Diary Blog, 16 February 2022

Afternoon music

[Bougoureau, Nymphs and Satyr]

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Ha. I am not with Griffin here. Almond naturally wants Russia not to invade, because he knows that, right now, Russia holds all the cards, and would be able to defeat the (Zionist-controlled) Kiev regime (and so, NWO) easily. Kiev itself is said to be only lightly defended, in other words is indefensible as things stand.

Russia will never get a better chance to redraw the map of Europe. This is a once-in-a-generation chance; the last such chance came after 1989. The NWO seized that chance, leading to, inter alia, the present situation with Ukraine.

The Eastern Ukraine region, Kiev, and all of the Black Sea littoral must be taken now, while that is still possible.

More tweets

Not so much a joke as a prediction. In fact, in terms of online sites, it is already happening, or starting to happen.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander: research snooping journalists, find out where they are, and everything about them.

Akin to Socialist Realism.

Incidentally, I happened to see this interesting site with information about how British people eked out WW2 rations: https://the1940sexperiment.com/100-wartime-recipes/.

Few people today know that WW2 rationing in the UK became worse for some years after 1945 (because Britain was impoverished by the unnecessary and disastrous —though superficially “victorious”— war against the German Reich). Rationing only gradually eased, and lasted in some respects until the mid-1950s. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationing_in_the_United_Kingdom#Second_World_War_1939%E2%80%931945.

Britain becomes a violent zoo— latest


The report is worth reading.

Chanz Maximen.
[the violent criminal]
Dr Adam Towler speaking outside Bristol Crown Court after teenager Chanz Maximen who dragged the doctor out of his house and stabbed him nine times in a random, unprovoked attack.
[the victim]

” [Dr.] Towler [the victim]– who now develops medical software – came to court to give a victim impact statement in which he expressed his concern for the defendant and his future, and the fact he would spend so long in prison.

“When I compared my position with what I imagined yours to be, it sort of didn’t seem fair, although I know that’s hard to understand,” he said.”

There is a fine line between Christian (or other) forgiveness, and total stupidity…

As for the view that a minimum 12 years is a long time to spend in prison, not in this case. In fact, while I do not usually support long or very long sentences, in this case the defendant (who stabbed or slashed at least three people in three separate mindless incidents), is plainly a danger to the public.

Possible alternative sentence? Helicopter; flight; Atlantic Ocean; one-way ticket.

The wider question is how Britain can ever develop a more advanced society when it is full to the brim with such untermenschen…

As for the Guardian and the Press Association, I appreciate that it must be hard to recruit graduates these days who can actually write literate English, but surely msm outlets must know that it is customary, in the report of a trial, to refer to the judge as “His Honour” and/or “Judge“, not merely as “Hart“! The same goes for the victim, Doctor Towler. Only the defendant is referred to by surname alone.

Late tweets

Send that idiot back to her ancestral Kampala grocery shop.

Exactly. It’s always the white Northern Europeans (who created almost all of the present civilization and culture) who are “to blame”, never the vast hordes of non-whites.

There it is…White Genocide…in one “German” poster, and I think I can guess (((what))) or (((who))) will be behind it…

Well, I suppose that it could be re-purposed later on, maybe to house some deposed politicians… (or Schwab and his like…).

The BBC pays Huw Edwards about half a million a year for, arguably, not a lot. He was a grammar school boy from South Wales. He is not going to rock his very lucrative boat by questioning any System narrative, whether it be “the vaccine”, “the virus”, mass immigration as a supposed wonderful benefit to the British people or, if it comes to that, the absurd “holocaust” house of cards.

Late music


4 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 16 February 2022”

    1. Watcher:
      No doubt you read the bit about how *500,000* more Afghans are presently en route to the UK. “Stand by to repel boarders!” as Nelson (or Drake) might have ordered.


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