Tag Archives: Sara Wagenknecht

Diary Blog, 24 February 2024, including some thoughts about Ashfield constituency and Lee Anderson MP

Morning music

[river Moskva, upstream of Moscow]

Saturday quiz

This week brings a narrow victory over political journalist John Rentoul. He scored 5/10, but I trumped that with 6/10. I did not know the answers to questions 1, 2, 3, and 8.

From the newspapers


Women are having fewer children than ever before, official figures revealed today. 

Office for National Statistics data shows the fertility rate — the average number of children a woman has — in England and Wales slumped to 1.49 in 2022. 

It marks the lowest figure since records began in 1938, laying bare the reality of the ongoing baby bust that threatens to cripple the economy. 

Not a single one of the 330-plus authorities in both countries has a fertility rate that is above ‘replacement level’, according to MailOnline analysis.

[Daily Mail]

When one considers that (overall) the blacks and browns etc are having children, the birthrate among white people (“the people formerly known as British”) is seen more clearly as being at a rock-bottom level.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

More from the newspapers


An MP has had his conviction for racially aggravated offense quashed after he told an activist to ‘go back to Bahrain.’

Bob Stewart, MP for Beckenham in south-east London, made the remark towards activist Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei during a row outside the Foreign Office’s Lancaster House on December 14 2022. 

Last November, Mr Stewart was convicted for a racially aggravated public order offence and was fined £600. Following the conviction, Mr Stewart lost the Tory whip and has since sat in the House of Commons as an independent. 

Now, following an appeal, his conviction has been overturned today at Southwark Crown Court.”

[Daily Mail]

One has to wonder how absolutely stupid are the police and Crown Prosecution Service that this was ever brought to a trial. Mad.

Incidentally, note that the Daily Mail wannabee “journalist” scribbler spells “offence” as “offense“, American-style, in the first line. Newspapers have declined in every way since the 1970s.

As for my own conviction under the very stupid Communications Act 2003, s.127 (trial was on 17 November 2023), I am due to be sentenced in a few weeks’ time. After that, I shall have 3 weeks in which to decide whether to appeal to the Crown Court.

Tweets seen

Britain Occupied territory

For me, what is most alarming is that dim people like Hoyle can get to some of the highest-status positions in our country and society.

At least he is an animal-lover in his private life. I can approve of that.

Paul Golding/Britain First is only partly correct. While Islamism is a threat to the UK, so is Jew-Zionism, which is far more embedded in the power structure. Paul Golding always attacks the one but not the other, which may be one reason why Britain First has a poor electoral record; most recently, 1.6% at the Wellingborough by-election, only 8th out of 11 candidates.

At Wellingborough, Britain First’s 8th-placed position came after Labour, Conservative, Reform, LibDems, an Independent, Greens, and another Independent, only beating the Monster Raving Loony and two more Independents. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellingborough_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Only one caveat: I do not know whether those numbers are inflation-adjusted.

By sending long-range “Taurus” cruise missiles to Ukraine, they will make Germany part of the Ukrainian conflict, German politician Sara Wagenknecht told the German media.

“You really think that if we deliver more weapons, the Ukrainians will be able to drive the Russians out of Crimea? Do you think Russia, a nuclear power, will allow that? If we bring war to Russia with German weapons, then we will also bring war to Germany,” she said.”

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahra_Wagenknecht. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahra_Wagenknecht#Refugee_policy. Interesting.

Sara Wagenknecht only finished her secondary education in 1988, a year before the collapse of the DDR (and, incidentally, the same year in which I myself saw the country, though only briefly), so she could not have been a member of the Aufklärung (the foreign intelligence component of the State Security apparat or “Stasi“). Had she been older, one might wonder.

Lee Anderson, and Ashfield (Derbyshire)

The maverick MP has been suspended from being under the Conservative Party whip.

Naturally, I do not agree with his statement that London is “run by Muslims”. Sadiq Khan is from a Muslim background, but has been pretty much in the Jew-Zionist pocket for many years.

It would be more accurate to characterize Sadiq Khan as “anti-white”.

As to Anderson himself, I suggest that he is trying to bolster his position vis a vis the General Election expected later this year.

Until 2019, Ashfield had always been won by Labour since its inception in 1955, with one closely-run by-electoral exception in 1977. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashfield_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s. “New Labour” and Gloria de Piero changed all that.

David Marquand, a former MP for Ashfield (1966-1977; he is still alive, at 89): “Originally a tentative supporter of Blair’s New Labour, he has since become a trenchant critic, arguing that “New Labour has ‘modernised’ the social-democratic tradition out of all recognition”, even while retaining the over-centralisation and disdain for the radical intelligentsia of the old “Labourite” tradition.” [Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Marquand.

