilad Atzmon notes in his blog (see above), the now-famous 40-mile-long Russian column north of Kiev seems not to have been subject to any, or any significant attack.

The Kiev-regime side is weak, despite the huge amounts of advanced infantry-use weaponry now being funnelled into Ukraine by NATO (weaponry which will in part no doubt find its way into the hands of terrorist groups hostile to the West in due course, as happened after Afghanistan, Iraq etc).

The Russians obviously intend to take smallest population centres first, before working their way up to the largest cities.

I am presuming that the assault on Kiev will not start in earnest until the food and ammunition available to the defenders has been reduced more. After that, air power and artillery (the latter of which Russians refer to as “our mother guns“, a Russian speciality since the 19th Century) will reduce the city. Then infantry will storm whatever is left, supported by armour.

Russian infantry (and perhaps Syrian mercenaries, hardened and experienced in the terrible conflict in that country) will then fight their way into the very centre of Kiev.

In the 1945 Battle of Berlin, the Soviet forces are said to have used no less than 41,600 artillery pieces! See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Berlin. Such numbers are certainly not available to the Russians now, but of course the artillery pieces they do have are even more destructive.

There is no way for the forces under Zelensky’s generals to win this war (as it now has become), unless they can wear down the Russians by huge losses of men and materiel. At present, unless the peace talks achieve success, Kiev may soon suffer the fate of other cities that have historically been almost destroyed: Warsaw, Berlin etc.

The Ukrainian or Kiev-regime side will probably (as I blogged weeks ago) soon or quite soon be confined militarily to the western side of Ukraine; west of the Dnieper, north of the Black Sea littoral.

Photographs seen yesterday indicate that there are still huge numbers of civilians fleeing Kiev. The city may soon be a battlefield, but one in which the poor, sick, infirm (and many animals) will be trapped as the war rages around them.

This is a terrible situation, and one which need not have been anything like as bad as it has become. Having said that, it is hard to see what the West, or NATO, or the NWO, is trying to achieve by supplying weapons to Zelensky’s regime. The armaments will not be enough to defeat the Russians, but they will be enough to prolong and intensify the agony.

Zelensky’s regime’s forces have no prospect of defeating Russia in the field. If need be, Russia can flatten every Ukrainian city, destroy every railway, and every hub or concentration of Ukrainian forces, using air power (including missiles fired from Russia itself). That would be a terrible thing to happen, but my assessment is that Putin would do it if he had no other option but abandon his plans.

As to the peace talks, hard to say how they can succeed but, as Churchill said, “jaw jaw is better than war war” (a prescription he himself rarely followed). The talks seem not to be affecting the fighting, though.

Looking about two months down the road, I imagine that the Russian invasion will see those eastern and southern areas occupied, but at a terrible price. As to western areas, and as I predicted weeks ago, there will be a rump Zelensky regime in Lvov (unless he is killed or captured), but its ability to do more than launch guerrilla attacks outside the region must be seen to be very limited.

Effects of the conflict

The Russian economy as it now is will collapse under the weight of Western sanctions. When that will happen is uncertain. However, a basic Russian economy will keep going. As noted in previous blog posts, Russia can survive and perhaps quite well under autarky, a form of economy favoured by Putin’s main philosophic influence (it is said), Alexander Dugin [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin]. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasianism.

What about the Western economies? Perhaps they will also collapse. If Putin shuts off gas to Germany, for example, “collapse of stout party”…

We are seeing, I think, what is just the start of a complete redrawing of the boundaries, and perhaps the meaning, of Europe.

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Of course, when the msm says “Russian”, what they should be saying is “Jewish”…

In fact this is ironic, in that those squatters are doing to the Jew’s London residence exactly the same as the Jewish “oligarchs” did to the entire Russian economy in the 1990s, i.e. squat on the industrial, commercial and logistical assets of the Russian people, live off them like leeches, and effectively steal them. How else do you think “Russian” Jews like Abramovitch “made their money”?

Late tweets

Hitler was right. The USA is indeed “half-judaized and half-negrified“, and that becomes more obvious daily.

Ditto (see my last comment…).

Exactly. If you are British, you will get no help, nor even a Twitter or YouTube virtue-signal, from the likes of Sandi Toksvig, Jo Brand, various Jewish comics etc. You can go whistle for help (or “raise the banners!” and take what you need…).

Jess Phillips is “expert” only in self-promotion and in freeloading.

Some replies on that thread make the point that Priti Patel makes £82K salary (as an MP). In fact, as Home Secretary she gets about as much again…MP salary and Home Secretary salary. To think that, under other circumstances, she would just have been another fat baba behind the counter of a Kampala grocery store…

Late music

[central Tirana, 1990]

Diary Blog, 7 November 2021

It being the 104th anniversary of the Bolshevik coup d’etat of 1917, and in a spirit of “let’s not be beastly to the Russians” (though most of the significant Bolsheviks were in fact Jews or part-Jews, and not ethnic Russians), I offer to readers of my blog some cheerful latter-day Soviet music:

Still, lest anyone think that I have belatedly “defected”, some tweets about the very negative consequences of Marxism-Leninism:

I rather dislike it when people say “the Gulag” (GULAG is an acronym which means “Main Directorate of Camps”) as if it were a place, but it has become normal usage, I suppose.

My Twitter account was removed in 2018 after a conspiratorial collaboration among a pack of Zionist Jews, so I am unable to retweet the above to those most in need of some remembrance of times past, such as (how absurd) “libertarian communist” and TV talking head, Ash Sarkar.

Still, as usual, I have said what I wished to say, and will continue to do so as long as this blog is still online. Should it cease to be, well, we shall see…

Other tweets seen

All very true, but Labour under Blair also, in effect, sold peerages.

Wikipedia has this about the individual in the picture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Cruddas,_Baron_Cruddas.

Would “it’s OK to be black” posters be treated as a “hate crime”? No. In fact, the police and local authority drones would very likely get down on their knee(s) in sign of fealty…and then tweet about how “inclusive” they are..

The police these days seem determined to make enemies of the British people.

Seward Collins

I had never heard of Seward Collins. Apparently, he was a (limited) supporter of both Hitler and Mussolini, though closer ideologically to G.K. Chesterton [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._K._Chesterton] and Hilaire Belloc [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilaire_Belloc], both of whom would be better known (to the wider public) today had they not been (up to a point) “cancelled” by the Jew-Zionist element in recent decades.

I came across that rather obscure figure, Collins, because he was a contemporary of, and known to, the American poet Robert Lowell [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Lowell], who wrote the poem The Vision of Sir Launfal: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/17119/17119-h/17119-h.htm.

See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seward_Collins; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributism.

[G.K. Chesterton]

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Anti-Zionist Jew Gilad Atzmon [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Atzmon] makes a good point. Naive/stupid Americans, especially, are not infrequently heard to make the absurd assertion that the USA has only one ally in the Middle East, namely Israel. It never seems to occur to those idiots that the most powerful state in the world, with an immense nuclear, chemical, biological, and conventional arsenal, and a population of at least 330 millions, scarcely needs the help of a tiny though well-armed state (Israel) which has fewer than 10 million inhabitants and which is largely dependent on American aid (both financial and in terms of armaments). The tail wags the dog…

If oil and gas becomes less necessary, then American grip on the hydrocarbon producers in the region becomes less vital. Indeed, the increase since 1989 in both oil and gas production outside the Middle East region has already had a slightly similar effect.

