Tag Archives: Jabalia

Diary Blog, 1 January 2024

Afternoon music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Rumours]

Tweets seen

Strategically, Russia cannot lose and will not lose.

I remember visiting the UN Centre in Vienna sometime in the mid-1980s; cannot recall exact year now. I knew someone who was doing some temporary work there. I spent a couple of hours in the Centre. Various impressions, but my overall impression (of what — admittedly little— I saw) was that the place was a huge waste of space (and money). What is it for?

There is a daily tour for visitors but I did not experience it (because I was not a “tourist” visitor officially, though really I was).

[UN Centre, Vienna]

“They” have control of the strategic or key areas of public life in the USA— the politicians, the mass media (especially TV), the film industry, the legal milieu (in the states that matter most: California, New York etc), publishing.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

Ha ha. Rather vulgar, but it made me laugh!

I believe I read somewhere, years ago, that Israelis are often cruel to donkeys, which are such gentle animals, so ready to be friendly with humans. It is true that donkeys are over-worked and abused in other countries too, including Arab countries, Pakistan etc.

The Jew settlers in Israel/Palestine (often from the USA) are horrible, though, fully displaying the malice for which “they” have always been well-known.

I would have said “unbelievable”, but in the pathetic, washed-up UK of 2023 and 2024, all too believable, unfortunately.

Hard to believe, but there it is: “normal” life, or a semblance of it, despite the fact that that area, 2-3 miles north of Gaza City, has been attacked heavily from the air for two months, and despite the fact that heavy ground fighting has occurred recently at Beit Hanoun, only a mile or so away.

Late music