Marquand defected to the SDP and then was honourable enough to step down as MP, not contesting the by-election.

In fact, Marquand was himself rather intellectual:

Marquand addressed Britain’s relative economic decline in The Unprincipled Society (1988) and The New Reckoning (1997). He argued that this decline was caused by Britain’s failure to become a developmental state like France, Germany and Japan. In those countries state intervention had encouraged industrial development and had facilitated the necessary adjustments to competition. Britain, however, was wedded to an economic liberalism which prevented the state from undertaking the necessary measures to meet the country’s developmental needs.[7] In The New Reckoning Marquand claimed: “The economies that have succeeded more spectacularly have been those fostered by developmental states, where public power, acting in concert with private interest, has induced market forces to flow in the desired direction”.[8]” [Wikipedia].

In fact, Ashfield is not quite as “safe Labour” as the history might suggest superficially. Gloria de Piero won in 2010 by a majority of under half a point (0.4%, 192 votes) from a LibDem.

While de Piero’s majority increased in 2015 (as the LibDems imploded), in 2017 she beat the Conservative candidate by less than one point (0.9%, 441 votes). An Ashfield Independent came third with over 9% of the vote.

In 2019, Lee Anderson won convincingly: 39.3% of the vote, followed in second (27.6%) by another “Ashfield Independent”, Jason Zadrozny [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Zadrozny], who has had a chequered political and personal history. In third place came Labour, with only 24.4%.

Zadrozny is going to contest the seat at GE 2024.

So far, apart from Anderson (who may or may not be standing as Conservative Party candidate, depending on whether he gets back the Conservative whip), only the Ashfield Independent and Reform UK are presently known to be likely to stand at GE 2024, but a full field is almost guaranteed. There may be a dozen or more candidates.

At first, I thought that Anderson could probably be written off as post-GE 2024 MP, but now am not so sure. He has now (whether by design or not) distanced himself from the unpopular Conservative leadership —and possibly from the equally-unpopular Conservative Party— is anti-EU, anti-migration invasion etc, and is now known nationwide. He must have at least a chance of retaining his seat. If he does, and if he also retains it as a “Conservative” MP, he might be one of 100 or even as few as 50 such MPs. Who knows what might then happen?

More tweets seen

(April 2023)

(February 2024)


Richard Tice

Mr Tice said there is “anger amongst ordinary folk about the state of the country”.

He said: “There’s no love for Keir Starmer, there’s just a deep rejection and utter fury with the toxic Tories.

[Daily Express]

To that limited extent, I agree with Tice.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 10 September 2023, including some discussion of Keir Starmer, Tony Blair, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and Rory Stewart (etc)

Morning music

Battles past

Tweets seen

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Roberts_(judge)

Makes you realize how much British taxpayer-money is thrown away on “defence”. Not just the fact that the UK Government has given tanks to the Kiev regime, which tanks then get destroyed in combat almost immediately; also, the fact that the UK Government saw fit to commission and pay for them in the first place.

Each of those tanks costs £4.2M, and seems to be all but useless against aerial attack or artillery bombardment, despite supposedly being superior to Russian equivalents.

The UK has not only given the Ukraine regime about 14 of these tanks but also has trained, free of charge, their Ukrainian crews in the UK.

See https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/what-are-the-invincible-challenger-2-tanks-that-uk-is-sending-to-ukraine-12001052.html and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Challenger_2.

Starmer, Blair, and the WEF (etc)

You can see, on the face of Jewish-lobby and Israel-lobby puppet Starmer, that same bedazzled look that Tony Blair had on his simian mug when he went to Camp David for the first time. The “I’ve made it…I’m one of the global elite!“…

[see how star-struck were “Tony and Cherie”…]

Not that Starmer is wrong about Westminster. The UK Parliament is indeed a provincial, “tribal, shouting place“, as Starmer says in that oddly-incoherent “explanation”.

The point though, is that Starmer will never put the British people first now that he has been accepted, if only at this stage as a spectator or poor relation, at Davos, amid the helicopters and private jets.

No. He sees himself, in the future, “working with” people who (as he obviously imagines) really matter: billionaires, secret cabals formulating a new dystopian world etc. He is not the first, after all.

The primus inter pares pupil of the modern Mephistopheles, Blair, is now far far away from his grim Scottish school [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fettes_College], far from the Bar of England and Wales, at which he practised for about 5-6 years in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and from his 1983-2007 Parliamentary constituency in County Durham [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedgefield_(UK_Parliament_constituency]

Blair, now ensconced in a large country house in Buckinghamshire, heads the “Institute for Global Change” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Blair_Institute_for_Global_Change] as well as Tony Blair Associates and other bodies.