Gilad Atzmon has been another victim of a campaign of Jew-Zionist “lawfare” conducted by a Zionist cabal in the UK.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Atzmon#Allegations_of_antisemitism; https://twitter.com/GiladAtzmon.

Afternoon music

[Aivazovsky, Among the Waves]

Christ and Antichrist, Pope and anti-pope


Interesting. I knew a very informed spiritual person in the 1980s, a bookseller in Museum Street, London, who predicted something along such lines, but also that it would be ruled by Jews based at the Temple Mount/Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, which would be “cleansed” of Islamic worship by that time.

Interesting too that the date for the Abu Dhabi centre to start operations is set as 2022, the first year of the next 33-year cycle…

The masks are really starting to come off. I recently discussed the Papacy and the New World Order [NWO] in a blog post (and have done so in the past). See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/10/14/diary-blog-14-october-2021/

[the Papal coat of arms of Pope Francis, with the Jesuit device dominating…]

More music

More tweets

I begin to wonder (not however for the first time, if truth be known) whether the plan is not for most of the world to be “vaccinated”, thus gradually weakening the human organism, to the point at which the real pandemic will be unleashed, and against which few will have any resistance or immunity.

I do not claim that my above speculation is more than that, but what can one say? It is, so to speak, beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Exactly. Much as I hated and despised Blair and all (or most) of his works, he was at least superficially competent. Since then, the slide has been steep…Cameron-Levita (part-Jew), Theresa May (part-Jew), A.L. “Boris” Johnson (part-Jew), each less competent than the preceding.

…and (with apologies to Nevil Shute https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevil_Shute), “British democracy died, not with a bang but with a whimper“…

On the other hand, the sheer Satanic cunning of the “panicdemic” is that the System has, as Sun Tzu recommends in The Art of War, managed to convince the majority that restrictions and diktats are good [Sun Tzu: “to win without war is the supreme excellence“]. It could therefore be argued (and is) that “most people support the measures taken”. Of course they do. The poor saps have been scared out of their skins.

On those premises, what price “democracy”?

As I said yesterday, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. https://www.westernspring.co.uk/the-coudenhove-kalergi-plan-the-genocide-of-the-peoples-of-europe/.

Late tweets

This is one —not the only— danger faced by the West and, more widely, “Christendom”— migration-invasion by adherents of a rather unsophisticated “Dark Ages” religion, which started off and continues as a cult of conquest, albeit disguised as peaceful.

There are other backward forms of religion in the world, but few that wish to conquer the world.

Christianity at one time spread partly via conquest (eg in the Americas), but has now abandoned forcible conversion of the “heathen” (unless you count those ghastly American missionaries in the Amazon and elsewhere). Hinduism and Judaism, as well as other religions such as Shinto, do not look for converts, and in their purest forms combine religion and race, or ethnicity. Buddhism is open to those wishing to practise it, but does not demand adherence.

It might be argued that, as a collective, Jews are aiming at world domination, but that aim, if aim it is, is not based on the Judaic religion (in terms of “converting” non-Jews to that religion), but on simple economic and/or military force, as well as control of world msm and finances.

I hope that that woman is identified, and a formal complaint made to the RSPCA and police. The poor horse just stands and takes it, trying only to move its head to soften the slaps.

[Update, 8 November 2021: reports state that the abusive and unpleasant woman filmed hitting and kicking a horse is one Elizabeth Bell, joint master (?) of the Cottesmore Hunt, based in Rutland. However, those reports are disputed on Twitter, to the effect that (some say) Elizabeth Bell, though present, was not the actual or active abuser.

Elizabeth Bell has a degree in Education, and is a schoolmistress. She co-founded (with her mother) a school in 1989 (Brooke Priory School, Oakham Priory, Rutland): https://brooke.rutland.sch.uk/history-of-the-school/; https://www.countrylife.co.uk/country-life/school-life-the-best-schools-in-the-north-of-england-5696; https://www.wildlifeguardian.co.uk/hunts/cottesmore-hunt/.

[Elizabeth Bell, of Cottesmore Hunt and Brooke Priory School, Oakham]

Despite foxhunting being a colourful and traditional spectacle, it is now necessary to stop it for reasons of animal welfare and propriety.

[Update, 9 November 2021: it seems that the abuser is alleged to have been one Sarah Moulds, so not Elizabeth Bell, though she, Bell, is a foxhunter.

I have to say that, were I a parent, I should not want such a bad-tempered woman (and animal abuser) teaching my children].

Yes. There is, as Griffin implies, a political vacuum in, particularly, England and Wales, but System repression combined with popular apathy means that there is still no credible social-national party or movement. If one can emerge, it will sweep all before it.

If the untermenschen are captured, a firing squad in the largest square of the nearest city. Not “judicial penalty” but socio-political deterrence.

I would usually oppose that young woman’s pathetic and derivative sub-Nietzscheanism but, looking at the photo, it looks as though she made the right choice…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late music

Diary Blog, 4 September 2020

Tweets seen

The Protocols of Zion are not (as Jews always assert) “a forgery” or “Tsarist forgery” but literary fantasy clothing reality and a real agenda pursued by real cabals. One has to ask why the Jewish lobby, in particular, is always so keen to dismiss the Protocols, and ban their sale etc, if they are just a silly forgery which no sensible person could believe…


No doubt the cause was just, but I had to laugh too: “the strikers used their cars to drive to working mills and spread the strike.” Imagine, say, similarly and indeed far more downtrodden workers in that year in, say, the Soviet Union. No cars for the workers, and any workers brave or foolish enough to attempt a strike certainly arrested by the NKVD and probably shot (some might be “lucky” enough to get 10-20 years in the brutal labour camps run by the GULAG administration).

Slightly off-topic, not many people in the West know that, as late as the 1980s, a black in South Africa had a statistically higher chance of owning a car than a citizen of the Soviet Union. Somehow, the BBC never did explain that to its audience.

Even more off-topic, I was listening to BBC World Service last night, and some on-message drone was referring to “the racist apartheid regime” of South Africa under white rule. In the 1980s that became the invariable BBC way of referring to South Africa. Biased journalists such as John Humphrys.

The idiot on the radio last night then went on to describe the South Africa of those days as “totalitarian“, which is just silly and inaccurate.

“Totalitarian” has always proven a difficult word. Orwell himself got slightly muddled using it in one or two essays and, in the film version of John le Carre’s book, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, Claire Bloom’s character refers to Dão as “a totalitarian wine” (because Portugal was at the time a semi-“fascist” dictatorship, akin to that of Spain under Franco). Dictatorial yes, “totalitarian”, no.



I favoured Leave, and still favour Brexit, in principle, but it has been criminally mishandled by at least two Prime Ministers now, and shows every sign of being what Johnny Mercer MP called “a shitshow“. If he thought that of Theresa May’s term of office and her handling of Brexit, what can he think, secretly (?), of Boris-idiot?

Jessica Krug

White“? More accurately, Jewish.

