Diary Blog, 15 July 2023

Morning music

[Prague, 1930s; Vltava and Charles Bridge in middle distance]

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, this week brings me an easy victory over political journalist John Rentoul; he scored only 3/10, compared to my 7/10.

I did not know the answers to questions 2, 5, and 8. In fact, I “hit the post” on questions 2 and 8, and no.5 is arguable, depending on what you class as “a vineyard“, whatever “Wine GB” may say.

From the newspapers




Looks as though curbing the Jew-Zionists, “antifa” idiots, and other would-be censors of freedom of expression, has encouraged better functioning at Twitter, and attracted more users and/or use.

Tweets seen

She is (in my opinion).

They are (in my opinion).

We look back at the Incas, and wonder why their priests had a kind of handball game in which you got executed if you dropped the ball [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesoamerican_ballgame#Human_sacrifice]. We look at the Aztecs, and wonder what motivated their bloodthirsty and cruel human sacrifices. Yet we (meaning society as a whole) accept the cruelties and stupidities of our own age as right and proper: “net zero”, “lockdown(s)”, killer “vaccines” and “boosters”, the 2010-2023 “austerity policies”, the importation into the UK of millions of culturally and ethnically backward people; and so on. The full list would be too long to publish today.

I do not like George Osborne at all, but at the same time that very clearly terminally-smug “protester” (a woman aged maybe 60-70) could not have complained had she been hit in the face and/or given a good kicking.

Those “Just Stop Oil” loonies have to be stopped. In fact their sheer smugness (especially the ones aged 60+) is one of the most hateful things about them.

In some ways, British “toleration” is a very good thing, but it goes too far when it becomes toleration of malice and/or evil.

Ha ha! The bastards were not expecting him to drive over them!

If Biden drops dead, or becomes even less compos mentis, that creature would be the U.S. President…hard to believe…

I wonder how long before “the musicians” start to play (again)…

If so, one cretin less in the UK Government…

More music

More tweets seen

I think that the “Community Security Trust” [“CST”] is separate from the “Shomrim” Jewish private police, but I may be wrong.

More from the newspapers


EXCLUSIVE – A tale of two hotels: How migrants set to be housed in four-stay luxury hotel would be ‘treated’ while homeless people will be put up in cheap hotel so grimy that it shut and was then converted into a hostel”

[Daily Mail]

Britain in 2023…

More tweets

“Antifa” idiots and “refugees welcome” dimwits are, thankfully, only about 1% of the UK population. Get in your tank and roll over them.

I have still not seen anything anywhere indicating where “Dr” Louise Raw obtained her “doctorate” (specialized subject— one strike in 1888). She seems very reticent about it, and about where she obtained it, assuming she did obtain one (and even if the doctorate is genuine, she should not use the title “Dr” in the UK, not being a f/t academic, or clergy, or medical practitioner. It’s infra dig).

Nia Griffith, MP for Llanelli: among other things, a Labour Friends of Israel member, and an expenses cheat who owns three houses and flats, at least one with land. She should be able to accommodate some migrant invaders, surely? Oh, no, wait…

MSM conformity of opinion and news.

Late music

[tideline at Truro, Massachusetts, where the composer died in a road accident]

31 thoughts on “Diary Blog, 15 July 2023”

  1. Just a question: Why the hell I cannot send you photos? I have funny political images and beautiful paintings which I am sure you would like, but I cannot post them unless they are part of a website or a tweet. 😡 😡 😡 😡 


  2. So the TOTAL FRAUDS of the blatantly obvious ‘controlled opposition’ so-called news channel GB News (surely the televisual equivalent of that other fraud, Nigel Farage?) has an unpleasant thug who encourages others to engage in law breaking and violence as a presenter.

    Well, there is a surprise- NOT!

    As for that truck driver in Germany, I am also not surprised. When I visited Germany on my school exchange trip as a young pupil in secondary school learning German I was quite impressed with the country ( though seeing a sex shop in Frankfurt airport was a bit of a ‘culture shock’ to a young Briton!🤣🤣🤣😃😃😀) from how excellent their state schools were and how large they were, its cleanliness and its appearance of being a very law abiding and disiplined country.

    Sadly, it does look as though a lot has changed there and not all of it is due to crazy Merkel and her open door immigration policy.

