Tag Archives: tropical fruits

Diary Blog, 3 July 2023— riots in France, climate change propaganda, and banks censoring and repressing their customers

Morning music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Banks are to be warned by ministers that they must protect free speech as increasing numbers of customers are having their accounts closed for holding allegedly controversial views.

The Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is reportedly ‘deeply concerned’ that lenders are blacklisting customers they are deemed to hold contrary political beliefs and social values.

The controversy flared up last week after Nigel Farage revealed his long-standing account had been closed by his bank, while a vicar was dropped by another lender for questioning why their branches were displaying Pride flags.

[Daily Mail]

I have blogged about this previously. Farage is, as the report notes, not alone. Repression on freedom of expression by banks (bank staff) has been a fact for a few years now. Laura Towler, Sam Melia, and Mark Collett, all of Patriotic Alternative, had their personal bank accounts closed. Straight political bias.

The only thing that will stop the trend to censorship and repression is if bank directors, managers etc are held accountable directly. The same goes for MPs, msm talking heads etc.

Incidentally, maybe 99% of the repression of freedom of expression in the UK comes from the malicious and manipulative Jew-Zionist element; certainly 90%+. See, for example, my own experiences, published at the top of this blog post. “They” are almost always the troublemakers, if you investigate the matter.


Rosolino Palazzolo, a 44-year-old Sicilian farmer, has just finished picking the first pitanga (Surinam cherry) and acerola (Barbados cherry) on his farm in a tiny village called Terrasini, close to Palermo. He looks at the bright cherries in his hand, smiling proudly.

These fruits would normally be found growing along the equator but, in the past few years, climate change and year-round warm temperatures have led to a produce revolution in Italy’s deep south.

Italy is turning into a tropical country. That’s why I also grow papayas, mangoes, passion fruit, baby bananas dubbed ‘bananito’, black sapote [a soft, orange-fleshed fruit], annona [custard apple] and even coffee and chocolate plants,” Mr Palazzolo [says].

Tropical fruit is the future of Italy’s agriculture; it will save the country from the negative effects of rising temperatures and crazy, wild rainfalls.”

The farmer still grows traditional fruits such as pears, citrus fruits and peaches, and vegetables such as tomatoes and courgettes, but in smaller quantities due to the tropical-like climate that has taken hold in Italy, particularly in the south.”

[i newspaper]

Interesting. Adaptation to a warmer climate.

Tweets seen

La France— réveillez-vous!

The only way to stop the epidemic of drug abuse in the West is to eliminate the users. Poppy cultivation cannot simply be banned everywhere, because opium derivatives are used for essential products such as morphine. India and Australia (Tasmania) are among the larger producers of legally-farmed opium poppies. Afghanistan accounts for about 80% of the illegal trade.

Eliminate all rioters in the field.

Typically misleading Sky News. In fact, it was not “the hottest June ever in UK” (as seen in that tweet) but the hottest June since records began, which was only in 1884. As the report does say, previous hot-June records were reached in both 1940 and 1976. Even the headline, “hottest June on record“, though technically correct, is misleading, because many will assume that records go back to maybe 1700 or so, which is not the case on a reliable or consistent basis.

In historical terms, 139 years (1884-2023) is almost nothing.

We know that there were relatively warm periods previously in recorded European history, notably in the “Mediaeval Warm Period”, often estimated as having happened from about 950 AD to about 1250 AD: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_Warm_Period.

Before that, there had been a “Roman Warm Period” running from about 250 BC to about 400 AD: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Warm_Period.

There was no measurement of temperature then, but warmer climatic conditions can be inferred from forms of agriculture known to have been current, and from animal and plant remains, tree rings etc.

There are various theories as to why those historical periods were warmer than other times before and after, but one thing is for sure— it had little or nothing to do with “carbon emissions”. These were societies without very large populations (the Roman Empire at height may have had 60 million inhabitants), without the internal combustion engine, without industry except on a very small scale, and without the widespread use of coal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal#History.

Those two warm periods hosted higher levels of civilization and culture than the cooler periods on either side of each. Be careful what you wish for.

More tweets seen

Again the technically-correct but very misleading “on record” assertion.

I agree with that tweeter about the sheer audacity, as I think I would term it, of the online fraud and “grifter” “Jack Monroe”.

That sheer gall is what really sets her apart from the numerous other online “grifters” around— her sheer criminal audacity, as well as her relentless use of about half a dozen tactics: pretending to be an “activist” for “the poor”; various mental and physical problems (useful to be able to blame critics for making them worse, though most if not all of them are non-existent); pretending to be short of money and/or living in poverty (rather than a house, possibly with a sea view, in a rather expensive Essex suburb); attaching herself to this or that group as expedient— LGBTQXYZ, disabled, “poor”, struggling single mother (despite her affluent family living in the same area), “socialist” (despite her false “feed a family for £20 a week” claims, “cosmopolitan” (despite rarely having been outside Essex), and displaying little or no obvious knowledge or education), etc.

Then there are the fake biographical details, such as having taken a leading role after or even during the Grenfell fire incident.

What is truly amazing is how many people, even some journalists, still believe all of her rubbish.

I still fail to understand why a black woman in Bristol is (I think) still facing Crown Court trial for allegedly having crowdfunded for legal costs to make a civil claim that (allegedly or apparently) never happened, and then having (allegedly) kept the monies raised for her personal use, but “Jack Monroe” raised monies similarly, supposedly to sue Lee Anderson MP, then did not even send preliminary formal complaint to Lee Anderson, and quite plainly ripped-off the said monies for her own uses, yet (so far) is not charged with anything. Why not?

Late tweets seen

Well, wonders will never cease. I agree with all of that.

The directors of the banks should be held accountable, directly.

Please refer to previous comment.

Eliminate all rioters in the field, then deport their base populations to somewhere outside Europe (maybe to French Guiana).

Late music