Well, “white” had better be put to one side. Let’s just say that Jessica Krug (of whom I had never heard until yesterday) is just another Jewish fraud. Not old enough to be a “holocaust” fraud or hoaxer (though plenty get sympathy and/or make money by claiming to be the offspring of “holocaust” “victims” or “survivors”). Google “holocaust frauds” or “holocaust hoaxes”.

Some people just want to be part of something of which they are, in reality, not part. “My father/grandfather/uncle/friend/man I met in a pub/someone or other… liberated Belsen“… There are hundreds on Twitter alone that claim that.

Another example, more niche perhaps, is mentioned by ex-SAS personnel in their memoirs, to the effect that hundreds of people, even ex-soldiers, claim to have taken part in the Iranian Embassy siege assault in 1980. In fact, about 30-35 SAS personnel were there, either assaulting the building or in other roles.

Memory can be faulty over time, even where no fraud or dishonesty is involved. Some of the SAS soldiers who were at that incident have fallen out over who did what. I was thinking back to where I was on that day. It was a warm sunny day, and I was in a pub in Whitehall. I remember (quite mistakenly) being in that pub in the late afternoon when the assault took place. In fact, my memory (often described as far better that that of others) is faulty here, because the SAS assault actually started later, in early evening: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_Embassy_siege#SAS_assault. I also “recall” it being a Sunday (it was a Monday).

This latest hoax or fraud, by Jessica Krug, may not be quite on the “Anne Frank diary” scale, but she was doing OK out of it until exposed. Now she hopes to make more by recounting her (compelled) “confession” on TV etc. She will probably even write a book about it.

Every single time…(you know what I mean…).

In fact, the whole black/white question in the USA is a mass of contradictions. One of the absurd aspects is how a “half-caste” or mixed-race person is always “black”; and so Barack Obama, whose mother is or was a white Northern European by origin (Scottish, German etc) was “America’s first black President”.

Obama made a big thing of it, writing a pretty dull short book about having gone to Kenya in search of his “roots”, but he never did that in respect of his (Scottish or German etc) European roots…Yet, when you think of it, from where came Obama’s cultural landscape, Europe or Africa? It’s not really even a question.

Everything that Obama had came to him from European ideas, jurisprudence, ethics, but through an American prism. Africa contributed nothing, really. What could it contribute?


Interesting opinion piece. The author is anti-Trump, whereas I myself am both anti-Trump and equally (if not more so) anti-“antifa” and the anti-Trumpers…

I can see the potential for some kind of civil war in the USA, but for a war you need two (or more) organized sides. I say “or more” because sometimes a war even in one region or one country involves several different sides.

One reason why the war in and around Bosnia was so poorly reported on (not only in the USA but the UK) was because there were a number of warring parties even within Bosnia, and reporters and their organizations were unable or unwilling to explain the complexities to perceivedly dim and/or ignorant readers, viewers and listeners in the USA and UK.

So far, the USA has not reached the “civil war” threshold. If it ever did, the stance of the US military machine would not only be important but in every way determinative.

More tweets seen

Below: when a TV or radio presenter thinks he knows who is being “stupid” (etc…)


The toytown police state in action.



…and the tweet below made me laugh!

In her case, a bag over the head might be better…

It is not often understood that, in the world of publishing, there was, until the advent of the Internet, a stranglehold over what was published, exercized by publishers, agents etc. Many if not most were (and are) Jews. Now, self-publishing is easier, but the Jewish influence is still pervasive and has been worsening. For example, many well-known works, as well as obscure ones, are now “not available” from Amazon and other outlets (e.g. Abe Books). Why? I think that you can guess (((the reason)))…

I recall giving my (as yet unpublished) work, The End of the Millennium and the New Age of Alexander to a reader at, in American terminology, a very “preppy” literary agency with an office in Fifth Avenue, New York. I recall the personable Ivy League fellow who saw me; Brooks Brothers clothing, and expensive-looking spectacles. I am not sure, though, whether I still have his eventual letter which said, in part (and in rather Anglophile language), “Thank you for letting me have a crack at it. It is the most extraordinary work I have ever read…[but]…it will never be published in New York.” Again, I think that one can guess (((why))).

That was nearly 30 years ago. Were I less lazy, I should have put my book on the Internet, or self-published, but so far have not done either. Perhaps I should. Still, it exists in the Akashic Record, and for me that is the most important thing.

Hardly surprising when you look at the present Cabinet, full of drug abusers such as Boris-idiot and that little expenses cheat, cocaine abuser, drunk and Jews’ doormat, Michael Gove.

As ever, I suppose that I should point out again that I am neither follower nor fan of Peter Hitchens; he is however one of the few msm scribblers and talking heads to point out the “emperor’s new clothes” emptiness of contemporary politics and society. My assessment of him from a year or so ago: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/05/19/peter-hitchens-and-his-views/

The difference being that, in the 1950s, no government would have dared to make facemasks or muzzles compulsory, even in those more “authoritarian” days.

More tweets


What is it about these American politicians?! Biden thinks that a black invented the light bulb (I suppose that blacks have invented some things…or maybe not). Dan Quayle could not spell “potatoes”, Hillary Clinton said that she had been fired at in Bosnia, while Al Gore “invented the World Wide Web”, which must have surprised Tim Berners-Lee.

Is it because they are American, or because they are what Hitler called “dirty democratic politicians“?

Incidentally, an Englishman, Joseph Swan, invented the light bulb parallel to Thomas Edison. The pair set up a company together in England: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Swan

Brilliant. Reminiscent of [the original] The Flight of the Phoenix: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Flight_of_the_Phoenix_(1965_film)

Musical interlude

Britain goes Kafka, 2020

I was listening to the news on BBC Radio 4 in the early evening. A litany of the absurd. First of all, the news that air travellers from Portugal and parts (!) of Greece who arrive in Scotland and Wales will (suddenly) now have to “self-isolate” for two weeks on arrival, but not if they arrive at an airport in England or Northern Ireland!

So…if an aircraft is going to, say, Manchester, but gets diverted to, say, Glasgow, the passengers, instead of going home, will have to go into quarantine? Or will they just be allowed to go home, but have to “self-isolate” there for two weeks? If that latter is the case, the passengers would go to their homes whether the plane lands at Glasgow or Manchester, but in the one case, they will be prisoners in their own homes for 14 days, but in the other case they will be free to roam!

Johnny Mercer was right to call Theresa May’s administration a “shitshow”, but he says nothing about this ******* circus! Of course, he has a Government job now (junior minister, Defence): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mercer_(politician). At one time I thought that he must be a rare honest MP, but then all his moneygrubbing came to light. Shameful…

In that same news broadcast, we were told that “local lockdowns” were being lifted in some parts of the Manchester area, but not in Bolton!

Political Kafka.

Also, how does anyone in “authority” (if that term now has any meaning) know that the hapless “self-isolaters” are actually complying? Do police check? Once? Twice?

This is a bad joke, like everything now.

Music at midnight

Diary Blog, 14 August 2020

The question is “when will the mad carousel crash?” and then, “what political and social movement will then be able to seize power across Europe?