    Too many people in Germany and here too think if they passionately disagree with other people’s protests and political opinions that gives them the right to act like thugs. It doesn’t and tv news presenters and disreputable rags like the Daily Mail should not be encouraging thuggery and law breaking in this way.

    The Just Stop Oil group have a point of view. It is contentious to many but they still have a right to protest in a peaceful manner. So long as they don’t obstruct the police from doing their duty or engage in actions that prevent emergency services like ambulances from getting through to people in need then they should be able to protest.

    Our Indian Home Secretary needs to realise this is BRITAIN NOT India so her quasi-fascist attempts to stop their protests are NOT consistent with this country’s traditional view of civil liberties.

    Her attempts at being authoritarian would be much better directed at controlling REAL crime AND making at least a passable stab at controlling immigration but then as we should know by now she has no intention to do that in any real way and she is all talk and NO action. She is just another ethnically Indian Tory loudmouth and the latest Tory failure at the Home Office which started with Teresa May and has continued ever so tiresomely with every succeeding Home Secretary.


  3. Yes, Wales votes Labour in such large numbers you would think there were no other parties that ever stood candidates there. Even the Scots tired, eventually, of voting Labour and voted SNP.

    However, one reason Labour always win in Wales at the Senedd level is not just due to the ‘my father and his father before him voted Labour so I must do it as well’ factor but also because the Senedd’s electoral system is a poor, half-arsed version of SEMI Proportional Representation.

    There are 60 seats in the Assembly in total but as many as 40 of them are elected by First Past The Post and the other 20 are list seats but those seats are NOT enough in number to fully compensate for the very disproportionate results produced by the 40 First Past The Post seats.

    If the Assembly had a proper ‘mixed member’ PR system as in Germany then it would have 30 not 40 FPTP seats and 30 party list PR ones. What makes it still worse is the fact that the FPTP seats are mainly located in the South Wales Valleys which, of course, is the heartland of the Labour vote in Wales so Labour always wins most of the FPTP constituencies because of that factor. Another factor lessening the overall proportionality of it is because those party list PR seats are not in one Wales-wide electoral area but within five separate PR regions. Both the fact that the FPTP seats are not equal in number to the party list PR seats AND the regional nature of the PR list element significantly reduces the overall PR nature of the electoral system.

    It is as though Labour deliberately set-out to create that half-arsed system in 1999 so that they could rule Wales for as long as they wanted to do so.

    I don’t know whether or not the Tories in London could change the Senedd’s electoral system by themselves but if they can they should so that the inbuilt bias towards Labour is corrected and Wales has a properly PR system that is FAIR to ALL parties.

    Admittedly, Wales has never shown much love for the Conservative Party but if they corrected the system they might one day get to rule Wales as part of a coalition. Having some power over Wales is better than having no power at all to govern it.

    Wales has had no real change of government since 1999 due partially at least to its botched electoral system and that is not healthy.


    1. John:
      There may be another factor. Wales has a fairly strong cultural identity but not a strong political or “national” identity. After all, the Romans ruled at least the southern bit, and in theory much of the rest, as did (more so) the Normans. Wales after Edward I has always been lumped in with England, as in “the Bar of England & Wales”. Scotland was an independent state until 1707. Wales never has been, not as such.

      That may be at least one reason why Plaid Cymru has never added up to much.


      1. I agree. I think there is another reason why Plaid Cymru has not made a real breakthrough and that is Plaid is viewed as a party mainly for the Welsh-speakers rather than for all Welsh people. This can be quite divisive and tends to pit one part of Welsh society against the other.

        National feeling in Wales is heavily associated with the language and the culture which surrounds it. Indeed, when Plaid was first set-up its priority wasn’t so much gaining devolution/Home Rule but trying to preserve the language.

        Welsh nationalism is a cultural nationalism rather than a political one as in Scotland.

        The SNP has a easier job than Plaid because there is no language barrier between Scots and as you say Scotland did have a prior history of unified independent statehood.


      2. It really is no accident that Labour’s strongholds in Wales are in the former mining, industrial and mainly English-speaking Valleys in the South whereas Plaid Cymru’s parliamentary seats have high proportions of Welsh-speakers.


    1. Claudius:
      As with so many massive Chinese engineering projects, very impressive, but with unpleasant environmental aspects.

      When I was last in Hong Kong, in 2006, that bridge did not exist. I did visit Macau, though, on an almost empty hydrofoil.


