Tag Archives: Scottish tabloids

Diary Blog, 11 December 2022

Morning music

[view of Berchtesgaden, Bavaria]

On this day a year ago

On the blog 5 years ago

More music

[SS-men take the oath of loyalty at the Feldherrnhalle, Munich]

Tweets seen

It is a strange fact that the Scottish tabloids are even more treacherous, even less truthful, than those of England. That may be because both the pro-Israel and/or Jewish element(s) and the freemasonic element is very strongly embedded in Scotland.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kriss_Donald.

The time may yet come, and have to come, when every white person of, or over, the age of 28 (and who is not on record as a criminal) will be entitled by law to carry a standard firearm, such as an automatic pistol; however, any untermenschen doing so will face the most rigorous penalties.

Thus will public order be preserved.

Our whole advanced —if often misled and misguided— society is living on borrowed time.

So there are anyway 40 MPs out of 650 who may have a few redeeming features. Still far less than a tenth of the bastards, though.

All change

I wrote a piece on the blog some months ago about my impressions of London as it now is compared to when I lived there (intermittently from 1976 to 1998): see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/06/30/diary-blog-30-june-2022-including-impressions-of-a-trip-to-dystopian-london/.

Today, I took to Google Earth again (I find it quite addictive) to look at the area between Little Venice, where I lived for many years, and the Edgware Road Flyover. Huge changes.

The old “top security” Paddington Green police station by the flyover is closed down and presumably to be redeveloped. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paddington_Green_Police_Station.

A few steps away, a huge new development of rental apartments. I think that there were little shops and restaurants about 2 or 3 storeys high along Edgware Road, previously.

For such a central location, not too bad, aesthetically, but not cheap. The cheapest apartments come in at well over £2,000 a month, and many are £4,000 or more.

Actually, if anything an improvement on the tacky two or three-storey buildings previously there.

I notice that several old pubs have gone, including long-derelict-looking The Maida, where Edgware Road becomes Maida Vale (avenue). As blogged on a previous occasion, that pub, whose now-gone sign also said “Sir John Stuart, the Hero of Maida” (a general of the Peninsular War: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Stuart,_Count_of_Maida) is now no more, though the name “Hero of Maida” has been taken up by a new gastropub in another part of Maida Vale (area).

The original pub was the one after which the whole area, and that part of the A5 road, was named.

Another old pub has become a Moroccan restaurant, “Dar Marrakesh”.

The “Arab” part of Edgware Road, which at one time was the stretch between Marble Arch and the Flyover, has now spread further north as far as the start of Maida Vale avenue: Arabic shopfronts, ethnic food shops, shisha lounges etc. I have to admit though that, overall, Edgware Road actually looks better than it once did.

I notice that the old Metropolitan Cafe, which was opposite the police station and, presumably, named either after the police or perhaps the equally-nearby Metropolitan Line Underground station , is now a small convenience store. Another cafe-casualty has evidently been the 1930s cafe further along the road, which retained its original styling until at least the late 1990s, when I last consumed egg and chips therein.

I notice that there are more trees now, and that some that did exist 25 years ago are now quite grown.

I wonder what that area, and others, will look like in 2122. Perhaps they will resemble the destroyed ancient cities now visited by tourists visiting the countries around the Mediterranean.

More tweets

Exactly. “They” (((they))) are the number one problem. Most other problems stem from “them” and “their” influence and activities.

…especially —though admittedly not exclusively— those run by “grifting” West Indians such as Shaun Bailey, who is still a member of the London Assembly, and who nearly became Mayor of London: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaun_Bailey_(London_politician)#Career_before_politics.

I would cite, also, “charities” such as the Jo Cox Foundation, and political so-called “charities” such as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”], run by a handful of Jew-Zionists largely actuated by malice.

Late music