Labour, Corbyn and the Jew-Zionists

The above blog piece is fairly interesting, but fails to use the words “Jew” or even “Jew-Zionist” even once! Yet “they” were those plotting against Labour from as soon as Corbyn was elected leader! The whole campaign against Corbyn was led and almost entirely staffed by Zionist, pro-Israel Jews. I am no “Corbynist”, but I am a truthful and accurate observer and commentator on policy, events and people, as well as being a struggler for a better society and thinker into the future.

By a campaign of malicious denunciation to police, CPS and Twitter (etc), the fanatical Jew-Zionists have suppressed free speech to the point where it scarcely exists; where it does, it is because a relatively few British and other Europeans are determined to express their socio-political views and to fight for freedom, come what may.

In fact, the pro-Israel Jew-Zionist fanatics, such as those in the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”], reserve some of their worst venom for anti-Zionist Jews, such as the journalist Mira bar Hillel [https://www.pressgazette.co.uk/mira-bar-hillel-says-fellow-uk-based-jewish-journalists-wont-speak-out-against-israel-fear/], the jazz musician Gilad Atzmon [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Atzmon#Allegations_of_antisemitism], and the Israeli dissident Miko Peled [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miko_Peled].

In 2003, [Gilad] Atzmon wrote that: “We must begin to take the accusation that the Jewish people are trying to control the world very seriously”,[48][49][50] the blog post was subsequently amended[51] with “Zionists” replacing “the Jewish people” in the original post.[52][53]” [Wikipedia]

At a meeting at University College London the following November [2018], [Miko] Peled complained about the “witch-hunt against antisemites and Holocaust deniers” over the past two years.” [Wikipedia]

Note the (((typically))) violent language: “slaughtered“… the language of kosher (kashrut) butchery, of ethnic cleansing, of Jew-Zionist tribalism and cruelty.


It is when the leader of the party is a Labour Friends of Israel member, married to a Jewish woman lawyer, with their children being brought up as both Jewish and Zionist!

More thoughts about the facemask nonsense

The joke below was sent to me. It has a sharp and topical edge:

Doctor: Good morning Mr Jones – how are you feeling today?

Patient: Great, just been for a 7k run.

Doctor: Right, Right. There’s no easy way to say this – I’m afraid I have some bad news for you, you had better take a seat.

Patient: Oh God, what is it doctor?

Doctor: Theres no way to cushion this, I’m afraid – the test you took for Covid-19 came back positive.

Patient: Oh no, that’s awful. Give it to me straight doctor, what are my chances? Don’t hold back. I need to know the truth.

Doctor: Well, I’m afraid you only have between a 99.8% and 99.4% chance of survival – although as you are 35 and have no other conditions it may be as much as 99.9%, maybe more – we just can’t tell at this stage. Though we’re pretty sure.

(Long pause)

Patient: Riiiiiiighhhht

Doctor: Also the test may be wrong. You may just have a cold or something…

(Patient gets up and walks out)

Doctor: Don’t forget your mask!

Well, there it is. Reasonably amusing and displaying the fact that virtually no-one is getting infected with Coronavirus in the UK now, but the fear is almost as great as it was when the ridiculous over-reaction started.

Yesterday, 20 people died in UK hospitals from or with Coronavirus. This virus is not, now, a really serious public health threat. The Government, though, is intent on forcing facemasks on the public, and is going to increase fines for non-compliance, after a first offence, to £3,200!

I was watching part of an episode of the 1970s TV documentary, The World at War. R.A. “Rab” Butler [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rab_Butler] talking about what happened on 3 September 1939, the day when Britain declared war on Germany, The air-raid sirens were sounded in London, all over London, and people were told to wear, and were filmed wearing, gasmasks.

In fact, there was no danger from either gas attacks or air raids. The Germans had no plans to use gas, (and few if any supplies); there were no gas attacks on Britain during the whole of the War. As for air raids and bombing, the first German bombs fell on London (in the area of the docks by the Thames, since the 1980s known as the Docklands) in September 1940, over a year after war had been declared.

So no real danger but much whipping-up of fear among the public, the public told that they must wear masks (at times) and react like lemmings if air raid warnings (klaxons or whining air-whistles) were heard.

That sounds rather like Britain today. No real risk to most people but everyone told (on pain of increasingly heavy fines) to wear (useless) masks inside many buildings (how long before that diktat is enlarged to include various outside places?). All for nothing except to control the public. Nothing to do with the “virus” itself, which for the past month has killed only a small fraction of those dying in the UK from influenza.

Historical note: Einstein and another Jew scientist, Szilard, approached President Roosevelt in September 1939 with a proposal that the USA should build atom bombs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Manhattan_Project#1939

Tweets seen in the past couple of days

Below: looks as though some doctor or other may be in trouble…

No doubt done with the best of intentions, but one wonders what such technology might change into, down the line…

Some interesting tweets from “Socialist Voice” (Scott Nelson), who used to like and retweet some of my own Twitter comment before the Jew-Zionists (and a few non-Jew doormats) in the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” pressure group (cabal) conspired to have me removed from Twitter. The same untermenschen have been trying for years to get the Socialist Voice Twitter account removed; so far it is still there, but, with (mainly) Jewish/Zionist censorship intensifying, for how long?.

One has to wonder how long the fighters for freedom are going to play by “their” rules in a rigged game?

In respect of that report about the Labour Party, it is a matter of unconcern to the Zionists now again controlling Labour that membership numbers are plummeting. All that matters to “them” is that Labour, as one of the two “main parties” is not, even slightly, “antisemitic” and/or anti-Israel. “They” do not care if Labour does not win elections (95% of Jews now vote Conservative anyway), and in fact the lower taxes under Conservative Party rule suit most Jews very well…

The Conservative Party now claims 191,000 members. If true, that is an increase, in a year or so, of 50,000. Still, the relevant facts are that only 1 person in every 350 in the UK is a Conservative Party member even now, yet the Party won the 2019 General Election anyway, despite having only about 1 person in 500 as a member. Labour’s 500,000-600,000 members (2019), about 1 person out of 120 UK inhabitants, made little difference to that result.

Both System parties are now mere facades; both are controlled, in effect, by Jew-Zionists, and both are pretty much following similar policies. To put it another way, Labour is weakly echoing whatever Boris-idiot does, but adding “we might have done it better...”

Below: the whole thread is worth reading; click to read it.


I cannot see Easyjet and the like surviving for long.

Musical interlude


Meine Ehre heisst Treue…


Some tweets seen

Well, there it is. The “Auntie Tom” has made the ritual obeisance to Jew-Zionism expected of all American political candidates at the national level.

Griffin should probably start, if he has not already, with the account in the memoirs of Col. Ron Reid Daly, the founder and commanding officer of the Scouts: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Selous-Scouts-Secret-Rhodesia-Zimbabwe/dp/0620066741

[Pamwe Chete]


Diary Blog, 24 July 2020

One of the aspects of the present madness that interests me is not only how supine half of the public has been, but the extent to which the kind of people most rebellious, and also vocal about “rights”, in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, are now the most eager to submit to State authority: the “socialists”, “Left-wingers” (I myself disparage such “right”/”left” terminology, though), civil rights activists etc.

