Tag Archives: London in 1350

Diary Blog, 21 November 2023

Afternoon music

[Lazienki Park, Warsaw]

Tweets seen

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[Tunis in the rain. I have trodden the same pavement, long ago (mid-1980s)]

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Ha. The expressions on the faces of those oddly middle-aged soldiers or reservists! The boring and derivative turbofolk (music) is obviously not hitting the spot.

Scarcely more mad than “Ukraine” (Kiev regime) having as President a corrupt Jewish TV comedian, as has happened already.

As I have blogged previously, if some of the people in Gaza are —or seem— monstrous, it is because they have been made monstrous, and made so by the Israeli Jews, and the conditions in which the Gazans have been forced to live for decades.

Obviously, Israel can hardly fail to “win” on the battlefield of Gaza. Atomic weapons (in reserve), huge air power, tanks etc, versus infantry hiding in tunnels and, sometimes, smallish rockets fired.

The question is not so much which side will prevail on the open battlefield in the short term, but rather the longer-term picture.

Even with the settlers lured from USA, Australia, UK, France and elsewhere, the Israeli state is running out of people compared to the Palestinians and the surrounding Arab/Muslim populations. Eventually, the numbers will tell, as they are now beginning to tell politically in Northern Ireland.

The recent incursion from Gaza to southern Israel shocked the Israelis precisely because it was a direct attack by organized Palestinian Arabs on Israeli military and civilian strongholds. The Israelis must be thinking about the possibility of larger incursions happening in the more populated parts of the country, and whether from Gaza or elsewhere. The distances are not great. Gaza to Tel-Aviv or Jerusalem is in the 40-50 mile range.

That is just ridiculous! I am not opposed to some forms of civilian ownership of weapons, but that is a whole armoury.


An octopus is anti-Semitic. A rat is anti-Semitic Ceasefire is anti-Semitic. Complaining is anti-Semitic. Freedom of speech is anti-Semitic. Protests are anti-Semitic. Trash cans are anti-Semitic. Supporting Muslims is anti-Semitic. What else do you think we can add to the list?

Ha ha! Perhaps I should have put that tweet before the Court at my recent trial!

I wonder what they mean by “blacks“? Moors, probably.

They are claiming that 145 “blacks” lived in London c. 1350. Until the outbreaks of the Black Death, the whole population of London seems to have been around 80,000, maybe more.

The msm drones such as the woman mentioned are usually complete puppets of Jewish-lobby or Israeli-lobby propaganda. They are not the honest journalistic commentators of the past.


The above tweet hits the nail on the head. No matter whether people on this or that State benefit “deserve” the monies received (and do the Royal Family “deserve” their inherited wealth? Do entitled drones of the David Cameron-Levita type?), the fact is that almost 100% of those monies received are spent almost immediately, thus turning the wheels of the consumer economy. The “cost” of State benefits, ultimately, is far less than the superficial figures sometimes suggest.

I think that we are seeing all this “benefits/workshy/disability/feckless” stuff because the present government is desperate to find issues to hit on re. the 2024 General Election. This one, surely, is a non-starter after years of the same since 2010, and indeed since about 2005.

Strange, the UK these days. I am not only messed about and then charged with having posted supposedly “grossly offensive” comments and cartoons about Jews on this blog, and then actually convicted of the same, but a total waste of space such as Camilla Tominey can go on TV and call millions of people, many suffering from painful medical conditions, “parasites“…

Which is the more “offensive”?

Yes, I know that TV station broadcasts are excluded from the ambit of Communications Act 2003 s.127, but that just makes it an even more ridiculous law.

More music

The incredible Sadie Marquardt.

[East Berlin, 1970s; suburban railway station; Volga sedan in foreground]

I have blogged once or twice in the past about my impressions of that odd little state, the DDR (East Germany), seen briefly in 1988, only a year before its whole system collapsed.

Late music