      1. The video is very interesting and the analysis of the presenter is very good. I suspect that the two main reasons behind the failure of the project as a profit-making enterprise are:

        A) Lack of know-how; the Chinese are not Japanese and their basic ignorance was even worse by the fact that they obviously did not invite prestigious European or American architectural and engineering firms with great experience in colossal projects like this one. They tried to imitate the White man but they failed.

        B) Narrow-minded attitude and incompetence on behalf of the bureaucrats involved. The obsession of the bloody Chinese government with total control over the people led to the terribly slow process of checking-in and out at the terminals.


    2. The Japs are undoubtedly the cleverest and most able Eastern Asian nation out of the lot and indeed out of ALL non-white peoples. To my knowledge, not only has that country not been colonised (Thailand is an exception as well) Japan is the only non-white country which was a colonial power itself ie they colonised Formosa (modern day Taiwan) and Korea.

      Chinese people are pretty clever on average. They are not quite in Japan’s league but they are certainly well ahead of Indians and Africans.

      If China can get right some rather basic things like quality control on their products their companies will go places. China is a rising economic power and is not to be underestimated. This century might well be ‘China’s century’. Their economy, already formidable, is predicted to become bigger than the USA’s within the next ten years.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, John, I do agree 100% with your judgement. However, I shall always consider the Chinese as 2nd rate people. The Japanese people’s far superior culture, education, sense of honour and manners puts them well above all Asian and most White nations. All the others (Africans and Arabs) are not even worth mentioning.


    3. Have a look on YouTube for Chinese bridges. They have many of the world’s highest ones which are impressive and but look terrifying to drive on if you have vertigo!


  4. So the unelected extra from The Jewel In The Crown isn’t that popular! I could have told the Tories that last October! Why did they waste so many months learning what was always going to be blindingly obvious?

    Are we going to have another episode of that very familar and rather fun Tory ‘blood sport’ of sharpening-up the very best quality Wusthof German kitchen knives to plunge into his back?

    Having yet another new party leader and PM would be comical but, then again, it would also be just a reversal to ancient British history.

    As many as seven British PMs haven’t even lasted a year. In more modern times, Sir Alex Douglas-Home was Tory leader and PM for just 363 days before an election in 1964 he only lost by a few seats.


    1. Claudius:
      I have to say that that information is slightly off-putting, though I suppose that you would have to be unlucky to be arrested for nothing in Japan, and I would not be likely to commit any crime there as a visitor,
      I once (30 years ago) nearly got onto a flight to Japan by mistake (misdirected by Aeroflot staff at Sheremetyevo airport near Moscow— entirely their fault). Despite about three document checks, I got as far as the plane door before anyone realized that my destination was London, not Tokyo. God knows what would have happened if I had landed there, without much money. Japan does not require a visa for UK citizens staying up to 90 days but it *does* require a return or onward travel ticket (air or sea). So I would have been detained and probably later deported.


  5. I keep thinking of John (LOL) Can you imagine what happened if we enforced Japanese-style laws in degenerate/decadent/woke UK/USA? Prisons will be bursting! 😂 😂 😂 😂 


      1. One excellent thing about Japan is that although their police force isn’t particularly massive considering how big the population is and how wealthy the country is the force is able to project a real police presence to deter crimes from being committed as they have numerous mini police stations strategically located and staffed by a handful of officers called ‘kobans’.

        Also, the police receive a lot of co-operation from the public because they are perceived as totally non-political.

        In the 1930’s Japan had a military dictatorship which politicised the police. After the war, the US occupation authorities decided the police would have to be radically reformed so that they could not be perceived to be politicised and biased. They did this by creating a independent national policing commission to run the forces. The Jap government’s involvement with the police is really only to pay the salaries of the officers, pay for the upkeep of stations etc.

        It is high time both Labour and fake Tory alike stopped their constant politicisation of our police forces and quit treating them as their own private militias.

        This politicisation of our police forces first started under Thatcher and has got progressively worse ever since.


      2. John:
        In the UK, the politicization and “woke” radicalization of the police has all but taken away public support from those same police; that, and their near-uselessness in dealing with ordinary or “real” crime.


    1. In the first few years, yes, that would be the result. We would have to build more prisons but after another few years we would probably find a need to start closing them. The reason? Jap prisons are said to be notably harsh with regimes inside them not too far off those depicted in the BBC series Tenko and that famous war film The Bridge On The River Kwai with its infamous Jap army Colonel Saito with his notorious, “Be Happy In Your Work” saying.