Don’t believe me? Look on Twitter. The kind of people in the categories just listed are all but begging to be “locked down”, monitored, tested, traced, masked, muzzled and generally told what to do, when to do it, and what to wear while doing it.

As I have blogged in the past, the degeneration of that part of the body politic is palpable.

You see it in other ways too: the wish not to leave the EU, because the EU (they imagine) will control things, control them, lay down rules for everything…

Again, you see it in the wish to be subject to the arbitrary constraints of Twitter and other online platforms; and the allied wish to “report” those whose views dissent from the shibboleths of the Twit-pack.

Such people are also the most fervent supporters of the muzzling of the population…

More tweets seen

Below, two tweets about the latest Jewish or anti-Corbyn legal activity:

Mark Lewis cannot be “disbarred”, because he is not and never has been a barrister, though he is a solicitor and (at least as yet) not struck off.

I have blogged fairly extensively (mostly in 2018 and 2019) about Lewis and his conspiratorial, unhinged and disgraceful behaviour:








Have a read of the above. Lewis was and is aware of everything I wrote about and against him; his Jew-Zionist friends and allies monitor my writings obsessively and have done for years: Lewis himself has been obsessed with me for years, since 2011 or 2012, and has plotted against me for all that time. Lewis has never sued me, though; indeed, he has never even threatened to sue me, despite everything that I have written, but has tried to strike at me covertly. (((Typical))).



The other Jews in the Mark Lewis/”Campaign Against Antisemitism” etc cabal(s) are aghast that Lewis and his clients cannot extract both flesh and blood from Corbyn; here below, fanatical Jew Zionist David Collier:


The tweet below made me laugh! I dare say that even Lewis himself might be (albeit bitterly) amused by it.

Even Lewis’s enemies often tend to accept him at his own valuation (and self-publicizing) as so-called “top lawyer”; yet at the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal in 2018, those judging him were told by Lewis’s own Counsel that all he owned were a mobility scooter, a private pension worth £70 a week, and his own clothes! Even discounting the usual tendency of Jews (cf. Ghislaine “Maxwell”) to play the Jewish “victim” when caught out, I doubt that Lewis has millions (or anything much) salted away.

Below, some interesting quotations:

Of course, the “Jew who dislikes Jews” is a not-uncommon figure: in the historical past, Marx for one, who wrote to Engels “I am in Ramsgate; nothing but Jews and bedbugs“; through those figures cited in the tweet above, and on to the anti-Zionist Jews of today such as Miko Peled and Gilad Atzmon.


Yet another MP sex scandal. Almost normalized now. This particular idiot is apparently unsure whether he prefers girls or boys, so ineptly tries to have it off with both.

What still astounds me is the sheer mediocrity (at best) of so many MPs these days. So few have even a modicum of education, culture, or real belief in anything at all, let alone any genuine desire to serve the country or their constituents. Just trash, really.

When I became aware of the existence of Rob Roberts (about an hour ago), I was wondering whether he would make a good candidate for my Deadhead MPs series on this blog, but sadly he seems (judging by his Wikipedia entry) to have nothing interesting about him at all. Nothing. See for yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob_Roberts_(politician)

Coronavirus panic/scam

In the local authority area where I live (a quite large area of nearly 300 square miles in coastal and near-coastal Southern England, rural and semi-rural, with a few small towns and villages), the population is about 180,000 people. The “R” number has been varying below 1 and 2 (ie. number of cases per 100,000 population). In the past week, 1.8. There have been, therefore, about 2 or 3 confirmed new cases in the past week. Out of 180,000 people…

When you consider that only one out of dozens, perhaps a hundred, new cases will die from this condition, you can see that, in this particular area, perhaps one or two people are likely to die from “the virus” over the course of the next year! Sad for those people and their relatives, but not repeat not a reason to shut anything down, nor to make the population wear facemasks.

This is, thankfully, not the Plague.

Tweets seen

“Travellers”, so-called…

Britain needs a kind of SS force.

More tweets seen

The tweeter above, “Sarah Deech”, or “@londonette”, is the daughter, I believe, of “baroness” Deech, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Deech,_Baroness_Deech, a Jewish woman who, when my “case” was being “investigated” by the Bar Standards Board from 2014 (the case having been brought against me, in effect, by “UK Lawyers for Israel”), was not only the Chair of the Bar Standards Board but also a Patron of…UK Lawyers for Israel!

By the time that the case came up before the Bar Disciplinary Tribunal, it having been decided that my (in the end, only) 5 supposedly “grossly offensive” tweets (out of between 150,000-200,000 tweets and retweets!) merited my being “tried”, “baroness” Deech had in fact been replaced by a different Chair, though only by a former UK Ambassador to Israel, who was extremely pro-Israel and extremely pro-Jewish interests!

I raised the question of perceived bias (in the decision to take me before a Tribunal) at the hearing itself , but the (generally reasonably fair) retired Circuit Judge chairing the 5-person panel told me at least twice that whatever the merits of my claim that the decision-making process was flawed (because, as I submitted, “justice must not only be done but be seen to be done” and “no man can be a judge in his own cause“), it was not relevant , because what mattered was the justice of the hearing itself…

With all respect to that judge, I disagree. If a person is only “tried” because a biased process decided that he should be tried, then he is on the back foot from the start, no matter how “fair” the hearing is.

The above, in my view, is so even if “baroness” Deech took no part in the decision to haul me before the Bar Disciplinary Tribunal, though I find it hard to believe that she was, at the material time, unaware that an organization in which she was a major figure (UK Lawyers for Israel) was complaining officially about me to another organization which she headed and for which she had responsibility (the Bar Standards Board).

As a matter of fact, the hearing in October 2016, though generally fair in the way it was conducted, was wrong about, inter alia, whether my five tweets (the Jews had originally complained about many dozens!) were in fact “grossly offensive”.

Take the one about Michael Gove, in which I truthfully described the little bastard as something like a pro-Jew pro Israel expenses cheat. ALL TRUE (I was unaware at the time that the bastard was also a cocaine abuser and drunk!): https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/726458/Barrister-Ian-Millard-disbarred-anti-Semitic-tweets-Michael-Gove-Nicholas-Sarkozy

In fact, I could have appealed the findings of fact and/or the disbarment penalty, but, having ceased Bar practice in 2008, eight years before I was “tried” and disbarred, it would have been almost pointless. I did not care, though it does deprive me of being able to lunch at my (former) Inn when in London, which is a nuisance; I rarely visit London these days anyway.

Lincoln's Inn - The Great Hall - YouTube
[The Great Hall, Lincoln’s Inn, London]

Actually, the BSB did write to me a couple of years after I was disbarred, saying that I should have had the right to challenge the allocation of my case to a 5-person panel instead of a 3-person panel (only a 5-person panel can disbar) and that I could do so if I wished. I could not be bothered and so did not take that up.

I wrote about some of the above here: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/ and may blog in greater detail at a later date.

Finally, I took a look at the composition of the present BSB (the actual governing board): 13 members (a coven? Only joking…), out of which 3-4 Jews. The kind of disproportion one sees everywhere.


One of the present Board was actually an unsmiling “bookend” on the panel at my own “trial” in 2016, though I see no point in identifying her.

