Tag Archives: Leopards

Diary Blog, 8 September 2023

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

From the newspapers


Well, well. So BBC/NWO/ZOG mouthpiece Marianna Spring falsified her background in order to get a job. Who would have thought it? What other lies has she put about?


Sanna Marin is another one of the puppets of the transnational conspiracy. Just like Justin Trudeau. Just like Jacinda Ardern. Many others too.


More “climate change” lies.


Terrible. Britain in 2023.


Not someone I knew personally, though he was pointed out to me at Harrow Crown Court in 1992, he having become briefly notorious by reason of his apparently tangled sex life. An MP and barrister.

The Guardian obit is rather poor, and the Wikipedia entry too. Neither says much about the scandals that were part of the reasons why Bermingham’s political career ground to a halt. Also, the Guardian says that his second wife, married in 1978, was a senior lawyer with the CPS. Perhaps later, but not in 1978; the CPS was only established in 1986.

Oddly enough, one of my first wife’s colleagues, an American girl, told me, at a baseball game at the old (now-demolished) Veterans’ Stadium in Philadelphia, that she had done an internship with Gerry Bermingham at Westminster. That baseball game must also have been in 1992, or maybe 1991.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerry_Bermingham. Bermingham started out as a solicitor, but later converted to the Bar.


Interesting. I have now again updated my very popular blog post from 2019, which was an assessment of Rory Stewart, and which has been occasionally updated, to include this new information: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/

Tweets seen

I wonder how much of the American taxpayers money has been stolen. Still, wasted either way, I suppose…

More music

More tweets seen

…and, incredibly, as of today there are 365 utter mugs still paying out £3.50-£44 each, monthly, via the Patreon website, to the “grifter”/fraudster who calls herself “Jack Monroe”.

A very good cause.

Another very good cause.

[Vauxhall City Farm]

It would help if msm outlets such as the BBC, Sky News etc stopped their one-sided pro-“Ukraine” (Kiev regime) propaganda and actually tried to report accurately on the conflict.

No wonder that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men, and now also women, are desperately trying to avoid being conscripted.

I was stopped by a man just outside Parliament yesterday evening. He introduced himself as a civil servant. He told me to ‘keep doing what you are doing, everyone knows it’s the truth. The establishment are very worried because they know what’s coming down the track for them!’ This is not the first civil servant to say this to me in private . They all know the truth and they all know it has to be exposed.

The Westminster monkeyhouse…

The BBC found a well-paid niche for a young woman unafraid of making up lies to look like the truth— Marianna Spring.

I wonder what is the real or full provenance of Marianna Spring.

Late tweets seen

The out-of-control “woke” police of the state of Victoria, Australia, arresting a girl who refused to wear a mask-muzzle during the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic of a couple of years ago.

Late music

[Red Army T-34 tank, Crimea, 1943]