Tag Archives: Hermann Wieland

Diary Blog, 24 August 2023

Morning music

I knew the (now-deceased) painter (and leading psychiatrist) Dominic Beer when we were both 5-6 years old. I have previously briefly blogged about him.

Battles past

Tweets seen

That is very true. I have known several mixed-race persons in my life; most if not all were not only very different from their parents (where I also knew them) in both looks and temperament, but had considerable psychological problems.

See also: https://archive.org/stream/aebhw25/aebhw25_djvu.txt.

Looks as though Putin is reasserting control after what I called at the time a modern-day “revolt of the Streltsy” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streltsy_uprising] a few months ago. Not exactly a coup or putsch, but something more akin to a demand for privileges and participation in policy-making.

All the same, Putin may regret the apparent passing into history of the Wagner Group. It fought well, despite having been composed, in part, of persons with little conventional military experience.

The brunt of the fighting in Ukraine (and possibly beyond) will now fall upon armoured units, artillery, and air power, not mass infantry formations such as Wagner Group.

Russia cannot “lose” the Ukraine war, unless there is upheaval and/or revolt in Russia itself. Putin seems to have taken the view that Wagner Group had to be dispersed in power and its leaders removed.

Of course, it may be that the air incident was simply an accident, or an assassination by others, eg Kiev-regime services, but those possibilities seem less likely.

Well, they look cheerful enough, not obviously “defeated”, but that group is surely little more than a rabble.

Amazing. Something I have never seen, nor even heard about, previously.

A good cause…


More tweets

The tweets refer to an interview with Trump and the “alt-Right” commentator Tucker Carlson.

No matter which candidates win the Republican and Democratic nominations, and no matter who ends up as the next U.S. President, the victor will have to stop the present slide to nuclear war. Take away the Jew Zelensky’s ricebowl. Stop giving money and arms to “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime). Stop supporting Israel, too.

On a lighter note…

Late tweets

What happens if Trump now receives the Republican Party nomination for the 2024 election? What happens if he then wins?

Is he expecting a nuclear war in Europe? Is the rat leaving the sinking ship?

Late music

[the Pillars of Creation, Eagle Nebula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillars_of_Creation]