Boris Johnson

Boris-idiot was on TV this evening. Just looking at that little idiot posing as PM places me in a rage.

Communitarian police state UK



Late music

Diary Blog, 31 January 2020

Brexit Day

I favoured Leave from the start (meaning from a while before the 2016 Referendum), but the process was royally mishandled by idiots such as Francis Maude (also a Common Purpose member, fyi), in fact so badly handled that I wonder(ed) whether that was not deliberate. Well, here we are, about to “leave”, though for now only on paper.

I wonder what kind of celebrations there will be. Not many and rather muted, I suspect. I am guessing that any “celebrations” will be rather squalid and sad, like New Year’s Eve used to be about 30 years ago in London, the Trafalgar Square fountains and statues boarded-up to protect them from drunken “revellers” (vandals and twerps, beer cans in hand, and with nowhere better to go).

The public mood is very downbeat, in my opinion: not sorry to be “leaving”, exactly; not scared either, but unenthusiastic, almost sullen.

As for Boris-idiot, looking at the first couple of months of his majority-government, my impression is that the man himself still looks like someone who, against the odds, has won the lottery, or inherited a great estate, and is not quite sure how to handle his unmerited good fortune.

Freedom of expression

Free speech (etc) continues to be attacked. Alastair Stewart of all people, who started political life as a “left-wing Communist” in the National Union of Students before getting into the absurdly well-paid newsreading line and becoming “mainstream”, has been sacked because a black “activist” and “lobbyist” from East London was too dim to understand a few lines of Shakespeare!

Katie Hopkins, meanwhile, has been “suspended” from Twitter (that’s what they called it when I was in reality expelled from Twitter in 2018…). She was the latest target of an unholy alliance of Jew-Zionists, Muslims and pseudo-socialist “anti-fascist” idiots, who all applaud the fact that a quasi-monopolistic finance-capitalist enterprise like Twitter can suddenly —and without being in any way accountable— “decide” to “de-platform” anyone it (i.e. its executives, or even minor office bods) consider to be “racist” etc.

Here below, NHS psychiatrist Tim G. Stevens, who tweets negatively about me from time to time, betrays a basically pedestrian mind. Twitter, says he, is a “private” company (let’s leave the exact terminology aside) and so can ban whomsoever it chooses.

In fact, it is wholly inadequate to say that huge transnational organizations such as Twitter, which hold such an overwhelmingly large market share that they are quasi-monopolies, are simply “private”, or non-State, actors and so beyond the reach of potential civil rights legislation (the type of legislation which does not as yet exist but should exist).

The actor Laurence Fox has been attacked recently for daring to question “woke” nonsense:







When Laurence Fox meets Bonnie Greer again, he should ask her why it is, in what many call “racist” Britain, that a black American woman with no educational background (she started to read Law in Chicago but dropped out), and who has mainly been engaged in writing the kind of subsidized theatrical works that have an audience of 2.5 people, was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the British Museum. She even became Deputy Chair for a while!

When I had a Twitter account, Bonnie Greer joined a host of System-approved msm drones, talking heads, journalists and other scribblers, MPs etc, in blocking my tweets (nb. not my tweets to them or even about them, but on general topics).

The madness continues and intensifies:



Ha ha! This made me laugh! Thank you!

For a more serious take on “holocaust” nonsense, see, below, the work of the late Professor Faurisson:


British politics, the home of mediocrity

I happened to see this person’s biog. on Wikipedia, having never previously heard of her:


So took some kind of degree and then taught in a secondary school for 5 years (1969-1974). Volunteered with Citizen’s Advice, sat as a lay magistrate in Surrey, sat on a tribunal for a while. Climbed up the Conservative Party organization in the 1980s/1990s and was elevated as a life peer in 1996. Apparently (looking at Wikipedia) not a mother, and married to a barrister who took silk and is, or was, a Deputy High Court judge; she herself appears to have worked full-time for 5 years only, on the face of it.

Now, this rather obscure lady remains a member of the Lords, has held ministerial positions, and has only to sign-in for 20 mins at the Lords to receive her £310 per day tax-free stipend, though I doubt that she is in need of the money.

I know almost nothing about this lady, so will not criticize her, but it seems to me that far too many MPs, as well as peers, have nothing very special to offer.

More about freedom of expression

The malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” “charity” has intimidated a music venue (again), the other victim this time (also not for the first time) being Gilad Atzmon, the Jewish but anti-Zionist jazz musician.

A little English music:

To Whom Do We Turn?

To whom do the people turn in time of trouble?

Worrying background…


The above photo shows a police officer, I think a “Special” (volunteer part-time “officer”), looking at her hat, with its chequered line. Presumably a lesbian. Now, there are several points about that photo: first and perhaps most important, who in authority, or should I say “leading beyond authority”?…



…allowed police officers to take part in what, in the broad sense, is a political, meaning socio-political, or cultural-political, march or demonstration?

Common Purpose

This, below, is the very dangerous woman who is or has been the figurehead for much of such socio-political tendency in the past three decades:


Reverting to the photo at top, can the public have trust in such partisan police personnel? I think not.

This goes beyond the personal proclivities of the individuals. It is a question of the police, both institutionally, and as individual officers, espousing, publicly, controversial socio-political positions. Also, the police operating in a biased manner.

Many of those on the social-national side of UK radical politics have, in recent years, been subjected to the results of this kind of one-way-street policing, policing which is in other words biased, politically biased. I myself have had a couple of instructive encounters of the sort.

Zionist pressure groups

In early 2017, the Jew-Zionist fanatic Stephen Silverman, who styles himself “Head of Investigations and Enforcement” at the small but (((well-connected))) “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] pressure group, complained about me (on behalf of that group or cabal), to the police at Grays, in estuarial South Essex, and not far from where he lives.

[below, Grays Police Station, surely one of the ugliest buildings in England].


My experience there was the subject of a blog post a couple of years ago:


Silverman himself was unwittingly exposed as a serial troll by the CAA’s own lawyer in a preliminary hearing of the Alison Chabloz case. It turned out that Silverman had been trolling people on social media —mostly women— for years, using a number of pseudonymous Twitter and other social media accounts. “Gloating sadism” was his overall persona. He and a group of other Jews, together with a couple of part-Jew doormats, all in or connected with the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [CAA] pressure group, joined in that campaign of online and offline bullying.

That group loved to make malicious and false accusations to Twitter, Facebook etc, as well as to the police and to professional organizations. Their posts frequently predicted (((with typical sadism))), that numerous anti-Zionist people would be arrested, charged, convicted, imprisoned. The bullying campaign started around 2012 and built up to a crescendo, though as they were one by one identified, they (((typically))) backpedalled and tried to play the “victim”…

Meanwhile, now-disgraced Jew-Zionist solicitor Mark Lewis gave an interview to the Jewish Press in which he openly admitted that his intention was to “take homes away from” those he called “Nazis”, by means of “lawfare” (abuse of the laws of England for Zionist political purposes).



One person, David Carter, of Cardiff, a former executive with decades of experience working for transnational companies, and an unblemished record (i.e. no police record) was actually arrested and his home searched by duped or colluding police. He was later released “on police bail” (where he stayed for months, which was still lawful then though not now, the law on “police bail” having since been changed); his computers, used for consultancy work, were not returned for further months. He never was charged with anything.