      The prisoners are often sentenced to not just long prison terms but a sentence of compulsory work inside too.

      Japan, as in Singapore today, used to execute drug dealers but now no longer does so. Still, if you deal in drugs there you will get far harsher treatment from the courts than any British degenerate dealer is likely to get with their maximum punishment being LIFETIME INCARCERATION MEANING PRECISELY THAT.

      Japan has no liking for groups like the Howard League for Penal Reform or Amnesty International! Basically, you are an utter fool if you break the law there as their prisons are not nice places to be in for any length of time.

      Maybe knowing they were not likely to be treated as they would be here if they committed crimes was one reason why our notoriously often thuggish England football fans decided they would behave themselves when the World Cup was hosted there in 2002.

      Conversely, another reason might well be they were treated with warm hospitality by the Japanese people.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. You are right. did you know that the idiot of Paul McCartney was deported from Japan in 1980 after the fool admitted taking drugs during his stay there? How stupid can you be?

    BTW, I am sure you are aware that the f… globalists are trying to force Japan to “soften” its laws and become “more inclusive and liberal”; that means more degenerate and decadent. Luckily, Japan still has death penalty:



    1. Claudius:
      Yes, I recall that McCartney incident. He did spend a few weeks in Japanese custody. I think that some people said that he was brave or considerate or some such in smuggling his own marijuana instead of getting his “roadies” to do it for him. The idea that he might just have not done it did not seem to occur to them.

      Japan will go to “ratshit” if it does two or three things: liberalize its laws, permit immigration on a large scale, and allow American-style decadence in the cultural sphere. I believe that all three are starting to happen.


      1. To my knowledge, the practice of homosexuality has always been legal there mainly because their own native religion, Shintoism, is pretty tolerant on the matter.

        LGBT rights are still heavily restricted though eg gay civil marriage is against the constitution. They might liberalise the law eventually. The ruling party, the Liberal Democratic Party, is, perhaps, the most misnamed party in world politics and is certainly nothing like our own one with that name. In reality, they are a national-conservative/nationalist party with mainly socially conservative views.

        Changing one’s gender is legally possible but difficult with restrictions attached ie surgery being necessary etc. You can’t just declare you are a different gender than you were assigned at birth so you need to think carefully about what you want to do and go through an invasive, time consuming process.

        The death penalty is still legal but it is used quite sparingly. Normally, you would have to murder at least two people to get it. Single murders don’t attract it unless the murder was particularly vicious or cruel, the criminal shows no remorse etc.

        As for ‘asylum seekers’, Japan only accepts truely tiny numbers of them per year. Also, they tend to only allow in those who the authorities think could make a contribution to Japanese society eventually eg in an economic sense. The Japanese people and their government tend to take a very hierarchical view of the world and its peoples with Europeans at the top of the list, other East Asians such as Koreans below them and then, finally, Africans who they have negative feelings about.

        Japan has only really accepted Ukrainian refugees because they think they will be of some utility to them eventually and because they are Europeans.


      2. Amnesty International and others have been urging the Japanese government to end the use of hanging with no success.

        The PM and his administration replied that they still believe the penalty is needed to help to combat, “atrocious crimes” and anyway the Japanese people still support it with hanging being viewed as a ‘permissable’ punishment by as many as 80% of the public there.


      3. I do agree with you. I am afraid the corrupt politicians in Japan in the pay of the WEF/NWO will start changing things, in fact they already started; in an article that John posted today I read that “LGBT Pride” started to be “celebrated” in Tokyo in 2021. However. as it is coming from the vile Wikipedia, I do not believe that “a great many people attends” to these parades. I am sure most Japanese reject/loath these spectacles.


      4. Well, it is the case that if a country is going to have to take in a small number of refugees then Ukrainians, in many cases, would be better than, say, Somalians and Japan has indeed only taken in a very small number.

        The Japs have a very hierarchical view of the world’s various peoples and tend to have a high opinion of we Europeans though perhaps we Western European Britons would be viewed more favourably than Eastern Europeans like Ukrainians. It is definitely the case that Japs have a low opinion of South Asians like Pakistanis and Indians and a very low one indeed of Africans.

        Africans are not, apparently, rated at all by the Japs. Black US servicemen have often committed crimes such as rapes in Okinawa to the utter fury of Japs.


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