Diary Blog, 9 January 2021


A good example of the police-state madness now abroad. Also, a good example of the Twitterati-twit in action.

I have had occasion to blog in passing about that tweeter, “@drjanaway”, on a previous occasion. NHS psychiatric medic. Even less pleasant than “Dr. Dim”, whom I mention here: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/

Some of these types would be more at home in the old DDR (East Germany). “Obey the Government rules or else”…

I notice that Dr. Janaway has well over 40,000 Twitter “followers”. There again, demented creature Louise Mensch has 289,000! Some pop groups have millions.

More and more people are waking up to the political irrelevance of Twitter, though it has its uses; and see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/08/16/twittering-to-the-birds/

Other tweets seen


John Rentoul may have to accept that his general knowledge is nowhere near as good as his specialized political knowledge. At least he is honest enough to publish his generally poor results.

I have beaten Rentoul almost every week for months, since I started to follow his Saturday quiz attempts from the i newspaper. We have tied once, or maybe twice. I think that he beat my score once, a week or two ago.

This week, Rentoul scored poorly again, 3/10. My score was 5/10. I failed on questions 4, 6, 7, 9 and 10.

More tweets

So speaketh the “liberal” Twitter-twits…I was unsure who this is; had to look him up [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Haig]. An odd person who seems to think that, in our contemporary world, you have free speech even though every single online or offline platform may be denied you. I suppose that the idiot means that you can go outside and shout in the street (until Matt Haig or some similar twit complains).

Another “liberal” friend of censorship and the police state, who wants to ban “dangerous” people from communicating dissenting views.

I agree with Griffin on the encroaching police state, but setting up alternative online platforms etc can only be a partial answer. Boots on the ground…

Ah, if only those with public profile, such as Peter Hitchens, had defended my free speech rights, and other rights, when the msm publicized my 2016 disbarment; I was disbarred for having tweeted five tweets on general aspects of society, particularly the Jew-Zionist backstairs influence everywhere, by which I mean legal milieu, politics, msm etc. But no…Hitchens said not a word.

Hitchens also failed to speak up for Alison Chabloz, prosecuted by Jew-Zionists and then CPS for having posted online her songs mocking “holocaust” fakes and hoaxes. She is still being both persecuted abd prosecuted.

Meanwhile, Jo Brand can, with impunity, incite violence against Nigel Farage and others, and a tidal wave of filth and violent incitement comes from Jewish “comedians”, many paid millions by the BBC and other msm outlets.

Something must be done.

Ha ha! (see below)

As in “blacks burn down city in peaceful protest“…

Well, I’m waiting…

For years, decades, I have heard Americans yapping about their “right to bear arms” etc, but the main thing about all those privately-held arms seems to be to show them off at gun shows.

Well, leaving Trump aside (he’s a waste of space anyway, as I have always said), here you are, America, up against it. What are you going to do about it?

…and —guess what?— it’s a (((Cohen)))…

That must be right. God’s sakes, even someone as basically amiable as me, placed by Fate in such a role, would be more dictatorial than Trump has been!

Cultural purge now! While we still have white European culture left…

Exactly. I started to understand that in the 1970s, and fully understood it by the early 1980s.

Early afternoon music

More tweets

Even a social-nationalist (?) tweeter gets it wrong! Romanian passports, yes. Romanian, no. Gypsies from Romania. How hard can it be?! The face is the real passport!

More music

More tweets

The whole of the UK is facing a form of police state tyranny now. It was a “toytown” police state, but is now changing form and becoming a real police state, with the convenient “virus” panic as a cover.

Catch-22. Either the quasi-monopolies of the online space act like autocrats and arbitarily (meaning, usually, at the instigation of the Jewish lobby) chuck people off their platforms, or the State “regulates” those platforms, resulting in the very same dissidents being censored or removed. No difference; same result.

In fact, while we are talking about online platforms (and the msm)…

…and replace “terrorism” with “Coronavirus“…

The UK death toll supposedly “from” “the virus” (i.e. with the virus, and other conditions in almost all cases) is about 78,000 now, in the past year. About one out of every 900 people in the UK.

This is not a game, but war. So far, only one side (the System side, mainly via the Jewish lobby and its “antifa” dupes, and also —in the UK— via the police and CPS) is really playing.

Tweeting, blogging, posting ideas, may be all good, but they do not win this kind of war, whether in the USA, UK, Germany, wherever.

If the above is true, then it sounds quite hopeful…

A lot of things are happening all at once now. Well-known and even famous people being censored or expelled from Twitter etc, platforms such as Parler subject to concerted attack, the UK Government now seriously trying to institute a real police state both online and in the streets. Just a few examples. If it can happen to the President of the United States, what chance has the average Joe got?

This is all part of the Great Reset and Great Replacement. The latest stage of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

2022 is fast approaching. An even more significant year than 1989, the previous one in the 33-year Zeitgeist cycle. The secret and/or secretive Western cabals are preparing to seize the world agenda as they did in and around 1989, but in a different way. That is why they either created “Covid-19”, or used its existence as a way of clamping down on free speech (as well as on street demonstrations, travel etc).

This blog

I am trying to get this important information out to as many people as I can before the System, possibly using the Jewish lobby or part of it, prevents me from being able to post the truth. There is that danger.

True, my blog only reaches a relatively small number of people (I do not believe that I have ever had 1,000 hits in a single day, and the norm is less than half of that number), but not many other bloggers (if any) are posting some of the stuff I write. I —and my blog— are certainly targets.

Readers of this blog can help by sending my articles and diary pages to others, or linking to this blog in whatever those readers themselves write.

Talking about this blog and its readership numbers, I started writing this blog in late 2016, so have now had 4 full years of operation. 2020 was by far the best year in terms of numbers of visitors and numbers of hits.

The number of both visitors and hits in 2020 was more than double the number of visitors and hits in 2019.

In 2020, the number of hits was 8-9 times the numbers achieved in both 2017 and 2018 (which years resulted in similar numbers of hits).

As for the number of visitors, the number in 2020, while over double that of 2019, was around 6 times that of both 2017 and 2018.

8 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 9 January 2021”

  1. Hello Ian: Lots of interesting stuff, as usual. Regarding the last picture of a group of US soldiers posing with a flag with the SS runes (something VERY odd to say the least!) I think I can explain it. I remember that about 6 years ago that picture showed up on the Internet and made waves. It turned out that those morons posing with the flag belonged to the “Sniper School” and had just graduated, somebody thought it was a good idea to pose with a picture with the letters “SS” and they used that one. Just a coincidence.

    That POS that used to write for “The Guardian” showed his colours immediately: A) For what he said about “White supremacists” in the US Army (a ridiculous lie) B) For working for “The Guardian”. BTW Alex Belfield (he is on YouTube) described “The Guardian”‘s readers as “champagne-sipping, quiche eating, vegetarian, middle-class lefties” I think is a very good definition. LOL


  2. Hello Ian: This one will make you laugh, although, if you start thinking seriously about it will make you mad. I got this from Alex Belfield, he is very funny and everything he says is spot on.


      1. Yes, Ian, I know the feeling. It must awful for you and every decent Englishman to see your country going down so shamefully. My wife told me that more and more invaders keep coming. Why not? Wouldn’t you take advantage of idiots and cowards who give you everything without asking anything in return?


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