Others were subjected to “voluntary” interviews, which in fact are scarcely voluntary at all (belatedly, and in fact fairly recently, Silverman himself was eventually asked to submit to such an interview, and agreed, but at very short notice got CAA lawyers to write to Essex Police declining; seems that he got away with it, so far).

A lady called Jo Stowell, a professional photographer from Clifton, Bristol, was not only trolled online by the same group of Jews, but was sent unwanted goods etc from sale or return operations, and was subjected to other offline bullying. She too was “asked” to attend a “voluntary” interview with the police by reason of malicious complaint(s). She agreed, attending with her solicitor. No charge was ever made. The Jewish-Zionists did manage to ruin her previously successful photography business though.

Jo Stowell

The experiences of Alison Chabloz, persecuted singer-songwriter and satirist, have been well-documented both in these blog pages and elsewhere, indeed in the national and international Press (and on TV and radio). I commend her own blog:



My own 2017 experience with the Essex Police is linked above, near top; I was also bothered, though much later, in 2018, by telephone calls from a P.C. Plod (his real name was something else…I think!) from the police of one of the most (((occupied))) parts of London. It appears that I was “accused” of having reposted, in fact completely lawfully, on the GAB social media site responses also completely lawful in themselves, posted by the owner of GAB, Andrew Torba, to a malicious Jewish woman “activist” in North London.

That Jewish woman had, laughably, attempted to intimidate Torba, a U.S. citizen whose GAB site operates from the USA and Eastern Caribbean, by threatening Torba, who is resident in the USA, with Scotland Yard! Torba’s responses started off polite and then went downhill as the woman persisted (((typically))), culminating with Torba’s suggestion that she “fuck off” or some such. She did (she had no choice!), but then tried to find scapegoats in the UK from those many who had reposted Torba’s posts (finding them funny; the tweets also rather well illustrated Hitler’s obiter dicta about the Jews being, despite what they and others often say, a very stupid people).

P.C. Plod had obviously been “got at” in some way. In fact, after having been harassed by him, I had to write to his own Borough Commander and to Cressida Dick, Metropolitan Police Commissioner, detailing both why nothing that I had done constituted anything unlawful under English law, and as to why the complainant herself was (in relation to me) certainly wasting police time (quite deliberately); a crime, albeit minor, and possibly coming close at times (in her complaints against others) to attempting to pervert the course of justice, a far more serious crime.

Even after that, Plod still had the cheek to email me (again)! Eventually, I gave him a face-saving way out, which he took. The experience was however unsettling beyond my personal inconvenience and anger. It showed that the police in the UK now have little understanding of either the boundaries of their powers or the limits to the authorized discretion customarily granted to the police. It showed that a UK citizen not doing anything unlawful could nonetheless have his private life and rights of expression interfered with by the police— the police at the lowest level of rank, at that.

The police equation for idiots seems to go something like: “Racism” is bad, so anything we are told is “racist” should not be allowed, so alleged “racism” is to be at once treated as “hate crime” or “hate speech”, so use of the word “Jew” is probably wrong or unlawful (if used by a non-Jew or someone who is anti-Zionist), so the police should assume that any online post (by someone not Jewish) and using the word “Jew” is both racist and unlawful, so the police should immediately take action of behalf of a complainant (if Jewish) against the alleged “racist” (if not Jewish) and this gives the police the right and power to censor anything they like, whether actually lawful or not…It’s mad.


More than that. The said Plod was unwilling to accept that I (a practising barrister at one time) knew more about the relevant law than he did (I did) but I still had to detail it in my letter to his superiors in case even they were unwilling to accept that the law is what it is and is not a “leading beyond authority” instrument of flexible socio-political repression, “useful” for repressing the entirely lawful views of those whom the police institutionally, or the personal acquaintances of police individually, may wish to hit out at. I might add that P.C. Plod’s manner was impertinent and smug, as well as rather aggressive.

This tendency, of the police to go well beyond their actual powers as authorized by or under law, has started to spread in recent years. In 2013, a police sergeant in Hampshire actually tried to strongarm a local newspaper after it printed material critical of a councillor!


Padraig Reidy, of the freedom of speech campaign group Index on Censorship, said: ‘It’s not the sort of thing that should happen in any democratic country. It’s political policing.’ Mr Satchwell added: ‘Hopefully, before it’s too late, people at the top of politics and policing will wake up to what is happening in what is supposed to be one of the most revered democratic countries in the world.’” [Daily Mail]

In respect of the malice of the Zionist CAA cabal, relatively unknown people such as me have been attacked, but so have those far better known, such as Al-Jazeera TV, Gilad Atzmon (the Jewish but anti-Zionist jazz musician) and David Icke (who scarcely needs introduction, at least in the UK).


However, as far as I know, they have not been harassed by the police. I suppose that it would backfire on the police themselves to harass those who are too famous.

The Blair-Brown governments were those that brought in the obsessive “anti-racism” which is now so pervasive. It is why we now have incidents such as the schoolgirl disqualified from an exam by an exam board because she wrote a few things about cruel “halal” slaughter of animals, which comments might be thought critical of Islam or Muslims!



and note that OCR (the exam board) weaselled thus:

OCR said in a statement: “OCR takes all incidence of suspected offensive material against a religious group in exams very seriously and must apply rules which are set out for all exam boards in such cases.

“We accept that initially we did not reach the right conclusion and were too harsh.

In other words, there is no freedom to say what you wish against any religion (or ethnic group) now, no matter what its adherents or members might do or how they might behave, but “we were too harsh” (in the way in which censorship of students was actually carried out…). Even the girl’s mother, while angry at what happened, blamed “an over-zealous, over-righteous examiner“, rather than the prevailing miasma of politically-correct and grey-area semi-legal repression.

We should remind ourselves that many of the greatest minds, saints and heroes of Western Civilization would probably have their words censored now in the UK. They would probably have some policeman improperly telephoning them and annoying them!

It is the web of bad law that has been the acid corroding our liberty in the UK. The Communications Act 2003, s.127 has been the facilitator for much of the repression  online. It has strengthened the petty denouncers, the complainers to the police, those for whom Twitter is their little world, to be patrolled and “monitored” and from which any dissenting voices (particularly the defenders of European race and culture, and freedom) are to be removed. You can now add to Twitter the other main platforms: Facebook, YouTube etc.


When the police are not impartial arbiters, to whom can we turn? Quis custodiet custodes ipsos?

In the United States, it is often said that the bedrock of civil liberty is the famous Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the “right of the people to keep and bear arms”, alongside the First Amendment (freedom of religion, Press, speech, expression, assembly).