That organization, TBI, is funded partly by Blair himself (he having made many tens of millions, possibly hundreds of millions of pounds after having left office, and his moneygrubbing wife, Cherie, as much or more, apparently), partly by the USA, and partly by Saudi Arabia.

One way or another, Blair employs a number of more or less washed-up System politicians from a number of countries: Sanna Marin of Finland is one such: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/07/sanna-marin-finland-prime-minister-tony-blair-institute.

You find that many threads connect those who believe that they constitute a global elite and who are involved with the WEF/Davos, Bilderberg and/or connected secretive cabals. For example, Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand worked for Blair when he was Prime Minister.

The linkages go beyond mere function, i.e. beyond the fact that almost all leaders of governments are bound to have meetings together etc. The Western world’s leaders are connected, bound, tied by the secretive cabals to which most of them belong and whose conclaves they attend: WEF/Davos, Bilderberg, freemasonry, the Jewish/Zionist connections, and so on.

Blair, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Macron etc are but a few out of hundreds. Blair seems to have climbed to a certain level, though.

Note the ideological and practical similarities they all share: the whole “Covid” stuff, facemask nonsense and all; the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan and so the idea of mixed-race populations ruled by European and Jewish (often mixed) ruling strata; “climate change”/Net Zero, with all the dictatorial powers of government involved in that; the Money Power controlling democratic assemblies; and so on.

The outsiders who occasionally attain to political power in the West are tolerated temporarily if not too disruptive; if they become a nuisance, they are removed from power or actually eliminated, as are those who become unreliable and have served the “global elite” much lower down the food chain: Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell etc.

Reverting to Keir Starmer, you can see that, for him, the British people are —at best— about fourth in his priority list, after the “global elite”/WEF/Davos and connected cabals, the Jewish/Israeli interest(s), freemasonry etc.

The present UK Government is of course pathetic, incompetent, undeserving of survival, and that applies to 90%+ of the “Conservative” MPs as well. However, the idea that “Labour” will be —in any substantial way— different or better, if/when forming a government in 2024, is just naive.

See also:







[WEF HQ, near Geneva, Switzerland; much of the complex is underground]

More tweets

The people voting for this Draconian energy Bill, should have been the people. The home owners lumbered with up to £15,000 fines and the possibility of 12 months jail time, for not being able to afford an inefficient electric heat pump boiler, or other enforceable purchases. This gives Government the powers to force you to have a smart meter, and enforce their way into your home. Read The Bill

For me, Rory Stewart is just one more “part of the problem”: see my (updated) assessment first published in 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

From the newspapers


The fake “austerity” spending cuts brought in by part-Jew liars George Osborne and David Cameron-Levita-Schlumberger have destroyed both Britain and the misnamed “Conservative” Party.


It will be interesting to see whether the two arrested persons are of actual Chinese ethnicity or not. If they are, it will be yet another nail in the coffin of multiculturalism.

Incidentally, an interesting account of Chinese intelligence down the ages is https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Chinese-Secret-Service/dp/0584101147 by “Richard Deacon”. As with Deacon’s other books, accuracy is disputed, but it is a good read all the same. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_McCormick.

More tweets

(the short answer, now, is “no”…)

I cannot quarrel with that headline.

Ditto. Stewart, however, is himself a prime example of that which he criticizes, particularly careerism and amateurism, not to mention also nepotism in his case (recruited after university to SIS, where his own father had quite recently been second or third in the hierarchy…).

More tweets

MEMBER of the German Bundestag Sara Wagenknecht has announced that she is founding her own political party. At first glance, nothing significant outside of Germany, but it’s not quite like that.

In August, Wagenknecht became the third most popular politician in the country, and she consistently criticizes the German authorities regarding their support for Kiev and their anti-Russian course. She announced that her 4 main principles will be – economic expediency, social justice, maximum state regulation of prices and emphasis on diplomacy in foreign policy. She also opposed increased military spending and called for renewed relations with Russia.”

Sounds promising.

McGregor: The Russian army prepared a trap for Ukrainian troops.

FORMER adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Colonel Douglas McGregor, said again that during his offensive, Russian troops will surround Kharkiv. He stated that the Russians are now advancing in the northeast of Ukraine and pointed out: “Eventually, the Russian army will move further west and encircle Kharkiv in the process.” McGregor assessed that Russia has an intelligence and reconnaissance system that allows it to detect and destroy any target on the battlefield. And Ukraine and Western countries, he pointed out, have nothing to oppose it.

He particularly emphasized that the Russian army had prepared a trap for Ukrainian troops. When the Ukrainian armed forces enter it – they will have huge casualties.”


Translation: “I was crap at my job(s), and gave up being a minister and MP because I did not get the status or positions I personally wanted out of it (despite high pay and expenses) but I am now going to blame others or ‘the system’ for it...”

Late music