Diary Blog, 3 August 2021

GB News

I have not watched GB News as such, but today saw an interview via Twitter. The interviewee was the sinister Jew-Zionist, Stephen Silverman, “Head of Investigations and Enforcement” at the fake “charity” known as “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”.

The presenters and supposed “interviewers” were one Liam Halligan [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liam_Halligan] and former MP and (former?) Labour Friends of Israel member, Gloria de Piero [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloria_De_Piero].

Silverman made false complaint against me in, inter alia, 2016/2017: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/. See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

The interview on GB News was not so much an interview, more the presenters allowing Silverman to make a long and dull statement whining about how Twitter had seen through the fake CAA “charity” and had then binned the CAA as a “partner organization” re. issues around supposed “antisemitism”.

Silverman also (as usual) promoted the idea that there should be even more repression of free speech in the UK.

At the end of the “interview”, the Halligan person thanked Silverman for coming on to the show, and expressed how welcome he was at GB News.

I suppose that the Halligan person was unaware that Silverman was (despite having hidden his identity behind fake names and multiple Twitter accounts) actually exposed in open court a few years ago as one of several connected Jewish-Zionist trolls, all connected with the CAA, and who harassed several people (mainly women) online as well as offline, e.g. by making false and malicious complaint to various police forces about people, some of whom (see my experience above) were actually asked to “voluntary” interviews with police before the matters were dropped.

As for Gloria de Piero, a typical “put a beggar on a horse and he/she rides it to death” careerist chancer, typical of Blair/Brown “Labour”.

I read, in the msm and elsewhere, that GB News is so lacking in viewers that some shows are at statistical zero in terms of audience or viewership. It seems to be another typical front for Jew-Zionism and the NWO, posing (sometimes) as a “free speech” and “conservative” TV station. It’s a fake. Bin it.

Reminder of reality

A commentator on the blog reminds me of a piece in the Daily Telegraph a decade nearly ago, which I used as the basis for an article in 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/02/04/white-flight-in-a-small-country/.

Tweets seen




“Diversity is a strength”….ha ha…


It would be interesting to know why Jews are almost all (apparently) in favour of facemask use. They probably think that it is because they are (in their own opinion) more intelligent than non-Jews, but experience has taught me and others a different lesson.

Late music

Update, 7 July 2022

7 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 3 August 2021”

  1. Excellent comment Ian! From the very beginning, I saw GB News for what it is: a fake “nationalist” news station/programme, which means “controlled opposition”. The fact that traitor called Nigel Farage was invited to join them says everything. Don’t be surprised if Laurence Fox joins them. He is the poster boy of the “kosher-nationalism” represented by GB News


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