I have always been sceptical of the quasi-holy U.S. Constitution, that is, the way in which this man-made document, cobbled together in a tavern by a bunch of freemasons nearly 250 years ago, is regarded as Holy Writ by the Americans of today. Its “rights” have always seemed to me more apparent than real. For example, you (an American in the USA) have the right to free speech. Very true. So try exercizing it…

If you try to say something negative in the USA about the lobby of the Jews, or about their hugely disproportionate power or influence in the USA or the wider world, or about the “holocaust” hoaxes and fakery, you will almost certainly not face (direct) action from the local or state police, or from the FBI. In that respect, the USA is better than the UK and much of Europe. You may well, however, lose your job, face professional difficulties and, consequent upon those, even lose your home by reason of financial problems as the Jews and doormats thereof gang up against you, so your “freedom” is, in real terms, very constrained indeed. America, “land of freedom”?…

Likewise, yes, a United States citizen or resident may, with variations depending on what state or city he/she lives in (eg New York City as compared with most of the rest of New York state) “keep and bear [some] arms”, but your pistol or revolver, shotgun or rifle, though it may protect you against (some) criminals (ordinary or political) in your home or car (always assuming that you can both handle the weapon and deploy it in time), will certainly not protect you against the state (meaning here not the individual state but mainly the Federal Government).

If the Federal Government of the United States wants to move against an individual or a group, that person or group has no chance. SWAT squads, helicopters, even armoured cars! And that is before the main US military machine is even involved! Your pistol will not help you much under those circumstances. That is why I have only limited faith in weapons.

Past history

When the NSDAP started to gain a little local (in Munich) traction in 1920 and 1921, its meetings were routinely broken up with great violence by “Red Front” (Communist/pro-Communist) thugs, the sort that (though in rather farcical reincarnation) might be called “antifa” today. That is when the nascent NSDAP formed the SA (Sturmabteilung or Storm Detachment), though at first informally:

The precursor to the Sturmabteilung had acted informally and on an ad hoc basis for some time before this. Hitler, with an eye always to helping the party to grow through propaganda, convinced the leadership committee to invest in an advertisement in the Münchener Beobachter (later renamed the Völkischer Beobachter) for a mass meeting in the Hofbräuhaus, to be held on 16 October 1919. Some 70 people attended, and a second such meeting was advertised for 13 November in the Eberl-Bräu beer hall. About 130 people attended; there were hecklers, but Hitler’s military friends promptly ejected them by force, and the agitators “flew down the stairs with gashed heads”. The next year, on 24 February, he announced the party’s Twenty-Five Point program at a mass meeting of some 2,000 people at the Hofbräuhaus. Protesters tried to shout Hitler down, but his former army companions, armed with rubber truncheons, ejected the dissenters. The basis for the SA had been formed.” [Wikipedia, though note the (((influence))) in Wikipedia: Communist thugs are “hecklers”! The same is true of most of what you now read or hear about Mosley’s BUF rallies of the 1930s].

Also, note that Hitler’s first attempt at a “mass meeting” attracted an audience of only 70! When I gave a talk to the London Forum in 2017, there were about 100 or so there. Maybe there is hope…

A permanent group of party members who would serve as the Saalschutzabteilung (meeting hall protection detachment) for the DAP gathered around Emil Maurice after the February 1920 incident at the Hofbräuhaus. There was little organization or structure to this group.” [Wikipedia]

The future SA developed by organizing and formalizing the groups of ex-soldiers and beer hall brawlers who were to protect gatherings of the Nazi Party from disruptions from Social Democrats (SPD) and Communists (KPD) and to disrupt meetings of the other political parties. By September 1921 the name Sturmabteilung (SA) was being used informally for the group.” [Wikipedia]

Interesting too that even Wikipedia recognizes that the purpose of the SA was the protection of meetings, and not the breaking-up of the meetings of opponents.

The Nazi Party held a large public meeting in the Munich Hofbräuhaus on 4 November 1921, which also attracted many Communists and other enemies of the Nazis. After Hitler had spoken for some time, the meeting erupted into a mêlée in which a small company of SA thrashed the opposition. The Nazis called this event the Saalschlacht (“meeting hall battle”), and it assumed legendary proportions in SA lore with the passage of time. Thereafter, the group was officially known as the Sturmabteilung.” [Wikipedia]

The SS [Schutzstaffel, or Protection Squad] was formed in 1925, with a similar defensive or protective function:

In 1925, Hitler ordered Schreck to organize a new bodyguard unit, the Schutzkommando (Protection Command).[1] It was tasked with providing personal protection for Hitler at NSDAP functions and events. That same year, the Schutzkommando was expanded to a national organization and renamed successively the Sturmstaffel (Storm Squadron), and finally the Schutzstaffel (Protection Squad; SS).[10] Officially, the SS marked its foundation on 9 November 1925 (the second anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch).[11] The new SS was to provide protection for NSDAP leaders throughout Germany.” [Wikipedia]

One can well imagine that any such bodies as the SA or SS formed in the Britain of 2019, even if not uniformed, would soon be banned and their members subject to show trials.

Contemporary happenings

In fact, we have seen the like, in the past couple of years, especially in relation to “a certain group of young people” the name of which I do not think that I shall use here, which young people have been put on trial for allegedly belonging to such a group. Oh yes, teenagers and other young people put on trial, and not in the local magistrates’ courts but at the Old Bailey and elsewhere! The “evidence” of their supposed organization, or at least political allegiance? Such items as cookie-cutters shaped like Swastikas, pillowcases with slogans on them etc, even the Christian name given by the parents to a baby! It seems that the ethos of Matthew Hopkins, Witchfinder-General in the 17th Century, is not dead and indeed has found a home in the British police and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)!

Thankfully, the (usually) good sense of the British jury has meant that most such defendants have been acquitted so far; perhaps that is why some politicians, notably Rosie Cooper MP [Lab., West Lancashire] have called for the use of “Diplock courts” (i.e. trials without juries) in political cases. If that happened, that type of court would be the first such court authorized in England itself in hundreds of years (though the Criminal Justice Act 2003, a typical piece of Tony Blair repressive legislation, does open the door to such trials). A Star Chamber for our times…


In a situation where self-defence, whether organized or individual, is criminalized by a hostile and partisan state, the only solution for social-national people is to cluster in “safe zones”, as I have blogged in the past: see https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/category/safe-zones/

In the UK, where even personal self-defence weaponry is generally unavailable, and where the police are rapidly becoming the strong-arm section of the multikulti “diverse” (non-white non-diverse) society, the formation of a germinal ethnostate is the only way forward.














https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplock_court “[Lord Gardiner‘s Minority Report as part of the Parker Report in March 1972 found “no evidence of [intimidation] or of perversity in juries”.[7] The report marked the beginning of the policy of “criminalisation”,[8] whereby the State removed legal distinctions between political violence and normal crime, with political prisoners treated as common criminals. The report provided the basis for the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1973, which, although later amended (with the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1974 and subsequent renewals), continued as the basis for counter-terrorist legislation in the UK.” [Wikipedia]



Update, 14 April 2022

As I write, persecuted singer-songwriter Alison Chabloz is once again in court, being sentenced after a notorious Jewess supported by the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” (yet again…) made a malicious allegation against her, using (as noted above) the “bad law” known as Communications Act 2003, s.127.

I myself quite recently had to chase off the Jew nuisance who calls himself “Head of Investigations and Enforcement” for the “CAA”; a ludicrously grand title for someone who is one of only a handful of Jews posing as an important organization. The whole pack really consists of only a few dozen (if that many) fanatical Jew-Zionists.

Anyway, here is my most recent experience of the malice of that pack of Jews: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.